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Terius Atrás de Mim
25 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2018
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Messy but Charming

Honestly when I watched the first episode of this drama, it was so far removed than what I thought this drama was going to be, I was going to drop it and move on....I AM SO GLAD I DIDN'T! If you stick with it, don't take it to seriously, you will be won over and love this drama when you finish with it.

STORY: As I stated above, do not take this drama and it's storyline too seriously. Just go with the flow and you will enjoy it more. I am not saying that the story was bad it just had its moments where it seemed very farfetched and messy, some parts even were a little predictable for it being a spy drama. If you don't look that much into it, you will find the story to be charming, exciting, funny and adorable all at the same time. It is a fun ride to be on.

CASTING: At first when I started this drama, I did not like some of the characters because they seemed to be a little tropey and annoying but as the drama went on, the characters got more depth and color which helped you as a viewer fall in love with them and their interactions. By the end of the drama, it was hard to say goodbye to them. MY favorite characters HANDS DOWN in this drama was the Ahjumma group and Jin Young Tae surprisingly (I found him to be annoying at first). I thought the actors did a great job and the drama was well casted.

MUSIC: I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE FIRST OST FOR THIS DRAMA!! I listen to it all the time. I also liked the music that played when the action was happening. It gave depth to the fight scenes and made them very exciting to watch.

REWATCH VALUE: I would rewatch this again if it was a rainy day and I had nothing else to watch. It is an easy drama to watch.

OVERALL: Even though this drama was messy and all over the place, you can't help but fall for its charms. It was a drama that didn't take itself to seriously and had action, comedy, and a little romance. If a second season happened, I would watch it. It would be interesting to revisit all the characters and see where they are. Just watch this drama for an easy drama to watch and go with the flow. Also So Ji Sub with kids is always a plus

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O Jogador
28 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 15, 2018
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
If you are looking for a drama that is just a fun and exciting ride, this is the drama for you!
If you are looking for a drama that has great acting, great chemistry between the characters and is a comedy...This is the drama for you!
If you want to be entertained and REALLY just enjoy a drama from episode 1 to the finale...This is the drama for you!

STORY: This drama sure has a roller coaster of a ride for a story. Every episode has a cliffhanger which makes you want to click next episode as fast as possible. It is just a fun and wild ride. Basically the story is a group of people with different backgrounds and skills come to together to fight against corruption. It is so much more than that but you know...spoilers. The only downside of how this story structure turns out is that at the beginning of the drama, the action and story is like a 2 episode story arc and then moves onto the next mini story arc. I loved that but the further along you get into the drama, the less and less the writers told the story that way. I completely understand why and it didn't become distracting or hurt the story in any way, I just liked that the story was episodic BUT I usually like my crime dramas episodic.

ACTING/CAST: I thought the acting and choice of cast was PERFECT for this drama. Everyone played their role beautifully. It was like they were made for the role they were given in this drama. Also the cast had such great chemistry together too. Also anytime I see Kim Won Hae in a drama...It goes to the top of my list.

MUSIC: I usually don't notice the music all that much but this drama's music stood out. The OSTs for this drama are fantastic! I have been listening to them on repeat. I think the music that is played during the intense parts and the themes played with each character really added to the ambiance of the drama.

REWATCH VALUE: I will 100% rewatch this drama again...I WANT A SECOND SEASON OF THIS DRAMA!

OVERALL: I just loved that I chose to watch this drama. I kind of picked it up on a whim but NOW I am sad that it is over. I will miss the hodge podge group of ruffians that I was used to watching every week. WATCH THIS DRAMA! You won't regret it. It is just a fun time with great characters that are well rounded and have depth and flaws and a drama that has a good storyline (granted could have stuck with the episodic structure for a little longer).

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Illang: A Brigada Lobo
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 22, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This film surprised me a lot. It wasn't perfect but it was very entertaining and beautiful. If you have an open mind and can appreciate a beautifully shot movie with a lot of action...You will like this.

