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DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii Season 3 japanese drama review
DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii Season 3
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Old Fan
Ago 18, 2021
9 of 9 episódios vistos
No geral 10
História 9.5
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

What it takes to become the best surgeon

This season is the highlight of the whole drama. It explores the qualities required to become the best surgeon. The harsh treatment which Sagara had to endure was dramatic and unforgettable. It set the scene as a tough one for the audience. This season is emotionally charged from beginning to the end. Moriyama was outstanding and entertaining as the Baffon. In order to soften the harsh realities of hospital politics, nurse Sachi and her crew played a lively role in improving patients' experience. Sachi's admiration and adoration for Dr Sagara kept the story of hope in their relationship alive.
The directors have done a great job in bringing the whole drama entertaining without being bogged down with medical details.
The original soundtrack is very touching. In parts it brought out the loneliness of the patients waiting for surgery. In other parts, it championed the outcome of successful operations. Carefully composed and adapted to the drama.
I thoroughly recommend the whole Doctors series.
It will definitely worth a re-watch in the future.
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