The twist in the story isn't too hard to figure out, but the story is more than enjoyable regardless. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but you'll be sure to enjoy every second of it.
I was immediately drawn into the story and characters, already rooting for Haruo within the first few minutes of the story. I actually cried pretty hard at the end, too, which makes this the first drama I have ever cried over. (though in my case, that's only because it really hit home with me)
I really wish I had a better way to word just how beautiful this drama is, but I hope you'll take my word for it and give it a try. It will forever leave a bittersweet impression in your mind and is without a doubt one of the best dramas out there.
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It's really great to see a drama that touches upon the subject of age. Often times, especially in places like Japan, a woman's value is determined by trivial things such as her age (saying women past 30 are undesirable, their lives are defined by whether or not they eventually end up with someone during their 20's, etc etc.), but that is not the case in Sumika Sumire.
Sumi-chan is encouraged to enjoy her newfound youth. Never once is she portrayed as weird/gross for trying to live her new life, even though she is, technically, a 65-year old woman. She is met with plenty of love and encouragement from almost all of the other characters. And In the end, she changes not only her own life, but the ones of those around her as well.
Overall, it is a very sweet, light-hearted, and positive story. I like to think that Sumire, in its own way, is trying to tell people that if you're unhappy with your life, it's not always too late to try and change it. I mean, obviously, you're not going to magically end up with a younger body or go back in time or something. But, to me, the message is still pretty clear: you're never too old or too far gone to find happiness. Everyone deserves a second chance at life, and even if you feel hopeless, it's never too late to try.
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If I had to describe it with only a few words, I'd probably call it a Japanese version of Dexter. Yet at the same time, Joker manages to be something entirely different. If you're like me, then the whole 'law doesn't always prevail' storyline is like a rare jewel. There are other Dramas that touch upon the flaws in the law, as well as people taking the law into their own hands, but I don't think they do it as well as Joker does. It doesn't try to sugarcoat things, make excuses for the criminals or have some main character ranting about how "bad" killing criminals is. No; you are given the story of the characters, the criminals and the victims, and then you see justice served. No dancing around the subject, no pseudo-morality, just cold, hard justice. Joker doesn't hold back when it comes to showing you some of the worst sides of life and humanity in general, especially in regards to just how many people actually get away with what injustices that they do every single day.
Aside from the story itself, the acting is what really draws you in. The acting in this was absolutely flawless. I have seen some good Dramas in my time, but this.. wow, just wow. It's truly emotional and the characters just suck you right in with them. You feel for the victims of the crimes and you cheer when the criminal is finally given what they deserve. It's like watching it all unfold in real life; you can barely tell that they're just acting.
The music is also nice, and this is definitely the kind of Drama that I'd recommend to everyone and anyone. It doesn't matter what kind of Dramas you like, what kind of person you are, or whether you agree with this sort of thing or not. Joker is an utterly brilliant Drama and one of the very few of it's kind. I'd easily say that it was one of the top 5 Dramas out there. If you don't watch this, then you're seriously missing out.
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That doesn't mean the show isn't good, however. The acting in this is superb, and honestly something I did not expect from a Comedy-oriented drama. All of the characters are played extremely well and it's really hard not to like any of them. Since this isn't a super serious drama, you shouldn't expect tons of heavy stuff. It's very light-hearted and some bits are purposely over-exaggerated for the sake of the Comedy aspect, however it's all very well done so it's by no means annoying or anything like that.
All in all, if you like Crime-related Dramas and Comedy, then you'll thoroughly enjoy this. It's perfect for those looking for some good laughs or people who just want to break away from super-serious dramas for a little while.
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You think you know where the story is going, but then they throw a few "huh!?" moments at you. It keeps you on your seat, eagerly waiting to find out what happens next.
It's a very dramatic yet touching story and something I would recommend to those who enjoy a good plot filled with the twists and turns we all know and love from dramas.
