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Lady From Tang Dynasty chinese drama review
Lady From Tang Dynasty
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by PeeWee69
Dez 5, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Atuação/Elenco 6.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

Time-travel themed mini-show with a twist

This is an ok mini-show. The storyline is a bit different since the time-travel isn’t actually the important part of the story. The recipe (of the wine) and the love story is the core. Sadly the short format makes it feel rushed and the pestering/scheming girl makes it feel a bit cliché.
It also lacks consistency like, she is supposed to be from historical time but dresses like a modern woman (bare legs) on her first day at work (for ML). A woman from that time would have covered herself up and never have shown bare legs and arms.
Even if the story is more serious than funny, there are some rather funny bits like the way she “extinguishes” the fire on her tv, LOL.
Character wise there is nothing special about the show. We get the ML who is CEO (cliché) and FL, who is from Tang dynasty. Side characters are the usual male secretary, the parents and of course the pestering/scheming girl.
Acting wise this isn’t that great but it’s not worse than so much else out there.
Anyway, if you want something fast - and don’t mind the short format and the clichés - this is an ok watch.
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