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Without spoilers, this is going to be a hard review to write, but I figured since no other reviews were written for it, I would give it a try. I used to not be a fan of sageuks, but recently I have been proven wrong, and this is one of those that did it. In terms if writing, the story was well written. I kind of kept you guessing, and the cliffhangers were killers. The way the characters were written was brilliant, as well as the way history and fiction were mixed. It kept you coming back for more. Granted there was your typical backstabbing and plot making, but it fit in with the story, so it didn't seem out of place or to be to much.
In terms of acting, brilliant. Each actor portrayed their characters to the point you actually believed they were the character, not an actor playing someone. I have to say I was very impressed by Jang Hyuk, yet again, and after seeing two sageuks of his, I have a hard time picturing him playing any other type of role.
The music, I would have liked to have heard more traditional instruments, but all in all it wasn't bad.
I will definitely be watching this again. I was thinking that with 24 episodes that it would get boring, but never once was I bored. Give it a try.
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The story, is as it says it is in most story summaries you read.. but what those summaries fail to mention is that it is spectacularly written, its also about human relationships. And the story had, not necessarily side stories/plots, but background and reasoning, that made you go "Oh so that's why" in a few places, loved that..
Each of the "main" characters, are well thought out, including development. The acting is stellar. Straight up, even the character's you don't like, are so well thought out, that you can't be mad at the writers for making them that way. Every character in this drama has his or her place, take one away, and the drama wouldn't be the same. I was really impressed by the acting. I know most people, would start to watch this for Daesung, but don't. That's all I can say, do NOT start watching this for Daesung, I did, and not that I was disappointed with his acting, I wasn't, I just didn't like his character.
Music, well it is about musicals, so of course the music has to be good, and not only was it good, I was very impressed by how good it was in places.
I will re-watch at some point or other... The reason I didn't give this a perfect 10, but a 9 instead was because, all the way up until the ending the writing and so forth or stellar, but the last episode was just so sub-par to me that I couldn't bring myself to give it a perfect 10.
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The story was beautiful. This movie takes us on a journey, the journey of life. By the end of this movie, I was in tears. As, I explained it to my husband, yes they were sad tears, but at the same time they were meaningful tears. I was sitting here thinking, if that were me, could I still smile? Could I still love? I don't know, but it made me FEEL. The final message: Live.
The acting was great. From the pretentious star, to the thug drummer, to the little girl on the keyboard, you are drawn into all their stories and how they come together. Hong Ki showed a lot of potential as the main. Jun Min Suh is a little girl we are going to have to watch out for as she gets older.
The music was perfect, especially the main song.
I won't re-watch this. Once was enough crying for me.
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The story, is not original, seeings how its been done before, however its not like the drama either. I liked the movie because, it was lighthearted, and I was in major need of the fluffiness of it. It's upbeat, and not to serious.
Chemistry wise, could have been better. JGS was very adorkable in his role as Momo. You don't actually believe he is a pet, but you can see the cute qualities of a pet in him. He maintained his pride as a man, while being what she needed.
For "Momo" to supposedly be a dancer, I was very disappointed. There wasn't enough dancing. And, the music seemed sub-par to me.
I would re-watch this, if after a spat of really sad melodrama's, I need a pick-me-up.
Overall, not a bad movie, but not a great one either.
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The acting in this drama is SUPERB, each actor portrayed their character perfectly. I have to give Nishikido
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I recommend this drama highly if you are a fan of the genre. If your not, don't waste your time. This drama is a lot like the Japanese drama MR BRAIN, but its also very different in that it involves more police work. As I said, CSI met House, and had a baby, and this is it.
The story is a good one, or as I put, a very good one, some things were just to predictable, so it didn't get a higher score.
The actors, did an extraordinary job, they were very believable.
Music, I never even noticed if there was music, so very low score on that.
Rewatch, I probably won't rewatch, but may someday.
Overall, a very good drama, and an interesting thought process while watching it. Watch it!
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I thought this was going to be a Japanese adaptation of "Sex in the City" which I really hated, but it wasn't. Granted there were some similarities, but not enough to make me think "Oh this is just like, that show." The feel of this drama enticed me from the first episode.. the way its written, makes you feel like your one of the girls, because no matter what, as a woman you will identify with any and all of the character's at some point or other.
Acting wise, I was very impressed with all the actresses, but the most impressed by Karina. I didn't recognize her at first, because she was just so natural, I honestly wonder if she was even wearing make-up for most of the show. Her character was more like me than the other's so I probably identified with her more. Even the supporting actors were good too. The music was really good as well. And I will be re-watching at some point.
Now, why this drama didn't get a perfect score.. At places I found myself saying, "Yeah that's true, but..." I felt like that a lot with this drama, so it could have been written a little better.
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Seon Duk was an amazing woman, in a time when women took the back seat to history. This story serves as an inspiration. It was written superbly, even the tragedy of it was beautiful. I made the comment to my husband that if there was ever anything anyone studying politics or war needed to know, they should watch this. This drama is a prime example of life then and now. We have come a long way as a people, yet we have a long way to go, life now has a higher value than it did then. However, life would have no meaning/value without trust, love, respect/honor, and sacrifice. This story tackles that perfectly. The only complaint about the story was the romance, or seemingly lack there of.