(Though a warning to those with triggers, as there are some light ones)
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You get drawn into the romance aspect of the drama pretty quickly, but don't worry-- it's not an overly sappy, boring love story. It has a few cliches here and there, but not in the negative sense. The business aspect of the drama is equally great.
The acting, music and overall storyline were well above average and very enjoyable. The last few episodes were very up and down and nearly had me change my view of the entire series, but thankfully it ends on a very happy note.
All in all, if you're looking for a lighthearted, somewhat short drama that involves a good balance romance, business and drama, you won't be disappointed.
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It has a good balance of mystery, humor, romance, and other themes common to these kinds of dramas. It's great for people who like detective shows, but without it being too dark or too serious. "The Memorandum of Kyoko Okitegami" is a quick, but endlessly amusing watch. Simple, but sweet.
I thought the acting was very good, and basically all of the characters are very lovable, each in their own ways. Admittedly, Kyoko and Yakusuke's chemistry is kind of average, they still make the romance aspect of this drama enjoyable to watch. Okada Masaki does an especially great job at conveying Yakusuke's obvious infatuation with Kyoko in the most endearing way.
Honestly, my only complaint is regarding the ending. It wasn't bad per se, just.. lackluster. It felt rushed, IMO. The last bit was nice enough, but everything leading up to it just left me feeling kind of disappointed.
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My favorite part of the drama was actually the music, namely the ending song. The acting was alright and the overall story was about the same. It's nice if you enjoy a casual BL story, but if you're looking for an amazing BL drama.. this is not it.
If you're bored and can't find anything else to watch, it's a somewhat-okay drama, but that's about it.
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The 'twist' lives up to its expectations and I doubt many will see it coming.
All in all, if you're looking for a casual, somewhat good BL drama to watch, this is probably something for you.
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Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
STORY: For starters, anyone that goes into this drama expecting generic ninja action is going to be disappointed. It is a story about a slightly odd, yet sweet man on a journey to find his lost wife. In turn, it is also about her, returning to her 'normal' life as a kunoichi, while also trying to ignore her memories of him. As a drama, it /is/ full of many dramatic moments, only without too many eye-roll-inducing cliches. It does have plenty to keep you interested, though, which is what saves this somewhat slow drama from being a bore.
You get to see firsthand the kind of life that Orie leads, and how life as kunoichi isn't as 'cool' as one might think. She faces her own issues, both due to work and her feelings for Futaboshi. He, too, struggles with his own feelings for her and his desperate wish to find her - and - in the meantime begins to make a new life for himself in Edo.
It manages to tell its story well within those 8 episodes, doesn't go on too long, nor does it attempt to squash a bunch of information into it all at once. The series is very well done and is fully satisfying.
ACTING/CAST: The cast was great, so I've got no complaints there. There were also a few European's at one point, who acted surprisingly well considering most western actors tend to be pretty shitty in Japanese movies/dramas/etc, so that was a nice touch.
Another issue with action-y dramas is that they can be a bit melodramatic (and I don't just mean the typical over-exaggeration that Japanese dramas are known for), but the fighting was actually pretty well done, and wasn't too over-the-top.
MUSIC: Like most dramas, it basically repeats the same signature song again and again throughout each episode. It's within reason, though, so it shouldn't get on your nerves. The song is nice, too, so I didn't mind it one bit.
REWATCH VALUE: Personally, I can't really see myself rewatching it simply because I already know what happens. But some may still enjoy watching it again for a variety of reasons.
TRIGGER WARNING: I won't go into detail in order to avoid spoilers, however, there is a scene within the first half of the series which contains sexual assault.
Overall, I'd say that it's a very good drama. It might bore some due to being a fairly laid-back and calm drama despite its genre/description, but if you're fine with that sort of thing, then you should be able to enjoy Tsuma wa Kunoichi quite thoroughly.
I'd highly recommend it to people looking for a short, relaxing, yet still intriguing drama.
