Story: 11/10 (because 10/10 is just not enough!): The story is very unique for me (maybe because this was my first drama of this genre). You end up hating the stepmother/stepsister so much that you want to jump into their world, and stab both...repeatedly. What else can I say? Oh right, keep a box of tissues handy otherwise you'll be wiping away your tears using your blanket(true story!) One other thing I enjoyed about this drama is seeing how the main male lead and the secondary male lead work together to accomplish a goal greater than either of them.
Acting/Cast: 10/10 . Everyone in this cast from the child actors from the first few episodes to the adult actors were PERFECT. I had one small dislike in the middle of the drama, and that was how the main female lead cried. Yes. That's all. Later on, I got used to it and it didn't bother me at all, so it was just me.
Music 9/10: I'm actually listening to the OST as im writing this review. It's GREAT, but not a 10. It conveyed the emotion perfectly and all that, so it was good for the drama...but for some reason giving it a 10 would be unfair in my humble opinion.
Rewatch Value: 5/10: I DON'T rewatch dramas or movies 99% of the time which is why I gave it this low of a score.
Overall: 10/10 - This is a masterpiece that every Kdrama fan should watch. But keep in mind, this can cause tears even from the eyes of manly men like myself. However, sometimes while those tears are dropping, your mouth will be smiling uncontrollably.
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Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata ~Ending Planner~
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Story 10/10: As odd as the plot sounded, this drama actually has a good amount of everything(except action...unless you count Yamapi running with music playing in the background as action.) The plot is fantastic, but I think the biggest obstacle to it's success was the fact that it deals with death(every single episode), and most people would rather not watch anything that has such a heavy subject in it. Personally, I didn't mind and rather enjoyed that unorthodox aspect of it.
Acting 10/10: Flawless and usual. Every single cast member was perfect. Yamapi, Eikura Nana, the actors who play the family members, and everyone else did an amazing job.
Music 7/10: I think I remember only one song or maybe they just had one song played over and over again. I can't remember. The one song was actually pretty good (Yamapi was the singer), but the lack of their being more memorable variety is what made me give it a 7/10.
Rewatch Value 6/10: I don't usually rewatch dramas but since the success of this drama doesn't really hinge on surprise, I would give this a 6 for rewatch (which is very high for me.)
Overall 10/10: I looked forward to new episodes of this drama every single week and that is rare for me. For people who haven't seen it yet, I would say at least watch the first episode and give it a chance. I'd even go as far as saying it's a masterpiece drama that deserves more fans.
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Story: 10/10 The story is one that will motivate you while tears stream down your eyes. It has themes of "High School" romance mixed in with following your dreams to the very end.
Cast/Acting 10/10 I couldn't ask for a better cast. They truly did a flawless job.
Music: 10/10 I still listen to the theme song by Yui (who also acted in this movie) two weeks after I watched the movie. The only "downside" about this movie is that you get addicted to the wonderful music by Yui.
Rewatch Value: 9/10 This is such a beautiful movie that I would definitely rewatch.
Overall 10/10 (i'd give it a 15/10 if I could!). Definitely watch this movie. You won't regret it.
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Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro
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Story 10/10: The storyline is actually pretty unique, at least from what i've seen. It's about a Hero who has to go out and defeat an evil entity who is bringing evil in this world! As someone else mentioned, it's somewhat like Monty Python, but it has it's own uniqueness. It also reminded me of the anime Gintama in a way.
Acting 10/10: They were all flawless.
Music 7/10: The music was good. It wasn't really memorable but it did it fulfilled its purpose.
Rewatch Value 6/10 : Since this drama doesn't really have many twists or turns, it's actually a good candidate for rewatching. I generally don't rewatch shows though, but if i'm ever extremely bored and for some reason cannot watch anything else, i'd watch this.
Overall 9/10: This was a short drama (12 episodes of 24 minutes each), but it was funny and interesting.
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Successful Story of a Bright Girl
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The story was absolutely unlike anything I had watched before, and it was executed pretty well. My only problem with the story would be the antagonists' reasons for being evil weren't good enough in my opinion.
The Cast and the acting were absolutely spectacular and had terrific chemistry.
The music was also great and I still listen to the OST after the show has finished.
As for rewatch value, this drama simply has none. Once you take out the element of surprise and suspense, it will become boring.
Overall though, this drama is a great drama to watch and I loved every moment of it, other than how it ended.
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Story 10/10: The story is extremely interesting and has you on the edge of your seat. At first you hate a character, then you're not so sure, and by the end your view has flipped every which way.
Acting/Cast 10/10 : The cast did an extremely great job. They were absolutely flawless and I loved watching them act together.
Music 6/10: I don't really remember much about the music. It fulfilled its part but it didn't stand out and I wont' really listen to the ost.
Rewatch Value 4/10 : I don't rewatch movies or dramas. But if a friend wants to watch this I would watch it with them for sure. The greatest thing about this movie is the plot twists and already knowing them does kind of put a damper on the film.
Overall 9/10: It's definitely a must watch. Especially if you're fans of action/heist movies. If you love films with lots of plot twists, then this is the perfect film for you.
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