There is RAPE – very GRAPHIC. This is not a spoiler, this is a warning. If you cannot stomach that, then don't watch it. I found it as unexpected as I did in A Round Trip to Love – very GRAPHIC and Together With Me.
This is an manga based movie. Of all the mangas, yaoi mangas, they could have picked from to turn into a film they chose this one boggles the mind. I went to read the manga* after this travesty to see if I could rationalize this travesty, however two things seemed to happen:
1) did the scriptwriters feel they had to remain faithful to the manga?! 2Moons scriptwriters felt the same to their doom.
2) why choose such a poorly conceptualized story? - was it b/c of the popularity of Nodame Cantabile?
I didn’t have a clue for no.1 b/c really that leaves the characters utterly one dimensional and useless. As for no.2, It covers 2 points. The massive craze over BL that has taken over East Asian girls and international girls and men across the board. fujoshi fandom love. In addition, you get to tap into the Nodame Cantabile craze. Mentally it's a win-win. Problem is everything else.
This is a horribly conceptualized story about obsessive love, control, rape, cognitive dissonance, and abuse. We have an individual who will leave everything in his world behind, everything he has owned and search to the ends of the Earth to find this fig mental "thing" he has deemed his love. Then he will take what he "loves" and FORCE it to "love" him back. DEMAND it. The absurdity of it all is that everyone around the victim seems to believe the victim was blessed to be loved in such a way. The victim sees the absurdity of the situation but then falls prey to this thinking and believes the lie of those around him.
** You don't need to read the manga to understand film. I never read before the film. I just read it to see if I could rationalize something. However, it was a direct copy. It did help me in thinking through some of the ideas a bit. Not much.
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China ONLY shut down the sex on the drama and kissing, but they didn't shut down ANYTHING else and that's what we were given by the writers en masse. This drama was brilliant. I truly loved it. All the boys in this drama are extraordinarily gorgeous. I have no clue in what pits of hell they found them, but dear lord all mighty. I have always said...on the level of hotness when it comes to East Asian guys---Koreans are on the bottom. The ranking is Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Filipino, and then Korean. The Chinese guys all looked like hot vampires with abs and shit and moved in slow motion.
Anyway, all the pairings made sense. Xia Yao and Yuan Zong came together because YZ's sister, Yuan Ru, has a thing for Xiao Yao. As a note, Xiao Yao, rolls with a bunch of his co-wealthy rich kids Xuan Da Yu and Peng Ze. All three of them are of a long line of royalty. XDY has a thing for XY---of course. PZ has a thing for a girl but rolls with a guy to get a girl---irony. Anyway YR asks YZ to get involve to help her with XY---you usually get your friend not your bro (who then seems to be rather psychotically obsessive over XY)...makes no sense---irony again.
However, the greatest irony of it all is that rather than being irritating, nonsensical in some respects; it's truly romantic and you connect with the romantic end of the story). You then understand the story. You want all of the male characters to advance bravely towards their respective partners in their respective relationships; and you want their respective relationships to advance bravely in society.
The drama's title gives way to the ultimate meaning the character's relationships progress go through in the story. I do feel that Peng Ze's relationship was the one that was forsaken in the story. It could have been because his partner was not only the youngest but also the one that looked the most feminine of the group. That would have been a dangerous one to portray on screen too much. I think TPTB could have sold it...but I can see why they kept it at the minimum, but at least they put it in there. PZ's kid is like 21 to everyone else's 27 or so and YZ is 31.
Of course, I'm going to love the second pairing---just like I did with 2 Moons, Xuan Da Yu and Wang Zhi Shui. Slow build up...not enough air time when they did get together. They fulfilled the need both of them were seeking. I liked that Wang Zhi Shui was the most persistent. I don't know why I see them as such a long term couple that I would watch for eternity. I would love to see them with their own short series. I'd like to see Wang Zhi Shui interact with Xuan Da Yu's family if they do show up---his continuous bouts of fear of rejection. Ditto for Da Yu dealing with Zhi Shui's possible nightmares and fears and his backstory which we REALLY don't know all that much about.
AB is great and I recommend it to all.
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First off, I loved it. I am right now a Mickda (Mick/Mookda shipper tagteam actors. It's right up there with Aomike [Aom/Mike D'Angelo]. Oh, and PookWeir [PookLook and Weir]. )----------------------------------------------------------------
Second point, I was watching this and then became distracted with Andrew Gregson's 1999's version --- which I loved....At this end of this review---I will make a short comparison reference between them. I didn't see the 1985 version.
