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Curse of the Royal Harem hong kong drama review
Curse of the Royal Harem
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Petunija
Nov 21, 2020
31 of 29 episódios vistos
No geral 10
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
It is from 2011, before pretty boys and kissing scenes that are so popular today. Actors are more mature and very excellent. It is about harem intrigues, with a very interesting conclusion. It makes you think about relations among people and how experiences change them. And how some people can get away with doing terrible things, but others are judged very strictly. Life is not fair. Good and weak people can make you suffer just like bad people or even more. On the end you almost like (some) villains and dislike ‘good ones’. In my opinion this series is much underrated.

SPOILER ALERT: The most I disliked the Emperor. He is weak and unjust. He is willing to forgive despicable things to horrible people, time and time again. She, ‘his love’ was not so lucky They were constantly threatening her life, murdered a woman whom she considered her mother, murdered her father, endangering her son, but ah, Emperor is either a filial son or so very lusty, she must accept his forgiving them, again and again. For her, there are different standards. Still, it is difficult to watch her on the end. She has changed so much, because he was not able to protect her and then resented her for doing his job the way it should’ve been done. I feel sorry for his brother (manipulated by his own mother) and on the end, also for the first Empress (also manipulated by her own mother AND father). END OF SPOILERS.

I like: actors (all of them), message, the fact, that the story really makes you think, and realistic ending.
I dislike: nothing particular, maybe story is repetitive a little to much

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