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Secret Spectacles
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
A really nice movie mini-dessert in a South Korean way, where the idea with the glasses dominated for me and was very well supported by the music. The acting is mediocre, and I took five points off perfection for the processing, especially for the horrible final kiss.

Opravdu příjemný filmový minizákusek pěkně po jihokorejsku, kde pro mě dominoval nápad s brýlemi a hodně dobře podpořený hudbou. Herectví průměrné a u zpracování jsem ubral pět bodů z dokonalosti, především za tu příšernou závěrečnou pusinku.
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Hometown's Embrace
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
A completely different BL series than the others. I only felt the similarity with 1000 stars. The thirty-two-year-old director chose 6 BL series unloved boys aged 19-21 for the main roles. They tried very hard, so I rated them a 10 for the selection and a 6 for the acting, so overall an eight, and the "something" they showed towards each other in connection with the almost perfect music really evoked something nice in me.
On the other hand, a big disappointment regarding the other two aspects of the evaluation. If you play the music videos that are listed in the link I share in the Comment, you will see the director singing the theme song directly, and he can't open his mouth properly while singing. Just as he can't articulate properly and doesn't even open his mouth, that's exactly how he directed this series. The processing is literally lousy, very below average, I deducted 7 points from perfection, the inconsistencies are glaring. The fights with the "gangsters" in the seventh episode reminded me of caricatures of bickering three-year-olds in the sandbox. It's a shame that the creators weren't inspired by the series Golden Blood ... The biggest sex between guys is holding hands, I don't need anything physical, but here the guys were calling for something closer, more intimate. There was tons that could have been used from the story itself that remained hidden. Damage.

Naprosto jiný seriál BL než ostatní. Cítil jsem pouze podobnost s 1000 stars. Třicetidvouletý režisér si vybral do hlavních rolí 6 kluků BL seriály nepolíbených ve věku 19-21 let. Ti se moc snažili, takže jsem si je výběrem ohodnotil na 10 a herectvím na 6, celkově tedy osmička, a to "něco" co předvedli vůči sobě navzájem ve spojitosti s téměř dokonalou hudbou ve mě vyvolalo opravdu něco hezkého.
Na druhé straně velké zklamání, co se týče dalších dvou aspektů hodnocení. Pokud si pustíte hudební videa, která jsou uvedena v odkazu, který sdílím v Komentu, tak tam uvidíte zpívat ústřední píseň přímo režiséra, a ten neumí při zpěvu pořádně otevřít svou papulu. Tak, jak neumí správně artikulovat a neotvírá ani hubu, tak přesně tak i zrežíroval tuto sérii. Zpracování doslova prachbídné, hodně podprůměrné, odebral jsem z dokonalosti celých 7 bodů, ty nesrovnalosti bijí do očí. Rvačky s "gangstery" v sedmém díle mi připomínaly karikarury hašteřících se tříletých kloučků na pískovišti. Škoda, že se tvůrci neinspirovali v seriálu Golden Blood ... Největším sexem mezi kluky je chytnutí se za ručičku, nepotřebuji nic fyzického, ale tady ti kluci přímo herecky volali po něčem bližším, intimnějším. Ze samotného příběhu se daly využít tuny, které zůstaly schovány. Škoda.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
4 of 4 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
I was slightly disappointed with Serpiente. I expected a bit more. The story could be told, even if it is nothing groundbreaking, but it was not used as a filmmaker or director, such a mild pall mall, the shots were often unnecessarily dark (if the intention was to achieve a bigger mystery), a long-winded shot of the laundry in the first episode (I don't understand) . I was looking forward to an actor named Kaleb Ong, whom I know from the series Meet My Angel, he did not disappoint, but he was bound by the script and the director. So life the Filipino way .... aka love, sex, betrayal.

Serpiente mě mírně zklamalo. Čekal jsem poněkud více. Příběh by se dal, i když nic průlomového to není, ale nebyl filmařsky ani režijně využit, takový mírný pall mall, záběry byly často zbytečně tmavé (jestli se tím chtělo docílit nějakého většího tajemna), dlouhatánský záběr v první epizodě na praní (nechápu). Těšil jsem se na herce jménem Kaleb Ong, kterého znám ze seriálu Meet My Angel, nezklamal, ale byl svázán scénářem a režisérem. Takže život po filipínsku .... alias láska, sex, zrada.

