This very special, visceral series, elaborated in detail, caught my attention right from the beginning. Processing one or two levels higher than other series from this area, especially the fights seemed more than precise, truly. Sky and Sun, two young men, so different in origin, in addition to the side couple Bank - Pitch and neither the two girls who did not act like bushes in the series - even though they actually played the poor girls (and with Toktaeng, almost no one would have guessed her real age , partly also at Pitch-e 😛, that's the "secret" of the Thais...). I evaluate comprehensively how the entire series affected me, I overlook the little things compared to the whole (the "bad" mobster, the final completely unnecessary separation of several years) which are unimportant, I don't need to prove my smallness by constant criticism. On the other hand, Sky, who is controversial as an actor for some viewers, also attracted me, in an original way, in a different way, with his strange facial expressions, the fact that he actually looks completely ordinary, I believed him. Absolutely great experience for me.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Probably forever........
Film o opuštěnosti, hledání lásky a narovnání rodinných vztahů. Příběh se odehrává v tiché oblasti japonského venkova, na rozdíl od dunícího kotle největší třicetiosmi milionové megapole světa Velkého Tokia. Dalo by se říci prostý příběh, a přitom tak ZÁSADNÍ, plný člověčenství, lidsky zahraný a zpracování bylo též nadprůměrné. Doporučuji všem divákům, kteří vědí, co život obnáší nebo může přinést za kotrmelce. I hodnocení na MDL je jedno z nejvyšších vůbec. Příběh ve mě dlouho zůstane.
Asi napořád .........
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A beautiful inner experience.
For me, it's not a movie called Balloon Landing, but it will always be Bay of the Vanishing Whales, and when I watched it for the first time, only the second half of the film made everything clear, and then when I watch the project for the second time, I perceive everything from a different angle. The Japanese film Dangerous Drugs of Sex, where there are explicit sex scenes, is completely different, like this fantasy film with only one random kiss, where everything is on the level of the inner character and the viewer, but still both films have something in common ... first they save each other, so that in the end the second one saves the first one. For some viewers, and they write about it on world servers, it's not BL just because they don't fuck and there are no bed scenes, for me and many others it's a deep and inner film about two wounded beings and hidden homosexuality (I don't see it only as a bromance), because love has many forms and it's practically on the same wavelength as the Taiwanese project The On1y One, where there's also no physical contact. Excellent acting, beautiful scenery of southern Taiwan and modern Hong Kong, a handkerchief at the end and I will return to the film... and an amazing fresh spark in the form of actor Fandy Fan and a great performance by Hong Konger Terrance Lau. A beautiful inner experience.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Film jiný, hodil by se na prkna, co znamenají svět, film o dvou postavách a neustálé konverzaci, komorní kousek, kdy po nevýrazném začátku, kdy divák neví, co má očekávat, se rozvine v chytře napsaný přiběh plný překvapení a napětí a oba herci, Elijas i Romnick dokázali, že se jim dá věřit, zahráli to přesvědčivě. Zajímavé ...
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I had a lot of fun with the opposites in the first episode. The brawler and brawler, Mok, a stubborn debt-ridden slob, who has also been in prison, with a girlfriend and, as a contrast, Day, a stubborn adult child, perhaps spoiled by his mother and a little spoiled, and in the next episode, a very fast incomprehensible turn ... From a wolf, he became a lamb with a whip, from a greased up hetero mechanic to a patient nurse in love with a young man, and Day's character suddenly changed quite a bit as well. Here, I would have liked more time for mutual "learning", grinding the edges of the characters, instead of the fact that in the next episodes the time was increased with cotton wool such as walking, cooking, running and other more or less lengthening scenes, and the plot stood a lot except for the matter with August. then everything will return to the first plan, counting on the assumption that the audience will be wistfully talking about how poor Day is blind over the slow-moving plot ... and they would go crazy with tons of snotty tissues and tears in their eyes even if it was filmed Day going to the bathroom to poop and unable to find toilet paper.
On the other hand, the blindness was played very nicely and convincingly by Day, and kudos to the creators for a very tasteful and sensitive portrayal of a blind person, I mean it quite seriously and now again a little lightly - so nice that after the first eye surgery, the instrumentalist nurses apparently blew through his bandage hair dryer and hair straightener. But for a long time, I didn't believe Daya actually had feelings for Moka. Mok, that's a chapter in itself, it's cuteness in itself. I liked the character of Phojai (but also some other characters in the series), no hysterical and heart-wrenching scenes like how her partner "turned gay" and doesn't love her anymore. In ep.11, I was turned off by the predictable "artificial" breakup, instead of Day proving to his mom, who has to ask when he can fart, while he is a disabled but grown-up guy, how much he loves Mok and that he could leave with him despite his mother's ban and Mok, his love, would be able to take care of him even without his mother's money. And with Mok banging against the wall, that was a scene where I couldn't believe Mok and laughed out loud with rage at how they artificially lengthened it to make the last episode even sweeter. What bothered me the most about this series, which caught the attention of so many viewers, including me (!), was the incredibly fast transformation of Moka in the second and third episodes, the somewhat long-winded and sentimental slowness of the first plan, and above all the separation for a few years, I really hate that in Asian projects, and also that a relationship based on falling in love has to be worked on in order to grow into lasting love, and that requires an agreement, mutual respect, sanding the edges and not immediately insisting on a breakup (in that case, the one who insists on a breakup cannot to love the other to the bottom of the soul and to seek a compromise), that's why I can't give the story a ten.
