the acting was superb. honestly this drama is an acting powerhouse. sakai masato, kitaonji kinya, kagawa teruyuki, oikawa mitsuhiro was even splendid in this and of course takito's acting. you could even see the growth in some of the characters it was obvious in the acting.
the music is just how it should be. it escalates the feelings however it doesn't make you pay attention to it which is a good thing. drama music should not make you pay attention to it more than you would pay attention to the drama itself.
lastly, i don't think that i would rewatch this drama anytime soon. mainly the high thing about this drama was the suspence. you can't enjoy a suspence drama when you rewatch it definitely not as much as the first time but this drama would definitely have it's good points to rewatching.
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I Will Fly to the Sky on a Wheelchair!
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
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Blackboard - Jidai to Tatakatta Kyoshi tachi
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
The acting in this drama is strong and superb with only Oshima Yuko's and Aoi's falling behind my expectations. The whole cast did great with sho proving that he is not as mediocre as most people say. If you have not watched him act in this, you have not seen his real potential.
Music wise, what can i say, it was amazing, melodic and tearful every time the music played, my feelings were ebign enhanced.
I do not know if i would rewatch this again. this is not a comedy, but i think tha strong feelings that you have when you watch it for the first time, will remain the same even for the second time.
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I watched this drama during a time that I wanted something that would make me laugh and it did. I watched celeb to bimbo taro in one go and rewatched it again 2 times already. This drama has something to teach you and it is a rather inspiring one for those who are interested in fashion.
The acting of aya was once again great, I could not find anything annoying to it. Thoughin the beginning alice was an annoying person. Unfortunately everyone's acting was great but the guy's who played Taro. Even the kids did a better job, which is why i gave a 9/10 to it.
The music was light, definitely went well with the theme of each episode. It is an easy watch in my opinion and I did not mind the slow pace it had when it came to the development of feelings. I like seeing and noticing how people fall in love rather than watch something where the leads fall in love out of nowhere.
I think this drama is very good however you must look past the romance in order to see the meanings behind it which do not have to do with "money won't bring happiness" . I think this drama wanted to show that by not being dependent solemnly on money you will have happiness. In my book, this is a "feel good" drama. I do not think that money will bring me happiness but I won't be an idiot who will not try to make money. Money are needed in order to not fall pray to those who have money. This is how i feel. Before this drama, I used to think that money were not important and that even without them I would be happy. However this is not the case. In order to live, money is a necessary evil. However waiting for others to make money for you , is wrong. You have to believe in yourself and work to earn them. This is when you will come to appreciate who you are and what you do even more. Definitely an inspirational drama which is why i give it a 9 overall value.
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The acting was top and the inspiring value of this drama gets a 10/10 by me. The music in it and juri's voice definitely captivated me.
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The acting was clearly very good in this drama. even the younger one, kuninaka did very well with her role. not excellently but very well. Abe hiroshi was at his excellence though. clearly he was by far the best in this.
I do not remember the music but i think it complimented the scenes in a way and it fit.
Since this is not a suspence drama and such I think rewatching it would still be entertaining. I have only watched it twice though.
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Acting was very good I could definitely sympathise with fukishi's great acting. not everyone in this did as well as fukishi but I think that everyone did a very good job with the exception of ashina sei and her inability to let us actually know more about her role and sympathize. If you are someone who appreciates good acting, this won't disappoint you.
the music of it was working as an enhancer of feelings.
As far as rewatchign goes. I'd not see why someone would not rewatch at least once. It was an interesting drama.
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acting wise it was solid. the two main girls and the supporting cast did a very good job portraying the feelings of their roles. the hidden feelings, the obvious feelings were there in their eyes, the inner conflicts and the conflicts with the outside world. the true smiles and the fake ones.a realistic portrayal not seen easily. the heartfelt words and speeches brought tears to my eyes.
the music didn't bother and didn't stand out, it helped the scenes and strengthened the emotion , that's what i call 'great accompanying music'.
overall i give this drama a 10 for it's brilliant acting, the almost unique plot and the well developed main characters.
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The acting was superb. kuriyama chiaki is an okay actress but i feel her role in this with her other roles dun have much of a difference. However most of the other actors did a great job with their roles. You could definitely find them convincing.
The music of the drama, i do not remember it and it did not really bother me from focusin so i suppose it was complimenting it. As far as rewatching goes. Once you have watched it all, it would be hard to watch again with the same suspence.
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Many say that aiba did not do great in this role but I believe that he portrayed the bartended very well. Sure he was not perfect, there were still things that needed to be worked on but they did not affect the feelings that you were supposed to feel. Plus, he had a different style of acting for this role than for the previous one. Kanjiya was simply herself like always. Same acting style for every character she plays. She is good but that's about it. Nobuaki , had a role that was pretty much not that difficult. If anything though he was pretty good at making the cocktails and drinks. I think that he also did very good, just not outstanding and great.
The music of this drama was rather addicting. after all it is arashi, i definitely loved listening to it and the soundtracks were rather fitting.
I would not rewatch this esepcially since most of the magic of the drama is there only in the first time , but definitely watching the funny moments or watching again to learn more about drinks, would not hurt.
What was particularly interesting in this drama was the way the cameras & light were handled. It was very gracious and elegant with a warmth to it.
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Kaneko Misuzu Monogatari - minna chigatte, minna ii
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the acting was poor. i will not even explain how poor it was, the switch did not even convince me. more importantly the whole "switching bodies" plot device is honestly dumb most of the times that it is used (exceptions: don quixote, since it was not for some silly romantic purpose).
music, i do not even remember it, honestly i doubt i was even paying attention to it. Overall, just dun watch this. it is a waste of time.
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