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  • Aniversário: August 07
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  • Data de Admissão: Outubro 18, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award2 Flower Award5
Palavra de Honra - Epílogo
49 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Jul 1, 2021
1 of 1 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I really wish they had just put this into the end of the last episode instead of making people sob thinking the worst. Lol
But this is the ending we all really deserved! Ugh I love this so much!! My emotions are all over the place. Even though it wasn't long at all, it's shocking how it made my heart feel like I'd just spent year watching it. Lol

I can't believe this show is really over now. I feel like I just had to tell some of my best friends goodbye forever. Lol It's a weird feeling. bitter sweet.
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Na Direção do Amor
21 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Fev 5, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
I want to be one of those that was completely in love with this show. I really do... but ,half the time this show had me warning to rip my hair out. And we KNOW how I feel about stuff that makes me feel this way. Lol

While I'm in no way shape or form saying this show was bad or terrible, it was actually quite good. I just had more issues with is than I would have liked. Such as, who was the main character? No. Really. Who was it? There are 4 people labeled as main characters, which would make sense.... if they were always... there? I guess? I wish I knew how to explain this part. Lol It's confusing but hell, I'm confused. This was the first kind of show I have ever watched that told two storylines at the exact same time. Which I guess makes sense because they all knew each other but half the time some of the main characters were nowhere to be seen. Mostly Ki Seon‑gyeom (Im Siwan) and if you see the show, you know exactly what I mean. I honestly thought he was a supporting cast member through a lot of episodes.

Can we talk about the characters though? Mostly Dan-ah? I literally hate this woman. From episode one, I hated the character so much I wanted to scream but I held on because I'm like... surely she won't be like this the whole time. Surely NONE of them will still be the same through the WHOLE thing. I was wrong. I think MAYBE in the last two episodes there were brief moments where she was nice and acted like she had a heart. But to me, that wasn't enough. I don't think you get to be a bitch to everyone in every episode and expect everything to be okay after you're nice to them for 2 seconds in the last two episodes. Naw. So was her character redeemed? Hell no. Not to me at least. Was I happy about what she did to her brother? Dude all he wanted through this WHOLE show was to just be her brother. That's it. But she had to be a bitch to him through it all then the last episode be like "eh"-- are you kidding me? That shit hurt. I think people who aren't a step-sibling have no idea how much that hurts. And let's not forget her "I pretended to be gay to avoid getting married" ... this... this is why people still ASSUME "oh it's just a phase" and people are never taken serious when they come out. So no. I hate her. So fucking MUCH! I actually might hate her more than Jung-Do, and that's saying something.. cuz he was a straight up bastard. That's all the time I'll wasted talking about that dung pile.

I didn't like the ending. I mean I did, but I didn't. You have all this drama through the whole show, so many problems, even with side characters and with the last episode it's like a bandaid was just slapped on everything to make it "better" -- when it wasn't. I expected growth. I expected bonding. I expected a lot more than what was given. I also didn't like that there were side characters that "seemed" to have important roles, yet... never showed up again and if they did, I didn't remember their names.... at all. Yep. You heard me. I don't remember any of the side characters except the kid that was bullied and I don't even remember his name. SMH. I hate when shows do that.

Would I tell you to not watch this? No way. I hope you watch it! I want everyone to watch it. It was a good show... even if it did drive me nuts half the time. Lol and it wasn't all bad. I know that's all my review has talked about so much but ... there was a lot of good too. I liked how the mom finally stepped up. I freaking ADORED Tae Woong. Lol he was so adorable. I really would love to see a side story about him. I liked how Young Hwa finally stopped letting his heart get stepped on -- even though I'm still confused about how they ended up. I did like how Seon-Gyeom and Mi-Joo worked out though. That was worth it all on it's own.

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Sei no Gekiyaku
25 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Jun 26, 2021
Completados 3
No geral 2.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
What in the stockholm syndrome hell was that? It was like a train wreck that you know you want to look away but you can't take your eyes off it. I want those 2 hours of my life back. X_X

I started off just wanting to leave it at "I'm going to mark this as watched but I'm going to pretend I never saw it" --sadly, that fell through because it's forever embedded into my brain and I get, that's on me. That is what I get for seeing a cool cover and being like "I'm watching it" without reading the synopsis. But really. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS?!?!