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Pros: the acting side of many and also that some of the actors and actresses were watchable (Kajo made sure of it...), from the beginning it looked like a fresh piece, the music wasn't so great anymore, it seemed very, very same to me, as with other pinoy projects, the trannys were less and they weren't even that dismembering, in that they were surpassed by the affected acting maid, which in the Philippines is a "normal" acting actress.
I liked less that everything was stretched "on a shoestring", the middle part is about almost nothing, all the time, minutes of credits before and after and that some creators try to instill in the audience that everyone can love everyone, regardless of orientation and gender . It's just that everyone has a given orientation, even though they may behave differently, ambivalently or completely opposite sexually. But overall satisfaction for a pleasant finish, freshness and openness.
Prostě Filipíny ... seriál jsem měl rozkoukaný, nyní dokončeno.
Klady: herecká stránka u mnohých a též, že na některé z herců i hereček se dalo dívat (Kajo to jistil ...), ze začátku to vypadalo na svěží dílko, hudba už ne tak top, zdála se mi hodně, hodně stejná, jako u jiných pinoy projektů, transek méně a dokonce nebyly tak pitvořící se, v tom je předčila afektovaně hrající služka, což na Filipíny je "normálně" hrající herečka.
Už méně se mi líbilo, že vše bylo natahováno "na skřipec", prostřední část skoro o ničem, pořád dokola, minuty titulků před i po a že někteří tvůrci se snaží divákům vštípit to, že všichni mohou milovat všechny, bez rozdílů orientace a pohlaví. Prostě orientaci má každý danou, i když sexuálně se může chovat jinak, obojetně nebo zcela opačně. Ale celkově spokojenost pro příjemný závěr, svěžest a otevřenost.
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Vztahy mezi bytostmi jsou tak komplikované a nastolují řadu nedorozumění a otázek ... Tak je tomu i v tomto velmi podařeném pinoy filmu, kdy si vyjasňují mezi sebou Gabriel a Jared tíhu svého vztahu. Snímek intimní, moderní, oslovil mě především Gio Gahol v roli Gabriela, dobrý scénář a švih, ale klidně bych některé scény těch lidiček okolo malinko sestříhal, ale to je jen můj názor a vkus. Každopádně vysoce nadprůměrný projekt.
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The film is excellent, needlessly tucked away somewhere in a drawer, forgotten, it doesn't deserve it. On MDL, I at least voted for myself, rated, because it seems to me that the film is misunderstood on this server, there is not even a cast, it is at least partly here: https://en.hkcinema.ru/film/48004
Acting, processing, music, everything at a level. I had to look again, confusion in names, confusion in soul. But still, everything is depicted in the end by the desire to live ...
Dva téměř neslučitelné příběhy v jednom. Zmatek jedenáctiletého chlapce (ten taiwanský kluk to zahrál přesvědčivě) po tom, co jej opustila matka a dospělý mladý muž, co má rád muže. Opravdu vnitřní prázdnota a hledání, naděje.
Film je to výborný, zbytečně zastrčený kdesi v šuplíku, zapomenutý, nezalouží si to. Na MDL jsem alespoň sám za sebe hlasoval, hodnotil, protože se mi zdá na tomto serveru film nepochopený, není tam ani herecké obsazení, to je alespoň zčásti zde: https://en.hkcinema.ru/film/48004
Herecké výkony, zpracování, hudba, vše na úrovni. Musel jsem se dívat znovu, zmatek ve jménech, zmatek v duši. Ale přesto všechno je na konci vykreslena touha žít ...
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The short film with this motto was partly interesting to me, especially when the characters find hope through sex in times of sadness and alienation. Solid music. Sad and slightly above average.
"...Když miluješ, schovej si část pro sebe, protože na konci dne ti nikdo nepomůže, než ty sám..."
Krátký film s tímto mottem mě částečně zaujal, především tím, kdy postavy v době smutku a odcizení najdou prostřednictví sexu naději. Solidní hudba. Smutné a lehce nadprůměrné.
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I tak to někdy končí v životě. Pro mě poutavý korejský krátký film, zahraný sympatickými herci. Takový konec jsem si sice nepředstavoval, ale je to tak. Kdo je více na vině, jeden nebo druhý? A nebo ten třetí? Každopádně si cením, že je naprosto uvěřitelný a celkově hodnotím nadprůměrně.
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Tento kraťas dokazuje, že být "jiný" v této zemi stále není jednoduché, ač produkuje tolik BL seriálů a filmů. Nadprůměrný snímek, u kterého mi trošku vadilo to neustálé šero až tma, i když to bylo součástí filmu.
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Film mírně nadprůměrný a ne moc typický na taiwanskou produkci byl po všech stránkách solidní, ale jakoby nebyl dostatečně okořeněný, dochucený a já si nakonec přál, aby dopadl tak, jak dopadl. I přesto snímek spíše doporučuji oku LGBT diváka.
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Ano, přátelství ve filmu hraje nejdůležitější roli, to je nosnou linkou a graduje v závěru, ale vše jinak jen průměrné a BL složka - vyloženě slabá, čekal jsem víc od Jerome Ponce-ho, spíše odvar, jak jej znám se seroše Ben X Jim. Tony Labrusca solidní a k němu se přidal Albie Casiňo, nejen herectvím, ale i supr zjevem.
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