Story: What I liked about this story/plot is that you could strip the countries and government names from the story and replace it others and it would still make sense. I think that is what compelling and relatable about this movie. The story could happen in any time period, country or reality but still be found realistic and relatable to the audience in some way. Yes, there were definitely plot holes in the story and the plot can get a little confusing in the middle but it is still an entertaining story, worth watching. One common theme throughout the movie, whether it be within the story or costume choice, is the story of Red Riding Hood...that was pretty interesting to figure out what that story meant to the plot or how it is used as a metaphor throughout the movie. The red riding hood theme helps the plot keep you guessing because you don't really know who the "Wolf" is...

Acting/Cast: The acting was good...not great but not bad either. I found some of the actors to be very emotionless or wooden in some scenes...granted maybe that is what the director wanted for that scene. Other scenes, the actors did a wonderful job...The acting just wasn't consistent throughout the movie but it FOR SURE wasn't bad acting either.

Music: The music was good! It added to the action and suspense and also added emotion to the sad/downtime parts. I think the music supported the story very well...especially when the soldiers were going into a fight. You always need good music with a fight scene.

Rewatch Value: OH I will for sure rewatch this movie. It was very entertaining.

Overall: What I loved the most about this movie was the cinematography. It was just a beautifully shot movie! The fight scenes are some of the best shot scenes and are beautifully choregraphed. If you are looking for an entertaining and action packed movie, you should try this one out. Yes, as I said earlier, it has some faults but overall it is a beautiful movie that will definitely hold you in suspense and actually bring up some powerful questions in the end.

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Os Vigaristas
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 8, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
If you are looking for a fun movie with lots of unpredictable twists and turns, fun characters and enjoy movies such as The Heist and Oceans Eleven, look no further than The Swindlers! This movie takes you on a two hour action packed ride with lots of unpredictable moments (some predictable) with eccentric characters who you don't know are good or bad all wrapped into a revenge/heist plot....It is just a fun and exciting movie.

Story: The story was good. It had lots of layers to it with twists and turns...Definitely had some unpredictable points. I did predict a huge twist about half way through but that didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the movie. If anything, it made it more interesting cuz I wanted to see if I was right and if I was right, how it would play out in the rest of the movie. The story definitely will entertain you.

Acting/Cast: I think the cast was AMAZING in this movie. Everyone played their role well to the point that it seemed that the role was written for them. The actors even had the facial expressions down PACKED! Everyone will find one character that they will love or root for in this movie and because of the story, you have no idea what these character's agendas are...It is just brilliant! Also Who doesn't love Hyun Bin in a suit?!

Music: I always find it hard to review the music because it is the last thing I notice in a drama or movie so I don't really have anything to say for music because I don't really remember noticing it or noticing anything special about it.

Rewatch: I will totally watch this movie again. It is just a nice entertaining movie to put on when you want to relax and get enjoyment out of a movie.

Overall: If you like movies like Oceans Eleven and The Heist, you will love this movie. It is just a fun ride of pure entertainment...also HYUN BIN IN SUITS!!!

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 19, 2018
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
The title says it all. It is not that Healer is a bad drama by any means....I just didn't LOVE it like so many other people did. I liked it but I had some issues with it and probably minor ones for other people but I had issues none the less. I can see why it is a MUST-SEE drama if you are a drama watcher though.

STORY: The story overall wasn't bad. I did find it a little confusing in the beginning. I think because there were so many names and faces to follow, especially with the flashbacks. I also got some of the flashback actors mixed up because I thought they looked alike so I was getting people's names mixed up as well. I did like all the fight scenes and Healer's missions that he had to do. I thought that was interesting. I wanted more fight scenes though...I thought the middle of the drama lacked the fight scenes. I also thought the romance part of the story was cute. It was touching that they both sort of healed each other or got them to be brave for each other. I thought that was cute. I don't think the drama needed to be 20 episodes long...I think 16 would have been fine cuz I think it dragged a bit in the middle and I think that was because it was 20 episodes and not 16. The ending I had an issue with as well. I think we could have used another episode to see how everyone ended up...I think it just ended rather abruptly.