There was barely a storyline. If you had to say the storyline, it was a storyline like SAW. Kinda, "oh you want to die? I'm going to traumatize you in so many ways it'll make you want to live!" make it make sense. SMH

Hats off to the actors, they did really great, that's about it. The actors did great but this show should have never seen the light of day. I don't get the whole:: of you want to die? Let me rape you repeatedly until you WANT to live! Oh and here is a hidden secret, I want to die too because I lost the love of my life and later I'm going to try to kill myself but YOU need to save ME this time.

Like it's some kind of fucking romantic drama? Are you shitting me?! My stomach is still turning. There is so much to say, none of it good but I swear I feel like my brain is a potato right now trying to process the bullshittery that was this movie.

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O Conto da Raposa de Nove Caudas
18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Dez 4, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Aaaaand now I'm a mess.

With the final episode done, my face tear stained, eyes puffy, and nose looking like it could put Rudolf to shame... I wonder what I'm supposed to do with my life now.

I feel like a mess. A huge mess. I have been stalking my own TV since freaking OCTOBER! You know the second a new episode dropped, my nose was in the TV and best bet, I haven't made plans to do anything in fear of missing a episode. Lol

구미호뎐 was so gosh damn phenomenal. I just want to spend the rest of my days talking about how much I loved every inch of this show. I have this weird obsession with 구미호 anyway so when I heard there was going to be a show about it starring two of my favorite people - There was nothing else left to do except wait. I needed no other reason because I was instantly hooked. Whoever thought to put Kim Bum and Lee Dong-Wook in a show together... I love you. and thank you for traumatizing me. Okay not really thankful about that last part, but thank you for putting this amazing masterpiece together.

This show is the perfection of a roller coaster without going on those monstrosities (I said what I said) --
There were characters I adored from the start and ended up HATING! There were characters I hated that I ended up loving... but funny enough it ended with me loving everyone. Well... minus the bad people. Hot or not, I still don't like you 이무기 (Imoogi)!! Even though there were a lot of times I wished you weren't a dickbag.

ANYWHO! Every single episode held so much that sometimes I felt like I held my breath the whole time, only able to breathe when it was over. Lol It held a bit of a trance, I suppose. Not complaining. I love shows like that. It's rare for that to happen as well - So I know this show will stick with me forever and will always be a favorite of mine.

Everyone's acting was off the charts amazing, there wasn't a single terrible person that was casted and I really really REALLY hope this wins awards. That's how amazing I believe it is. Not only the whole show, the cast, storyline, even the MUSIC.. just... EVERYTHING should be won when it comes to this show! I'm talking Parasite level of awards. Fight me if you don't agree. lol

I knew getting close to the end it would be sad. It's inevitable, but COME ON!!! I wasn't expecting THAT! I don't think I have cried quiet that hard since I watched Goblin.... and my face turned purple from crying so hard watching that. You can imagine how I looked watching this...... please don't imagine. I'm sure it's scary AF. Lol

The only and I mean ONLYYYYY issue I had with this show isn't even really just a issue, more of a confusion? And that's how it ended the way that it ended. I don't understand? Was he? Wasn't he? kinda thing. So I am really confused. I'm kinda hoping they release some kind of statement about it or extra little piece to explain how that happened when all through the show - we heard different. While I'm happy, I'm confused and maybe a little scared? Also... I wish it could have ended happier, if you know what I mean. If you watch it, and I hope you do -- I hope you'll agree with me that that person deserved happiness too.

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Caçadores de Demônios
22 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Jan 24, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 5
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
If you step outside, I'm pretty sure you can hear me screaming.

I told myself I was going to do 2021 differently and stop giving 10 stars so easily but OH MY GOSH!! How can this not be rated 10 stars!?
Everything and I do mean everything about this show was amazing.... okay maybe not *everything* --but I'll come back to that later.

The Uncanny Counter is probably the first show I have watched that kept me stalking the next episode release date. Lol but not only that, every episode was so packed with action that there were no boring parts. There was never a time I wanted to stop watching and it kept me glued to the screen because I knew if I looked away I would miss something important. Lol That says a lot to though because I'm not really big on action but the uniqueness of this show kept me hooked.

All of the actors did so amazing! Even small scene actors took it to a whole new level and made you remember them. I've never been a fan of shows/movies that have a lot of characters, especially random ones that somehow were "important" -- they always left me like "okay but if you are so important why are you coming in now and I don't even remember your name" kinda thing. Lol BUT.... The Uncanny Counter just had some kind of magic in it that left me feeling completely different.
Like episode 15 for example when they brought in that new character. That really threw me off because I was like "um... why are you here? There is literally one episode left. WHY ARE YOU HERE?! WHO ARE YOU!?" lol but in the end, even though I still don't fully understand WHY, I can't even be mad. Lol It's so weird.