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Bad Brother
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The "stupid" effect of the series was much less on me than on many others. Yes, we have the right to judge from the point of view of an ordinary European that something is stupid, but that does not mean that we are right. There are a few billion more Asians like us and I evaluate from the point of view of this kind of production and in that case this evaluation of mine worked out for me.
But the simpler, low-budget mini-series caught my attention, and it even has some advantages over other Thai productions of this type. Above all, it had a plot, it didn't branch out, there were no secondary characters or an annoying school. Still amateur acting young actors are trying, that "something" for the users of this server was also there (searching for a gay, bisexual feeling). But otherwise, a very naive piece, as if filmed really only for elementary school girls.
On the plus side: there weren't those horrible Asian lids (I still can't get over the last series I saw, The Best Story, when the creators turned nice guys into six lid cunts), the entire faces of the actors stood out. It was interesting that Win, with the figure of a Thai boxer and the type of brawler that the creators liked to reveal in a swimsuit, was getting picked on by both Pun and Porsche, and that girl seemed like a thorn in the heel or rather in the fart.. .

"Hloupě" na mě působil seriál daleko méně, než na mnohé jiné. Ano, máme právo soudit z pohledu běžného Evropana, že je něco hloupé, ale to ještě neznamená, že máme pravdu. Asiatů je o několik miliard více, jako nás a já hodnotím úhlem pohledu na tento druh produkce a v tom případě mi vyšlo toto mé hodnocení.
Jednodužší, nízkoropočtový miniseriálek mě ale zaujal, a má dokonce i některé přednosti oproti jiným z tohoto druhu thajské produkce. Především měl spád, nevětvil se, nebyly žádné vedlejší postavy ani otravná škola. Ještě amatérsky působící mladí herci snaživí, to "něco" pro uživatele tohoto serveru tam také bylo (hledání citu gay, bisex). Ale jinak hodně naivní dílko, jakoby točené opravdu jen pro žákyně základních škol.
Pozitiva: nebyly ty příšerné asijské poklice-afinky (stále se nemohu probrat z posledního seriálu, který jsem viděl The Best Story, kdy tvůrci udělali ze sympatických kluků šest poklicových pizd), vynikly celé tváře herců. Zajímavé bylo, že Win s postavou thajského boxera a typem bitkaře, kterého tvůrci rádi odhalovali do plavek, dostával nakládačky jak od Pun-a, tak i Porsche-ho a ta dívka tam působila jako trn v patě nebo spíše v ...

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Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Phu x Tawan
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 22, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
The relationship between Phu and Tawan seemed to me to be the best cinematically portrayed of the entire trilogy. Pleasant guys, a short canapé that catches your eye. I rate both the short and "Uncut".
The relationship between Phu and Tawan seemed to me to be the best cinematically portrayed of the entire trilogy. Pleasant guys, a short canapé that catches your eye. I rate both the short and "Uncut".

Vztah mezi Phu a Tawanem se mi zdál nejlépe filmově vykreslený z celé trilogie. Příjemní kluci, krátká jednohubka, která zaujme. Hodnotím kraťas i "Uncut".

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Amigo Íntimo — Temporada 1
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 21, 2023
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I rate the episodes separately, I also mention their names again, because the names of the episodes are not translated in the translation from M.anon. I'm not giving their episodic names because they're different from what we know and it would be confusing:

Ep.1 Pretend To Love (played by Ohm and Fluke) - the guys we know as Dean and Pharma from Unitl We Meet Again. Story not very well thought out, but I excuse it by saying that there was not enough time for it, acting is still good, great looking shapely Ohm with his long manly fingers, nostalgia ... rating 6 8 8 7

