Mixed thoughts
"A Piece of Your Mind" is a serene, composed, and emotionally charged drama. Initially, I struggled to grasp the storyline, but out of admiration for the leads, I persevered. As the plot unraveled, it revealed the bond between two childhood friends who grew up together in Norway, sharing their entire journey from childhood to adulthood. Despite their mutual love, a rift caused the boy to leave Norway. In his absence, a new person entered the girl's life, becoming her boyfriend. When they reunited, the boy became possessive, leading to their ( childhood friends) separation. The boy, an AI engineer, created a device capable of storing and replicating voices, aiming to provide solace to those who have lost loved ones. His motive was to preserve his girlfriend's voice and memories, allowing him to communicate with her. He enlisted the help of the female lead to record his girlfriend's voice and experiences, similar to Siri. However, I found it perplexing why his girlfriend didn't confide in the female lead about her predicament. She went to Norway alone for piece of her mind and she stuck in a snow .Despite having the opportunity to seek help from the Norwegian police, she chose not to, ultimately leading to her demise while conversing with the female lead. This aspect of the storyline was difficult to comprehend. Nonetheless, the drama excelled in other aspects, with minimal romance but a captivating plot overall.
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