ACTING/CAST: The cast and acting overall was good. Wasn't stiff and had emotion. The story definitely had enough stuff in it to invoke strong emotions from the cast/characters. So I am not mad at the acting or casting. My favorite character definitely is Ahjumma. I loved her and how badass she is! I had a minor issue with the main female lead's character. The story made her out to be this survivor and strong woman which I loved (yes with some flaws but it made her more human) but in the middle of the drama, I thought the writers made her into a damsel in distress for a couple of episodes who was confused about a lot of stuff, which made her cry a lot and I didn't like that change in her character...I didn't see a reason for it. I do have a thing for strong female leads. Ji Chang Wook was of course AMAZING!

MUSIC: You know it is funny, at first I HATED the OSTs...LIKE HATED THEM! I didn't think they fit the drama at all but slowly they grew on me. Are they the best OSTs I ever but I like them now

REWATCH VALUE: I probably will not be watching this drama again

OVERALL: It is a solid drama. I liked it, I just think I walked into this drama with such high expectations that I don't think could be met. Maybe because it was an older drama and I am comparing it to other dramas that are newer or I just had too high of expectations...You should still watch the drama. It is solid and a must see if you are a Ji Chang Wook fan/drama watcher. It is basically a classic at this point...again I did have some small issues with it.

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Voz 2
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 21, 2018
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 6.0
SO let me preface this review with saying that Voice Season 1 was one of the best crime kdramas I have ever seen. I loved it and would re-watch it in a heartbeat. I can't say that with voice 2 because I need Season 3 to determine that. I am not saying that Season 2 was bad by any means...It still had elements of the first season that I loved but there were elements that weren't there to make an official opinion.

Story: The story was ok. Compared to Season 1, it wasn't as good but the main reason why I didn't like the story was because of the cliffhanger at the end of the show. CLEARLY THERE IS GOING TO BE A 3RD SEASON! SO Season 2's storyline will somewhat continue into Season 3 so basically this story is not done yet. The start of the show started off with a bang and was really good! It started out with episodic situations which was what I loved with Season 1 but as they went into the main overarching bad guy storyline, the episodic elements of the story melted away. Not a bad story but I need Season 3 to make a more educated opinion.

Casting: I loved the casting! I ACTUALLY LIKED Lee Jin Wook as his character! I thought I wouldn't when they announced the new cast but I thought it brought an interesting dynamic to Season 2. In Season 2, he was the cold, less emotional character where as in Season 1 I thought Lee Ha Na was the less emotional one. SO that was fun to play out. They also brought back some of my favorite support characters and introduced new ones. The guy they casted to be the bad guy this season was AMAZING! His acting skills were so scary and on point! He does bad guy very well.

Music: I thought the movie fit the show well too. I downloaded all the songs and have been listening to them on repeat.

Rewatch Value: I would probably only rewatch this if I was doing a marathon of Season 1 and going to watch Season 3 as well. (Depends on how good Season 3 will be)

Overall: As I said earlier, Because this season seemed like a set up for Season 3, there was a lot that wasn't resolved but at the same time, a lot was resolved. I would wait and watch this once Season 3 so you can go straight into Season 3 and not have to wait. This season was good but not as good as Season 1. I wish it was more episodic. We will wait and see how Season 3 is...THE ACTING WAS GREAT THOUGH!

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Cachorro Louco
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 4, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Well this drama did not disappoint. If you are looking for a straight forward, one culprit - one crime drama, this isn't for you. This drama has SO MANY twists and turns, you don't know who to trust...but that is what is so good about it!

STORY: You will have a fun time with this story. Yes it has a very depressing topic but man was it exciting until the very end. It gives you all the emotions to feel in the story and is very well written. The story supports the characters and the characters support the story. It is just one wild ride all the way through where you seem to have a heart attack every episode. You will love this drama and the story it tells because it is very satisfying in the end.

ACTING/CAST: When I said the story supports the characters and the characters support the story, it is very true. The acting was great in this drama, especially with conveying emotions and let me tell you there are a lot of emotions to convey in this drama. You cry with them and laugh with them, get angry with them and yell at them when their character decides to do something stupid. You connect with the characters. This drama has a very strong cast and as a viewer you get very connected to all of the characters which speaks to the acting in this drama.

MUSIC: I loved the OSTs in this drama. I have downloaded all of them and listen to them a lot.

REWATCH VALUE: I would totally rewatch this.

