Uma Coisinha Chamada Primeiro Amor
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This drama is somewhat relateable aside from the love lines.First off, its a typical youth C-drama, female lead loves the popular, smart and handsome male lead.
The character development in this drama is great especially with the female lead, Xia Miao Miao. She was initially a timid and shy girl but grew into a brave, confident, and independent girl because of her friends and because of her beloved Liang You Nian.
Liang You Nian is the male lead of the drama. He's your typical c-drama male lead. He's sweet and nice to everyone except those who ticks him off or trying to get with his girl. You can totally see his glare when someone gets too close to Miao Miao. IT WAS ADORABLE! Back to the story at hand, You Nian is someone who sticks to what he wants to do and this trait of his helped Miao Miao switch her major to something that SHE herself really wanted to do from the beginning. That sparked the change in Miao Miao and how hard working she is in achieving her dreams.
The relationship between the two leads started later because Miao Miao had a crush on You Nian since high school and (spoiler alert) Liang You Nian did as well, however he didn't exactly confirm this until later in university. It was cute when they got together, they held hands, hugged, not much kissing but other than that its adorable seeing them together and working together, etc.
The drama also focused on other couples Lin Kai Tuo, You Nian's younger step brother (its funny because the actor playing Kai Tuo is way older than Kuan Lin(actor playing Liang You Nian). XD Kai Tuo was coupled with He Xin (Liang You Nian's cousin.) I call them the temper couple cause they both have anger issues/temper. hhahaha Another character is Wang Yi Chao and same-grade female character I forgot the name of albeit sh initially liked You Nian.
Furthermore, the drama focused on family issues such as Liang You Nian's family. His father married Kai Tuo's mother. For a while this caused a disruption in the friend between Kai Tuo and You Nian. One misses their birth mother, and the other misses their birth father. As said before, this drama mentioned individual choices -such as majors in universities- if your family wants you to take this major, but your hearts wants something else then follow it cause thats what Miao Miao ended up doing.
Lets just say, You Nian influenced a lot of Miao Miao's choices which eventually lead to an argument I thought was pointless. Anyways, You Nian also said Miao Miao inspired him as well in ways that she never knew she could because she thought he's "too high" for her. It just tells us that You Nian doesn't care if you're not the best looking person, its all about the personality and your actions and what you do with it.
The acting in this drama is not amazing. I just want to say Kuan Lin is not an actor even though he technically acted. He just didn't seem natural whatsoever. His expressions are stone cold aside from his smile - which is adorable but other than that his expressions in acting is terrible. Even the crying part was awkward - it had no feeling to me. The female lead who played XIa Miao Miao did an okay, passable job.
Overall, if you like youth dramas dealing with fashion design, architect, drawing, college life, family drama, friendship then this is for you. :)
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Something about this drama felt amazing and fantastic, I couldn't stop watching it.It had a good amount of martial arts, humor and a great story line. This is only the first season!
Fan Xian is the main male lead of the drama. He is a smart, sarcastic, and cunning man. He knows how to speak his way out of things, he also have great martial arts skills. Did I mention he's quite funny as well? :) I just love his character so much! The actor did a wonderful job in playing this character! His subtle expressions are hilarious. XD
Aside from trying to find the love of his life at first sight, cancelling his engagement or..not cancelling it, Fan Xian has assassins coming after him day after day. The drama focuses on Fan XIan trying to figure out who is behind all these assassins, figuring out where he's from, and staying alive to be with his beloved Wan Er.
Uncle Wu Zhu (or should I say Xiao Zhu Zhu LOL♥) is the handsome protector who helped raised Fan Xian and was also a servant of Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say his martial arts is very monstrous. He is like a ninja, he comes and goes without making a single sound which can annoy Fan Xian - quite funny to watch. XD I really like his character for some reason, aside from the obvious handsomeness haha He is strict and mature albeit there were times when he went loose and either spoke like a teen or a tiny bit like a psycho due to memories that were triggered.
Wan Er is your typical fairy-like female lead. She's very elegant, and cute. She also likes chicken legs, and that is also how she met Fan Xian, unknowingly. She does not have much of a presence in this season, because she barely has any scenes. But she is an important figure in this drama because she's the daughter of a princess. However, this drama focuses majority on Fan Xian and his journey to solve the mysteries behind murders of his friends, the trunk that belonged to his mother, and assassinations. Wan Er is there only when Fan Xian went to visit her and other issues that involved her family.
