
  • Última vez online: 8 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Center of the Universe and the Hub of the World
  • Contribution Points: 13 LV1
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: Julho 12, 2021

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Center of the Universe and the Hub of the World


Center of the Universe and the Hub of the World

Park Hyung Sik, my favorite actor and the love of my life (after hubby, just don't tell him)

Doctor Slump has renewed my love for PHS, not that I'd lost any love for him, but I love the little flashes of confidence/cockiness that remind me of MinMin, I'm thoroughly enjoying the drama

Lee Joon Gi, my second love (again, don't tell hubby)

One of my favorite scenes in Happiness

Han Hyo Joo  & Jo Woo Jin (Happiness)

If Park Hyung Sik hadn't already stolen my heart, this smile would be enough to do it 

(Lee Joon Gi in Lawless Lawyer)

Lee Joon Gi in Lawless Lawyer

I know it's soul destroying, but I just can't get enough of Moon Lovers

Just look at that jaw line! *Swoon*

Currently Watching
Doctor Slump
He Is Psychometric
New Life Begins

Favorite Korean Dramas
Hello MonsterHappinessFlower of Evil
Favorite Japanese Dramas
Shanai Marriage HoneyAn Incurable Case of LoveHis: I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love
Favorite Chinese Dramas
Love Me if You DarePerfect and Casual
Professional Single
Favorite BL Dramas
Until We Meet AgainLovely WriterA Tale of Thousand Stars
Favorite Taiwanese Dramas
Behind Your SmileBefore We Get MarriedLost Romance
Favorite Thai Dramas (non BL)
Full HouseOh My GhostThe Three GentleBros
Favorite Movies
The Divine FuryCommitmentTrain to Busan

Favorite OST

And just because it's great, the axe flip in Mission Possible  (Kim Young Kwang)

Some day I'll get around to making photo collages for my collections and post them here... *shrug*

Useful links

Users guide - My Drama List: A Users Guide - MyDramaList 

How to personalize your profile - How to polish up your Profile (

MDL working emojis - Legendary Pink Milk's Post - MyDramaList 

Form to provide links for missing trailers, or report broken links - Request Trailers - MyDramaList 

Links & How to add a new actor or drama - [Guidelines] Editing and Submitting New Titles and People 


249d 5h 2m
7,329 episódios, 565 programas
8d 15h 5m
113 filmes

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