OVERALL: If you like the trope Found Family and liked the drama The Player, you will love this. It is a satisfying drama with strong characters and one hell of a story. EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS DRAMA!

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Ainda Que Eu Morra
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 28, 2018
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Let's see how much I can praise this drama. I was so surprised by this drama, just astounded...I started this drama thinking it would just be a fun comedy but MAN IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!! Everyone needs to watch this drama...EVERYONE! I did not want this drama to end and sadly it ended today.

STORY: It is just so cleverly written! You think it is going to go in one direction and then something happens which takes it completely in a new direction. You think to yourself, well how are the writers going to pull this off and THEN THEY DO! It was just brilliantly written! This is not your typical time loop just takes turns when it feels like it. Basically a time loop is created so that the female lead needs to find ways to save her horrible boss and in time make him a better person (trying not to give anything away) and this leads to countless funny scenes where I was rolling on the floor laughing. What I didn't expect from the story was HOW MUCH depth it has for it being a comedy. There is SO MUCH depth in the story and characters that it blew me away.

ACTING/CAST: Everything with the acting was FANTASTIC! The cast was perfectly chosen for this drama. I can't imagine anyone else cast as these characters. Of course the 2 characters and actors that stood out were Baek Jin Sang and Lee Roo Da. They both brought life to the drama. Baek Jin Sang as a character you just loathe in the beginning but his character growth throughout the drama just makes you fall in love with him. The actor who plays Baek Jin Sang is PERFECT in this role!

Lee Roo Da also shows character growth which I didn't see coming...The time loop not only is created to change Baek Jin Sang but it ends up changing everyone WHICH I THOUGHT WAS BRILLIANT! Lee Roo Da is a strong female role which I love in a drama and again the actress who plays her, I could not see anyone else in the role.

MUSIC: The music lent itself to the comedic aspect of the drama with it being over the top and being played at good times during a scene. It definitely is memorable!

REWATCH VALUE: I will 100% rewatch this!

OVERALL: I can't say enough good things about this drama. It has topics in it that need to be talked about, it has amazing character development and acting and IT IS JUST HILARIOUS!! It is a comedic show with A LOT of depth and insight into what it means to be a good person. It is one of my top dramas of this year FOR SURE!

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Corredores da Meia-noite
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 26, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 10
This movie is the perfect movie to just turn and kill some time. It is a very entertaining movie with comedy and suspense. (sort of reminded me of rush hour a little bit with the comedy). Definitely made me laugh a lot which was due to the two main leads...their interactions are priceless.

Kang Ha Neul and Park Seo Joon are perfect for their roles in this movie. Their interactions and face expressions make the comedy even better. For anyone who wants a Bromance, you won't find any better than this movie. it is brain and brawn pairing up to take down bad guys...what could be better than that. These 2 actors really stole the movie. The story line is good but generic...especially for a police comedy but it is still very entertaining and I laughed my ass off throughout the entire thing. Speaking of story, I loved the message at the end. I thought that was very touching on how these characters were passionate about helping people and that it why they should be cops. I loved that.

Definitely a movie that you can put on after a bad day and can rewatch a thousand times without it getting old. Just a good movie with a mix of comedy, crime, police procedure (SHIRTLESS SCENES AND YES MORE THAN ONE FOR THE LADIES) and fight scenes. I would totally recommend this movie to anyone.

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4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 18, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 1.0
This drama has so much potential. The concept was unique (a crime drama mixed with a future seeing element) and the cast seemed to be good but for various reasons, it started out very strong and then dragged in the middle and sort of fizzled out in the end. It has had good bones but didn't utilize that structure to reach it's full potential.

STORY: I had a big problem with the story and the route it took. It seemed very plausible until about the last 2 episodes and then a wrench was thrown into the plot (no spoilers) that really took it from realistic and plausible to I DOUBT THAT WOULD EVER least for me. After that wrench was revealed, it was hard for me to stay focused and stay with the story for the last episode or so. Don't get me wrong, the story had a ton of twists and I love that you couldn't predict a lot of it but that wrench just bugged me.

I also thing that the structure of the plot would have better suited the drama if it was more episodic, where a different crime happened every episode. Again started out that way (and I loved it when it was like that) but then everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING ended up being connected which made the plot very complicated with lots of characters and names which I think made it very hard to follow.