The main villain is the grand princess and her nephew(s).S She's in charge of something that once belonged to Fan Xian's mother. Lets just say she doesn't want to let go of it.
However, she is not the only villain, there are many people who wants Fan Xian dead, including those who pretended to be his friend.
If you're watching this drama cause of Xiao Zhan prepare to be disappointed because you'll only see his actual face in the last 8 episodes or so. I assume he will be a main in the next season as his character is not what we think he is. Personally, I still enjoyed the drama without seeing much of Xiao Zhan.
Other characters worth mentioning is Wang Qi Nian, he's a chubby middle aged man but is a useful friend of Fan Xian. :) He joins Fan Xian in majority of his journeys. Fan Xian's sister, Fan Ruo Ruo is quite an interesting character, she's very smart and quick witted but can become clueless and slow(?) when it comes to Fan Xian. Its like she idolizes her big bro. But she can be dead serious when it comes to disciplining their little brother. I quite like her personality trait than Wan Er's.
Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. Its funny, and has great martial choreography. I didn't expect to love it so much,. it's one of my top two favorites of 2019!! Definitely recommend if you're looking for something fun to watch.
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Yangxi, main female character, is actually quite smart when she puts her mind to it. Although she seems to not have enough confidence or believe in herself, she is still able to do it with motivation from those around her. She is typically very positive and energetic. The usual happy-go-lucky female lead. I really like her personality. She initially wanted to depend on cross country running to help with her exam points but that changed so the drama focused on her in class with her friends - studying, reading, etc. She is obsessed with wuxia romance novels and dramas its her way of de-stressing or happiness. Its also a distraction so she gets in trouble for it. Don't worry though because her tutor is quite strict yet charming.
New transfer and intelligent student, Hua Biao, is usually her tutor and very strict. Its adorable watching those two together! They have such great chemistry; I just couldn't stop smiling when they stare at each other, care about each other or have subtle movements with one another. Hua Biao tends to do things on his own or prefers to not bother anyone until his friends figure it out. However, Hua Biao is also friendly with others like Yangxi so he's quite loved by his peers. His personality is typically very nonchalant but in reality he has his troubles. I was very heartbroken for him in episode 23. I felt his pain, Hou Ming Hao (actor) did a great job portraying the character.
Liyu is Yangxi's neighbor and childhood friend, he is also smart and cares deeply for Yangxi. He tends to do things for Yangxi because he likes her, however, Yangxi is quite clueless and thinks its just part of his personality. He is able to do a lot of things on his own and he cooks very well according to Yangxi. He is usually alone, like Hua Biao who only has his grandma. Liyu only has his dad while his mother is living in another country. He is a mama's boy and wishes to see her and be with her. There was one time when he was upset with her, and that's the episode I disliked the most because he was very stubborn. Other than that, I do like his relationship with Yangxi, its very precious!
The drama focuses on other supporting characters' stories as well and it's not boring at all! I can resonate with a few of them. You may end up being heartbroken, or sad but not mad or anything. Although there are some parents I wanted to slap because they were quite selfish. At the end of the day, this drama has almost every issue families deal with in reality.
I love the editing of the drama especially when someone does something for another without their knowledge, it transitions back to show us how that person did it. The last episode was one of my favorite edits because it shows when Hua Biao took notice of Yangxi, quite earlier than we thought haha.
The ending wasn't exactly how I wanted to happen but I'm satisfied. Its not a bad ending. It was, in a way, sad but I'm happy that everyone were able to do something they dreamed of or hope to do. I wish for a season 2 of the same cast but I doubt it will happen. :( IT NEEDS A SEASON 2!!!
Overall this drama was very sweet, cute, refreshing and a must watch! It deals with typical school stress, teenage crush/romance, dementia awareness, depression, families issues such as divorced parents, expectations from parents, job lost, etc. I could re-watch it all over again! I kept re-watching the episodes as I waited for new episodes to come out each week, it is very good!
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The story revolves around the Dugu Clan, specifically the three sisters: Dugu Banruo (eldest), Dugu Mantuo (second oldest) and Dugu Jialuo (Youngest).
