The only (ONLY) likable characters were the dog and Han Dong Jie. Seriously, that is it. The male lead is a self-centered sociopath that treats people, even his supposed love, like trash - even after he "reforms" and the actor portarying him constantly grimaces like a cartoon villain. The female lead, while initially likeable, seems to have no real personal goals, is incredibly immature, and allows herself and her younger brother to be (rather obviously) abused and manipulated. What is more, if she is really interested in family, love, and caring - she chooses the wrong guy by a mile!! The "Aunt" and "Uncle" come off like children. How do they even function in the world? Can they even tie their shoes?? The Grandfather (the second villain of the piece) is inconsistant. He comes off by turns as greedy, heartless jerk and a simpering fool. I just do not believe that any of them have any busienss sense at all. How did they become rich? Sure, he stole a popular formula, but how could these morons run a business? The cousin is just a second thought character that is never really developed or explored. It is too bad, because he could have been likable. The Granny's life story makes absolutely no sense. She knows a guy for a few months, nurses him, and falls desperately in love with him, but when he leaves her she makes no attempt to find him or contact him. Then she marries someone else, has his babies, etc., but never mentions or thinks about her actual husband, because she is too busy pining for a jerk that stole her family's recipe? BTW, why did she never hear about the stolen pill and then sue the pants off of the wealthy family? None of this makes sense at all, and the Granny's sanity and values are seriosuly questionable, since chooses to risk her life for a watch rather than be there for her grandkids.
Beyond all of this, the show treats herbal medicine like magic. While there are some merits to alternative medicinal practice; it isn't magic and a certified doctor is better to treat major illness than a girl raised in the woods by a love-obessed old lady that never thought to pick up a phone book to look for her long lost love.
If you want to watch idiots and terrible characters make selfish choices, abuse eachother, and degrade the concepts of family and love, this is the show for you. If not, then stay well away. Blech.
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While most of the Korean actors are fantastic (and wonderful eye candy), the American actors are terrible. I've seen a lot of community theatre, and even most first time volunteer actors are better than the American actors this show hired. Maybe it is a problem of direction or that I am an English speaker, so the cruddy delivery jumps out at me more, but the American actors' performances were just bad. As I said, the Korean actors have great timing and bring a lot of spark to their characters. Even when the writing and dialogue flags (and it does a lot) the actors make it somehow watchable.
By-and-large each character sticks to their archtype and rarely deviates. Despite this, the characters are fully realized with more nuanced and detailed backstories and developments. While the bloated cast provided lots of beauty, a lot of characters felt unnecessary and their side plots were too seperate from the overarching story. I wish that the side plots were treated like spin offs, instead of being included in the main drama's story.
Standard Kdrama plot #5. There is little deviation and almost no suprises. Rich, second son, bastard (in the technical sense) falls for his family's maid. The classist, distant, tyranical father - along with snobby family members, a rich fiancee, a rich male rival, and rich schoolmates - make it difficult for them to get together.
While the music quality was good for a Kdrama, it was painfully repetative.
Direction and Editing
Overall, inoffensive, but nothing great. Holy flashback montages, Batman! I know this is a Kdrama trope/common technique, but it was glaring and obnoxious in this series.
If you just want a light, glossy, cute, fun, romantic drama with lots of eyecandy and you do not mind lots of filler and predictability, this is for you. The characters and quality acting from the Korean actors keep it watchable. However, if you want something less expected and without filler, then this is not for you. I doubt I would rewatch it again, but I don't regret watching it.
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