For me, this is a confusing one. I managed to binge the first 12 or so episodes and then had to wait for the next episodes to be released. From episodes 1 to 12 I loved Private Lives pretty much. I thought it was great, although in some parts a little confusing. But when I had to wait a weekish to watch the next episodes, I just found myself lost and alot less interested in the story and characters. Although the acting and chemistry was superb in this, I thought how characters were introduced were not the best.Anyways, follow my advice and I'm sure you will love it to the end. Private Lives is definitely a great watch as long as you are consistent with it and don't wait too long to watch the next episode.
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Great Watch!
Vagabond contains a mass amount of tense, humorous, gripping, shocking and cleverly plotted and written moments to be truly called one of the greatest action dramas. The first episode is perhaps one of the greatest first episodes in the history of world drama television - tied with 'Stranger'. I wasn't familiar with the majority of the casting for this drama, however there were some phenomenal performances, making me want to research these cast members so I can purposely watch more dramas with these actors and actresses in them! I was a little disappointed in the ending of this drama, however I do believe there will be more than one season of Vagabond.I think anyone has the chance to absolutely love this drama, I recommend everyone to give this a go when they can!
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A couple of great, okay, and bad all mixed in with each other
"Til Death Do Us Part", is, for the most part, a decent mini-series that shows different types of love and how people react to, or live with losing a loved one (more or less). Now, some of these roughly 30-minute episodes expressed this perfectly, while others were unfortunately quite the opposite. I was also a little sad that the first episode (with the time loop) was never made into a full series, as I love a great time loop drama, and it looked like something that was very interesting, and could be at least 10 episodes, not just one.Out of the seven episodes, I would say three were in the 'great', two in the 'okay' and two in the 'bad' - that's why the overall rating here is a 7.5, nothing higher and nothing lower. Again, the acting for the most part was inspiring, alongside the OST, and again, for the most part, I really enjoyed the cinematography and editing styles, too. I'm not much of a person who can read into the whole 'secret messages it sends for viewers', but I believe I managed to pick up on a few here which is a nice thing for me to experience here, also.
Would I recommend people to watch this? Absolutely!
Will you be freaked out with some of the scenes shown? Absolutely!
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HAD Potential
This series HAD the potential to be something so unique and great, but ultimately ends up being confusing and half the time a very boring time to watch through. Good acting, good premise, but ended up being a whole lot of nothing. I feel like if it had more of a time for the stories to develop (e.g 60 minutes long for each) then it could have been a more positive experience.I'm glad I tried this, as I did like the fresh approach, but I just feel like it could have been better. Although the 6/10 overall rating, I still think everyone should approach this series with an open mind as there is a definite chance that you can love this!
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Extremely Underrated
One of the most extremely underrated dramas I've watched. Argon is near to pure perfection. The story considering it's episode size was intensely gripping and emotional, so easy to watch and follow yet still the plot has a lot of substance with it, the chemistry between the cast being phenomenal, and an OST that was unbelievably catchy that I just want to listen to the OST forever and ever, replay it in my mind over and over!I wasn't expecting much with Argon but now I can say it's one of my favourites. I can't believe hardly anyone has watched this drama! This makes me upset for two reasons! 1) This drama is simply so amazing it deserves the recognition, and 2) There probably will never be a second season :(
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I hope there is a second season, however, considering the first series was in 2018, I think if there was a second season, it would have been released by now (unless I am dumb and a second season is already confirmed).
The last three or four episodes are absolute masterpieces, maybe the best episodes of K-Drama in existence, every single actor played their part significantly well and the scriptwriting was easy to follow and enjoy.
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While many might find this average or okay, I find this perfection.
