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  • Data de Admissão: Janeiro 30, 2015
Minha Incrível Noiva
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
I am writing as I see nobody did a review and I always like to share and review what others may not be able to find in this website :p

I have seen the male lead in Beauty Maker (find him cute and a looker there, just dislike the female lead :p) however, thik he put on a lot of weight since beauty maker ??!! (or is it becos he needs to put on weight for this role?? (cute, bubbly, rich son)

the plot was good. Interesting story line.BUT the 3rd part of the memory lost and found is kind of dragggggy liao...... You have to watch to know what I meant

Nonetheless, I still enjoy this drama and story line ^_^

The Cast was good... I like the male lead in his previous drama which i mentioned above but he is still cute here which I find both of the lead have chemistry here and they are both cute to look out for

I cried abit here and there, not sad though, just touching on their love story. :P

Music was ok but
nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value:
I will cos the funny parts between the 2 leads are really cute and teasing each other ^_^

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Legend of Fragrance
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
44 of 44 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
I am writing as I see nobody did a review and I always like to share and review what others may not be able to find in this website :p

I am surprise nobody write especially my flower boy leading man is in this drama "haha"(*shy wink*)

the plot was ok. Interesting meet and fall in love. Interesting family environment.
the initial story was funny with li ye feng boyish behaviour being the most treasured son in the family and the father was cute too. (you know those father threaten to hit but heart pain like hell scene and it cute, not those teary kind)

the meetup and encounter of the male lead and female lead was cute too.

The Cast was good... although I heard many comments that 2015 for Tang Yan was the same face and acting of hers in all her drama but I find her pretty :P (one of my best actress category :P)

the 2nd male lead from H.K was good too, find him handsome in this drama that his other h.k show which I dun rem him being cast on a impt role before (maybe that's why he moved to china, after breaking up with ms xxx) opps, not gossip time ya :p

Music was ok but
nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value:
maybe the initial episodes that was funny and can certainly rewatch some scenes from there ^.^
howver, I really hate the rush finishing of the drama...they could have elaborate more on the ending....
watch it and you will know what I meant. Cheers!

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Diamond Lover
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 30, 2015
68 of 68 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I am writing as I see nobody did a review yet and I always like to share and review what others may not be able to find in this website :p

Rain in a chinese drama, of cos its dubbed, what do you expect :)

the plot was ok. Interesting to see Tiffany being 'ugly'' ...LOL

there are quite a few funny characters that you will enjoy especially the 2nd couple or the 2nd male lead (he is so funny)

however, up to the ep 43 and above, its a little draggy with the theme : to lie or not to lie, tell the truth or not kind of thinggy....its draggy, trust me.

The Cast was good... although some situations was exaggerated, the acting and some scene were too over. especially just a fall and this person turn into coma - something like that. you will see a very different Tang Yan here especially when she done so many same scenario drama previously.
Lei Yi Ming and Gao Wen is very funny here and they scene was really worth to watch. (if you watch u will really know what i meant about the exaggerated scene and Lai YI Ming....)

Its very difficult for a korean actor to act in a chinese drama but here, Rain really protray good acting and his expressions are really good as well. room to improve of cos but worthy for a praise here.

The romance was of good balance and level here, many sub sub stories and couples.

Music was good, ost matches with the drama

Rewatch Value:
i will watch again especially Lai yi ming and Gao Wen part, will skip the draggy part too. Cheers!

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Amor Através do Milênio
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.0
the reason for my high rating is simply becos its a remakeof my FAV drama : Queen's in Hyun man.

I have watched 3 times of the kor version and still so much in love with the love story part :P

same as the synopsis and same as the kor version just a little shortening of the drama and history part, that's all.

oh and there are added leads for the c-version.

heard that this story was bought over and remake in C-version but with a Korean director and team firming.... (read from the internet somewhr)

The Cast was ok... tik the female lead acting improved bah but I tik the male lead was quite a looker and will succeed in other drama soon :P

The side leads was good and the story is easy to follow with the historical plot defer from the kor version but still, its easy to unstand and follow on the drama

was ok - nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value:
maybe some scenes that you want to see the lovey dovey of the relationship. ^.^

Watch if you like :-

:- Queen in Hyun's man
:- a romance story
:- historical love travel times

its rather short drama so u can surely watch it over the weekend or so. Cheers!

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Lost? Me Too
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 23, 2015
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 3.5
Its a very realistic story. about adult life, career, friendship and romance.
rather slow moving and nothing too exciting about it.
its very short and i finished it in a day.

i like all the actors and actresses here so i watch this when nobody comment about this and no synopsis too.

i will not rewatch it again as i feel that the ending do not have a ending at all.
incase people ask me where i watch this, i watch in a taiwan link, no eng subs. cheers!
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Em andamento 31/33
Love is The Best
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
31 of 33 episódios vistos
Em andamento 3
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
This is my first review ^_^
Everything will be solely based on my OWN taste and OWN standard of a drama pls.

I hav thot of a more suitable title for this drama : wo de ye man nan you (my barbaric boyfriend) :)

there is a plot but I do agree that some scenes are non-continuing and not everything was clearly explained, however if you are looking for a romance drama, this may be to your liking.
Note : its a bit draggy (abit only) and it would easily have stop at epi 26 or so) abit fast forwarding will help :)

The Cast was ok... especially when I checked that the female lead was quite new and not many drama to date but I find her pretty :P

The male lead was barbaric that's why it make me thot of the title I made for this drama. however, u can quite enjoy or envy this kind of courtship if you are really into this guy.
the best friend was such a darling too. I would love to have such 'suitor turn friend' relationship too.

