This movie has SHOUNEN written all over it. A group of childhood friends, an old crush from their childhood days, running, performing in a band, going thru dangerous moments... The pace is fast, things happen all the time, many fun cameos (most of them I didn't know beforehand, so I was pleasantly surprised, saying over again "what! that one too!" Oguri Shin sure does have a lot of friends...)
The comedy is minimal but the story was fun. It is more dramatic since the yakuza boss is no joke. But I feel like the actors had a lot of fun filming this movie, they have a lot of chemistry, and I love their friendship. The only one that overacted a little bit was the one playing Kyohei. The other 3 guys are my favorite actors anyway, they are always good. I mean, even I who knows that Ayano Go is NO IKEMEN thought he was pretty awesome here. His "killer glance" was believable, haha. It could be his hair? He looked good here. Suzuki Ryohei looked lovely silly and Koide looked cuter than ever. And Muro playing a student **giggles** All of them, actually. It was hilarious.
The role of the main girl was meaningful, thank God. Usually, in shounen movies, like "CROWS ZERO", seems like they add a female role just to have some pretty girl among so much testosterone. Thankfully, Misa-chan was important to the story. Without her, there wouldn't be any story, more or less.
Mini-reunions: Stresseman, as the father of Masami-chan XD, and Makino with 2 of the F4 (I bet MatsuJun would have loved to be in this movie, if there were any chance), Kai and Maho (from "Orange Days").
I am looking for a copy with better quality. The one I watched was lowsy, I barely could recognize Oguri Shun. The sound was a bit off as well, so I don't remember much of the music, except the one they perform in the last minutes, which was good (Koide can sing, dear boy!)
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