The events were all moving so fast and were very interesting and gripping from start to finish. The actors were all very impressive and believable. Han Neul’s performance is as briliant as ever. AND, I will definitely keep an eye on Kim Mu Yeol’s future roles because I am in love!
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The writers cleverly hid the real plot and tricked the viewers into believing it is a romantic comedy. They held our hands and pulled us toward a fantasy world that was funny and sad at times. All to ease us into the real story that is fascinating, deep, and heartwarming.
Main Themes:
- Bond between parents and their children, friends, lovers, and family members.
- Living through the hardships and enjoying each moment you have, instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past.
I am so impressed with the morals this drama carries and the amazing performance of all the actors. I am also happy that my curiosity made me complete the episodes, because I would have missed a valuable gem.
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The FL falls for someone who doesn't deserve her. Then she humiliates herself over and over again by confessing her love endlessly. And then when the supposedly ML decides to accept her as a girlfriend, she jumps right into his arms. Sad, very sad and demeaning to women. Loving unconditionally is romantic. What is not, is obsessing over someone who doesn't give a damn. We frown upon rivals who don't give up, even when their affections are unrequited. Then why do the writer expect us to cheer for a heroine that does that and doesn't really value herself as a human. Yes she is disqualified from beginning to end for her stupidity and shallowness.
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Keep in mind that I haven't read the manga. Thank you.The events of the drama:
- Two high-school boys (cousins) move in to an apartment in the same building where the heroine (lets call her Yoyo) resides. One is cheerful/friendly (lets call him Smiley), and the other is Grumpy (lets call him that).
- So the Yoyo starts liking Smiley and confesses her feelings to him. But Smiley tells her that he doesn't believe in love and breaks her heart.
- Yoyo gets all sad/weepy whenever she sees Smiley. Grumpy jumps in and comfort Yoyo by telling her that he likes her and she should become his girlfriend. After a couple of therapeutic sessions (aka kind words from Grumpy + a hair-pin gift she receives from him), she starts to fall for him and they become a couple.
- However, Grumpy's ex-girlfriend appears and he starts going out with her because -in his words, not mine- "she is weak" and needs him. So he tells Yoyo that he loves her but he still has feelings for his ex. Therefore, he breaks-up with Yoyo to sort out his feelings for his (older + has a boyfriend) ex.
- Smiley takes this chance to jump back into the game! He comforts Yoyo and confesses that after he turned her down, he realized he loved her. *ehem*
- Yoyo gets all confused and sad/weepy again. This time she tells Smiley that she still likes Grumpy but will try to get over him by dating Smiley.
- Grumpy confront his ex: "who are we kidding? you love your boyfriend, so go be with him! We both need to be with who we want to be with!" Yeah, they break-up and Grumpy (the stone-head) doesn't realize that Yoyo is going out with Smiley to forget him, so he doesn't tell anyone that he broke-up with his ex.
- Time goes by and Grumpy tells Yoyo that he still loves her and that his ex is history. Smiley spots them very close to each other and runs to hit Grumpy on the face. Yoyo tells him to stop! Smiley goes away all grumpy.
- Anyways, now both guys want Yoyo and she can't decide which one she likes because she doesn't want to lose one of them. But then Sad-Smiley tells her that he hates himself when he is with her because of all the jealousy he feels when she is with Grumpy. So he breaks up with her.
- Grumpy tries to win her back but Yoyo won't make a damn decision. Then Smiley tells her that his grandfather wants one of them (him or Grumpy) to travel and take over the family business, so whoever she wants will stay.
- Yoyo can't do it! She can't lose them! Smiley says he will go but Grumpy decides to be noble and leave because he realized that she likes Smiley more.
- In the end Yoyo is happy because she didn't lose both guys! yay! WHAT?!!!
Yoyo is a very disappointing character. She should have moved on when from the first time both guys broke it off with her. To be honest, both Grumpy and Smiley are not that great anyways. Okay, both of them helped her when she needed to find someone to adopt a dog (she found) but that's it. There was no depth in her relationship and no real talk about family and life with both guys. Perfect for increasing blood pressure.
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Watching this was an absolute joy! It will make you cry, laugh, and grin! When you're in high school you get serious about studying, so you'll get accepted in the university/collage you aim for. However, it's also the time when you want to have fun and enjoy life with your friends. So the balance between these two is what this drama is all about.
