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..yes, this is a story of delinquent family - but one of them decided to try and live a normal life, decided to go at school and be a member of art club showing his passion on paint and canvas...
..as always, life is not that easy - problems always enter, a change of uniform and appearance is a must, the conquering of city is a must by means of punching and kicking since his family expecting a lot for him - this will be his life revolves on daily basis..
..a secret to be kept for a long year - and no secret will be stored forever and the truth will reveal as many people now knows it..
..well, what I learned on this drama, well, even if I am not a yankee, it teaches us a lie either it is a white lie is still a lie - keeping it for a long time, only keeping us to hurt for a long time too - not only one's self but anyone too. . .and yes, truth will always set us free and continue to have a happy life with our loved ones..
..I love the casting plus the talking dog dubbed by the legend VA (TsudaKen), the music, the pinch of love story and the overall lesson we can learn how important our family and friends as they teaches us how to live the way we want too..
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..the FL's story on her chosen profession continues...
..the flow of the story indeed the same on the season 1..
..here since Japanese have many legend stories about youkai as the title itself features different characters..
..with some insert of songs add the entertainment of the show - it also tackles the stories of different youkai..
..the funny scenes are still there though the air time got short, no wonder, a specific story ends with two or more episodes - yet the story still focus and teaches us how our own uniqueness must fit in our chosen career, beleiving in one's self and support of other people help us to appreciate ourself to be more productive and useful..
..love the second season and it deserves a season three for me since its highlight are the youkai in Japanese legend - more characters to come..
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..most of the jdrama genre are detective, mysteries - yeah, same as here but what makes it unique is the plot itself - solving cases which remains unsolved many years ago...
..first time to watch Odagiri san - I do love the casts having Riho and Hayato on the lineup..
..well, most of this genre too have a long time to watch but you never been bored since from time to time a funny scenes are included..
..there are some part thay can be obviously be solved by the viewer but there are some are not - well as what the ML always says it only based on his own research and investigation with the help of his assistant and the other people from the department..
..a kind of detective series where the culprit is not to be arrested..
..also, what I do love on this series is the realization of the culprit in the past are completely wrong - I mean they did that because of their anger or any emotions attached, but in the end they realized, the people they killed gives importance on the culprit (though not all the episodes)..
..and like the other comments, I am looking forward on Kiriyama-san and Mikazuki-kun love journey haha..
..a balance of comedy and detective. . .love it so much - gonna watch the past series too..
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..the genre and the plot itself makes me give a shot of watching this since I am an art lover too...
..it's never too late to explore more of our life to have something new to like - a worker who suddenly get into the art to be have more useful time on each day..
..as always, many are saying the you cannot survive on field of art - art won't make any living as your profession, making art on canvas to be exact..
..art if such a big world, a lot of medium can be use, can be express, can be more high paid than a large piece of cloth and paintbrush..
..it also tackles here the dreams of each characters why they choose it, even the struggle they've faced..
..it's kinda weird on the last few minutes before the last episode ends on how the ML easily made his resolve. . .that's the only part is kinda shaking my head - knowing even if this is only an eight episode, I know they can still put a little scene on it, but no, that's how the story goes..
..well, again, if you are an artist too or a fan of art itself, you may enjoy this one, and don't expect a love scene between the ML and FL (but the ending is so interesting after they shake hands)..
..that's all..
..(this is my first drama I watch Sumire and I really love her eyes, don't know why, I would rather look on it all the time)..
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..the snack bar which kinda a treasure chest - not noticeable but worth if you find...
..I love how the customers related and sequence on each episode..
..from the start, I find the ending an open one - I'm looking for the resolve of the customer after the meal - but I do enjoy it so I continue to watch the next episode, in the end, it doesn't matter how he/she do the resolve but I what is important is that as the name of the snack bar, the wound will be expose but later on it will be heal..
..what I find interesting to this film is how the owner treat her customer just for them to tell their feelings, their situation in different way - like singing, dancing, playing instrument or even talking to one's self on the phone..
