2d 9h 20m
56 episódios, 3 programas
Atualizações da Lista
Planejo assistirNov 25, 2015
CompletadosJun 22, 2015
CompletadosJun 22, 2015
CompletadosJun 22, 2015
NJ resident in USA. Love Asian and especially Korean dramas. Time is too valuable to waste - that is my motto for life. I also believe that we all should live life as the last day on earth by being respectable, caring and understanding towards others. Karma always happens sooner or later to all of us. I believe in relationships that takes two people to work on, not only one. I am rather an optimistic person who although a realist most of the time, tries to view life as a challenge and opportunity. Each day I see 24hrs passing ether wasted or gained... it's all up to us how we live it :)