
  • Última vez online: Jul 5, 2024
  • Gênero: Masculino
  • Localização: Taiwan
  • Contribution Points: 63 LV2
  • Aniversário: May 24
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: Setembro 16, 2016

Listas Recentes

Favorite BL Movies
7 titles 2 loves

                                   Dramaland! RomComs! SLS!!! Rants and Raves  

                  Beautiful Asian Actors and Actresses & of course BoysLove!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tumblr_inline_nvagl93KAR1tyhoav_500.gif

♡Hi there!♡

Just your frumpy next door neighbor who spends their life all day consumed by Dramaland and BL World and an earnest blogger. (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) 

Thank you for taking the time to checkout my page. I'll be honest I haven't been fully into the site in quite a while or as into dramas and movies. I'm hoping to change all of that. If you have any recommendations for me to watch please feel free to message me. Also, I truly love making friends on here so if you want to send a friend request your more than welcome to. I hope you guys enjoy the page 麽麽的~

Google Drive
Favorite Songs

♪ Bio ♪ 

  • He/Him

  • Bilingual; native English speaker and I'm studying Traditional Chinese 

  • Engaged (IRL)

  • Major in Anthropology w/ Minor in Sociology 

My Husbands and Boyfriends

    ꕤFavorite BL Movies 

Sodom's Cat
Money Boys
30 Years of Adonis
Night Flight
Loves Coming




⚠️BL Alert⚠️  

So I stated a long time ago that I could help out with some boyslove dramas or movies etc. I do still intend to be able to offer any source of BL that I can and provide a way for people to watch it. If you are having trouble finding BL show, movie, drama, etc. let me know and I can see what I can do. You can check out Google Drive to see if there are any movies that you have not seen yet. If, on the page of the movie or show, in the comments section, the link is available and working then I won't place the show or movie in my Google Drive because its already available. Thank you for taking the time to read this, its very important information I wanted to get out.


Currently undergoing reconstruction 


My first ever K-Drama

"Hyde, Jekyll, and Me"

My favorite K-Drama

"Cheese in the Trap" 


18d 8h 46m
587 episódios, 59 programas
6d 10h 30m
97 filmes

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