ACTING/CAST: I thought the acting and cast was ok for this drama. Some actors stood out more to me than others. I thought the acting of the main two leads was good but the way their characters were written bugged me. I thought the main female character seemed very whiney and cried a lot and the Main male lead seemed either good with lots of emotion or very flat (I don't think this was the acting but more of how the characters were written in the script) My two favorite characters were the computer analyst and the brother prosecutor (I thought the actor who played the brother prosecutor was absolutely AMAZING in his acting ability...really stood out to me.

MUSIC: This was actually the first drama that I really noticed the music. I thought it was perfect for the drama and really fit what was going on in the drama. I even downloaded the entire OST because I loved it so much.

REWATCH: I will not be re-watching this drama...isn't worth it to me.

OVERALL: The drama definitely had a satisfying ending and wrapped up nicely but the middle part dragged a lot and ultimately it took until the last few episodes to get any real answers which made the ending very excited but also seemed rushed in parts. I really think the show would have been better if the show had taken more of a episodic route and less connected with everything. It had a unique concept but I think the writers didn't use it to its full potential. The show just didn't reach the level of what it could have been.

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God's Quiz
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 6, 2018
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10
I am a sucker for episodic crime dramas. I love them which is why I am wondering why I haven't watched this drama sooner lol I LOVED IT! It wasn't hard to watch or get through...what is hard is understanding why I hadn't seen this sooner.

Story: If you don't like episodic police procedurals, you won't like this drama. Me...I love them so this drama was made for me. I liked that this drama wasn't just a murder drama but disease played a role. It made it very interesting and I definitely learned something with every episode. I also liked that there wasn't a romantic angle...just a straight up episodic crime drama.

Acting/Cast: The cast made the drama. Each character was quirky and played a part in the motley crew that made up the crime fighting team. I thought it was cast very well. The 2 main leads were awesome! Ryu Deok Hwan's role was made for him. Of course they made the female cop's character sort of typical but I liked that both characters grew through working together and learning from each other. The supporting cast was brilliant! Just great.

Music: Sorry, don't remember a lot of the music so I don't have an opinion.

Rewatch Value: Definitely would rewatch this or since it was episodic, even just rewatch an episode when I am not watching anything else.

Overall: I can see why this drama has 4 seasons plus a reboot now in 2018. It was a great start to the series and I can't wait to watch the other seasons. I don't think there is anything I hated about the drama AT ALL!

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Mamãe Fada e o Lenhador
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 28, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
I wanted to like this drama so much! It had a lot going for it and yes it was a little weird but I was ok with that. It fell flat for me.

STORY: I get that the story was based off webtoon and I had never seen the webtoon. I loved the drama at the beginning of the drama. It was cute and quirky but something happened in the middle. It dragged A LOT! The drama had a couple of storylines that I grew to not care about so when the drama veered toward those storylines, I lost interest in the drama. I saw no point in some storylines and even some characters. It ended good, I was satisfied with the ending and the story had its cute moments and charm but it just got Messy in the middle (trying not to give anything away) I also don't think it needed to be 16 episodes...It would have done fine with 10 or 12 which is probably one of the reason why it dragged a little in the middle.

CAST: I didn't mind the acting at all. Overall I thought it was good. The 3 main leads were fantastic but again since I didn't think some of the support characters needed to be in the drama, that hurt my opinion of the acting of those characters. Some characters were just tooo over the top for my taste BUT I LOVED THE 3 MAIN LEADS! I also liked that the female professor was a strong character who knew what she wanted.

MUSIC: I don't remember much about the music at all

REWATCH VALUE: I will probably will not rewatch this entire thing ever again but maybe a couple of the sweet scenes though

OVERALL: It says it in the title: The drama was cute but Messy. The story dragged in the middle and I felt some of the characters didn't need to be in it but it made me feel warm and fuzzy and the 3 leads were great!

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Vampire Heaven
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 21, 2018
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
You have to at least finish it. It is one of those dramas that are so bad, it is good. It is hilarious just how campy and bad it is, that you will fall in love with it.

Story: The plot/story was very predictable but that isn't a bad thing. Sometimes you find comfort in predictability.