While the sudden show up in episode 15 was ..... something. Lol another problem I had with the show was Hana's back story? She is a full ass whole mystery herself. Which is cool and all but we know everyone else's history and all through the show we get glimpses of hers and the demons ALWAYS bring up her past-- so we know it HAS to be important to the story to help understand her character. But... did we ever even get the full backstory or answers? I feel like I blinked and missed something? Did they explain it but I'm too dumb to understand? Don't get me wrong, I like her character. I just am confused? If they didn't tell us, will they tell us in season 2?

Speaking of season 2, why? I mean I'm glad we will get to see them again but this season ended perfectly. and I mean PER-FECT-LY!! I can't stress that enough. I feel like if we get a season 2, there is no way it will be as good as the first and I feel like it's bound to make us lose a few of our favorite characters. WHICH I CAN'T GET DOWN WITH! lol
I am *concerned*. Haha

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The Sadness
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Abr 25, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

This is your trigger warning.

This "review" is really just for those who need a warning.

Because I tend to stay away from the comment section because of spoilers, I wish I had somewhat peaked at them this time. Because they're right. It's not for the light hearted.

This movie made me physically sick.

Zombie lovers; feel free to pass this movie. It's pretty much just rape gore on steroids under the guise of zombies.

I get this movie isn't for everyone. it sure in hell wasn't it for me.

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Há Quanto Tempo
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Mar 25, 2021
5 of 5 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
So apparently I have watched this 2 other times before but I keep forgetting that I've watched it until about half way through and it dawns on me "I've seen this before" -- why can I never remember that I've seen it? It's not a terrible show, not at all. If anything it's very good! So why I can't remember is beyond me. X_X Hopefully writing this review will help me remember. Lol

I really loved the story of this show, it's like a new-age LGBQT+ Romeo and Juliet ... without the death part. Lol and can we talk about the mafia take on this? I know there are a ton of mafia movies out there but this one seemed more unique with the characters and sexual statuses. Now, I admit, they could have all had better "code names". They were almost laughable -- like something you read written by a teenager. Don't come for me, I'm sorry. Haha I can't help thinking that because they really are the most basic code names. All that was missing was a "night hawk". Rofl. Okay, I'm sorry. On with the show.

I really wish this show was longer though so we could see how everything would really play out, while I really loved that ending, I know there has to be more to happen after that. This is one of those endings that feel finished yet open at the same time. I wish I knew a better way to explain it but they're so rare that I never really think about it.

I kinda wish we got to see more of the sister as well, she needs her own show/movie to show her side of the story and find a possible love interest! lol as weird as it is, she is probably my favorite character even though her part is so small. I love sibling relationships that are super closer. I relate a lot with them so I feel like I understand them better and I love how accepting she is about her brother. I know I know, apparently the bar is low because it should be a "normal" thing, but let's face it, in this day and age, it's still not fully "acceptable" so yeah I can't help but to have that bit of excitement when a character does accept them; but I digress.

If this has been on your TBW list or you've been tempted to watch it, this is your sign to watch it now! lol

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L♥DK: Dois Amores Sob o Mesmo Teto
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Mar 12, 2021
Completados 2
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Excuse me while I go all soft and mushy. Lol I loved this movie! Don't get me wrong, I stayed stressed out the whole time. Did I need to be? Not a bit! This is probably the first time a movie has started out happy and ended happy. Lol
I kept waiting for some hellacious stuff to happen -- and while it did have it's up and down moments I'm so happy things worked out in the end! Also, I had no idea this was technically the second movie. >__< I'll have to find and watch the first one soon.

Not happy how his cousin and brother shit talked her most of the time. Like you see how happy they both are and you see how healthy their relationship is, yet because she doesn't fit YOUR standards, she's not good enough? Are you kidding me? While I wish he had popped off on them, I get why he didn't. I'm glad she blew up on Reon. I freaking swear I wanted to hit him. Lol His character is such.... well.... the more I think about it, his character really is American. Holy hell I'm shocked it took me this long to realize it. Lol the actor definitely played him well.

