
  • Última vez online: 7 horas atrás
  • Localização: If you see me online, assume the worst.
  • Contribution Points: 5,749 LV15
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: Janeiro 21, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award2 Flower Award7


If you see me online, assume the worst.


If you see me online, assume the worst.
public list
Romantic amnesia series

Best dramas that rely on amnesia to tell an interesting story with love involved.

35 titles
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Female-focused LONG fantasy cdrama WITH romance

Just longer (mostly Xianxia) series. 

17 titles
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Stories with scifi/mytho/alien/supernatural beings.

Look imma drop a lot of supernatural ones here that I can't place in other categories. 

65 titles 1 love
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Japanese BL/LGBT shows/movies

Japanese shows with mlm relationships. Tutorial Lvl: Comedy= Very focused on jokes instead of relationships.Lvl 1: Manga style= Very over…

202 titles 154 loves 9 comments
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Japan Ancient Detectives


20 titles
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Gay Pink Films

WARNING, ALL ENTRIES CONTAIN NSFW CONTENT. What is a (gay) pink film?Ero-themed Japanese movies of ~ 60 minutes. Sometimes used as artistic…

188 titles 63 loves 10 comments
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Movie Romance Games
17 titles
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Bromance ships

Torakku YarōThe BoxerTora-sanI get this info from random Japanese bloggers who feel bromance vibes and sometimes its my own pick->

27 titles 2 loves
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「 ある時は片目の運転手、ある時は…、その実体は…。」 -> 七つの顔 1946

11 titles
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Terminal main character dramas

Dramas where the main character is bound to die. Not including ghost-stories because those are just living on borrowed time. 

34 titles
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GL shows

Girls loving girls shows/moviesNot on MDL: Saving Face (2004)

113 titles 320 loves 12 comments
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Bromance c-dramas made from BL novels

These shows are all more likely to be focused on bromance since its from a BL novels but censored. Anime: Ling Qi Spiritpact

38 titles 26 loves 9 comments
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Old dramas and movies

These are REALLY old, not just your standard 90s/2000s dramas. 

36 titles 3 loves
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Romance Crossdressing series

Good crossdress dramas (with romance) are rare so here's a list with a few good titles. All dramas are Female to Male dressed people. I added…

114 titles 27 loves 2 comments
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Thai historical dramas

Lakorn set before 1950s

20 titles
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Reverse harem romance dramas

A female lead somehow gets surrounded by goodlooking guys. 

9 titles
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War badvale, de  nada

33 titles 1 love
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Ancient Japan dramas

Japan way back Not included on MDL:The Bounty Hunter 1975

21 titles
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Dramas featuring traditional arts or culture

Main leads either dance or do pretty martial arts. 

8 titles 1 love
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Pre-90s jdramas I want to see

Me- Trying to find new shows.Tora-san- Would you be interested in the same formula movie 50 times? Not on MDL:

43 titles 1 love
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Japanese superhero team

Costumed colourful heroes with helmets, they are Japans heroes.  Not on MDL: Denjin Zaborger

48 titles 1 love
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Old legend actors from Japan

Shoutout to スピッツ/Spitz

29 people 3 loves
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Ancient Bromance project shows/movies

Checking older shows/movies for bromance. Conditions: Needs to have a large focus on two male characters either bonding or being close friends. Not…

48 titles 3 loves
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Iconic poster-shows in 50s/60s Japan

Most here are chanbara period dramas. ...........................浮かれ三度笠

93 titles
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Dramas with human ghosts as main characters

Human ghosts come to possess or hang around for love. Not on MDL:Crouching Tiger Hidden Ghost 2021

40 titles
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15 titles
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Oldfeel 90s Jdramas/Kdramas

J/Kdramas with an old 90s feeling to them, nostalgic.新・悪名

73 titles 5 loves
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Japanese dramas/movies that are also animes

 ⭐️ Dramas/movies that have an animated version, only adding 1 entry for every series. 

50 titles 1 love
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Chinese BL/LGBT

Grouped Chinese, Hongkong and Taiwan together since they release a small amount of BL currently. Not adding the entire HIStory series, everyone…

91 titles 19 loves
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Drama about main lead in fictional/VR world for love.

Female leads in fake/virtual worlds for romance.

28 titles 3 loves
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Male-focused Adventure Team Cdramas

Just making this for when I wanna watch a cool (Wuxia) friendship story. 

11 titles 2 loves
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Drama FL travel to the past for love

FL goes to the past (ancient times) for a romantic venture. Also, I included dramas where the world they travel to is fantasy-based but still…

37 titles 1 love
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Cdramas folktale(-like)

Retellings with some mythical stuffs 

11 titles
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Body switch dramas

NO GHOSTS HERE! Only direct body switching of LIVING human beings. Not made: Goddess of the CourtNot on MDL: Jamba Lakidi Pamba

45 titles 7 loves
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Cop buddy/partners dramas

Cops or detective teams where two (or more) different people work together.

18 titles 3 loves 6 comments
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Post-2000s bromance series

Cute moments between the guys but no confirmed relationship.Not on MDL:Songlang by Leon Le

60 titles 8 loves
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Korean BL

Korean BL/LGBT shows/movies.Not on MDLTVXQ/DBSK Dangerous Love Banjun Theater

77 titles 10 loves 2 comments
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Ultimate fave movies

必殺4 恨みはらします

59 titles 3 loves
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Sukeban heroes

Jun Yoshida

12 titles 3 loves
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Crossdress of guys

Just guys crossdressing, not trans since that's another list. Usually they crossdress to achieve a goal or to go undercover. Could be that…

22 titles 2 loves
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Fujoshi media

Note:Older depictions of fujoshi are often stereotypical or just made to make fun of women in this fandom, keep that in mind before watching.…

13 titles 1 love
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Dramas with a focus on pets

NO human-transforming pets. I can't have that here. 

28 titles 1 love
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Other timetravel dramas

So this is dramas NOT focused on a modern girl just traveling back in time for love OR an ancient guy traveling to the future for love. I made…

88 titles 4 loves
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Japanese historical myth or fantasy dramas

Dramas or movies with Japanese mythological creatures or just general fantasy.

22 titles 6 loves
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Boran dramas

Mythological thai dramas 

12 titles 1 love
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Shows with blind or mute characters

Dramas or movies that show characters with temporary or permanent visual impairment or blindness. 

6 titles 2 comments
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Leads with phobias
11 titles