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Fireworks of My Heart chinese drama review
Fireworks of My Heart
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Pumla
Jun 17, 2024
40 of 40 episódios vistos
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The story of the man who defies death until the very end

I rarely ever watch C-dramas mostly due to the length of the series but I came across this show via YT shorts and let's just say the leading man carried.

The story is basically about our high school sweethearts who are from different financial backgrounds that fall in love and rich mummy dearest doesn't find our ML Yan worthy. It's a tale of a messed up control freak of an adoptive mother who just wants a puppet daughter. But luckil our FL, Qin learns that she can stand on her own and fight for what she wants. She is selfish and very entitled sometimes and imo is the worst at opening up of the two but with some alcohol she can sure talk. Meanwhile, Yan is superman reimagined. The man survives everything nature throws at him somehow (I know if he died the series would end but still). He is so passionate and protective but is not the best at opening up (but the better of the two). Like you can trust him with your life but he can't trust you as easily. Rightfully so because of adoptive mumanger. But he does learn to trust and always fights for what he wants.

There is the weird brother loves adopted sister vibe but it's not explored but very much hinted. Everyone is connected somehow and this is tale of braving it all for what you want and believe in. There's some aspects in show I am not a fan of like how they helped the firefighters deal with their PTSD, how Song Yan's best friend's plotline was just cut off, how everyone of the firefighters basically gets one chance to live or they end up dead/injured, but Song Yan never suffers much in the line of duty, and the rushed ending, but it was a good watch. Why is Yan Chen always a S/A victim? Mans has it tough as is with his butterflies. There's a ton of what if relationships that aren't explored decently or even at all which I feel was a disservice. Also, adopted mother from hell's backstory when?? Anyway, I liked the firefighter's relationship a lot. True brotherhood if you ask me. RIP to our Da Peng.

An acting masterclass but Yang Yang and Wang Chu Ran (more credit to him because they had this man in high school uniform in his late 20s). Also, Mumanger (Chen Jin) because she had me hating her at hello. And S/O to the firefighting acting crew because they really were convincing as first responders.
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