I feel like this movie is a rare gem not enough people know about. I mean, how often do you get love triangles.... that aren't even love triangles? Lol So many times we see one person get swayed. But not here. Main characters had eyes only for each other. My heart freaking shattered when he told her he was thinking about going to America.

The ending was super cute but I was still stressed out the teachers would find out the big secret and hell would break lose. X_X It's weird how the movie is over and I'm still stressing over this. Like they aren't even real!! LOL good grief! smh

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ATEEZ: Fever Road
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Nov 28, 2020
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This isn't really the kind of stuff you review but I'm just happy I finally got to watch all the episodes. Lol
I'm glad they showed more into the storyline because lemme tell ya... I was confused. LOL
Also the Jumanji theme was so cute. Lol I'm not a fan of that movie but I really liked what they did.
Seeing everyone's story come together may or may not have made me a little emotional. bound to happen though, right? Lol
I think my favorite part is what happened with Wooyoung and it kinda triggered San into this mode that you didn't want to mess with. LOL! He was dead set of getting Wooyoung back. XD I loved it!
I think this is something all Atiny will enjoy.

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Just Friends?
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Set 29, 2021
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
This movie was so short but full of so much promise!
It started off kind of dodgy though and the talk of the mom's chest kinds... I have no words for that. That was just weird and, bruh... why? Just why put that in there. Lol
other that that, the storyline was so sweet and I would really love to see this be turned into a series or longer movie! But hopefully without the musical numbers. Those were so cringey. Lol I'm sorry.

I really want to know the end of this. I feel like it ended on a cliffhanger. I know it didn't and I know it ended happy but I want to know how the mom reacted. I want to know about the other mom. Did she come to terms and everyone be fine? Did they part ways? I just have a lot of questions. Lol
It's weird. Usually when movies/shows end with a lot of questions and awkward moments, I tend to not like it... but their chemistry was just so cute together!

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8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Dez 11, 2021
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Gonna say it now and save time, I'm sorry. Lol
But I disliked this show so much. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but the storyline was so lackluster and left nothing to the imagination. It was slow and annoying for the most part.
From episode 2, I have been fighting sleep even with it set to using 2x speed.
I think the part that pissed me off the most is finding out Mafuyu really was the shitty person I thought he was.
*massive spoiler*
Dude really told Yuki "but would you die for me?" after a argument then pulled a shocked pikachu meme WHEN HE DID IT! How people still loved him after that, I don't know. If I was Yuki's mother I would have told Mafuyu to fuck off. Sure in hell wouldn't have given him anything belonging to Yuki. I feel like the song he sang at the end was like a spit in the face of Yuki. I said what I said. I know no one will agree on that, and that's fine. But it's how I feel.
I don't care what kind of fight or disagreement you have - there's no reason to tell someone they should die or "die for me". that is beyond messed up.

I think the only characters I actually liked though were the side characters. Had the show been about them, I probably would have rated this higher. I racked my brain trying to think of good parts of this show just to through some positive vibes in but honestly, there are none. I feel like a jerk saying this too. (I'm really sorry.) I just did not like this and the characters made me so freaking mad.

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Nana and Kaoru
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae Finger Heart Award1
Out 16, 2021
Completados 6
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Because consent isn't a thing to him??

So I stumbled across this and was curious, as most would be, I guess...
But not even that far in, red flags were going off constantly like a freaking pinball machine.
Lets count, shall we? (mind you I'm writing this as I watch, follow me on this journey)
Also keep in mind, heavy spoilers, I watched this so you wouldn't have to. lol I also haven't seen the anime (and don't plan on it) So this is my thoughts on the movie alone.

Red flag one, Blackmail is NOT consent. I repeat. BLACKMAIL IS NOT CONSENT!!!!!! before you EVER try to do ANYTHING, always talk about dos and don'ts. Talk about limits. Discuss safe words. Discuss soooo much!! GET CONSENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
This scene was completely disturbing and disgusting. Okay, she's stuck in the suit she was curious about. You're hormonal -- but that does NOT give you the RIGHT to mess with her because she made a MISTAKE! Doesn't matter what "hot" noise she is making, doesn't matter a damn thing what is happening. SHE TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH HER!!! and you did it any damn way after you demanded she show you how she looks in the outfit. It turned my fucking stomach hearing her say over and over "don't touch me" -- and you fucking did it anyway.