..I found a new actress in the name of Tomoya Harada and gonna check her other films too..
..lastly, this film is a gem for me, besides the casts, and staffs behind this are so impressive having this kind of setup-genre..
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..maybe it's the story after all...
..not all ending ends happy - yeah for me it's a sad ending for me..
..my expectation for the ending was not grant..
..it only says that we are all die, we will remember by those people as what Madonna-san said as we burning out like a candle someone we lit up - that's living one's life to the fullest..
..first time to watch Kaho-san and she really cut her hair that short, but I will still look for some of her drama since a do love funny or comedy genre of my favorite actors/actresses..
..and the role of Madonna-san (from gyouretsu no megami) and Tahiti too (from renai mangaka)..
..all the casts performed well to me..
..even if the story goes like that, I still love the flow of the series - a masterpiece for me..
..it gives me a lot of lessons for important our life is - not only for me but for the other people too..
..thank you nhk..
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..NEET - Not in Education, Employment, or Training...
..one of the social issues in Japan, they are far different from hikikomori, shy person, or being introverted - they might be lazy because they are not interested on the 3 things mentioned above, they just do what they want to do - as what Mitsuru's characteristics..
..the plot of the story happened when her sister with her new husband and a daughter from the other man went to stay on their mother's house since his sister's (Ayako) house is on three months renovation..
..the first two episodes are kinda shock for me - a less than an hour of fighting of words on the front of their food - I looking for some interesting part yet I found nothing..
..but still as those end, I found in interesting to continue to watch it..
..the following episodes are getting more interesting and funny too..
..and even if most of the scenes are more on exchanging of words from the family members - the lesson about loving one another, friendship, and work are still there, in the end it's them that bonds as family..
..also this series is a food porn too - they featured not only the common food served on the table but some new cuisine for me which is a bonus one for me, just right to appreciate this..
..as I ended this series, I'm looking forward for the re-opening of the ML's shop but it's not (so better to watch what happened)..
..but the ending is good - the ML get out of his box, push the limit and do what he didn't hate..
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..at first I thought, it was a gay act as a mother but no, you must see that character as a woman, as a mother...
..I do enjoy the each episodes, so funny scripts and acts..
..but like on my post on my comment section, I see this Takeshi-guy, a lack of acting - I just found his facial expression doesn't match the feeling I am expecting through the script and act itself, but as the episodes go, I found a some changes or improvement..
..though funny, it also teaches us so to show love and respect on our mother, well not only for them but for our father too - everyone involve in our home, since being a teen ager changes a lot, not only the appearance but more on our characters on how we treat people around us..
..yet, I hope they will make another story of this - I really love this. . .the staffs behind are genius on making funny scenes for the audience..
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..I'M GOING IN *whoosh~*..
..after Your Lie On April, this is the second time I watch Suzu Hirose's drama act....comedy, action, mystery, all in one - every minute, worth it..
..the funny part for me is where the revealing who the criminal is - since they are the tandem (Suzu and Sho) - so better to watch how the process is going - kinda creative for me..
..plus having Kanna Hashimoto on the casts is a plus. . .and also better to see some of her movies and drama too (my another crush on my list hihi)..
..love this drama too..
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..I am a fan of Nanao as one of the fashion icon in her drama, I do love the most is the casting which is a hype one, that anyone might watch this...
..the story is sort of uniquez reviving the iga and koga clan just like the anime basilisk but a slice of life version..
..i love somehow the effort of putting a comedic scene and lines having an almost an hour per episode - not a bored one to watch..
..even the drama part and a pinch of love scene - since this is all about two people getting married without knowing their clan origin but latet reveal that for me the climax and highlight of the story - living the two clans in present time..
..overall the drama is more serious but still put a funny scene to feel other emotion of this drama..
..I do love the end, that was unexpected for me and yet it's not impossible that the two main casts will never meet - the first time they meet is a flashback of the last seconds of the last episode..