I might be too generous with my rating but the show was that good. The plot line wasn't draggy and very interesting to the very end. The acting was perfect from main and support characters. The music was lovely and spot on. So obviously you would want to watch this drama again because it's so charming.
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fear of confrontation
We all know that communication is the key to successful relationships. & the core of most of our ignored problems in life is trying to feel less hurt by running away from the source of our pain & sadness, instead of facing it head on in order to move on.All the characters of this story desperately deal with scars by trying to bury part of their past that makes them feel unbearably blue, which was caused by a person they love/cherish. It's true that the closest people to us are the ones who are capable of hurting us the most.
• [Han Soo] can't accept reality and fights for a nonexistent dream.
• [In Kwon & Ho Shik] best friends turned to enemies that are consumed with disappointment and they stubbornly avoid clearing the misunderstanding between them for years.
• [Hyun & Young Joo] 3rd year high-schoolers who fall in love with each other and face their father's disapproval when YJ gets pregnant.
• [Eun Hee & Mi Ran] best friends drifted apart because of EunHee's inability to be honest about a past incident that hurt her feelings.
• [Young Ok] lives believing that her life is unfair because her parents' death left her with the responsibility of taking care of her twin sister who has Down Syndrome. Her source of unhappiness is not being capable of loving her sister.
• [Seon Ah] battles against depression and getting custody of her child after divorce.
• [Dong Seok] hates his mother and gives up on trying to understand her.
• [Ok Dong] suffers from her son's hatred towards her as a punishment for not being a good mother.
♣ My Playlist:
5 Seconds of Summer - Complete Mess
Katelyn Tarver - You Don't Know
Clara Mae - Not Sad Anymore
Ruth B. - If This is Love
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please don't slip away
"My heart lying in my handsI never wanted this
This tear will never mend
How did it come to this"
~ Slip Away by Ruelle ~
• Rape
• Prostitution
• Infidelity
• Abuse: sexual & verbal
She acts younger than her age.
He acts older than his age.
Yet they are stuck in between.
♣ This drama is about 2 individuals who were used\abused and had no choice but to surrender & numb their feelings to survive. Working close to one another, revived their hearts and reopened deep wounds. Despite the difference in age between them, they found solace in each other as they both never lived their age.
♦ Shinobu suffers from oppressions caused by the continuous condescending behavior of her husband. Drawing manga is her outlet of thoughts: what she can't say or do, goes straight into her writing. Her character is mostly timid but with help from Chiaki, she slowly allows herself to be angry, crazy, and happy.
♠ Chiaki has a daring personality and constantly suffers from taking on more than he can handle. He walks around confidently but breaks apart easily. He took responsibility of his single mother at a young age and was subjected to her negligence and immaturity. He grew up too fast and not because he wanted to.
• The raw emotions Itagaki Rihito can deliver is insane! This kid blows me away with the diversity of expressions he can convey. The way he can change the mood of the scene is no joke. I am completely impressed. However, there is one scene where he laughs hysterically/crazily that was a bit not convincing.
• The nerve-wracking sound effects and the instrumental pieces used made me feel like drowning in anxiety & depression. The contrast between complete quietness and sudden music was brilliantly added to each scene.
• As a student of literature, symbolism was so satisfying to analyze. + The level of craziness was something beyond entertaining, I must admit.
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when 2 usually misunderstood souls find each other ♥
"Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you are born to stand out?"Ian from What a Girl Wants movie (2003).
♣ Some of my favorite quotes from "Shizuka-chan to Papa":
"It's easy to walk away from someone who hates you,
but it's painful to distance yourself from someone who loves you."
- "Why is everyone so nice to me?"
- "Because we like you."
"Sorry for being a loveable person."
♠ My review this time is like short clips of a teaser. This drama is about accepting who you are as a person and becoming immune to negative and hurtful remarks. It's about acknowledging that you're different and that is what makes you loveable. It is also about breaking out from your comfort zone and living bravely and freely.
♦ I relate so much to the FL and this story brought me to tears.
Very inspirational & heart-warming!
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“Let me take you dancing. Two steps to the bedroom”
It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to write a review. I just feel that this drama is worth diving into because:• It’s a mix between comedy and dark humor and some romance.
• The characters are super honest and relatable. Yes, you read this correctly. They are human with desires and complex emotions.