Third point, I give long reviews without any spoilers. I will bold important sections you might want to skip too.
This story is great.
The story on the surface is banal. You have a tyrannical, matriarchal figure with a classist mentality which feeds various veins of destruction. She doesn't learn from her behaviour and it's circular; her actions rewrites itself in history until it comes to a head full circle.
Grandmama Queen had three children. Two of which are blood and an adopted son, and this is where everything begins. All three children have children of their own---she managed to control the lives of all two of the three---adoptee escaped; but it seems to purgatory. The sins of the father are the sins of the child in this case and hence we have a circular story.
However, this is where it becomes fascinating if you pay attention to the story without distractions. You have nothing to bother for 34 for hours (2 hours per ep). I see why the story was pushed back to the 1950s rather than keep it to present day. It's far more fitting. Children are far more willing to rebel today than in the past.
The fear, guilt, and power an elder can wield on a child (even if they are an adult) is magnificent in the cruelest way. The social classism is frightening in its significance. I know it's real past and present; however it's perpetuated within a family dynamic. Resulting in a cyclical perverse of Luk's love for Massaya. He's made to feel his love is either dirty, destructive, or unattainable. Then he has it, tries to fight for fight for it...then someone is so severely affected by it he thinks it is one of those things. He's in a catch-22. Massaya is an innocent who doesn't really understand is continuously hurt by his actions are inexplicable.
There is also an implicit religious discrimination that is fascinating. I was impressed by not only that they included this discrimination; but they added a historical and cultural aspect of Thailand I never knew existed. If you are knew to Massaya...then you will learn something. It was surprising to me.
The setting; it has that awkward century/decade dating. The summary says it should be the 1950s in Thailand however sometimes the clothing is not fitting the time period, the housing and decor, etc. At times, I'm waiting for a cell phone to pop out. The cars are hot.
There is something to see here and there is something that it offers.
I'll break down what the actors bring to the lead characters that make them impressionable.
Mookda as Massaya - Her first debut role. OMG. This girls scenes. She had me at her eyes. Her eyes. This is not really a spoiler, but she has this way of closing her eyes when Lak (Mick) says something into her ear. It's like what he's saying is hitting her heart. She can hold a scene and she can carry it. Therefore, I see Massaya and I understand her.
Mookda is a very petite woman. Tiny actually; so next to Mick she looks like a child. Mick looks like he's 30 and she looks 15. In reality they're around the same age.
Mick as Luk - Not his first debut. He's great as usual. I just worry about this boy being typecast. I like seeing him goofy at times. I like seeing him cry, I like seeing him hug her, I like seeing him dancing with Mookda. I like his moments of being drunk. He had a lot of diversity. I really liked him becoming angry. He was almost a bit two-dimensional in earlier episodes until he starts romantically seeing Massaya.
Mookda and Mick were delivering some serious love through their characters. Mookda was one of the first female Thai actresses I've seen where her character takes the initiative to show her man some love---where HE was surprised.
The actors had serious chemistry on and off screen. During my holiday break I saw this drama twice. I love it that much. Then I watched the 2000 version.
2000 vs. 2017 comparison
It's a strong toss up. As a note if we're looking for leads. Both are good for both time periods. I do feel that the 2000 story was great in the early episodes because it gave a better look at what Thailand had to offer as a country that I never knew. Therefore, not only was there a story, there was a history. Yeah, I became a tourist and it was fun. I felt the lead actress, Ford, was given a chance to give us better access into Massaya's Thai-Malay background (which I believe the lead actually does have).
While, unfortunately, I felt in the 2017 version the writers really lost a great opportunity build that into the story some more. I felt we lost a lot of the story on her mother which would have been great. We actually did get more on Massaya's mother's culture in the 2000 story than in the 2017. I would have loved to hear and see the full solo version of the Hitam Manis Malay song sung by Massaya in the 2000 that was lost in 2017---it was so beautifully done in 2000.
Even if Mookda couldn't sing she should have done it, just like in the 2000 version. It was so beautifully executed in the earlier version. Ford Buachompoo (2000's Massaya) obviously sung the original version of the song and it wasn't great but it was captivating and sweet. I loved Andrew's acting. Andrew was the best. He is a very natural actor. I felt he's a stronger and better actor than Mick.
I think I would have actually preferred his version of Luk in the 2017 during the 1950s time period with the 2000 time period mentality he executed. That would have made for some interesting storyline. Mick would have been FIRE! I felt that Mick...despite being great...I think I wanted this sort of cocky, flirty, but also protective and kind and very three-dimensional character/persona from the get-go that Andrew provided in the 2007 story. As I said, Mick was very two-dimensional early on, he didn't expand until later.