Initially I did not expect much sisterly love between any of the sisters because most sisters in traditional dramas hate each other for no reason. However, Banruo loves the youngest, Jialuo dearly because she practically raised her.It was so touching to see her do anything she can to save her sister. I loved their relationship the most. Banruo is played by one of my top favorite Taiwanese actress, Ady An. She did a WONDERFUL job with her role. Although her role was obsessed with having her "Dugu tian xia" - so obsessed to the point that she's betrays someone quite close to her. Unlike Mantuo, she puts her family safety above all others. Until the end, she knew which side to be on and what really mattered.
Second sister, Mantuo, is the antagonist of this drama. She's VERY VERY VERY annoying. She's also OBSESSED with the Dugu Tian Xia legend but she thinks everyone is against her when really its the other way around. She's willing to betray and back stab (and kill) her family. She fake cries to get her way around and get what she wants. Mantuo may be smart but she doesn't know that everyone else is even smarter and that those people knows who she really is and what she's up to. Yet, she continues to bat her eyelashes as if she's innocent in her wrongdoings. It's hialrious and irritating at the same time. I hate that the actress keeps pouting her lips, its ridiculous. In the end, she was still a pain in the ass. I still can't tell if the actress is good at her role or not because the pouting, baby talking, innocent act were very irritating to me. Like I wanted to slap her. :]
Youngest Jialuo was very carefree and did not let anyone boss her around.. She knows what she wants and its not "Dugu Tian Xia." She, like Banruo, holds her family above anything else. Which means she is willing to follow her father's orders despite protest against marrying ..someone. She and Mantuo is always fighting because Mantuo is a B****. Banruo is always on Jialuo side because she knows how cunning Mantuo is.
Main couple: Jialuo and Yang Jian were very cute once they warmed up to each other. I grew to love them when Yang Jian finally figured out Mantuo was a lying piece of ****..:]
Overall story is all about lies, betrayal, sisterhood, fight for the throne and high ranks in the palace, friendship, family, and love.
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Once the main couple gets together the drama just becomes very bubbly, cute, loveable and cliche. Also the cat and dog audio effects makes this drama a lot more fun to watch. In the beginning I was upset with the main lead, Si Tu Mo because she wouldn't leave this man who is one out of two most irritating and annoying character in this drama. (The other one is a snitch and I wanted to punch him everytime he raises his hand or snitches on ehem someone.)
Anyways, eventually she began living together with male lead, Gu Wei Yi who taught her how to chase her dreams and come out of her shell. When that happens she's more outgoing and basically wears the pants in the relationship. I grew to love her because she knows what she wants. haha
Gu Wei Yi is an awkward nerd but handsome student. He's quite innocent when it comes to relationships so he's clueless 100% of the time when it comes to how Si Tu Mo is feeling. Needless to say, I enjoyed watching him from not caring about Tu Mo to growing feelings for her. The way he did it was ADORABLE! He respected her boundaries but he can get jealous. haha
There's not much of a plot going on in this drama. Its like a sitcom where you see a life of a couple living together except they start out as "strangers." We see the main leads interact with one another and how they grew close to each other. As well as hanging out with friends, misunderstandings/jealousies, asking advice from friends about love. There's also work related things as well. But overall, nothing tooooo exciting besides the love life of Si Tu Mo and Gu Weiyi. I guess in a way there's nothing that is too memorable for me to fully love this drama aside from the main leads. However, I enjoyed it a lot.
The acting from Fei Xing who plays Si Tu Mo was great! She acted quite well and I love it when she makes her puppy eyes face expression. Gu Wei Yi CANNOT deny that!
The actor who plays Gu WeiYi needs a bit of work. His acting was quite stiff, yeah he's suppose to be awkward but its his acting is just stiff and off to me. Its difficult to explain but it did bother me sometimes when I notice it.
The ending is a happy +1 ending. ;)
I love the transition effects in this drama as well as seeing how Gu Wei Yi does things without the audience knowing initially. It seems to be a trend in cdramas lately. ^^
If you want to watch a campus love story then this is a recommendation for you. If you do not want to watch something that doesn't have much of a plot then its not for you.
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O Isqueiro e o vestido da Princesa
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I am not exaggerating, this drama is phenomenal, I highly recommend it if this is your first time watching cdramas!The storyline begins in the present time which is actually a good attention grabber. It will make you wonder what happened, why and how did it come to this point. The drama will then take us back to the past where it all began, freshmen year of college. The concept of this drama is computer programming, and you really see them mostly focused on typing codes, and make programs, etc. Albeit, I'm not sure if the coding itself is real but I have not seen this kind of drama elsewhere which is quite unique.