• All the 3 leading ladies are beautiful & sexy, with different personalities. Despite being jealous of each other, they learn to find common ground on sharing the ML. It’s not a smooth experience but they eventually find comfort in each other.
• ML is a huge baby with crazy needs but they all love him for that. They all argue with him in their way to find happiness for both parties, like all couples do. I admire that he doesn’t run away from any of his wives and tries his best to please them all (through talking & much more).
I honestly thought this would be pure fan-service (although it lacked in this adaptation. I read that the manga is more shocking) but the story is original and fun to watch.
Acting: All did well but the weakest link is the ML. He wasn’t awful but I could tell he is a new actor.
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- leave with more questions, instead of understanding anything.
- the lead is too slow and naive for a clown.
- men are animals that look like aliens.
- a rock/paper/scissors game of life&death that is not explained well for slow viewers *points at herself*
- you can't know what's considered cheating and what is not.....
- when you finish, you'll watch the original JP movie :D
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Here is what to expect:
- leads love each other but can't communicate well or follow their heart
- an obsessive creepy (slightly crazy) third-wheel doctor (& wannabe rival)
- long endless pointless conversations that lead to nothing
- you will end up frustrated most of the time (if not disappointed)
- you might get depressed (hang in there, if you can)
- lots of running! xD
- the theme song says it all! and it will gradually leave you feeling empty and sappy inside
- the most boring side-characters ever! well, their story is not interesting enough to watch
Seriously, the development is slow and combined with the calm atmosphere the director was going for (i think) makes this drama hard to watch. Skip this at all costs. You will not miss anything.
If you're looking for an interesting emo-like dramatic complicated (scary yet intriguing) love story, I'd recommend watching Last Friends instead. Waaaaaay better time spent.
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not gonna hold my breath
Without comparing this to the novel Little Women, here is my apparently unpopular opinion:T꙯H꙯E꙯ G꙯O꙯O꙯D꙯:
• Wi Ha Joon character was written to perfection! Now if this drama gets rewritten from his point of view as the main lead, this whole circus would’ve taken a turn towards something I would be invested in. Uncovering his story and the way he kept making me question his intentions is the sole reason that kept me watching.
T꙯H꙯E꙯ B꙯A꙯D꙯:
• The writer adapted the 3 main characters from a book and focused on ONE FREAKING personality trait for each sister and ran the whole show with it.
> InJoo: naive and money driven.
> InKyung: righteous and stubborn.
> InHye: ungrateful little brat.
Me: “Ever heard of character development?”
Writer: “Yes! I’ll just add some changes in the end and you interpret it as growth ;)”
Me: “Clever..”
• The mystery about the secret flower society was interesting but the investigation process lacked excitement & the progression was slowww. 2 sisters were too busy with their lives and our reporter was not good at being discreet or discovering shit, which made me pull my hair out and use it as a rope to hang myself. Did anyone else sleep during the majority of ep11, or was it only me? & for anyone who watched this, did the blue flower have hallucination effect or that wasn’t explained?
T꙯H꙯E꙯ M꙯E꙯H꙯:
• Unoriginal to the core. The writer binged Series of Unfortunate Events, Penthouse and then read Little Women & Cinderella.
Writer: *lightbulb* *writes script*
Producer: “You came up with all that! Let me contact typecasted actors (Uhm Ki Joon) with popular kids and we are all set! Just add some spicy scenes & substance with suicide, cause we are aiming for Netflix.”
• ACTING! Or the lack of it. Easily forgettable performances by ALL (except HaJoon).
> I love Nam Ji Hyun but I have never seen her deliver lines so flat and emotionless like her portrayal of this role. It was painful to watch her suck the life out of everything around here in this drama.
> Kim Go Eun plays the same character in everything I’ve watched so far. I dunno if I’m biased against her but she never impressed me since GoBlin days.
1/10. Woot! The only joy from this experience is rating this low :p
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The story includes dark humor, gore/mature/violent scenes, and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.Basically, it's a movie about several immoral people who would do anything for a bag loaded with money and a poor/hard-working family who got caught up in their vicious fight by coincidentally finding that bag.
The casting was great but I am still not impressed by their choice of participating in this movie. The story is not completely bad, but it could have been better. If you plan to watch it, make sure you watch this alone before you decide if it will be suitable for your friends/relatives to do so too.
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