Luk ~ Andrew 2000 vs. Mick 2017---I'm giving it to Andrew 2000.
Massaya ~ Ford 2000 vs. Mookda 2017 ---- I'm giving it to Mookda 2017.
As you can see I raved about Mookda's acting and what she delivered. I raved about what Andrew delivered. I liked Ford, but she was whatever for me. Andrew owned the scenes each and every time, everywhere. Mookda and Mick had more chem than Andrew & Ford. So Mickda owned the screen. As I said, After watching 2000 I wanted Mick's Luk to be less the great self-righteous hero they made him out to be and a flirty guy added to his wishy-washy behaviour (the behaviour was because of his situation between love and duty).
I recommend both dramas. Andrew is so good. He's a great actor. He is on my fave list. I was never into him or Weir, until this winter break. He's brilliant.
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I never know what to score Music--I always score low.
I don't know who thought of the premise of the story but it is brilliance. Pure brilliance. I wish I thought of this storyline. We've always heard of two brothers ending up on the wrong side of the tracks. One normally ends up on the right side of the law and the other ends up on the wrong side. Many times it's b/c they don't know each other and it's some twist of fate <---most unrealistic scenario. Other times, one parent takes a kid and remarries and another parent takes a child and their a mobster <-- another unrealistic. Another is that a father who's a mobster marries two women and has two different sons who end up on different sides of the law; in the same vein the father stays with one wife and the other struggles and raises a son who joins a mob gang <--- unrealistic.
This takes a more realistic turn which makes logical righteousness surpass blood. Periodically as I sat there watching the angst between the brothers I had to ask myself would I do to my sister what one of the characters do to his brother or what I also felt he did to his family. I struggled with his decision. I understood it. I did agree with it. But what was the result, what was it for, what did it really do? Ultimately, what did it really do?
But you also how at times you have to table righteousness for love and blood. You have to table it for family and life because that means more than law, pain...that means nothing because what does that prove? Ultimately, you had more success when you tabled the law than you did when didn't.
What would you choose blood or law? Brothers is about family and a bromance that is epic and meaningful and a love that beats all. The music is on point. The only issue I had was Pong's love man. I still say him and his Nong should hook up---I'm still side-eyeing the shit out of Dok Soke.
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What was really the key element for me was the very unusual relationship of the mains to each other, more so than the mysteries themselves. The character of Utsumi Kaoru is extremely dedicated and very tough detective. Everything she does is highly idealistic with little to zero cynicism. What's also interesting is how she slowly ingrains herself into Yukawa Manabu's life.
Yukawa Manabu is definitely a man who has very little to no real relationship. I would be sincerely surprised if he ever had a love interest in the past. <---Which is an idea that would be great for a second season. While you can see that Utsumi Kaoru is an innocent in many ways (romantic relationship definitely an innocent), I'll associate slightly due to her life poverty and ambitions. They seem to mesh well with Yukawa being far more reluctant to get attached while Utsumi seemed to have no problems of developing an attachment to him.
The untapped sexual tension between the two is definitely something very noticeable. What makes it entertaining is that it's far more reminscint of young love or puppy love than adult mind games. Again this goes back to both their innocents in regards to deep romantic and emotional relationships. Although I see a lot of X-Files in this story with a realistic end, I find that the tension one was used to between Mulder and Scully is far different than the one between these two that was filled with shy glances and awkward touching or moments.
Overall the effect on that level is endearing and sweet to watch and I would love to get at least two more seasons before a culmination of their relationship. I had heard there is a chance of a Galileo movie and that is bound to be great and hopefully give us more in the future.
The actors really brought out the characters and scenes. The science aspect was truly a great twist. Now, I'll diverge a bit and note many of the comments about Trick which I find completely and utterly different. The character of Utsumi is practical although she is willing to believe in the impossible but after being around Yukawa she realizes later that much of these have logical and scientific answers. So she grows and transitions.
In Trick, we have two non-believers even though one of them is a college physicists. The characters and the stories, as well as the real essences of the shows are extremely different. There are just three similarities there is a male physicist Assistant Professor who are qualified in their field. There is a female partnered with the Professor solving mysteries. But that's where it ends. While Yamada Naoko is a magician, Ustumi Kaoru is a police officer. Secondly not as many people died in Galileo as they did in Trick.