What really makes this drama come to life and why its so popular is the acting, the chemistry, character development and the storyline.
Zhu Yun (Zhang Jing Yi) : Zhu Yun as a character is a book smart, follow the leader kind of gal in the beginning but eventually she will find her voice. She can get a little bossy, and sometimes I think she lets her emotions make the decision instead of thinking from a practical point of view. She's very passionate when she wants to prove she can do something, as well as very caring and understanding of her friends espeically towards Li Xun. Zhang Jing Yi played her part very well, nothing to outstanding and her acting is quite natural - like she truly is the character itself who's in love and willing to do anything for the love of her life. I have only seen one drama of hers so its difficult to judge if she improved or not - seems like the same to me.
Li Xun (Chen Fei Yu) : Li Xun is your typical rude, selfish, arrogant male lead who believes everyone sucks at computer programming compare to him. However, he's very misunderstood, he's more of a practical guy - he has more experience in the field thus he knows what is sellable or not. Many viewers, espeically if they don't understand mandarin, would think that he's always rude but most of his replies esp to Zhu Yun are quite funny or sarcastic - its unfortunate its not translated well into english. :( Li Xun may be your nerdy, introverted quiet kind of guy but towards Zhu Yun - he cares in a subtle way, and tend to keep a lot of things to himself which is a double edge sword. His character develops pretty nicely, he's not always like he was in the first few episodes. He learned to be apologetic and show remorse for what he has done. However, he still keep things to himself, and sometimes he believes its better to work alone than to bring people in to help him. Yeah, he definitely needs therapy to deal with the losses and feelings. Chen Fei Yu did an amazing job as Li Xun because his eyes does a lot of the acting when he doesn't talk, and it really sucks you in. I also only seen one other drama of his, but despite of that, there's a huge improvement in his acting!
There is a couple time skips and unfortunately we do not see much of the beginning relationship between the leads, but regardless, their relationship was very cute, fluffy, and natural - its like they're a real couple honestly. Amazing acting from both of them!
There's many other great actors in this drama but I have to highlight is Gao Jian Hong played by Zhao Zhi Wei. Without spoiling too much, his character is very competitive, and insecure in his computer programming skills. I did not like his character from the get-go, he seemed fake - a two-faced character. Other than that, you would have to watch and see why his acting was amazing.
Ren Di played by Jenny Zheng: From the beginning of the drama, the way Jenny acted as Ren Di seem so incredibly natural as if she played herself. I just wanted to point that out, the outfits, and her personality fits the actress so well - its very natural and I hope she gets a main role. She honestly compliments well with Chen Fei Yu - the tall couple. hahaa Okay but in reailty, the characters have no romantic interest to one another.
In terms of love triangle, there is one, however it will not make you pull your hairs out so its not a big deal.
Music is amazing, the settings are amazing esp when the main leads got together - the background, the cinematography was beautiful.
Definitely highly recommend this drama if you enjoy watching dramas in a college setting, slow burn but realistic and natural romance, computer programming, games, the dreaded angst, friendship, and betrayals.
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This drama is set in the early 2000s where all the wonderful Taiwanese groups and artists were quite popular during this time! Jay Chou, F4♥ aka JVKV F.I.R., and S.H.E.!!Aside from my fangirling of these legendary artists, the overall drama plot was very pleasant to watch and quite refreshing. I just finished it raw about half an hour ago.
Typically the female lead will work hard to grab the attention of her first crush from the start of the drama. However, the main female lead's love shifted throughout the drama. Its not your typical love story. It goes from bickering enemies, friendship then love relationship. Towards the end, the main couple had some bumps in their relationship but of course it doesn't stop there. The side characters' love story were very interesting to watch, some were relatable as well.
There's a relationship that began from playing games together and finally falling in love in real life. Then there's the heartbreaking unrequited love from another side character.
The thing I did not like about the drama is the main female lead who plays San San. Something about her acting was very awkward and unrealistic to me. The transition between her lines seems a bit off as well. Maybe it's just me but I really did not enjoy her acting. It's awkward to the point that I don't really see the chemistry between the main leads. It just seems one-sided from Zhao Yi Qin who plays Lan TIan Yi in the drama. Which by the way, he looked very much like the early 2000s Jay Chou - I couldn't stop thinking about that! I digress however I must say Zhao Yi Qin did a wonderful job with his role.