I don't really care about the OST ^.^ but of cos if a good OST comes along, I will rem it.
nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value:
maybe some scenes that you want to see the lovey dovey of the relationship. ^.^

Watch if you like :-

:- a difficult love-hate relationship (before getting together)
:- scheming spoiler (like Cinderella plot) make plans and schemes to breakup a relationship
:- family oriented environment

note: do u know that the 2 main (corrected) leads are true life partner....shhh..haha

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Catch Me Now
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
my rating is high becos I always have a soft spot for thief and spy theme. :p

but trust me I have watched 3 times of this drama and i am still like it... its worth to marathon and watch it, good cast, good lookers (both female and male leads :p)

The story was really interesting and not any spoil spot were found. good plot and drama 10/10

The Cast was good... smart thinking and scheme on the thief part and counter-attack plot was good and very interesting too

The male and the female lead was a looker, I enjoyed the whole drama earnestly :P

was good, the sound effect was also very suitable for it....

Rewatch Value:

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 31, 2015
13 of 13 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
Just want to share this here : written and taken from Sphere of Gray reviews at Wordpress. Thank you.

Touted as Taiwan’s first ever forensics drama, iHero (????) is a solid offering—nothing spectacular, but well worth the watch. I found the cases fascinating not for the investigation itself, because they were rather predictable from start to finish; if the culprit’s not so-and-so, then it’s naturally so-and-so else, kind of like the initial frenzy over the villain’s identity in The Girl Who Sees Smells (??? ?? ??) (c’mon, we all knew it was gonna be either Song Jong-ho or Namgoong Min!). Not many twists and turns really, just a lot of clue-hunting so as to incriminate the suspect in question. In the end what I really liked the cases for were their resolutions and/or lessons learned; some villains were too far gone for redemption as the show does have a fair share of crazies, but others truly got a taste of their own medicine when informed that their misguided crimes were committed in vain. It was a good weekend marathon, definitely!

I came into this very much content that there would be no romance but was pleasantly surprised to see a subtle loveline between the leads à la Dr. Frost (?? ????). It’s not too much romance to douse the entire show with cheese (thankfully) but works very well as an brief tension-breaker in the midst of serious investigation, so I’ve no complaints whatsoever. Light romance does imply ordinary leads, but again it’s such a rarity to see a drama of this genre in Taiwan that I really don’t mind the baby steps at all—antiheroes and characters of the like require a deft writing quill, and there’s already enough on the writers’ hands what with all the crime procedural technicalities. What did make me ecstatic was the directing; it’s a really beautiful experience seeing a narrative unfold on a dynamic screen for once, from Taiwan at least. I know it’s rude and totally baseless of me to overgeneralize about Taiwan—but blame it on my watching too many SETTV dramas lately, of which the camerawork is often so boring I could drop asleep without even being narcoleptic. As such, the cinematography in iHero is a breath of fresh air.

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Rahut Torachon
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 7, 2016
15 of 15 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
wow, what a journey, I finished this in 3 days and I have so much to write about and am so excited!!!!
so why is this so low rated cos its not the typical romance lakorn??
To me, its romance is so real and the kisses are .....(I nearly fall off from my bed) real!!! (you can see mouth to mouth kisses and the movement of the lips from the main leads....not typical of thai drama rite??!!! LOL.....

And I really have to compare this drama with DOTS (Korean drama : Descendent of the sun) why??
because the romance start immediately and the guys are so straight forward to love crazily (fall very much in love)and confess so truthfully!!! (just like JoongKi in DOTS!!!

Past lakorns I watch are always slow for main leads to fall in love, either they hate each other first or its a arranged marriage or contract marriage. This lakorns are instant sparks so we can see how they develop the love.....the guys are really very much in love with the girls (2nd couple too)

As this is a action drama, of cos you cant just focus on the romance part, there are villians to get rid off, family to answer to and there is a slight twist in this lakorn about the identity of the main lead girl.
But believe me, the romance is in the right pace and very enjoyable!!

From my previous watched list of lakorns, this is the first lakorn that I find it totally different and more like a korea script....just my opinion. and I hope more ppl will watch this and feel it with me too....


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Singles Villa
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I am writing as I see nobody did a review and I always like to share and review what others may not be able to find in this website :p

Honestly I watch this cos of Joe. his cool and nice hairstyle is handsome for his role but his expressionless face in this drama look throughout the show, I dunno, probably becos his role in this drama need him to be like tat?! u can judge when u watch :p

the plot was good. Interesting meet and fall in love. initial meetup was full of hiccups and there is a side story that is not mention in the synopsis which play a major role in this drama. I am not sure if I can mention this (??) spoiler ?!

The Cast was ok ... only the look of Joe is on straight face, others are ok especially the side major story I mentioned above, I find him handsome, haha :P

Music was ok but
nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value: me, no..... not even the kiss scene of joe, LOL

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City of Angels
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2015
38 of 38 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Decided to write here as no synopsis was mentioned and I really want to share with ppl what I watched and what is it about ^_^

My rating is strictly based on my age versus the matureness of this drama. :)

summary : mature story of this 3 women, whom have known each other since UNI and since then, how they have married and how's their life thereafter

it may make you think that it seems to be in between "sex and the city"and "desperate housewife"but on a more mellow and low humour and draggy plot

honestly, I do not like the story - maybe cos I am not married and cant unstand more on the problem they faced and find it boring on their everyday make endsmeet plot (if you know what I mean)

I still watch till the end as I really do not wish to drop any drama if I can.


The Cast was ok...
they have very 'real' emotions and day-to-day life portrayed out to the audiences.

nothing special caught my ears ....

Rewatch Value:

Watch if you like :-

:- real life couple/family making ends meet to this cruel but realistic society
:- if you encounter such life happenings and would want to see and find an answer to life (maybe??)
:- family oriented environment

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