Ep. 2 Just Friend (Ja and First) - they played Leo and Fiat in TharType 2 and now they are the central pair of the newly released series Don't Say No. Despite the condemnation of this mini-story on other world servers, on the other hand, I liked the short, with exaggeration, with insight, when the nice Leo played a young man who took on some cat (a cute Fiat) he found on the street and the confusion - I liked the symbolism, just I smiled when Leo was washing Fiat's hair in the bath, so the "cat" was wearing shorts, nice music ... I'm going against the flow of reviews MDL: 10 10 10 9

Ep. 3 Willing or Not (young Nat and nine years older Max) - they are best known as Nuea and Sun from the Y-Destiny series. The story from the judo club about Softy and the Giant Godzilla ... was simply cute and even though it was more like two friends, I give it higher marks like this ... 8 9 8 8

Ep. 4 Just One Life (Yoon and Talay) as Jian and Masuk from Y-Destiny or Nott and Pun from the quirky sitcom YYY (which I also saw and didn't appeal to me, it's not listed here on GT yet). Jumping off a bridge, breaking up with a girlfriend, slightly above average for me, but nothing that put me on my ass, cute faces of both actors... rating 7 7 6 7

Ep. 5 Dear My Star (Jimmy and Tommy) as Saifah and Zon from Why RU and SaifahZon Story. The story is set in the nineties, when electronic communication was not so widespread and the boys solved it by letters and calling each other from a booth (everyone lives elsewhere - Bangkok, Chiang Mai). A great short, where for me the only thing missing was the step further from camaraderie, friendship (but the hidden gay component can be felt a hundred feet away) ... 9 9 8 9

Ep. 6 Imagine You (Kimmon and Copter) known as Mark and Kit from the series Gen Y. Virtual reality aka reality. Solid, but not necessarily the best of the six ... 7 8 7 7

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Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Mek x Mork
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 21, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
The theme of the short is a kiss and what it can or cannot evoke in its participants. The slightly below-average film from the Before I Love You trilogy caught my attention the least of the three ...
The theme of the short is a kiss and what it can or cannot evoke in its participants. The slightly below-average film from the Before I Love You trilogy caught my attention the least of the three ...

Námětem toho kraťasu je polibek a co vše může či nemůže vyvolat v jeho účastnících. Mírně podprůměrný snímek z trilogie Before I Love You mě zaujal ze všech tří nejméně ...

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Antes Que Eu Te Ame: Rain x Storm
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 21, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
The second short in the sequence of the Before I Love You trilogy introduces us to Rain and Storm, and the motto of the mini-story is the courage to try to reach out to the one we secretly love. Average, when the acting was slightly below average and the pleasant music was above average.

Druhý kraťas v pořadí trilogie Before I Love You nás seznamuje s Rainem a Stormem a mottem minipříběhu je odvaha pokusit se oslovit toho, koho tajně milujeme. Průměr, kdy lehce podprůměrné byly herecké výkony a nadprůměrná byla příjemná hudba.
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Lisyun Qng Geografia
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
The film, which was nominated for best short film at two film festivals in the Philippines and won the Palme d'Or for best director, is somewhat forgotten, but still has a very nice, strong message and is solidly acted. A film that makes the viewer wonder what love, friendship and "something" in between is. Nice.

Film, který v roce byl na dvou filmových festivalech na filipínách nominován na nejlepší krátký film a palmu vítězství získal za nejlepší režii, je tak trochu pozapomenutý, ale přesto má vělmi pěkné, výrazné sdělení a zahrán solidně. Film, u kterého divák může přemýšlet, co je to láska, přátelství a "něco" mezi tím. Pěkné.

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The Shore
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The idea, the theme is good, but unfortunately a bit incomplete, so I had to lower my rating. The currency of the series is the environment, the effort to find the right and most beautiful true feeling in the world and the fact that the actors, although almost unloved by acting, managed it decently and were very likeable (David, Simon, Vince). Among the little things that didn't bother the creators, but will surprise many viewers, was, for example, the fact that after two days on the island, when he ran around the beach screaming "help" for almost an entire episode, David wasn't thirsty, which in the harsh Philippine sun would have already done his (he was hungry) that after a few days on the island with Simon, they didn't grow beards, nails, etc. But the positives outweighed the little things, hence my slightly above average rating.