Acting: I actually didn't think the main actors acted that badly. The one actor that really was cheesy was the actor who played the the point where it was hilarious to watch. I think the drama sort of wanted to count to seem cheesy along with his 2 henchman so I was ok with that.

Music: The into to the drama was definitely catchy and you came to notice it anywhere lol It was very cheesy with the dancing and singing in it.

Rewatch Value: As I said the drama was very campy and so bad it was good so I might rewatch it again if I wanted to laugh since it would probably be deemed a guilty pleasure lol

Overall: Obviously, Vampire Heaven is a campy drama with a predictable storyline but for some reason, it is loveable. Would I recommend it to other people...probably not because it has it's cringey moments but if you walk into this drama with the expectation that it is campy and probably not very good, you might enjoy it because it is unique.

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A Testemunha
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
You can't go wrong with a good thriller movie. This movie is a good one. It is entertaining with lots of suspense, action and plot twists. I would definitely watch this again.

The story was good. It had emotion and as I said before, thrills and plot twists. Definitely didn't predict the reasoning behind the motive of the villain in this movie. I was surprised by that which was nice. I haven't seen the Korean movie that this movie was based off of so I can't make any comparisons or say which one was better but this movie was entertaining and fun. This movie did remind me of a Terrance Young movie, called Wait Until Dark with Audrey Hepburn...ESPECIALLY the ending action scene which was kind of cool. There were a few lose ends that were never answered in the movie such as what was the deal with music box...maybe if I watched the Korean version, that would be explained but overall I liked the story. Also there was one scene in the movie that I HATED for an obvious reason but I don't want to spoil anything. The minute you watch this movie, you will know what scene I am talking about (it is very sad). The music also was great because of course it swelled with the action and was emotional during the sad scenes.

Also, shout to the creative cinematography in this movie! It really portrayed how a blind person interprets the world such as this one scene where the main male lead and the blind woman had to do a video chat so he could be her eyes and the movie's cinematography made it sometimes the audience's perspective so we could feel the main woman's interpretation through the phone lens...I thought that was REALLY clever.

I thought the acting in this was good as well. It was the first time I saw Lu Han in anything and I didn't think he was too bad (I only know him as a member of EXO)...I would be willing to check some of his other stuff out because of this movie. One of my favorite actresses is Yang Mi so naturally I loved her. I thought she portrayed a blind woman very well and her emotional acting was great. I also liked that there was no romance in this movie. That was very refreshing.

Overall I liked this movie a lot. It had the right amount of suspense and action. I am a SUCKER for crime movies and crime dramas so this one is right up my alley. WATCH THIS MOVIE if you want a good entertaining movie on a rainy weekend or night.

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A Gripe
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 8, 2018
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Korea Knows How To Make a Good Epidemic/Disaster Movie!

Well the title speaks for itself...Korea knows how to make a good Epidemic/Disaster Movie! If you are looking for a good thriller with lots of twists and turns, this movie is for you. Very entertaining and heart-stopping movie.

Story: The story is nothing new...You have seen it before in other epidemic/disaster movies. It does go to the extreme and the storyline with its twists and turns does have intense moments where you are on the edge of your seats. Very entertaining, you will not disappointed with the plot.

Cast: THIS IS WHERE THE MOVIE SHINES! The acting in this movie is phenomenal! The entire cast was great and the cast was big so you had many different characters and personalities in the movie. The main leads were amazing especially Park Min Ha. THAT LITTLE GIRL CAN ACT! She was my favorite actress in this movie...THAT ENDING WITH HER! WOW! Park Min Ha was the stand out actress in this movie for me but the cast/acting overall was just really good in this movie.

Music: Wasn't very memorable except I did notice some familiar melodies from other songs in the score but that might have just been me imagining something. The music did ebb and flow with the plot, rising during intense moments and getting emotional during sad moments.

Rewatch Value: I would definitely watch this again...It was a nice and entertaining movie.

Overall: WATCH THIS MOVIE FOR THE ACTING! FOR SURE! It is an entertaining movie that will not let you down but The acting is where is shines the most. If you like disaster/action/thriller movies try this one. If you liked Train to Busan, you will definitely love this movie.

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