Definitely worth watching.
I ABOSULTELY loved watching this drama, definitely worth watching all 49 episodes.I love the strong and smart female lead. I've seen some of Dilraba's other dramas but this is my favorite character she's acted by far. I never really liked her other characters but she acted so well in this one and the character was strong and smart. I love watching her character development throughout the drama. This drama really showcased her acting and I'm starting to see why she has so many fans. I wasn't a huge fan of her other dramas since the character's she portrayed weren't as likable but the character she played in this drama was so likable. She wasn't perfect but she was smart and strong. She had her problems but she learned to overcome them and it was so great to watch.
This is the first drama I've seen of the male lead and I will definitely be checking some of his other works out now. He is so cute lmao. I felt like the chemistry between the two leads wasn't quite there but I loved the romance that was between the two characters. In the beginning, he kept saving her but I felt as we neared the end of the drama, she became more independent (even though she already was in the beginning) and was able to showcase her great intelligence and strategies. I definitely felt like there wasn't as much martial arts near the end but I was perfectly fine with that because of all the military strategies and mental warfare that was going on covered it.
This is the first drama from Rosy's that I've seen where she wasn't the main lead and I loved her character as well. Her story was well written and I loved seeing her grow throughout the show and learn to care for the country. She played a very delicate princess who grew stronger each episode and learned to carry the responsibility that she holds as the princess of the land. I think her acting was great and her storyline was a nice side story from the main plot. She wasn't the main lead but her character definitely contributed a lot to the main story by influencing the people around her.
The plot was great and I love how every single character went through their own sort of character development and matured throughout the show. The cast was great, I never felt off about any of the actors and will definitely be checking some of their other works out. Music was also great. The drama has art scenes sprinkled throughout the show and as though some people weren't a fan of it, I definitely enjoyed it. It makes me want to check out the manhua and read it as well.
Overall, this is one of the best shows in 2021 and I'm glad that I waited to watch it after it ended. I would never be able to wait for every episode to come out. Each episode was just so interesting and lead me to wanting to watch more. Definitely check it out, it's worth one's time!!!
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I loved the concept of this game and seeing the differences between the two societies. It's interesting to see how people persuade each other to join their alliance. Because there were new games and challenges every episode, it always made it fun to watch the contestants compete. Rather than just competing on one category, the Society Game tests its contestants on 3 categories: physical, dexterity and mental. I think that was a good idea because it changes the games up a bit and challenges the contestants on wondering who they should eliminate next based on their contribution to the town.
Besides the games and the town, because the set was a fake town, I also enjoyed the contestants having to make their own food and survive in the jail-like town. It gave me Family Outing vibes when they were chasing chickens for dinner and eating only potatoes and rice throughout the entire show.
The cast was pretty good except for a few bland people and people that just suddenly randomly got more screen-time . It made me upset when certain people who were more talented got eliminated due to town politics but it was still fun to watch.
Overall, it you enjoyed The Genius, you'll probably like this show as well. It's more sheep-like compared to the extremities of The Genius.
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I also started to lean towards one of the societies much more than the other due to the cast members. Also, last season I felt like there was an obvious choice of who would end up going to the finals but in this season, there's a lot of talented people in physical and mental that it's hard to predict who will.
If you thought last season was kind of bland, you should watch this season because there's much more drama between the cast members rather than the peaceful environment S1 gave.
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Classe Misteriosa do Colégio Feminino
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not bad, pretty good
I had high expectations for this show due to them casting Park Jiyoon and the director being Jung Jong Yeon, who directed other shows that I really enjoyed like The Genius and Society Game.At first, it felt a little awkward because it wasn't in the usual show format where there was a narrator or an mc and it was just the girls roleplaying in an high school without any script or directions. The show sometimes slacks in that sense where it feels really awkward because there's a lot of times where they're not doing anything because they weren't given instructions on what to do. It was also probably due to the editing though.
I enjoyed the show though due to the puzzles they had.
Cast was amazing, they did a really good job casting. Park Jiyoon being the leader of the group and deducing everything, Jae Jae on the side solving all the word puzzles and having great memorizing skills. Doyeon also helped a lot and provided jokes from time to time. BiBi was okay, she helped from time to time and made excellent deductions and I loved the sort of 'rebel' character they tried to portray her as. I was sort of disappointed with Yena though because throughout the episodes, all they ever did was show her eating and screaming because she was scared of everything. (Though I was happy that she finally did something in the last few episodes.) I wish she contributed more instead of hiding in the background all the time but I guess there always needs to be a slowpoke in the cast. They did a great job casting Park Jiyoon and Jae Jae, I felt like without them, the rest of the cast would've just been confused and lost the entire time.
I'm excited for Season 2! I hope they have an even better plotline in store and for more puzzles!
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