
  • Última vez online: 12 horas atrás
  • Localização: dopamine of ignorance
  • Contribution Points: 72 LV2
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: Fevereiro 24, 2022
  • Awards Received: Flower Award1

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dopamine of ignorance


dopamine of ignorance


If you're here after reading one of my reviews, congrats, because they are basically just needlessly lengthy rants about how disappointed I was. Still, I appreciate if you made it to the end, hope it wasn't a complete waste of time <3

After years on MyAnimeList, this is how my brain is wired when it comes to ratings:

1/10 = Appalling
2/10 = Horrible
3/10 = Very bad
4/10 = 
5/10 = Average (For very forgettable shows/movies that are not remarkable in any way. I don't necessarily regret watching it, but my life would've been the exact same had I not.)
6/10 = Fine
7/10 = Good
8/10 = Very good
9/10 = Great
10/10 = 
Masterpiece (Writing, acting, cinematography, music... there's nothing that needs to be changed. This is art to its purest form.)

It's impossible to be 100% objective and get rid of all biases, but I try to as much as I can whenever I rate something. Even my favorite shows usually don't get a 10/10, and those I didn't enjoy much sometimes get a better score. I often come back to adjust my ratings a few weeks (or even months) later as I watch new things. 

If you believe that critiquing or questioning the acting, writing, directing, editing of a show/movie, or highlighting plot holes and inconsistencies, is nitpicking and means someone's a hater: this isn't the place for you. I love analyzing all that stuff. :)

Getting emotionally attached to characters that are bound to die is my personal curse 


113d 3h
3,003 episódios, 258 programas
7d 4h 2m
94 filmes

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