Well, I thought I would never see the day where I would be giving a romance/melodrama an overall of 10/10, but, watching 'Check Out the Event', it's definitely worth the rating. I understand why people may not like it, but for me, I found each character perfectly created and acted by, alongside their dynamic as an individual and within their relationships with one another. Also, I found the character of the ML quite relatable to myself so there were definitely scenes where I could relate to in his line of thought. I'm not even joking, I was producing tears even on the first episode! I was also a massive fan of how the FL was built, I love characters like hers too. (I could explain that more but honestly I think you should just watch this for yourself as I highly recommend this to everyone, and it's only four episodes long, so why not!).The OST was small but sublime, I also found the production amazing, which of course was helped by the beautiful scenery that is Jeju Island. I may be reading into it a little too much but I also love the production giving us signals of moods when it came down to some of the clothing choices and the evolution of this, alongside with some lighting choices, in regards to portraying emotions too. Also, the fact that it's only four episodes long and that I love it, gives a high re-watch value. I very rarely am interested in re-watching dramas, but for 'Check Out the Event', I feel like I will be checking it out more than once, and that I encourage you to at least check it out at least once! Very strongly recommend this to everyone!
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If this is Detention, give me one every day
If you want to feel legit goose bumps from suspense and get some adrenaline in you with real f**ked up spooky sh*t, look no further. Detention can give you all of this and more with what they offer. A scary, suspenseful drama that doesn't necessary lack in any department whatsoever. Story? It definitely has a perfect one. Acting? Near perfection. Cast? Surprisingly amazing. OST? Very nice. Even the unique style of cameras was nice to watch, although tiresome after a while.The only reason I haven't given it an overall 10. Oh, it's not because of re-watch value. I tend to rate this quite lowly compared to other people. Anyways, why give an overall 9 instead of a 10? There were just a few minor things I didn't like that were fixated in my brain. Things like pacing, directing, some special effects, or how extras were used. Some of these were too noticeable that it made me lose my immersion in this otherwise perfect drama.
However, all in all, Detention is a highly recommended drama.
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So underrated it's sad.
Even though it looks like it was produced with a small budget, 'Fly the Jumper' makes up for it tenfold with a heart-warming and inspirational storyline with accurate, likeable and realistic characters that viewers will love from start to finish. It was written perfectly, with episodes being concise to the bone, the plot never felt rushed or dragged out, and each episode ended in a way that made me want to watch more instantly. The range of characters, at first, was a little overwhelming. Honestly, I thought that some characters would be irrelevant due to episode length and size, but each and every character had great development, likeability and fulfilment by the end. Also, the OST is easily going to be listened to for the rest of my life, it's absolutely perfect! I was contemplating regarding the overall score - I was torn between a 9 and a 9.5, but now that I am thinking about it, it definitely deserves the 9.5 overall rating due to the feel-good factor you get while watching this drama, and how inspired it can make you feel. I am also seriously contemplating re-watching it already - and this is from someone who never re-watches anything!Any cons? A few cringe scenes here and there, but nothing too extreme here, and it didn't dampen the enjoyability at all. Is the seemingly small budget a con? Not for me, at all. If anything, I think it really suited it. (By the way, I'm not 100% sure if it was shot on a low budget, I'm just saying I think it is due to the production value).
Anyways, I recommend anyone and everyone to watch 'Fly the Jumper', whether you are an avid sports fan or not! I think everyone and their grandmas will love this drama!
'Fly the Jumper' has now flown into my heart and will be cherished forever. Thank you.
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First couple episodes are quite slow, but you'll regret not watching the whole series
Wow - what a turn around this drama was after a couple of slow episodes at the start! Acting and plot thickness was a delight to behold, the music was intense and gripping, the big-time production helping bind all the greatness together - what a drama!I also like the originality of the characters, something you would find really rare when considering the normal personality traits that main characters show in a drama. Supporting characters are also great as you will definitely find some emotional attachment to them too.
Overall I strongly suggest you try this show out - 'My Mister' is an underrated gem.
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The acting was good, not great. It is very difficult for actors to shine when the characters they play are so uninteresting, but most of the cast members tried their hardest with what they were given. OST was decent, but nothing too special. Re-watch value is a little higher than what I had expected when writing this review, I think it is down to the slow pace. Since I am learning the Korean language, this drama was good for me to listen to. The slow pace helped absorb my Korean language listening skills very well. So, I guess, in a way, that is the only reason as to why I didn't decide to drop this. Believe me, I was very close to dropping this one.