This is really and truly a different show with a different vibe. While it was hard to take Abe Hiroshi (Ueda Jiro) seriously as a Physicist Professor it is not hard at all to see Fukuyama Masaharu (Yukawa Manabu) as an extremely dedicated and serious scientist. He was quintessential and was not an anime character...although there were moments where you had to pause like when Yukawa Manabu would figure out a problem and he'd do this weird hand gesture in front of his face. Besides that he was very detached but approachable and extremely intelligent professor that demands studiousness and seriousness from those around him. This was not the case in Trick for Ueda Jiro.
The two women are slightly similar but more so different. Nakama Yukie (Yamada Naoko) has her mum and she's slightly silly and doesn't pay her bills and gets roped into the adventures by Ueda Jiro. Shibasaki Kou (Utsumi Kaoru) is not like that, she's sweet and kind, innocent with an almost lap dog appeal in her zeal for adventure and solving a crime. Plus she is emotionally moved by her cases which is great to see. Mainly because Yakawa doesn't know how to react to her emotions a great deal of the time. Their both nice ladies but very different.
There's no way one can compare Trick to Galileo as similar shows. Their inherently separate and to tell you the truth I love Galileo more. It's just fun and exciting and something I can watch over and over again. Not only for the mains but also the guest stars. It was a slew of guest stars for each episode.
In episode 3, you have Hirosue Ryoko who was in Dekichatta Kekkon (on aznv it's Shotgun Marriage).
In episode 4, you have my fave actor, Katori Shingo who is amazing and if you love him as much as me, then you'll love the shower scene. JEEZUS!! He was something else in that episode, it's definitely my fave ep.
In episode 6, you have Horikita Maki (Hanazakari no Kimitachi). Not much by her, but she was in it.
So you're in for a few special guests.
The show is entertaining. It's sad in some parts, truly psycho in others, and totally funny and emotional at times. It's really just hearty fun and I can't really recommend it more than I have. You will enjoy it, I guarantee that.
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Mel Be's driving on the lost highway with Hippie riding shot gun and supplying the entertainment. We're the passengers in the backseat enjoying the ride. Every bloody minute of it.
If anything...The music wins all the points. Jesus, the best music I have ever heard. Hippie (Ken--lead actor wrote all the music, composed, and produced all the music himself for all of Hippie's music in U-Prince series).
Long Review:
Seriously, there should be a page just for the U-Prince's. Series reviews are weird to do. Out of ALL the U-Prince's this one is my FAVORITE.
Top 3:
I haven't watched all the U-Prince's. I am familiar with all the actors. I had put all the series on hold forever. I seemed to have watched the ones I hated, hence the reason I never stayed. *cough* geologist *cough*.
This story is a cool guy meets nerd girl and sparks fly and love is in the air. Most people are done and bored by it. I like it. I think for me, it's because I was a nerd in high school (all girls mind you). Yup, glasses and all. I was attracted to the bad boys. I had fantasies that I would be walking in my uniform and a guy in motorcycle would think I was hot and from there it would bam. Thinking back, it sounds creepy. But hey, I was 15. Anyway, this is the premise.
Again, for most it's a very boring trope. For me it's a safe trope. I love them. I was actually worried people would spew hate on it because of it being safe. However, as I was watching it...this was far from a safe trope. It was very powerful. Furthermore, what was interesting for me in the drama was also interesting for other people who might have found it boring.
It's a trope that was carried by absolutely great acting. The actors here had great chemistry. I bought into their relationship. I felt it. When they asked "Rewatch Value" ---> I rewatched episodes as I waited for episodes to be subbed. That already tells you how much rewatch value it has. I rewatched over and over and over again. That's how much chemistry they had.
This actress can cry up a storm. Those tears are fat ass tears. I have no idea where they come from. They're like rain storm tears. Jesus, so much so, she had me crying. You feel Mel Be's pain. The lead character Mel Be is sweet and analytical, but carries a soft and fanciful side to her.
Hippie, the Crazy Artist is her perfect polar opposite but balances her analytical side and they meet on this plane of equality where they both find mutual likes for different reasons. You'll note the planetarium date. There is a mutual meeting of minds and sharing of interests that bonds these two. She inspires him and makes him more spontaneous and she joins him on the adventure she provides the direction for.
It's great fun.
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I'm on a BL kick as of this last week and I am watching as much as I can. I've watched many...or really I'm a yaoi reader. But I decided to move from pen and paper to body and mouth (that sounds a bit salacious). <---There's always something dirty when you start talking about BL.