Overall the drama had a happy ending for everyone. It was a great ending. I would recommend if you like high school, college life, and adult life drama because this drama went through all three phases. It was overall cute and adorable drama.
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F4 Tailândia: Meninos Antes de Flores
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One of my top favorites of F4 versions
At least for me, it shot to the top pretty quick.I'm not going into details of the plot we already know about for approximately 20 years or so. I'll just write my opinions and thoughts on it.
Disclaimer: I'm a stubborn bias for the original drama version, Meteor Garden 2001, because it was my childhood and I was a huge fan of F4 aka JVKV. Henceforth, I would always compare any version to the original with bias views. Nothing would ever replace that top spot for me.
I would say Thailand version officially tied for second along with Japanese version.
Why? Thailand version took a slight turn with the modern twist - cyberbullying and all the social media obsession gossip, cancelling, etc. Ofc, the physical bullying is worse and wrong as well. Definitely showcases how toxic people can get no matter what age we're in.
Other than that, I feel this F4 was openly loving towards one another - MJ literally says "we love you, that's why we support no matter what." It feels liike you don't see that often in dramas for men, at least, to be affectionate towards their friends. Male or female, or whatever gender, friends are kind of like relationships where you show case your love for one another platonically. I really appreciate this show for showcasing that. The connection between the boys were definitely strong! In terms of F4 ranks, they're my second favorite honestly.
As for the acting, they're not the best actors or actresses, it's passable. Then again they're new just like most F4 shows it seems. The side characters like the mom, sister, and fiance were actually good actresses - seemed realistic to me. I notice Gorya screams a lot, and if I were to compare it with Shancai(MG 2001), she wasn't screaming that much, she was stern with her voice, and strong. Gorya's screaming got a bit too much towards the end, I didn't realize how much she was screaming when she's mad, but I suppose that's normal at least to those who give in to their emotions. Unable to control it through the way they talk. Regardless, would I recommend this show? Yes, definitely because its quite heartwarming. I even cried through some of the episodes, it was quite relatable with my emotions and what I've been through. I really enjoyed the drama and would recommend to anyone. Albeit, do not expect a lot of romance, its like a teen show.
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Another day to keep fighting is essentially the moral of Tomorrow.
Tomorrow is highly recommended because it touches upon topics SK should really learn from - in fact - the entire world.It is a fictional, fantasy drama, therefore the characters or props does not despict reality. However, each episode's plot does represent reality to a certain extent. Its main focus is essentially about depression and its level of negative energy.
The main characters of Tomorrow are a team built in the after life- to save people on the brink of suicide. Its very heartwarming, and poignant. Some of the episodes may even relate with you, at least for me it did. It can be heartwrenching, so prepare some tissues please. Romance is not the main focus, its mostly about mental health and its why I highly recommend it cause its a deep drama. A remarkable drama that deserves high ratings, albeit it can be cringey not going to lie. Regardless, please do not hate on this drama over a fictional name/bday. Just watch it and you won't regret it.
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Love Like A Galaxy is like a drink of coffee or tea in the morning, something you need to start your day. It can be quite addicting to watch!This family-centered drama is highly recommended for everyone because its humorous, relatable in certain ways, even the banter between female characters are fun to watch! It feels as if you're part of the family, watching Niao Niao develop into more understanding and mature character as the story continues on.
Niao Niao aka Cheng Shao Sheng is the youngest of her family, illiterate due to not being raised well by her aunt and grandmother while her parents were away at war. I persoanlly like her personality, despite not being educated academically or in mannerisms, she has a strong, willful, curious and carefree personality. She says what's on her mind, is quite street smart which is something you need to survive in that time. She will fight back if someone hurts her in any way. This quality trait gained a few admirers. She's definitely one of my favorite characters in this drama. Acting wise, very natural and definitely cemented my love for Zhao Lusi as an actress!
Ling Bu Yi is one of the strongest and youngest military general in this drama. He has connections with the emperor who treats him like a son. Its quite endearing. His entrance is always dramatic which adds some flair to the scenes. haha He says that if he lays his eyes on someone he fell in love with, he will treasure and cherish her forever. That person is obviously Niao Niao. He's always there to rescue her, protect her from harm and evildoers. However, he has a revenge story that he's constantly looking into, getting his hands bloodied for the emperor or for himself. In a way, he has a cold heart for criminals, and his, suppoesdly, parents, Fear not, his heart is giggly and warm for Niao Niao despite the ice prince demeanor. He gives no shits to people who hurt NN or is obviously trying to take advantage of him or use him. And I love it! xD In terms of acting, Lu Wei did a great job because characters like Ling Bu Yi is known to be stoic, and indifferent but how far do you have to go to keep up the stoic expression? It gets exhausting after a while. The way Lu Wei acted as the cold general is quite different, he gives the character subtle expressions, it tells the audience he's not stone cold either. I suppose I like the subtley of the warmth Lu Wei gave to Ling Bu yI .