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Now, I'm a big fan of cooking shows, so naturally I had semi-high expectations for the food aspect of this. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed. The kitchen and overall cooking scenes were very well done and they left me hungry every time. It's interesting to see them working together in a kitchen and getting to see just how every little thing is made. Especially when they work on improving or creating new dishes.
Acting wise, I'd say that it's very well done. Definitely above average. The music is also nice, featuring a lot of soft, but typically cheery classical music in the background.
All in all, I'd say it's a very nice, non-hectic drama that's enjoyable in all aspects. I certainly have no complaints to make.
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Clube de Anfitriões do Colégio Ouran
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It's funny, lighthearted and everything you'd expect from a Drama version of the beloved series. I felt like I was watching the Anime/Manga characters come to life. They could not have picked anyone better to play the main cast.
My only complaint is how short it is; it /does/ follow the Anime storyline, but I was hoping to see more episodes from this Drama.
Nevertheless, the series is perfect in every other way. I'd highly recommend it to EVERYONE.
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The best way I can think to describe the series would be that it's like a lava cake; a perfect balance of a warm, gooey center and fluffy outer layer. It's funny, light, adorable and touching.
I was instantly drawn into the humor of the main storyline because I myself have a very close relationship with my Mom and she can also be very overprotective at times. But even if you aren't able to relate, the story is still pretty hilarious.
The romance is one of my favorite types; it's not filled with TONS of drama and constant almost unrealistic problems, but rather the issues that they face are actually pretty realistic and down-to-earth.
This drama won't make you cry or require a huge bowl of ice cream to comfort you; it will leave you feeling warm, happy and satisfied. I'd easily recommend it to those who want a break from really heavy, overly dramatic dramas.
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As with most shows, Shirato starts out slowly, but gradually learns the trick of the trade and works towards becoming a competent stock trader. He makes a lot of mistakes, of course, but it's fun to see others teach him how to do things right, and you also get to learn about the different methods of stock trading as well. The stock business isn't as easy as it seems.
The rest of the characters are all very amusing in their own ways, from his exuberant mentor, to the even more cheerful and flippant mob boss, to the surprisingly adorable yet nevertheless intimidating mod boss' underling. (who was my personal favorite) Oh, and let's not forget the adorable cat!
I thought the "villian" of the series was great, too. He gives a good contrast to the occasionally selfish
but usually well-meaning Shirato. He values greed, and isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to stay in his position of power and will use any means necessary to get what he wants. It's no surprise that Shirato's mentor wants to take a guy like this (and the bank he is in charge of managing) and knock them down.
The acting was quite good, especially on Nagase-san's part. All of the other actors also did very well,
without too much of the over-the-top acting we're using to seeing in most Asian dramas. They didn't try too hard to play their parts right, and delivered a nice, above average performance.
The music was about average, I suppose. Nothing special.
You could probably rewatch this every once and a blue moon, just for kicks.
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Shio and Tatsuhei's storylines were fine, but unlike the prior reviewer, I found Yukiya to be the most boring character. Sure, the reason for him being such a stick in the mud is /kind of/ understandable, but he's still really dull throughout the entire series. His feelings for Tatsuhei are really the only interesting thing about his storyline, and that's because it's treated really light-hearted and added only for a comedic affect.
Acting/Cast: I have no complaints here. They're all good actors, and - again - as previously mentioned, Oizumi-san is especially funny. The actors are a big part of what makes the show watchable.
Music: Not really my taste, but certainly not bad either.
Rewatch Value: Pretty low, considering that the storyline itself is just fine the first time around. You'd probably only end up watching this again for the laughs.
In Short: It certainly won't be winning any awards anytime soon, but it's not that horrible either. Just.. average. I'd definitely recommend watching it for the comedy aspect, and I suppose for the storyline as well (at first), even if the plot does end up falling short.
All in all, it's nothing to get super excited about, but it's a nice drama nevertheless.
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