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  • Localização: Zoro's sense of direction
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  • Aniversário: November 11
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  • Data de Admissão: Janeiro 26, 2015
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1

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Zoro's sense of direction


Zoro's sense of direction
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My Thoughts
I fell in love with this actress because of this drama. One of the rare times where I believed the couple had chemistry. Even though I watch romance drams, I don't care about the couples. I watch them to see how they structure the same cliche over and over again to make it entertaining. I enjoyed the female lead for taking initiatives. She is not physically strong but she won't take anyone's shit but the important aspect for me, she is still vulnerable to some attacks. The ML was also exceptional. I enjoyed whenever he took revenge for the FL. So many likeable characters but I would say they rushed the last 10 episodes and had an arc in the first season that didn't click with me but it still remained one of my highly rated show.
My Thoughts
I'm completely biased towards this show, and I rated it highly even though I was pretty dissatisfied with the way it went. The ML writing was this drama strongest selling point. I know a lot of people were mad that people supported him because he was truly evil in the novel but this is not the novel so... and  I actually like evil character and wish to see them in their element however, he wasn't evil in the drama. He was very morally grey in a way that garners more sympathy. It makes you want to root for him to destroy the world. I enjoyed that dynamic. The best part about this show was the pure IRONY of the whole situation with him. If you know, you know. I have to say though the last arc was frustrating to watch because this show carried itself so well . There was another arc that I initially didn't like either but when I looked back at it, I realized it was actually important and I feel like my opinion of it changed drastically. This showis not for everyone.

Kim Ji Won
Arthdal Chronicles
My Thoughts
In my opinion, kdrama never do fantasy genre well. The best you will get is a modern day storyline with half fantasy element. This is the only one where were everything was fictional. From the characters to the world building which makes it stand out a lot. Which why I would recommend it. It's a shame Korea aren't advanced with CGI otherwise, they could have played with the special effect more to support this type of storyline.

My Thoughts
You don't know how much I despise criminal/investigation dramas where a justice seeking protagonist catches a killer because those are some of the most boring, predictable shows for me. Almost all of them are not selling anything unique, it's the same repeated plotline but different font. However, whenever someone ask me for a recommendation, this is the one that comes out of my mouth. It's still predictable but it did something different and it did it well. Whenever someone ask for a show recommendation, this is the one I give. 

A Piece of Your Mind

Yi Si Wan
My thoughts
It's not really the twists that's made me enjoy this drama. It's the anxiety the main character was going through that made me continue watching. It really felt like a descend into madness. Very slow but it was always there. If anxiety was a form, this drama would be it. They portrayed it well for me. 

My Thoughts
Religion extremism and how the cult operated really sold me.  I enjoy when dramas do something out of the usual and this one had many truths of how cults are like.  It also had a great, vulnerable female lead with a lot of determination and an unexpected friendship on the side. One of my few grips with this show was the ending, it was downright awful. It didn't do the story enough justice, 

My Thoughts
Zombie shows are one of my favorites because there is so much you can do in terms of characterization and gore.  However, this show gives it a unique setting and questionable power struggle.  There was even conclusion and a twist which usually don't happen with a lot of zombie shows. Very solid show but mostly, great acting from the side characters.


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