Myšlenka, námět dobré, ale bohužel trošku nedotažené, proto mé hodnocení jsem musel snížit. Devizou seriálku je prostředí, snaha najít ten správný a nejkrásnější pravý cit na světě a to, že herci, ať téměř nepolíbení herectvím, to zvládli slušně a byli velmi sympatičtí (David, Simon, Vince). Z těch drobností, které tvůrce nepálily, ale mnohého diváka zarazí, bylo například to, že po dvou dnech na ostrově, kdy s křikem "pomoc" pobíhal téměř celý jeden díl po pláži, neměl David žízeň, což na ostrém filipínském slunci by už udělalo své (měl hlad), že po několikadenním pobytu na ostrově se Simonem jim nedorostly vousy, nehty atd. Ale klady převážily drobnosti, proto mé slabě nadprůměrné hodnocení.

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Crystal Boys
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
The TV series from 2003 and describing the situation in Taiwan in the 1970s (the story in the book version begins in the 1960s) really interested me, even though the quality of the copies is bad and the translation is not finished - it doesn't matter. It's definitely not a BL, but a proper drama where the main character Li Qing, nicknamed A Qing (phonetically A-cin,A-sin) goes through life's hell of disintegration and death in the family, so that he is expelled from school, and finally his father leaves for his homosexuality from home. Real gay life at the time, slow pace, pain, heartbreak, loneliness, several main characters.
Don't expect much intimacy, even though it's a 100% gay series, the treatment is due to the era and TV broadcast.
STORY - stunning above all in how it captures the state of society at the time and the position of homosexuals.
ACTING - very solid, young actors and older ones, I felt a complete connection with the characters and the story in most of them. I recommend studying the story and especially the characters in advance, it will be easier to navigate the series.
SOUND - although the reviews on the world servers praise the music, it didn't affect me that much, and rather the constant parts of mainly cello, sometimes violin and piano were annoying because they were so often (everything is too bad), just every now and then, but I don't blame it, it's just my impression and I respect the intent of the creators.
PROCESSING - at a very decent level for the time and I won't lower the rating for the poor quality of the copies.

Televizní seriál z roku 2003 a popisující situaci na Taiwanu v 70. letech (příběh v knižní předloze začíná už v 60. letech) mě velmi zaujal, ač kvalita kopií je špatná a není dokončen překlad - nevadí. Určitě to není BL, ale pořádné drama, kde si hlavní hrdina Li Qing, přezdívaný A Qing (foneticky A-cin,A-sin) prožije životní peklo rozpadu a úmrtí v rodině, aby jej vyloučili ze školy a nakonec i otec vyrazil pro jeho homosexualitu z domu. Reálný život gayů v té době, pomalé tempo, bolest, zármutek, osamělost, několik hlavních postav.
Nečekejte velkou intimitu, i když je to seriál 100% gay, zpracování je poplatné tehdejší době a TV vysílání.
PŘÍBĚH - ohromující především v tom, jak zachycuje tehdejší stav společnosti a postavení homosexuálů.
HERECTVÍ - velmi solidní, mladí herci i starší, vnímal jsem u většiny naprosté spojení s postavami a příběhem. Doporučuji příběh a hlavně postavy dopředu nastudovat, orientace v seriálu bude potom snadnější.
ZVUK - ač recenze na světových serverech opěvují hudbu, mě až tak moc nezasáhla a spíše ty neustálé party především violoncella, někdy houslí a klavíru byly až otravné v tom, jak byly často (všeho moc škodí), prostě každou chvíli, ale nevyčítám to, je to jen můj dojem a ctím záměr tvůrců.
ZPRACOVÁNÍ - na velmi slušné úrovni tehdejší doby a nebudu přeci snižovat hodnocení za špatnou kvalitu kopíí.