The acting/cast have put me at a loss for words. Some of the best acting I have ever seen in my entire life. Kim Nam Gil as Bidam, magnificent, just short of perfection. Lee Yo Won as the Queen, heartbreaking. Ko Hyun Jung as Mishil, as much as I hated the character, the actress portrayed her to the point of perfection. But, there was a great supporting cast as well, small characters that made the main characters seem even greater. One of those characters was Lee Mun Shik as Jook Bang, as flighty and crazy as he seemed, he was an inspirational man to all.
The music was great, I have no idea who the male opera singer was, but whenever that music would play I would get chills.
I will NEVER re-watch this. No matter how great it is, one time is enough for this emotional roller coaster of a drama. And yet, it still deserves a perfect 10 rating.
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The story in short is supposed to be about the friendship and rivalry between BDS and Woon, however, there is so much more to the story than that. There is of course the political intrigue that's prevalent in most if not all historical drama's, but even as that plays almost a front and center role in this drama, it doesn't take away from the character's or their development. From start to finish this story is about a person's life, and their trials and tribulations. The cinematography was beautiful, the action scenes are very well thought out and shot. All in all the story is great.
I don't know what it is but lately, drama's have become this "I don't care, I want flower boys, I don't care if they can act, or if the story is good, just have to have the flower boys" industry. At first glance it would seem that this drama is in that same category, because when you look at the picture, or even the cast the men just look so pretty. That is not the case with this drama. Even tho the two main actors are "pretty", they can act, and the story has substance. My favorite character wasn't either of them, I loved the Sky Lord, played by Choi Min Soo, he had depth, and from the first episode until the last he was someone who captivated me. If I had a complaint about the actors it would be the female lead, she was just so expressionless, that I could never really like her.
Music & Re-watch are an 8 because while the music is great, at times it didn't seem to fit. And I did re-watch this, and probably will again when my hubby gets done with Running Man. All in all if you are looking for a drama that is well rounded, about the ties of friendship and family, and the hopes and dreams of one generation falling to the next, watch this drama.
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The story, its written so well, you can picture yourself there, and figure things out with them. With this season, they messed with your entire thought process, not just some, if I could cuss in a review I would word that differently, but I can't.
The actors really brought this season home. Most of the actors were the same, so you were already comfy with them. But, and this goes back to the writing, with this season you see the main character become more human, his growth is amazing.
I noticed the music more this time around, and it tended to fit the drama well, so I gave it a higher score.
This is a definite re-watch, just because I might have missed something.
Overall, if your in a funk, want something different from the normal Kdrama, watch BOTH seasons.
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The story is phenomenal, never once was I bored. The story has something for everyone, be it comedy, action, intrigue, romance. While, there were parts of the story, that bothered me, it was needed to make the drama flow better. This story was simple, yet at the same time complex, kind of paradoxical.
Jang Hyuk as Lee Dae Gil was absolutely brilliant. At times I found myself crying with him, laughing with him, wanting to kick his behind. At the beginning he wasn't the character/actor who kept me coming back, because well I couldn't stand him, but the more I watched, perfect.
Oh Jo Ho as Song Tae Ha reminded me of what a man with honor is. While he could seriously put the hurt on someone, he wasn't greedy about having the power to hurt/control people.
Lee Da Hae as Hyewon, I can't really say anything because I don't like her, throughout the entire drama she annoyed me to no end, but the drama wouldn't have been complete without her.
Those were the "main" actors, but I feel one of the supporting actors deserves a mention...
Ahn Suk Hwan as artist Bang, he brought comic relief, that was much needed in this drama. No matter the role he plays, he performs perfectly.
The music was perfect, it wasn't all slow and boring. It mixed old music with newer styled music very well.
Overall, if period drama's are your thing, watch this drama. The only thing that kept me coming back in the beginning was all the muscle, but I am female, so that would attract me. I have a hard time picking period drama's, but once I pick one, I have to finish it, and am usually disappointed, but this one has by far surpassed any and all period drama's I have watched. So much so that I actually sat here and tried to formulate my impressions into words by typing this review.
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Now as for why I disliked it, I don't like double standards in everyday life, so why should I like double standards in a drama? The only reason this drama isn't getting a 10, is because it focused way to highly on age. I get that that is one of the premises of the story, but to much, is to much. I have never in my life understood why its okay for women to date/marry older men, but not vice versa. And, another reason I disliked it, is granted, family does mean a lot, but family isn't everything, at the end of the day you need to be happy with yourself, and with the person you are with.
Give this drama a try if you want something that is going to pull out all your emotions.
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I gave the story an 8 simply because, the original story was so perfect, and while the movie's script didn't match that perfection, it did give a decent try at it.
Acting wise.. can I just say DULL.. Kitagawa was not made for this role, she annoyed me to no end. Mukai, as George, was decent, but you could tell he was acting for a certain demographic, not actually being George. The other's played their roles very well.
I don't really remember the music, hence a 4.
Re-Watch is a 4 simply because I did re-watch it before writing this.
Overall-I gave it a 7 because it wasn't awful, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. If you are a huge fan of the Anime or the Manga, then do NOT watch this.
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The story isn't to original, however, it is more realistic than one would think. I liked how slowly this drama started showing ties of friendship and family that are unbreakable. And it is so freaking funny, and not your usual drama funny, like real life funny. The baby is super cute too.
As for the acting, everyone played their parts well. I was impressed with "Pillar's"(I still refer to him as that) actual name is Lee Ki Woo acting, and Baek Sung Hyun even if we was more of a supporting role, he still stood out among the mains.
Overall, a good drama that will have you laughing, and your heart aching in some parts. It isn't a spectacular drama, but its worth watching.
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