Other character(s) I enjoyed watching is Wan Qiqi. She's my favorite support character, the actress, Zhang Yue, played her character so well!! I cannot give her enough praise! Wan Qiqi is Niao Niao's good, or possibly best friend at this point. Their fathers are close hence these two became friends as well. Wan is that friend who stands up for you if some bish is bullying you, its quite fun to watch! This is why I think the female banter in this drama is enjoyable because Wan is able to argue with a sharp tongue. Niao Niao is able to defend herself as well but Wan is more passionate in defending her bestie. Roasting her enemies just by talking back, its hilarious! Her expressions are fun to watch as well! Its so natural, you'd forget she's acting. haha The subtlety of her expressions is quite comedic espeically when Wan doesn't take notice of Niao Niao's second older brother. hahaha I really enjoy her character! I hope to see a happy ending for her!
The emporer is another note worthy support character because he would did anything for Ling Bu Yi, plus the fact that the biggest shipper of Niao Niao and Ling Bu YI, its fun to watch him give leeway to NN because he adores her for LBY. All because LBY has fallen in love with NN. haha
The rest of the cast are amazing actresses and actors, not one person is out of place in this drama and I love it so much. Especially, when there's subtle moments of parent & Niao Niao having similar traits, its funny. Albeit, her mother isn't the best mother because she clearly isn't fond of Niao Niao's mannerism and behavior.
I gave this drama a 9.5 because the music didn't stand out to me, but regardless 10/10 drama would highly recommend if you like historical settings of China, female bickerings, schemings, smart female lead, slow burn romance but the rest of the cast will make you enjoy the progress regardless.
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The is an incredible family drama of 2021, I highly highly recommend it if you need a break from romantic, comedy dramas. Get some tissues and popcorn and enjoy the ride through the different eras while watching the kids grow up.STORY 10/10 -
The Bond opening begins in the 1960s and ends around the mid 2000s.It follows 5 Qiao siblings, specially the 4 eldest siblings because they grew up together. Their father is selfish, he barely helped in raising the kids, therefore the eldest took the responsibility to raise his siblings well.
THE ACTING : 10/10 even the child actors did a PHENOMENAL job.
Qiao Yi Cheng played by Bai Yu - as aforementioned, he took the responsibility to be the father figure of his siblings as their own father is a selfish prick. He's very strict, but caring and loving towards his siblings. He would do anything for his siblings even they did something terrible. His back must be heavy from carrying so much weight of his siblings, it breaks my heart. >< He doesn't like asking for help, and seeing that pain especially in the child actor's face - really breaks you. Even as Bai Yu plays, he did an amazing job as well. As for his personality, he seems like an awkward person when he's outside of his family. I don't think its weird, because everyone has different sides they show to their family and strangers. His character was heartbreaking to watch because of how much pressure he puts on himself, he didn't change much into adulthood because of this. In a way, he's selfless but also selfish for not accepting the reality of the need to be helped. I think it took a while for him to finally accept it and change.
Qiao Er Qiang (Zhang Wan Yi)- As a child, he was a troublemaker for his brother. He didn't like studying, he kept skipping classes, he tried to help his brother - made more troubles instead. haha But you can see as a child, he cares for his siblings a lot, despite not showing as much as Yi Cheng. He has a scandalous love story but he's stubborn and fought for his love. The actor, Zhang Wan Yi, portrayed Er Qiang as a gentle brother, innocent- puppy eyes, and soft spoken brother. However, he's like a middle child who doesn't like getting into arguments or gossips andjust does his own thing in the background. He's always there for his sibling as especially the youngest sister - they have a nice bond - you can already tell they have that strong bond especially when they were kids.
