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Meeting You Loving You chinese drama review
Meeting You Loving You
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by rosy
Fev 1, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

This is my opinion hehe

I found out that there are some reviews and comments that are not favour to this drama but we are also many who really like this series.

Honestly I didn't expect much about this drama, I just found it out in Youtube's recommendation and saw Aaron Deng so I watched it. I'm not that fond of the FL at first but after watching the whole series, I found her really good and cute. The story is from misunderstanding to helping each other to love to really sad and painful moments and to love (I don't know if you get it but that's how I describe it).

The thing I liked about this is that our ML is so persistent, even FL has crush on the other guy his love never waved, and he's really caring towards our FL. He is protective but I just don't like that he doesn't want her seeing him in bad condition because I think that if you are sick, your lover should be the one to be by your side. Our FL is capable and strong, even though he failed to see that Yinan is the evil and ML is her angel, she is not that weak girl. Our FL is a rookie but she really did well on this drama, same as Aaron Deng of course. I also liked the second couple, they are funny, cute, and supportive to our main leads. I think that Yi Nan got the punishment he needs.

The saddest part of this drama is that when he faked his death which is I don't like it because I've cried because of it and FL got hurt more than she could, if he just honestly tell him that he's in comma then it's better so that she could take care of her. Maybe I can't take that part anymore because the previous drama I watched is quite the same where they also separated because of the guys sickness for the reason that the guy doesn't want the girl to see him suffer.

The only unnecessary plot here is that the appearance of Yu Man Ting, I don't think her part is necessary, maybe they thought to make our FL jealous and to realise her feeling but I still don't think that's needed.

Honestly, this is not a perfect drama but I found it really good, it revolves about misunderstandings, LOVE, career/jobs, ML's superpower (or can be considered as his sickness also), friendship, etc.

I don't think this is not wort it, I think that this is really good, I binge watched it til 5 am in the morning. I really want to recommend this to everyone but I know we have different interest so try and watch it, drop if you don't like it but if you like it, then ENJOY!
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