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Destiny is all about the choices we make and the chances we take
I never liking "The Main Guy" in any version of "Fated to Love You" before, but I have an exemption for Wang Xiyi.His character is more well-written, more lovable, and more sensible 一 so, I'm giving second chance to this drama.
I love how they modified this drama into a fresh one, and less-evil schemes and characters.
From the "Marriage by Accident" to "Accidentally Married," I got good laugh by this kind of accident.
Even tho it was turned to he is cheating his girlfriend, for me it was much better than cheating his wife later on.
As we are knew from previous remake and original story, the ML is supossed to drugged by FL's uncle(in law), and that was the ultimate reason why ML is sleeping with another girl, even thinking he was slept with his girlfriend.
I'm glad for this version, they are changed the whole about that night. So, the ML is reflect on his own mistakes, instead blaming someone else for the incident to happen.
And I like the way the FL is changed thru episodes.
You can see she start to change her apparance, her character, and her confidence.
I really love this part. She is willing to change because of ML not because she was hurted by ML.
Unconciously, Xiyi is always help her to boost her confidence and ask her to change a little for his sake too. So I found Xiyi is very doting as husband; even tho he always told himself that all was because he is Ximi's father.
I also like how Jia Xin is freely to choose what is she want to do, they didn't ask her to resign, but instead Xiyi is change her position and job to make her work less and being respected by other coworkers. Even tho Jia Xin is slowly resign, not because she was asked to but she want to.
I do pity Anna, in this version, she is the victim. But I don't really feel sorry because she always put herself first.
She is the most shameless person I've ever seen. I had enough of her bullshit and useless effort towards the end.
Actually I like how Xiyi slowly to draw line between them as time passes so Anna realize that Xiyi doesn't love her anymore.
Like other cdramas, we are always got secondary couple.
Anson's finally got a loveline!!! His life isn't revolved around his boss anymore.
I love Anson is always sarcastic and blatant-ly talking to Xiyi whenever he does mistakes.
His love-story with Jia Xin's friend, Siqi (Yes, our snail also finally has a loyal-friend), is quite cute. I love to see their bickering yet romantic even tho it just a contract relationship.
After the miscarriage incident, actually I cried a lot.
Ofc it'd hurt to anyone who experience this kind of thing, especially they are waiting the baby to born.
Both Xiyi and Jia Xin having hard time to face each other. Both of them are blaming themselves much.
It is understandble for Jia Xin to leave, she need times more than anything.
It's ended safely but I feel a little bit unsatisfied with how they solved the paper incident.
Anyway, this one is good and enjoyable to watch. Not a really tearjerker because I find Zhaolin's crying is funny to watch.
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To Find Yourself, Think of Yourself - socrates
This drama started with an issue of a 32-years-old career women who doesn't have experience in dating.Her first love promised to get married in future, but it fell right after they met again after years.
The FL, He Fan Xing, is the oldest daughter in family- even tho she has twin brother, but she's more mature than her twin. When they are younger, her twin brother, He Can Yang, doesn't let any guy to get closer to her until no one wanted to get close her. She is definitely has zero experience in dating. So, her mind and act is easily read by others.
Fang Xin is like an earth. She has everything like beauty, career, money and loving family. But she also has gravity and magnetic force fields, so she make sure everything she does, doesn't effect everyone around her.
The ML, Yuan Song, is an intern who brought by Fang Xing because of her brother asked her. At first, Yuan Song is kind of troublemaker and like to tease her after he started to get know her true--of course, it's also because her brother always sharing about how weird his twin sister to him. He found Fang Xing is mature yet innocent, so he attracted to her charm.
His character like a wind, sometimes calm sometimes not, transparent and running towards his dream.
Their three months relationship may not shown much because it's not only focused on main lead relationship. But I can say they are happy during the three months. It shown how much Yuan Song loved her and how Fang Xin cared for him even after the break up.
The SML, Ye Lu Ming, may be bit sneaky and ambitious. After he successed separated Fang Xin and Yuan Song, he always understimated Yuan Song. He feel he has win over him (after lose to him at first). Like, he wanted a limited edition bag but someone buy before you right in front of your eyes, you may do everything to get the bag. He is like a fire.
But, I can see he is not evil. He is good towards his niece and family, but also a fool for love. He sometimes creep me out because he was like popped out nowhere around Fang Xin.
Actually, I can understand why Fang Xin is very careful with her relationship with Yuan Song. She is 10 years older, and Yuan Song is her brother's student. As women, it is very sensitive matter. She doesn't want especially her family being talked in town after the topic she WAS 32 and UNMARRIED. She also doesn't want to hold Yuan Song, who is handsome. rich and have bright future and of course YOUNG. Whilst, Yuan Song feel insecure because he JUST graduated and an intern in Fang Xin's company. while the opponent is successful.
This matter worsened by Lu Ming's advices, which is turn out to be their break up.
Honestly, the story get better after the break up. I like how Yuan Song trying to fight his girl back, with raise his own value. Yuan Song know exactly what he want to do. It was good drama to watch.
Just like the title of drama, they need to Find Themselves and what they really wants before others.
This drama also is not just about their triangle love story. It also shown many relateable issues and heartwarming family, friends, and collegues.
The jokes also cracked me up especially with Can Yang's antics.