Qiao San Li (Mao Xiao Tong) - San li is somewhat a splitting personality of Yi Cheng, the eldest. She's responsible, she's caring, well spoken and knows what she wants. As a child, something happened and it gave her PTSD. Eventually, as an adult you can see her break out of it and become the strong woman she is. Her love story was very touching, although rocky moments but otherwise I really like how she fought for herself and for her partner. I didn't realize Mao Xiao Tong was the actress until later, she did a great job, too. Nothing but good compliments for her. haha
QIao Si Mei (Song Zu Er) - QIAO SI MEI! Gave me the most headache like she did for Yi Cheng, hahahaa Her personality is very extroverted, she's talkative, and doesn't know when to stop. She's basically the comedic character in this drama, I love her but there are times when she does gives me headaches. She's a troublemaker like her second oldest brother. haha Her love story was ...lets just say odd. Lightning fast as well, and a ton of heart breaks. Prepare tissues but also prepare some heart medicine cause damn her relationship got me extremely frustrated. At the same time, if you put yourself in her shoes, you would know that there are people who are like this.. and its definitely difficult to break free.>< Because Si mei has such a strong personality, she's quite stubborn in doing what she wants. Eventually she grew to be responsible, her character development was interesting to watch.
Qiao Qi Qi (Zhou Yi Ran) - The youngest of the family, there's not much an impression from him because he didn't really grow up with the others. However, he does have a impact in certain ways. He's pretty shy, introverted, doesn't speak much. However, despite his lack of experience in the real world and knowledge, he was able to become responsible and I really liked how his character developed through the decades.
Qiao Zu Wang the father (Liu Jun) - THE MOST SELFISH, ANGER INDUCING FATHER IN THE ENTIRE DRAMA UNIVERSE! He was selfish in the 60s and well into the mid 2000s. But I have to say the actor, Liu Jun, did an amazing job in getting the audience frustrated and hating him throughout the drama. hahaha There were definitely moments where he tried to bea good father but failed. Only towards the end di he really think of them selflessly. Sometimes he speaks logically other times, its just his old traditional - stubbornness talking.
There were many time skips in this drama, you'll see the kids as babies and the next, they would be kids
Don't expect the romance to be all fluff like romance dramas. For each sibling, their love story has some rough patches. Basically, in terms of romance in this drama, I find it more realistic than any other romance drama. I know a lot of people may deter away from the siblings' partners but please keep in mind, romance isn't the main focus of the drama. However, the drama did very well in portraying what a relationship would go through: Divorces, cheating, stupid fights, arguments, pain, terrible partners, lies, or miscommunication, etc.
While watching this drama, you really need to understand from the character's pov and why they're acting the way they are. Remember that there are definitely people in this world who are like these characters. The supporting actors and actresses did a wonderful job as well especially Jeremy Qin who played Wang Yi Ding he's my favorite supporting character, haha
The Bond is a 10/10 for me, I enjoyed every bit of it. Highly recommend, would definitely re-watch again.
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Nostalgic and Slice of Life of the 90s
Never Grow Old aka Going to 18 aka Hello, Yesterday is a slice of life drama set in the 1990s, definitely gives a major nostalgic vibe for those who were born in the 90s or remember the late 90s.The story is based on 6 close-knitted high school friends and their neighborhood bond.
It's mostly about them going to school, hanging out, eating, helping the neighborhood/families, and so on. If you watched When We Were Young (2018) then this is highly recommended!
Each of the main 6 youths have different personalities and is quite fun to watch them hang out together.
Gao Zhi Yuan (Guo Jun Chen) is very mellow, yet strict one out of the bunch. He's also considered to be the smartest one, tutors his friends a lot. Although he seems indifferent on the outside, he actually cares a lot for his friends.
Tan Xin(Ren Min) is a very loud, obnoxious girl but studies hard - not your typical dumb female albeit she does have trouble studying sometimes. She's compassionate, and empathetic but also has a short temper. haha There is something off about the way the actress acted out her lines at times, because it feels like she's just "reading" her lines instead of acting, it just didn't blend in with the others at times
Zhou Li Zhi (Annie Sun) considered to be very pretty, she seems to be quite daring, although hesitate initially, but she's willing to try new things that piques her interest. Tan Xin and Li Zhi are cousins, yet surprisingly are not rivals at all.
Chen Cheng (Zhang Zhi Hao) the second smartest of the group but I think he can come off as arrogant or too much confidence initially. He's just as loud as Tan Xin sometimes. However, he's an honest guy through and through and is willing to help a friend in need, will choose his friends over a girl. haha He's seems like a family guy, he's quite affectionate towards his sister and grandma.