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..well not as always a happy ending - sadly for one of the main cast...
..the story is seems like an isekai-themed where two popular character on children's story meet..
..from the title itself, yes, a crime genre story too..
..love the casting and the flow of the story - easy to follow once the alibi and the evidence appears one by one..
..but the latter part is somehow a shocking for me - didn't expect that the reason why the Prince met Cinderella - a shoe that will step as an strongest evidence for her..
..in the end, the whole story is just so amazing for me, a genius one..
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..story of "THE HOUSEWIFE THAT STARTED A REVOLUTION" and for the ¥9.5M dream...
..the plot itself is nothing new in what really happens in one's country..
..I mean everyone can enter this politics - the place that looks like amusement park that everyone are welcome to join..
..yes, in this story also, it shows an indiviual for the sake of high salary to run for a position despite of lacking knowledge how politics work..
..a good listener and speaker who can change someone's heart plus their plan for the people are needed to take the spot - and maybe a pray for luck too..
..the full episodes also shows, the struggle, and overcome - how power can control people just destroy someone's reputation and even life too..
..one's that cannot only rely on personal decision but rely for all the people on their place because their words, their feelings, their memories, and their dreams are more worth than gold..
..I know all of you how the politics happend in your country too, but I do recommend this drama, not only because of the casts that I like, it is not kinda bored though I am not interested into politics and it takes almost an hour to watch..
..but it's kinda fun to watch too, the love of family, the love of friends / colleauges, the love for work are included too..
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..this would be the first drama series where I watch Mano Erina...
..anyway, I don't know but I think, I like this series if they focus on the world of working at all..
..it's a turn down for me for putting some scenes which are not needed - like the mystery of having closing of some establishment and the detective part of lost children..
..I would better to see the FL's struggle on work, on how she will overcome it and what she learnt after that..
..but here in different work she entered, I saw some important part that needed to enjoy your position not to survive - because we live to work and not work to live..
..to learn to your superior, well for what is good after all, take the challenge for the task you get not to challenge the other people, not to put full of your emotion on work that may affected the flow..
..and sometimes, it always get to your guts to prove and believe on your skills..
..well, it's a so-so for me, I just want to see Erina-chan..
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Embalado: O Contra-ataque de Mulher da Caixa Policial
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..I just watch this because of Erika Toda and Mei Nagani...
..a story of a police officer [Mei] a clumsy one, paired with professional officer [Erika] facing different crime scenes..
..here, I see the role of Mei as the officer if she really fits to be that one - where sometimes emotions must be set aside just to fulfill a task..
..a job that sometimes, not your partners or anyone is there to help you - you must stand on your own principle - what your mind thinks and what your heart feels..
..I do love this series too because not all the time it's not all that serious, they also inserting funny scenes too..
..the story on the half of the series is where the climax is..
..the mystery is not that kind of tricky, a very light, not so much action scenes..
..well it's all I can tell, again, I just watch this because of the casts..
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A Casa Compartilhada das Entidades Sobrenaturais
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..a story of a girl who is a bad luck-magnet - moneyless, jobless, homeless, loveless relationship...
..the moment she lost consciousness, a group of yurei and youkai saves her, stay on their house - these historical creatures who lives on the present time with a respective job helps her to avenge on her misery life..
..the story covers her current job where she is working, even the love triangle she has..
..a balance of comedy, love, and yeah a suspense that will make you shout not by fear but by fun..
..a story that we may learn the importance of loving our work - to love and be productive, the build trust and teamwork, to learn to balance how to please people, to learn the importance of time in our workplace, our own time..
..to be confident in one's self to be positive and reject all the negative we may see, hear, or encounter..
..to love who we are..
..this series is a one of a gem for me, the casts and staffs are so cool - I've watched this because I'm a fan of Marika and a first time to see her in comedic way - I do love this series so much. . .and yeah, I'm ready for the season 2..
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