What a cute and adorable movie.
It has a cute story that really is common. The main lead here isn't song joong ki but the dogs. This is a story to watch as a child or even as an adult. This is one of those feel good movies with lots of happy and cute moments in them. It also has a sad theme with it but it is a child friendly movie.
The cast was amazing and I am only talking about the dogs. It takes loads of training and it isn't easy to film a movie with animals. I loved the puppy's they were too cute and Hearty, I wish I could take her home! On a other note I do think sometimes they handled the dogs too rough or a little bit unhandy especially the pups, they could have been a little more careful.
Overall this movie is a great watch.
Watch this if you like movies with animals, Labradors and a child like theme.
Skip this if you don't like animals or childisch like movies.
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