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Goodbye, Solo korean drama review
Goodbye, Solo
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by KdramaQueen89
Mai 30, 2012
16 of 16 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Goodbye Solo isn’t your average Kdrama. Its more like an indie movie that lasts 16 episodes. The way its shot makes you feel like your watching a documentary featuring characters that give you a sneak peak into their world. The story actually isn’t anything new or special and there’s no exciting moments or surprises/twists. You won’t laugh or experience gut wrenching emotions. The romance also isn't anything special. However, one thing that this drama does have is fascinating characters. There are many main characters so a lot of the scenes are just them interacting. What makes that so fascinating is that all the characters come with a past their not proud of but together they overcome these pasts and loneliness to find their own happiness. To me that’s what the title means is trying to convey. As each episode passes by you want to know more about these characters. What brings these characters to life are the amazing actors portraying them. All 6 main actors did a very believable portrayal. I think the stand out though was Kim Min Hee. Her character kind of seems bi polar but she has this way of making Mi Ri make sense. Na Moon Hee plays Jalmoni that grounds the main characters. She plays a deaf/mute character and although she has no spoken lines her amazing acting shows through her facial expressions. She gives a very moving performance. To some, this drama might not be their cup of tea but for people who want a more realistic drama with fascinating characters I dare you to give this a try. I usually don’t like realistic dramas like this one but I was pleasantly surprised and took away life lessons.
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