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So Much in Love thai drama review
So Much in Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by j729
Mar 5, 2022
13 of 13 episódios vistos
No geral 6.5
História 7.5
Atuação/Elenco 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Lots of potential but was blemished by subtitle issues

I think most of the other reviews are pretty accurate. There is so much to like and dislike here.

For the good: The guys were cute, and the actors seemed to have done a decent job. There were a few hot scenes with some of the couples. There seemed to have been some care taken to make the story realistic, and to have many types of LGBT representation. Nothing was overacted or over the top, and no offensive stereotypes of LGBT people. There were very few of the tired tropes, nobody tripping and falling, no truck of death, and not even a breakup episode with a stupid misunderstanding in episode 11.

For the OK: The camera work was fine, and the picture quality was decent. The sound had a few issues here and there, but not bad overall. I have seen these same quality issues on occasion even with the major studios like GMM, so this wasn't all that different. The story was a bit confusing and slow at first, but got better about halfway through. I would say this is a mid-tier quality show, it isn't Tale of a Thousand Stars or SOTUS, but way better than Ghost Runner or even What the Duck. There were some themes we have seen before in other series, although not a rip-off of other series, some parts are vaguely familiar.

Now onto the problem: This story was almost completely ruined by the abysmal subtitles. Almost nothing made sense. In almost every episode, there were long periods where there were no captions. The grammar and pronouns were atrocious throughout, which of itself isn't always bad, but combined with other issues just exacerbated things. There was at least one episode the captions were completely out of time with the spoken word, and they ran the captions for the previous scene right through the introduction. It is like when you use Google to translate English to Thai back to English, it all just comes out a tiny bit wrong. This could have been a decent show if they would have properly captioned it. It is so disappointing that this otherwise OK series was wrecked by something that should have been easy to mitigate.

Also of note, why change the intro to the series for the last episode? That is a bit odd in my opinion. Also North's mother changing her mind about everything was a bit sudden to be believable. I get why she was angry (ex husband issues), but literally from one scene to the next she was all the sudden accepting of everything, a complete reversal of her previous hateful personality. She even seemed to encourage North and Ongsah at the end to have sex.

I would be interested to see if this production company can fix their technical issues, and improve things in their next series. I would love to see these actors again in a different setting. There is lots of potential there.
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