In any event. I really liked this series. It's not one I loved. I just liked it. I have to be honest I found it sloppy. The only couple I loved and I lived for and I'm glad I came when the show had finished airing (or I would be so upset)---so that I could skip over scenes (just for this couple)---was MingKit. OMG. MingKit saved the drama for me. They were the ONLY good actors on the drama. The only two that sold me on their romance. The only two that had any sort of REAL attraction that made sense to me. The ONLY two that had screen time with chemistry that didn't look FORCED or CHEESY!!
Yes, I said it. CHEESY. Most of the drama was reading like a High School teen romance that was utterly pathetic and two leads were killing me. I was watching them be themselves off camera and if TPTB had them come across like that off screen--then the drama would be completely different for me, I think. However, the flower scene (99 bouquet crap---CRAP) . The piano crap---crap. The bed scenes...the slave crap---the phone call while drunk crap---the ugh...it was all crap. I'm sorry it was crap.
The leads---God (Phan <--Character), he can't act. He was very stiff and it was hard for him to deliver his lines with emotion. I was confused by the character all the time because of the actor. No, it's not because the character himself is confused---the actor just can't portray a confused soul. Now Pin (Wayo <--Character) can act...but his sort of, "I have gas" expression was exhausting to me. I preferred when he smiled. I wanted more of that. There were moments where they were trying to have him share moments with Kreep (Forth <---Character). Forth was having moments of development---but then not really. I wasn't sure if he had graduated or if he was still in the school --- I didn't know if he was a Moon because he said he was with Phan last year but then he wasn't with Phan's circle too much. It's bizarre but he has an attraction to Wayo.
Forth is seen time and time again in the advert paired with Jaru (Beam <---Character). Yet, Forth and Beam have little to any conversational screen time. There is no development. They are in no way paired as a couple. I could count how many times they stand next to each other on one hand or in a scene together. Yet, they're paired as a possible pair. What nonsense!!! SLOPPY!!!
Once again, what saved this drama...MingKit. Mingkwan (played by Khem) and Kit (played by Ker) are the best. They are the epitome of my ideal BL couples. I'm a pansexual. For those who don't know---I'm a personal who has no sexual orientation---meaning I'm open to anyone. I believe that love has no gender and I don't believe I was born gay or heterosexual or or bisexual or any of that shit. I believe I could love anyone. My heart and mind can direct anywhere and I have no way of denying it. I think Ming and Kit are perfect example of that. Ming and Kit dated women. Ming was on his path and didn't even think about it---didn't even see the attraction but little by little Kit wormed his way in to his heart and then it went deeper. The same way for Kit. Then sexuality came into it. It was a struggle for them--lucky for them, they do live in a society where it isn't perverse to be gay. Not to mention, they were developed. They are also good actors.
The two of them were entertaining on screen. Ming was fresh, boyish, always in a good mood, charming, sweet, and when he has his mind and heart set on something its set. While Kit is studious and regimented. He's kind, steadfast, grumpy (slight temper), extremely intelligent, attractive (his eyes--dear God, his eyes) and dependable. In the end, both are the best friends you could ever want in the world and the best friends they could ever be for each other and the best lovers they could be for each other. MingKit for life.
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The Good:
The actors are really good and mesh well with each other. The flow of the stories are nice; I like that there are continuations of a story to bring some type of closure (this does lead into the bad). I like the bromance between the two lead characters. Actually, it's not a bromance, that would be disingenuous; it's more like camaraderie. I love the fact that the mysteries when solved didn't have happy endings. I loved the injustice that's been pervasive through the story an you know will happen at the end; but also the fact the ending is so ambiguous--because it's a prediction. I think the ending makes up for some of the sins.
The Bad:
Female lead...she was just fodder. I know a lost of cyber/computer tech characters that have been used properly. She was worthless to me. She had one bottle episode and the rest of the time she was around to make the male leads feel better about themselves when they were feeling down. Just no substance. The only female with any substance and gumption and I actually wanted to see more of was the pathologist. Similar but she wasn't there to fluff anyone. Not to mention I'd have like to see the pathologist lead because she's an older woman. These dramas always bring in the spring chicken (I don't care if she's my age).
I really didn't get the leads backstory. Or in all honesty I felt they were poorly executed, so I didn't get what I wanted from them. Definitely the case with the leading male. Ugh. his story was confusing as hell. I think that was what slowed down a lot of my watch time. Not to mention; some of the stories didn't have proper closure. In the sense that they had just weird endings and you're stuck scratching your head.