Red flag two, To make matters worse, when it's all said and done, he said "I let her off because she started crying. I guess I'm too soft to be a sadist"... are you fucking joking? Even sadists get consent. You don't just read a porno and go "welp, I'm a dom and this is how I'm going to be" that's not how that fucking works, you douchenozzle!

Red flag three, the collar bit pissed me off because not only was it not discussed, it's not just a collar and it's not something you take for a test drive. It's not to be taken lightly. Between that dom and sub, there is a bond of strong trust. A collar isn't just something you buy one day because you just want to push someone out of their comfort zone for your own pleasure... I mean, unless you're this dickbag who only wants to get this rocks off. -_-

Red flag four, when they finished said collar walk, mind you, this whole time she has been saying the collar had been hurting her and he still didn't offer help -- she asks if she can take it off, which he ignores and says "you're not satisfied are you?" which she says she is and he legit turns to her and says "You're lying. Your face says you want to be abused more" --- ..... dude.... are you serious? Even if she was lying, YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO HER!!! Gosh damn do you know what no means? At all? Because 50 minutes in all I'm STILL getting from you is toxic rape-y vibes. *scoffs* "Your face says you want to be abused more" -- I want to fucking vomit.

Red flag five, right after the whole "you want to be abused more" takes her to a bathroom and tells her a story of one of the sports groups running around said bathroom doing guy things and then tells her to lift her skirt and if she doesn't, he won't let her out. Yeah no... That's not sexy. That's not dom. That is not consent. That is forcing someone against their will and that, dear dude, is sexual harassment. You're a sick fuck. Especially when he had the last say of "this is what you asked for".

Red flag six, Piss play... oh joy, here we go. Again, no consent. She needed to use the bathroom and he asks her if she can hold it for a bit. That's it, no context or say of what is going to happen at all. Takes her up to the bleachers and just says "this is it" when she asks what, clearly needing to pee and can hardly hold it, he pulls the disgusting 'You still don't get it?" gee, dumb ass, no. She doesn't because you didn't SPEAK with her about this! You never brought it up to even ask if she was okay with it!
and AGAIN - A-FUCKING-GAIN he pulls he "you can go to the restroom but if you do, that'll be the end of this" when she doesn't want to use it publicly. *screams in frustration*
"I said it before, I'm not forcing you to do anything" that is total BULLSHIT! because you ARE! You're holding this over her head that if she doesn't do something, things will stop or you won't let her get away from the situation. All this shit. What the fuck!!

Red flag seven, and honestly should have been mentioned way before this but all the times he thinks excitedly to himself "she's submitting!" makes me want to throw him down a flight of stairs. She's not submitting, you never give her a choice. Trust me, I've had to piss that bad before, she would never make it back to the bathroom in time even if you let her. You getting excited every time you FORCE her to do something isn't a great thing. You're literally a predator. and it never fails that he tells her "you can trust me, I won't look, I'll be a look out" like he isn't looking over his shoulder at her to get his pleasure view. Ugh (PS, I wish she would have pissed on his shoes)

I was going to give him props for getting consent for the rope play.... until he was like "now let's go outside with it on" -_- Again with the no communication.

What can I say about this whole movie? I wish I never laid my eyes on it. It was cringe and actually could be triggering for a lot of people out there. The whole story line was all kinds of fucked up imo.

Also, I know not everyone will agree with my rating/review and that is understandable. But this is honestly how I feel about it. Did I overreact? Maybe. But I would rather overreact than under-react about serious things like this.

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Buraco Negro
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Jun 9, 2021
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The ending was.....?

I'm so torn between rating this 6 or 7 stars. I'm being nice with 7.
I remember when OCN first announced this show, I could NOT wait to watch this, especially since OCN was doing it. OCN is my jam, okay? Love that station.

It started out so promising and addictive. I couldn't and wouldn't shut up talking about this show. But as the episodes kept rolling out I just felt like I had seen it before? It was like a mix of Resident Evil and Remina by Junji Ito. Don't come at me, I've read the book and yes, it's similar to me. Just instead of psycho people, there were psycho people mixed with resident evil people. lol

But, I hung on because the story was really interesting even if the pace was way to slow. even set at 2x speed, it felt like it crawled by.... It left me wondering what, when, and how this "Dark Hole" came to be and what was it?

