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buried in Assessment Ville


buried in Assessment Ville
That Man Oh Soo korean drama review
That Man Oh Soo
27 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Brownie Flower Award1
Abr 24, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 10
No geral 4.5
História 5.5
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
I wanted to watch this for Jonghyun after loving him in My Only Love Song but I have never been so let down.

The storyline had so much potential but unfortunately they took too long to even get into it and even when they did it felt like there STILL wasn't a storyline. The fact that the drama also included the fantasy genre was another reason for watching it. The fact that the plot was scattered all over the gaff made it seem like I was watching a web drama, only one that's 45 - 51 mins long. I also still understand the whole thing with the tree and the colours of the auras. I was hooked during the first 3 episodes or so and then after I was just watching it for the cuteness and bromance.

The cast is amazing but even they couldn't save the mess that was the drama. I loved the bromance between Oh Soo and his big brother and also their grandpa who was absolutely loveable. There was no second lead sydrom for me because again the storyline kinda ruined it for me. The chemistry wasn't like bonfires but there were some really cute and funny scenes between the two leads and I couldn't help but notice that whenever Jonghyun smiled it was as if something smelt but maybe it could just be me.

The OST wasn't really "music to my ears" except for maybe just one.

I will never ever rewatch this drama for all the reasons I've mentioned above. Only reason for completing this drama was honestly only to see HOW it ends but overall I feel like the whole thing was just one big waste of time especially with the cliché that was added at the end. Honestly should've clocked on what to expect from the drama after seeing "A Dramafever Original Co-production" at the beginning after their last Dramafever Original web drama but I guess you live and you learn.

Unless you love Jonghyun to the point of just watching anything and everything that he is featured in then I HIGHLY recommend that you absolutely AVOID this drama.
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