I would rewatch: But I would only re-watch certain episodes like the 1st one, red suitcase one (brilliant episode), and the con-artist one.
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**As a note I love, love and live for tantei's. Japan does it best.
Although, I can say Korea's Bad Guys is something special.
I completely ship Tomoda x Nanba. I felt that Hashimoto Ai (Nanba) and Kora Kengo (Tomoda) had amazing chemistry. Their chemistry is something I haven't seen since Galileo S1 between Fukuyama Masaharu & Shibasaki Kou.
Tomoda-Kun is a detective with a fairly amiable personality, who appreciates intellect and the rule of law. He is also someone who has a rather nefarious background, making his approach to crime different from the normal methodology enforced by Japanese police. He's very much like American detectives with their informants and some of them knowing and having relations with the criminal world. So danger lurks between the duality of his existence---one between law & crime. He appears to be in his late 20s or early 30s---I'm leaning early 30s based on his position in the police station and his status amongst his family. When I say status---you'll understand what I mean when you watch the drama.
Nanba-san is a young girl with a super quirky personality. She's in her late teens or early twenties. I wasn't sure if she was 19 or 22. I feel like I saw both. I just know she's not old enough to drink. I just looked it up, since the legal drinking age is 20, Nanba is 19. She is loud, obnoxious, has no sense of danger, rebellious, has no common sense---basically she's DareDevil. This girl will make give you life while leaving you bewildered at her explanations. Yeah, I had to rewind a few times to get where she was going. She also is part of the math program at the elite Tokyo University.
The two characters played off of each other well for two reasons: 1) both have a past that they are trying to escape or deal with; 2) one is clearly jaded and has a shady life while the other is naive and lusts for action. It's like for Nanba---Tomoda makes math fun and exciting while for Tomoda Nanba rejuvenates that jaded facade. Additionally, as far as the story goes, Tomoda never really seemed overwhelmed or looked stupid when Nanba would go on her mathematical spiel.
Basically he stood toe to toe with her and they were equal. They both brought their skills in regards to every interesting crime that's presented and that has to be appreciated. Also, the flow of the particular crimes seemed to escalate in danger from the first episode to the last. Which I think adds to the appeal. Most people didn't recognise that.
Anyway, the story is great, you can relate to the characters in different ways, and there's enough quirkiness which brings a lightness to the dark without making it absurd and worth watching over and over again. I definitely recommend this drama.
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ALL of the actors were so professional and had so much chemistry with each other on screen; this manifested through the characters making them come to life and give you those feels and emotions. You know when you sit there and you're like-- "MY EMOTIONS" "THE FEELS" "THIS SHIP; SHIPS IT'S SELF" <--- Yeah all of that is going on in your mind and you say them out loud as your watching.
This is a drama that will make you rewatch. I found myself speaking to the screen, saying all of the above. I found myself laughing out loud. I found myself pissed off and yelling. I found myself annoyed. I found myself sharing and having every emotion- because this drama allows you to do this and brings it out of you.
That's what a great drama is supposed to do. I didn't need to know where it came from. Give me the name and the videos, the stories they went for it. It's so good.
For example the initial characters of Kate, an innocent and comical girl (a sailor moon type) who becomes auctioned in various ways for various reasons throughout the drama by men. The drama has superficially strong; however the entire drama is a throwback to the most sexist set of ideals ever. Meh, loving it though.
Anyway, poor Kate, loves my Mr. Hottie Pu. Yeah, he's my fave. I really shipped that ship. I remember saying--if they break up that ship I'm going to be so damned pissed. Ugh, ugh. I really shipped I never ship a ship that's not going to really be a lead ship in some way shape or form. My ships normally happen. I knew this was doomed. Pu is so hot and so sweet. He's like a Terrier. I like him if he was a doggie Just dependable---he just has anger management issues.
Pu is artistic, steady, dependable, he's a man who is a one woman man. In my eyes, he's the perfect guy. Boy next door---in Kate's case, literally. Hot boy next door, the Quarterback boy next door who you've been dating since you were 7 and he was like 11. Yeah, the numbers off, but whatever. Ugh so good.
Kate's family is made up of an absolutely beautiful set of people. She's average looking (even though she's a model), but her mother is absolutely gorgeous. Kate might have gotten her looks from bio-dad. Her Step-dad is attractive but a gambler who screws up the family---sexists ass and you'll see the show to understand. Then the two younger kids brother and sister---two other beauties. <--- I have problems here with LR. They dropped the ball with the siblings. I was hoping for at least 8 more episoes to go up to 20 so we can have storylines that expanded on the siblings. I felt there was places to go since they introduced it.
