
  • Última vez online: 8 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Canada
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
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  • Data de Admissão: Agosto 2, 2014

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Anime/Manga List - MyAnimeList
Non-Asian Movies List - Letterboxed Out dated :')

Fave Genres: Revenge, Crime, Angst, Tragedy, Tear-jerkers, Historical, Royalty, Fantasy, Law dramas, sometimes Romcoms

Origin: Been starting to watch dramas since 2007, with Rain & Song Hye Kyo's Full House as my very first drama. I prefer watching dramas I personally enjoy no matter what genre or culture it belongs to. 

Personal Review Philosophy:  I primarily rate dramas/movies according to my enjoyment before I analyze them critically in the most possible non-biased judgement. Also, other people's ratings or overall rating doesn't concern me as I end up liking things many people dislike and I end up disliking popular things most people enjoy.

10: Extremely well done, enjoyed it lots, has high re-watch value and would recommend to others. High chance I enjoyed the Soundtrack.
9: Very great, enjoyed it lots, wouldn't really re-watch but would recommend to others.
8: Good but has tiny flaws, tiny re-watch value, would recommend last.
7: Fair, still enjoyed watching, has as several flaws that keeps me bothered, no re-watch value.
6: Just an average drama, moderately enjoyed but conflicted, no re-watch value.
5-2: Bad drama, many complications and flaws. Will rate depending how disappointed/frustrated I am.
1: Extremely bad, why did I waste my time watching this. Rare score, I'd usually just drop before completing.

Personal Community Philosophy: I respect each individuals' opinion on MyDramaList as long as they don't judge with hatred or a bias. I love initiating discussion and make witty remarks. I tend to put an offense without being too harsh when someone steps out of line with respecting others and correct those
who share incorrect information. 

Do Not Interact: If you do not respect the opinions of others or aren't aware many people think differently than you. I don't need gaslighting and passive aggressiveness from strangers.


127d 4h 56m
3,230 episódios, 203 programas
2d 19h 43m
34 filmes

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