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Till the End of the World chinese movie review
Till the End of the World
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by GhostPrincess
Nov 16, 2018
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 10.0
Watching this movie was a blessing for me. All elements of this movie were so perfectly in tune it made me feel as if I was amongst the actors in Antartica in their plight. It was like every lash of the wind and piercing glare of the sun were mutually experienced. It's rare to find a movie that makes you feel like you have lived and experienced the story. In a matter of 117 minutes, I traveled to Antartica, loved, lost and survived.

The music for this movie was so perfectly fused into the story that it harmonized with the emotions of the actor and helped to amplify the emotions felt in certain scenes. It was subtle yet effective. In fact upon reflection out of all the things I observed from this movie and noticed the music would be the last. And that is because it was so perfectly inserted and orchestrated into the movie. Graceful yet fierce at certain moments.

The actors were both equally pivotal to the progression and success of this movie. Both strong veteran actors who breathed life into the roles they played.
Mark's rendition of Wu Fu Chen was brilliantly portrayed. His character never ceased to bring humor after moments of utter despair and hopelessness. This kept me on an emotional rollercoaster of laughter, tears, and anticipation. To put it simply this man is a genius and I look forward to experiencing his future work.
Yang's Ru Yi was equally captivating. She was able to emotively showcase the breakdown of a strong, independent, intelligent woman as well as instill hope into the viewers and Fu Chen using her incredible inner strength and strong will. Both characters had amazingly strong wills to be able to fight and emerge victorious against nature herself.

It would be a shame to sleep on this movie. If your curious about what I just went through for the past 117 minutes then, by all means, dive into the story.

Consider it a gift from your dear drama addict friend Ghost Princess (GP)
Your welcome ^^
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