Not to mention, this segue's perfectly into Pa. Beautiful girl, great character and I loved her relationship with Pu, Kate, and her brother Sake. I just wanted so much of her though. I also wanted to see if she got her pregnant. I felt she did because of her situation. I felt they wishy-washed her relationship when they needed time to exten on it.
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It is a banal Cinderella-esque story with a strong, strong, strong dash of Itazura na Kiss . We have our super smart & rich CEO Prince who turns into pseudo-stalker and falls for lowly worker, who happens to be not so bright; yet she is peppy, strong-willed, and determined.
You start falling in love with all these endearing qualities of Shan Shan (female lead) as Feng Teng (male lead) has fallen in love. You understand and you fall in love with both of them. Feng Teng though is far more admirable than either Prince charming in Cinderella and far more palatable than Naoki Irie.
All in all this is not story I would expect EVERYONE to fall in love with because it's normal. There's nothing surprising. This nothing to keep you at the edge of your seat, there's nothing to make you cry, there's nothing heartbreaking (really). It's just a very sweet romantic story. It's something that could have been limited to maybe 5 episodes. But was nicely executed into 33 and didn't leave me bored one bit.
I like shows like this. I like something calming and I can enjoy. For example, every Christmas I do two things. I watch National Lampoon's Christmas and drink Hot Cocoa (with Milk); Oh, and eat oatmeal. It's just something I do. It makes me feel good and it's very comforting. This drama is comforting. When I need a nice come to, feel good, love story. I come to this one.
Kdramas---romantic BS or whatever--they always have something to make you cry. ALWAYS. Not one romantic comedy of Kdrama doesn't have a tearjerker moment, now imagine their non-romantic comedies.
Lakorns---Not there yet with romantic comedies...so not there yet. Too much slap stick to keep me happy. Their other romantic stories have some slap/kiss or tears.
Taidramas -- No. And their romantic comedies can be irritating. Some aren't as filling or aren't memorable. They don't reach the memorable state as the Cdramas. I have a few Cdramas taht are feel good like this.
Jdorama - They don't really do romantic comedies for me. They do romantic mangas. They're always a win, but those are independent in and of themselves.
This is a drama in and of itself. It's your feelgood romantic comedy that chronicles the steps of two people from two different worlds and how they collide along with the people that rotate in their orbit.
It's a fun ride.
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The film is a coming of age story that best sums up "YOLO", you only live once. You enjoy the little things and remember that time waits for no man, be happy that you have today because you might not have tomorrow. Be happy you can remember who you love and celebrate them because who else will the following day.
Therefore, despite this pervasive sense of doom in the dialogue; there's a battle at the same time. The battle is coming from the brightness in the cinematography and it's also in the speed in which they have Koharu (female lead) deliver her lines. She delivers it so fast as though she wants to be done with these discussions on death and gloom. But she talks on family and growth you see her speak in a softer tone.
So we have her a bright light falling in love with someone who is dealing with serious issues. Someone she's loved for a very long time. In almost every scene he (Ryota) comes across very dark. Ryota's hair is very dark, his clothing is very dark, he speaks in a monotone, he speaks very slowly, and he's not engaging. He's unapproachable. His nickname is Jesus Christ and I sat and wondered why, then I realised it's because it seems that he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.
As the movie progresses, you barely see that you've already fallen in love with the couple and the story line. You've fallen in love with the regret and pain.
I'm going to end this review with a reason why I gave this Jfilm a 7. It will start off with a quick caveat on what Japanese dramas/films mean to me and then what happened here. I love, love, love, love, love Jdoramas and Jfilms. You can go to my profiles and see me waxing poetics. Thanks dad. I was raised on them and so I love them.
I normally give them high scores, this could be because of pure bias (WHICH IT IS NOT!). It's actually mainly because I know I'm going to get quality. ALWAYS, quality.
By the way, make no mistake, there was quality here. That wasn't why it was a 7.
The other thing about Jdoramas and Jfilms and this unlike the always compare Kdramas - (not Kfilms ---those are good). You know what you're getting. If you are going to get family, romance, tragedy, human, work, coming of age, bromance, sisterhood, etc. drama. You know you will get that in a drama. Even in a kdrama, they find some kind of way to put some kind of tears and sadness in a damn romantic comedy. Why? Why? It's a bloody romantic comedy. Keep it light. Keep it light. Sorry...my rant.
