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Kawareta Otoko japanese drama review
Kawareta Otoko
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Yoyo Jae
Jun 29, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 10.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

When taboos heal what society destroys

i really liked this series alot ... each episode came packed with some very thought-provoking observations on the lives and struggles of different people and how they seek to overcome those struggles in a socially non-conventional and even 'taboo' way.

The most poignant thing that really struck me was how people's engagement in 'looked down on" / 'taboo' activities of the sex industry actually cast a light on those aspects of social living ... of society ... that had absolutely failed to deliver in respect of the care, nurture and provision of opportunities and support for people to authentically thrive as a unique person. Society mindlessly 'cut' people down, mind, body and soul. Their silent cries for help unheard in mainstream society ... and yet they were heard by the "Kirameki" therapists and other like businesses.

In this series we got to see people heal from the tragedy of their lives - all the characters who paid for Kirameki therapy, desperately needed something that they were not getting in their personal and social lives ... even Toshiki and his own (ex) wife. In this sense Kirameki was not a 'dirty business' at all ... it saved lives, provided non-judgmental acceptance of their clients as human beings of worth, helped their clients fill the missing pieces in their lives, allowing them to thrive moving forward, freed from the abuse and abusive mind sets forced upon them by society.

While in real life this is not always the case and taboo activities can be very dirty and very abusive in on of themselves, this series none the less provided a fascinating observation of how something that is taboo actually highlighted and gently filled in the very significant gaps and abuses that social living inflicts upon its members.

Very thought provoking indeed. Well worth the watch and definitely rewatchable imo. The only downsides for me was the OST ... I just found it really annoying ... and I would have liked to have seen more episodes on the other two therapaists ... but despite that, this is still an awesome little series.
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