Guo Fu Cheng (Li Xing Chen) First of all his name reminds me of the actual celebrity every single time he pops up. LOL I digress, his character is one of my favorites because his acting is so natural yet so hilarious. He's definitely the comedic relief in this drama. It's his expression that makes it so funny and I freaken loved it. haha
Ma XIao Yi (Jiang Guan Nan) his character came in later in the drama with a lot of misunderstandings. He seems tough and was mistaken as a big bully but in reality he's a softie who just wants genuine friends. I like his duality with Guo Fu Cheng cause they were funny together.
The cinematography reminds me of When We Were Young because they would edit a scene towards the end as if to expose someone's hidden tricks. haha Every episode has some kind of meaning which is quite a nice touch.
Is there romance in this drama? Not really per say, just crushes. There's a lot of subtle eye contact or peaking at someone, you just have to be aware of the characters' body lanague/facial expressions to notice it. Were there infuriating charaters? Definitely but that's to be expected from old school Chinese families and their expectation of a "son/daughter-in-law." Love triangles? Nope.
Would I recommend? Yes, definitely if you just want to chill and not pull your hair out.
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Healthy relationship, pure bliss, no hair pulling drama of the year.
Road Home is a second chance at love drama, it is mainly felt with intense chemistry between the two leads, There isn't much action initially, but it does get intense later on.Personally, this drama was exciting to watch, however, there are moments where the scriptwriting felt off. It would seem like there should be more to say but it was just an awkward silence. However, give it a chance because Lu Chen played by Jing Boran is a man of very few words.
As aforementioned, Lu Chen is your typical cool, handsome, popular, man of few words character. Like legitimate few words where Gui Xiao (Seven Tan) said he should speak more. LOL I guess you can say he's more reserved than outgoing. However, he's very emotional towards Gui Xiao and cherishes her even though they had broken up before the series began. His family background is not the best, as his mother divorced his abusive, alcoholic father once before. LC works as a police officer who is constantly away on missions, hence this has tarnished his relationship with Gui Xiao. As the drama begins, they begin to build their relationship with a more mature mindset. Acting-wise, this is my first drama of Jing Bo Ran, and I have heard of him a couple of times - I think he acts pretty okay. Comparing his real personality to the character, I think he did pretty well in portraying a reserved but strong commanding officer. Did I mention how hot he is? LOL
Gui Xiao played by Seven Tan, is a very strong, independent woman. She is no damsel in distress as she has said once before that she can live her life without Lu Chen. However, she will fight for her love no matter how difficult their situation is. Lu Chen is constantly on missions, so their relationship is somewhat like a long-distance type, he does come home though and it gets very cute. I think what makes their relationship so special compared to other dramas is how healthy it is. It teaches us that communication is very important in a relationship and understanding, and being mindful keeps the relationship going. Her family background is somewhat unfortunate as well because her parents divorced (not officially until the series began.)
Seven Tan is one of my favorite actresses, I will be honest this drama did not showcase her full capabilities - it seems a little off at times due to the script. Her acting will always be impeccable, however, I wish the script was a bit more smooth I suppose. It's a little inexplicable.
I feel like this drama would deter others because it doesn't have much "drama" or excitement like your typical Asian drama does. It feels more like a slice-of-life genre, focused on rebuilding a relationship and a proper family. However, I would suggest giving it a try. It depicts healthy relationships, and confidence and I think it's what people need if they don't know what a healthy relationship is supposed to be like.
Is there a third wheel? There was one who tried but to no avail. haha
The side characters were wonderful, GX and LC have amazing friends, basically like sisters and brothers, who support their relationship all the way. Giving wonderful advice when they need it.
I had watched a drama similar to this where the kid is extremely annoying, and the male lead became very difficult to watch so I had to drop it. Whereas in Road Home, the kid is tolerable and the male lead respects the female's boundaries.
The ending was satisfying as they finally held a wedding, and the final episode is just flashbacks.
The cinematography, and scenery of this drama were very beautiful, it makes me want to travel to the location someday.
I would recommend this drama if you just want to chill, not pull your hair out and enjoy a cute, slice-of-life, fluffy, romantic drama. Also if you don't mind a reserved, quiet male lead then definitely give it a go. It has several flashbacks to their high school days as well, and it is fun to see how it all began. The final episode shows us how they started to have feelings for one another, of course, they did explain what their past relationship was like throughout the drama, not just at the end.
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