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A Warm, Simple Family Everyone Asked For!
This is the very first drama I'd write a review even before the drama has pass it half.This is also the very first drama I gave 10 ratings for it's flawless and perfect storyline, cast, ost, editing, all!
Everyone in this drama really makes me want to hug each of them.
I do find it's quite interesting because the lead ages are reverse from their actual age.
But they nailed so perfectly. The child actors also do their roles perfectly.
Usually, I find the childhood times are boring so mostly I skipped the timeline, but, I never skip a single part of it!
The young Jian Jian is such a cutie. She is like a sunshine around Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu- who has difficult childhood.
I love how the young version grows to be a teenager, who is there for each other.
The three of them really have different charm and personality, but the sync between the three is really beautiful.
< Characters >
+ Ling Xiao; a boy yet a man.
Even tho his character is like usual main lead in other dramas, experienced awful incident that makes him have nightmares like everynight, but he always make a reasonable decisions. He grow faster than child at his age, but doesn't make him act like old man in such young age. He can be mischevious, naughty, yet an elder brother you can depend on.
As the youngest of three, Song Wei Long potrays the oldest; handsome, gentle, and lacks nothing.
But as the story goes on, you can see how weak, hurt and broken Ling Xiao is.
Song Wei Long do awesome job to potray this one.
Like, you always seeing him shining; suddenly you are afraid you'd broke him just by touching him.
I would said that, Ling Xiao were made to him..
and it's his best character yet so far.
+ He Zi Qiu; forever a baby.
He long for loves from his family since young age. He also devoted child especially to his foster dad. He is Jian Jian's shield yet her partner in crime. He has the most difficult childhood between the three. He is sensible, yet insensible to other feelings. So sometime his acts or words can hurt others; but no one can hurt his family. He is definitely a brother you are wished for.
Xin Cheng is given to act as Zi Qiu with most funny yet most sad scenes.
You feel like want to protect him and make him smile most of time, since his smile is so precious.
He may be hot-headed and act harsh sometimes, but you can't stop him.
But despite all his misfortune, he always give us good laugh with his innocent and pure soul.
Xin Cheng really touch our heart with his acting. Bravo.
+ Lin Jian Jian; rays of sunshine.
She is the purest soul I've ever meet. She looks like a troublemaker, but she is actually the one that care her family the most. She always be true herself, show what her likes or dislikes and never hidden her own feelings.
I love how Jian Jian's character is growing, especially when she was apart with her brothers.
Honestly, I love how Jian Jian can be a child yet mature to her given situation.
Song Yun really gives us the positive vibe from Jian Jian and make everyone love her (even in bts, she is as cheerful as JJ).
I like how the fact Song Yun can play the 16 and 25 yo JJ with perfection.
Not to mention the Fathers role are so important to the three, especially Papa Lin. I was really touched by how he is brought up the three and always regards Ling Xiao and Zi Qiu as his own child. Even tho Papa Ling doesn't have much roles to the kids, but he is kind and good listener to Papa Lin. They have such great synergy and become each other back. They just like actual husband and wife would be.
The bound between family is so strong that no one can break them apart.
< Storyline >
Neat, cut perfectly, the pace is right.
I really don't like most family drama has draggy pace especially when they are argue, separate, or in an angsty situation. But I don't see any draggy moments in this drama. You can laugh and sad at the same episode.
The portion of each pace is 100! The time jump is also in a right placement!
1999 to 2009 to 2019. the dynamic is good.
Even the characters changed in thru years also relateable. And Jian Jian's narration also make more senses.
In Cdramas, usually we can see how the storyline goes based on opening or ending song, but I got clowned each episodes. This drama really have an unpredicted story with heartwarming story each episode.
< OST >
The OSTs are beautiful and rightly placed. There is no misplaced BGM or sound effect, I would give standing ovation to the music director. Never did I got annoyed by BGM or sound effect.
I also heard the OST like everyday as daily routine.
I also hope everyone who is watching (and reading my review), would have their own happiness and feel warm at heart as our three musketeers strive and chase their own happiness~♡
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O Solstício de Verão Está Cheio de Amor
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I'm sorry that this is really below my expectation of Full House remake.At first, I was kinda looking forward since I really like the tone of this drama.
Really fits your summer drama.
But, I must say this kind of story they've develop / change in this drama is BAD.
The leads mostly bickering and I can't even see their spark. I skipped to the last episode to see how they'd warp this drama. It is happy ending, but they likely rushed the ending even tho it is already have more episodes the original episodes of Full House.
It was an okay that they added "amnesia" part, but not really make the story gets better. Still all over places. So messy.
They didn't even bother to changed the interior when Ze Yi's started to move in LMAO.
I also hate the fact that like they made Tianran is so dumb. I can't believe she can befriend the so-called-friend that sold her house so easily. For me, the friend is more annoying than Tiffany. She shows no remorse at all. I feel sick of her character, who keep manipulating Tianran and even dare to blackmailed her after what she's done to Tianran?
Omg, they better focused to develop the main relationship than let the friend have more screentime and even ended up with the cute bodyguard.
Alright, enough with ranting.
For everyone who haven't try the original Full House or Full House Thailand, you may like this series since the leads are cute together.
But if you already watch the two other Full House, you better not waste your time to watch this one and expect for the leads upcoming dramas to follow.
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