All in all, I do not recommend this.
Matrimonial Chaos. A story that doesn't know what it wants to be.
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Pleasantly Enjoyable
'The Secret of Secret' is a nicely hidden secret with plenty to boast about, mainly with a very impressive acting performance, very likeable characters, an addictive OST, and a decent enough story to understand (even if you cannot watch in English subtitles, which are unavailable for this as of writing this review - since it's a new year I've decided to start watching something without English subtitles, my level of Korean is no way near fluent but I know enough to get by to the point where if I can't understand something, I will know what it is by context).I was however a little tricked into watching this by MDL. It has included 'sports' in the genre, but, just like many other similar occasions, not much sport was involved at all. However, the romance was done very well (considering I am very particular with romance), and the story was good enough, and dialogue was natural enough to make me feel immersed in this world considering the short episode lengths.
Any negatives? Some themes were a little hard to swallow at points but nothing too extreme. Apart from that, I really cannot think of any negatives. Oh, I guess, not enough sport! But that's just a personal pet peeve.
All in all, I recommend this.
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Blue of Winter may as well rename itself to the most 'Boring of Winters', with their 8-10 minute episodes feeling like feature-film length with how slow and uneventful it was. I always say to myself that the worse thing a drama can be is boring, and unfortunately, this is one of those dramas. Thankfully however, there were glimpses of potential, and when there was something that caught my full attention, I really liked it. For example, the last episode was really good, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If I had enjoyed more episodes like I had with the last episode, this review would look way more positive. There was also a pretty good OST present and I did like the little attention to detail for a few things that I have not seen with big budget dramas so far yet.Main negatives would be the acting, dialogue, directing, camera work, sound directing. I understand that this was probably done on a small and tight budget, but it was hard not to notice these things in my eyes. I don't really like to dive into detail on the negatives unless I am angry at something a drama has done to me, after all, other human beings made this.
Would I recommend it? Well, the reason I tried this was because it has the 'sports' genre on it's page. For fellow sports drama lovers, I would not recommend this. There was not much sport. For people into romance? I'd say... probably not, only try it out if there really isn't anything else you fancy.
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The Silent Sea is a legendary drama that hopefully will be watched throughout many generations. In my eyes, a faultless masterpiece that provides the best-of-the-best story, acting, cast, production value, special effects, OST, costume design, directing, editing, and more. There was only one tiny thing I wasn't a fan of, but even that didn't hinder my enjoyment too much at all (I felt the first episode was little too westernised for my liking). From the first episode it had perfect pace, and even until the end, perfect pacing was the norm. It had the perfect amount of action, tension and mystery, and nowhere did I feel confused or felt like the story was either too confusing or rushed.The Silent Sea is a must watch drama, the eight episodes went by so quickly, it's binge-factor is definitely present. Eight of the 'roughly 45 minutes' long episodes felt less than half of that amount, and since there were times where dialogue was scarce in order to world build, I have given such a strong rating in regards to "Rewatch Value".
All in all, I believe everyone must try this. The Silent Sea. Legendary drama.
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I'm glad I tried this
A miniseries that overperformed thanks to two superb actors that completely stole the show: Jung In Sun (the FL) and Song Jae Rim (the SML). I am familiar with the brilliant as always Song Jae Rim but this was my first drama starring Jung In Sun - she is great and I cannot wait to see more of her work! Kang Min Hyuk (the ML) also showed great acting, but I absolutely hated his character. Normally it takes me a while to notice toxic traits in a character but for me I found this character to hold a bunch of red flags. Nearly all other characters I did like however. I loved Song Jae Rim's character.This is also a rare occasion where I would have preferred more episodes, but liked the episode duration length. The 20 minute episode length was perfect, and it complimented the drama really well, but it could have had at least five more episodes, especially to give more depth and closure with the supporting cast.
Re-watch value is quite high for my usual rating standards as the pacing was perfect for Korean language absorption.
I recommend people to give this a try, especially if you like to watch dramas with a shorter length.
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