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Dias Melhores
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 17, 2023
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.5
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
This smaller Filipino series disappointed me, mainly in terms of the story, which was like an emmental with big holes. I saw the series a few days ago and thought to myself that I would rather not post this "friend puzzle" here. I wouldn't mind the fact that there are only two actors, and they are also very likeable, but what they "played" according to the script and direction was far from even the slightest expectation of things to come, not to mention the BL series. I saw the two boys as if they were still ten years younger, and the entire six episodes, except for the very conclusion, were all about chatter, childish bickering, just friendship, camaraderie, sometimes a game of cat and mouse (Kian-son of the owners and the "inferior monkey" Aaron-son of the deceased administrator). Without spark and emotion, unsalted, ungreasy, bland.
Overall: terrible story, childish, untapped potential of an empty house, maybe a gay character in the last few minutes. Acting above average, processing (I appreciate the nippl

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The Moment Since
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 10, 2023
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Nice shots of Thai nature and beaches and otherwise practically nothing happened. Naive and about nothing. The music didn't help here either, although the theme song is nice. "The Veterinarian and the Bartender" behaved like thirteen-year-old boys, and both young gentlemen are rather better singers than actors

Pěkné záběry thajské přírody a pláží a jinak se prakticky nic nedělo. Naivní a o ničem. Tady nepomohla ani hudba, i když ta ústřední píseň je pěkná. "Veterinář a barman" se chovali jako třináctiletí kluci a oba mladí pánové jsou spíše lepšími zpěváky, jako herci

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 10, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Morning Mo (Tzu-Yi Mo), who we know as the main star of the beautiful movie Dear Tenant from 2020, played the character of Sung Hai's gay son x years ago. His partner was the likeable Gary Tang.
But the film is not only about a gay son, as written in the Details about the film. It is a psychological probe into a multi-generational and incomplete Taiwanese family headed by mother Ai-Tsao. She must gradually cope not only with the growing suspicion that her son is gay and with a greedy mother (grandmother, very well played) who pays attention to the social "conventions" of Taiwanese society in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but also with her daughter, who returns from studies abroad and, as a single mother, brings home a black girl (whom she conceived while studying with a dark-skinned man, with whom she then did not agree on living together). In fact, even the mother herself (Ai-Tsao) did not live a conventional life. Maybe someone will find the story slow and long-winded, but it didn't seem like that to me, and on the contrary, it nicely conveyed the not-so-simple fates of several characters through film.

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The Story of the Stone
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 10, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Hardly anyone will understand this movie the first time. I didn't understand much either. And this, I think, is the biggest disadvantage of the entire film, when from the outside it seems unclear, rambling, but at the same time it tells us so much. This piece requires reading about it BEFORE and watching it a second, third time and not immediately condemning it. So I give it, even if I rate it decently overall, "REALLY NOT RECOMMENDED", because many people just want to quickly watch it, skim through it, and I don't take seriously the opinions that the film is only about the physical dimension. I understand that the film has a lower rating on world servers, because heterosexuals did not give it because of the complexity and 100% gay component. That's why I give the Story the lowest rating for the targeted "outrageousness". It is based on the theme of a Chinese novel from the 18th century. Dream of the Red Chamber, which is also the second title of the film, transformed the story from the Chinese imperial court into the present day and the current capital of Taiwan, so it must adhere to certain prescribed rules (more characters, not creating a comprehensive dramatically graduated plot, etc.). That it is such a deliberately non-story and its development can be read by everyone, I liked the film after the third viewing, there are several gaps in it that the viewer can guess and it shows gays as they are without napkins (not all of them are saints, faithful to one partner until death, do not smoke, drink, or fart). There is beauty, love, hope, selfishness, ignorance, irresponsibility, ruin, sickness, death, just everything that life brings. As the greatest strength of the film, I cite the fact that the cast played it extremely well, humanly, UNTWISTED. Now I don't mean that most of the actors were handsome Taiwanese including the main trio of Josh, Lin, Sean, which is true, that's an added bonus. One of the main roles (Lin) was played by the star of the great series Dark Blue and Moonlight (this series is also shown here on MDL) - Eric Chen. I wanted to give a nine for the processing, but I reduced it by one for the fact that many scenes were dark, dark, I know that was the intention of the creators, but it made me uncomfortable.

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