Only for it to end and tell us NOTHING. Was it alien? Was it paranormal? I just don't understand. Okay so this random dark hole pops up and suddenly all hell breaks loose? But why? Am I overthinking this? I feel like I'm overthinking. I just hate not knowing... and for the big bad monster to be taken out like that was kinda laughable? Like.... okay why did THAT work? It just doesn't make sense in any way I look at it. It makes me feel like I've lost my mind. Lol

Also I'm glad I didn't click out of the show before the credits ended. So you mean to tell me another hole popped up? So all this is about to restart? WHY?!?! Why are there ZERO answers to this show?!!? It's driving me insane. Even some of the characters back stories has no answers. It hinted at things but never really told you anything. Jin Seok for example, he was a pos, yeah but he was a thug? What was his obsession with Dong-Rim when he has 2 other flunkies he could have used for whatever? I just... I don't know. I'm confused.

Props to all the actors though. I really do have a lot of respect towards them, they all played their parts so well that when plot twists came up with their characters I was taken by surprise. The story itself seem pretty played out but the actors definitely made this show as good as it was.

I wonder if there will be a season 2 because of that ending where they can explain everything better, or if they are just going to leave it with that huge open ending??

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The Wrath
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Nov 25, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Okay so... I...
I feel like I have been mind fucked... yet... don't? Ya'll... I have no words right now but I am going to try? So let me get this out of the way, the movie was bad ass. Holy crap I want everyone to see this movie and honestly with every horror movie lover, this needs to be on their list to watch ASAP!

In lies the issue I have as we all know was coming due to the missing stars. Lol Y'all know I hate open endings. I hate cliffhangers. Whoever came up with them should be throttled. I can't stand stories, shows, movies, etc that have no closure... Probably why I hate life so much, eh? Everyday is a cliffhanger. LOL!! Okay bad joke, sorry. But anyway.

I really loved this movie from the start. It doesn't start off with overloaded information and it also doesn't start off with complete action. yet in a weird way, it does. Which I like, I mean... What's to hate about that? But I have to admit I was so freaking confused at first (and we know how I feel about that. It pisses me off to no ends) but thankfully it explains everything fairly quickly. Which I have no problems with, in fact, I get why it took so long to lay that down - which is a good thing. Hats off to them.

What is so crazy though is the ghost. Usually things are pretty black and white you're either team good or team "evil" - in which I admit I have been team evil a few times because when you learn why a ghost is the way they are, you tend to sympathize. But this one... oof. It was TRICKY!! I'm still on the fence about it. Because she was plain dirty for that but in the same breath, he should be stomped for what he did. That was beyond cruel and messed up. So I really can't blame her there... Yet I mean she tried to pull some mess too. SEE!! It's a mess! oiwejfowihfow ANYWAY! This had been on my watch list for about two months now? I feel bad for not watching it sooner! Lol

The storyline was amazing but I feel like it could have used a little buffering out? Or maybe I blinked and missed some information that is needed to make sense of some things? That is another thing about this movie, you can't take your eyes off the screen because everything in this movie is important to the storyline and if you look away - you WILL miss something or some information that you need to know. Lol I feel like if I watch this movie again I will see some parts that I didn't see the first time. Lol Which I'm not mad at. I like movies that are like that... gives me a reason to watch them again... and again.... and again. Hahah

There is so much more I want to say about this movie but sadly I can't because I already feel like I have given to much away. Also, I do know this is a remake of a movie (I can't remember the original name though) I feel like I should hunt it down and watch and see if it has more information in it. I'll have to keep this one updated if I do. ^_^

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Monster Hospital
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de FoxFae
Jan 4, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Emotional Rollercoaster

That was one hell of a ride. I admit, I had been curious about this movie for a while but kept seeing low ratings so I always passed it up. Finally tonight with nothing else better to do I thought "eh why not?" -- Dude, I have no idea why the rating is so low on this movie. It was fucking amazing!

From the start I was laughing my ass off. This movie is so weird and unique but without a doubt they managed to pull my heartstrings until I cried.

Every character was interesting, I couldn't help but to love them. (well... most of them.) I kinda wish this was a show so I could see more of them. The actors were phenomenal.

I think the only issue I had about the movie was how it ended. I'm actually really confused at to what happened? I really don't understand it so I feel like I'm missing out and even though I want to be happy, my confusion makes it where I really can't be?

There is really so much I want to day about this show but because every piece is tightly woven, I feel like if I say to much I'll give everything away. Lol Gah I didn't want this to end though. It was so good. I wish there was a second movie or tv series spin off (given IF they kept the same actors. lol)

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