This wasn't any of those things. I knew I was signing up for sadness and tears. I knew I was going to have my moment in the sun where it would be to hard for me to bare. I accepted, welcomed, and wanted that. I felt cleansed because the actors were brilliant.
What's the problem and they scored so low? Damn soundtrack. What kind of music was used for this drama? It was sort of rocky and stuff and I hated it. This is such a sad story and then they put such a shitty song. Ugh, have mercy. Yup, the song was ranked so low (4.5) it brought down the whole thing. Not to mention, I don't really put sad stories high on my re-watch list. I'd have to be in a really depressed mood for that to happen. I ranked that at a 7.
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There were other characters---and we didn't need their backstories. There is a time travel/time skip/waking dream sort of feel to the drama that could turn this into a Korean hot mess. <---I've had enough of those to last me a life time.
Much in the Chinese style [this is Taiwanese] they kept dry, like fine whiskey. This was simply focusing on the lead characters and that was all. No variables, none of the other mix-ups. We will bring up a few shifts just to make you think---but the focus is on the leads...and how.
Jesus...the leads.
Ren Teddy as [Shao Yi Chen] is new to the scene but damn can he hold a scene. That man can deliver. Deliver a scene like no other. I wonder if he's gay in real life. I only ask because I want to marry him. Those lips...the way he kisses...wow. Just wow. Shao Yi Chen is in love with He Bernard [Jiang Jin Teng]. It is apparent from the get go. It is that weird unhealthy love.
Early on, SYC is clearly the one obsessed to the point he is moving away from it and breaking those bonds that time him to JJT --however he's bound to him and vice versa ---their bound as you would see in an ouroboros.
The love scenes are so intense and powerful...wow. Just wow. Very arousing. It's just a good romantic story; it resonates. It's a great BL story, the make out scenes are wow, it is something to watch.
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I am a massive anime freak. I have been since I was a kid. I was truly looking forward to this film & I'm still waiting for the 2nd edition to rectify this atrocity. I had to watch this twice to find out why there was a problem for me and this film. As you can see from the title it just left a horrible aftertaste for me. It's the same feeling I had when I saw Infinity Wars. There's disliked them both but I had to watch them several times to figure out what it was that irked me.Storyline wise I felt they kept that intact. I had no problem w/ that; b/c it was live action you want to make the story tie directly w/ your lead vs. introducing the characters through the Hollows and Orihime. However, this is where it suffered the fate of the Inifity Wars (and I'm jumping ahead a bit; then jump back) - We didn't need to see the introduction of anyone but Byakuya & Renji as mentioned. I have no damn idea why they introduced the Quincy - Ishida, okay. Quincy, not necessary. Uruhara not needed just yet. There was an overwhelming number of characters that filled the screen.
It was fandom porn - FOR fandom. If you're not a fan, it's overwhelming and a damn mess. I'm a fan and I found it way too messy. I felt they dropped the ball on Renji (my favorite character) - he didn't get the valuable air time and quality lines he could have - the actor hurt my soul. They completely destroyed Byakuya (IDK where they found him). They wasted energy on the unecessary to fill fandom hype rather than give real depth.
Things that surprised me...
1. They hinted at the Ichigo/Orihime relationship a bit more overtly - which surprised me.
2. Chado character was perfectly picked - Wow to that one.
3. I was impressed by the CGI Hollows (I might be in the minority)
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When a Wolf Falls in Love With a Sheep
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This hit the spot. It was just a casual film. If you are looking for that lazy Sunday or Saturday film on a rainy day when you have nothing to do and you just want to veg out and just chill this is it. I was in a funk on a sunny day and had nothing to do and was vegging out and just wanted something to make me happy. This hit the spot. It did it so well---my sister came home and was like, "You look great." I was shocked by the statement. That's how good this movie is.
It's not a movie I'd rewatch though. It's like one of those great surprising meals you had in a hole in the wall restaurant on a side street in a crowded downtown area on a random day. It's not something I'd come back too.
However, the acting was fantastic. There is nothing to beat the acting. Ko Chen Tung steals the screen. He knows his stuff. He can play with his emotions well and he holds it. The girls were fine, but he's the lead for a reason. I could watch him over and over and over again. He's attractive, but it was his expressions and the subtlety and nuance in delivery. It was just smooth and natural.
Everything was natural. I think the second best character and who I would have chosen as the lead girl would have been Guo Shu Yao---she was cute and funny and she was scene stealer for the scenes she had. I would have liked to see more of her. Her in the lead would have been great and her optimistic and aggressive personality would have engaged me more.
However, it's a great film.
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