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I Do, I Do Episode 7
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 21, 2012

Finally a Decision!

I am extremely happy that Ji An decided to keep her baby and stand up to her parents, although I am a little disappointed by the way Eun Sung reacted to her news. I also thought that Tae Kang was very adorable for protecting Ji An from the alcohol. I think this was a fairly good episode.
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I Do, I Do Episode 5
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2012


I was really anticipating episode 5, but this episode was not was exciting as I thought it would be. I really wanted Ji-an to announce the news to Tae Kang or something, but that didn't happen. I also thought that the cliff-hanger at the end of the episode was a little awkward and unexciting.Eun Sung was talking and suddenly Ji An starts crying, then the end of the episode. From watching episode 5, it almost seemed like a filler to get ready for the real action and drama in episode 6.
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Mar 26, 2012

An Excellent Start!

This drama has a very endearing beginning! Unlike other dramas Rooftop Prince is not plagued by lots of flashbacks. It's a bit fast-paced, but very funny and the you get a good sense of the characters in the small 1 hr.
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Jun 1, 2014

And the Bickering Begins!

The one thing that stood out the most to me was Kai Qi's relationship with her nephew. That development really softens Kai Qi's hardened character. Also, the bickering and competitiveness between Fu Zi Jie and Kai Qi has started! Moments like that make me cherish dramas.

This episode was very enjoyable. :D
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Jun 13, 2013


Okay, I think we're starting to see a little change in Jang Hye Sung, which is great! I love the character Cha Kwan Woo more and more as the episodes progress.

I was sitting on the edge of my seat at the end of this episode. I never knew that the voice of Michael Jackson could be so discomfiting!
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Big Episode 6
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2012

"Uh Oh"

Ma Ri figured it out! I had a feeling Ma Ri was going to figure it out soon, especially since Kyung Joon acts like himself around her.

As for Da Ran in this episode her annoying-ness level has gone down ever since she ended things with Yoon Jae, but I don't like that she decided not to see Kyung Joon because he has Yoon Jae's face. I wish she would be a little more selfless and be a little more considerate of Kyung Joon's weird situation.

Overall I think this was a funny episode yet it was still filled with heart-pounding moments. I'm excited to see how Da Ran and Kyung Joon deal with Ma Ri from now on.
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Big Episode 13
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 17, 2012

Packed Episode

So finally, finally FINALLY Kyung Joon and Da Ran get romantic with each other! I was waiting for that for forever! And then Ma Ri ruins it... I'm really starting to dislike her! Slowly but surely my opinion of her has gone down.

I am happy that the truth about Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae was revealed, but Yoon Jae's family sure does know how to use a guy.Seriously, it is unbelievable how Yoon Jae's mother treats Kyung Joon, it infuriates me.

On the bright side, this episode was filled with so much drama, happiness and sadness. I even teared-up a little at the end (made possibly by Gong Yoo's tearing eyes) In my opinion this is one of the best episodes of the whole drama.

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Jan 25, 2013

I think there is potential

This happens a lot in other dramas and already frequently in this drama: when the main characters are in the same view, but do not acknowledge the other and walk by each other. Although used frequently, in this drama I think the use of this effect was more meaningful and significant than in other dramas because this drama is based around secret identities. I sense conflict between Kyung Ja and Gil Ro because of this.

Also, I really appreciated the funny scenes: when Kyung Ja visited her home and when Gil Ro went on his dates

Anyway, I think the first episode was good. It displayed some potential to be a great drama .
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Mai 30, 2014

Somewhat Refreshing

So, I started this drama on a whim (like I do most dramas) and I was surprised at how good this is. The first episode nicely introduces all the characters and gives insight to their back-story in a very chill and mellow way. I didn't feel like the plot or the characters hurriedly revealed. I don't know, the tone of this drama just seems laid back. I think it is a little refreshing.

As for the actors, I'm not familiar with either one of them. I just couldn't watch "Just You" with Puff and I've seen no dramas with Jasper. Du Kai Qi and Fu Zi Jie are both somewhat atypical leads and the Puff and Jasper both are doing pretty good job so far.

To conclude, this episode did a good job of getting me interested. I got a good idea of the character personalities, plot direction, possible conflicts. Also after watching this episode I really started to hate the fact that only one episode airs per week. I'm looking forward to seeing how this drama develops!

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Ago 29, 2012

Not what I imagined...

After that heart pounding cliff-hanger from episode 7, I imagined the opening scene of episode 8 to include Se Na ruining So Ra's wedding with her "deceased" husband,which would lead Tae Sung/Nam Hae regaining his memories thus launching a chain of problems and obstacles! Okay, okay so I know my imagination went a little crazy, but to me that opening scene was too mild and uneventful. The only partially good thing about the opening scene is that Joo Hee, that random secretary, realized Tae Sung/ Nam Hae's identity. But alas, she keeps all that juicy information to herself.. that angers me.

Besides that I am delighted that Tae Sung/Nam Hae discovers his true identity, although I am sad because it has damaged Tae Sung/ Nam Hae's relationship with So Ra (which finally blossomed into something. Finally). I thought that Tae Sung/ Nam Hae's identity would, figuratively, be a huge, harsh, and heavy-handed slap to Yook Bok Ja, but somehow it wasn't... and that annoys me.

Overall, I think this episode was acceptable, but a bit of a disappointment as the halfway point of this drama. Now I'm starting to wonder how Tae Sung/ Nam Hae's relationship with So Ra will progress, especially since it looks like it is digressing. I'm also wondering how and when Tae Sung/ Nam Hae is going to get his memories back. And we all know that is going to hinder everything.

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Big Episode 14
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 18, 2012

Darn that ending!

Okay, so this episode was great in my opinion.

I thought all the truth was revealed in the last episode, but it was a pleasant surprise to learn some more behind the brothers births. The fact that Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae could have been twins blew my completely mind!

Aside from that, the fact that Ma Ri even turned Da Ran against Kyung Joon in his time of need was really selfish of her. Plus we all knew that Kyung Joon wasn't going to suddenly change his mind and go to Ma Ri's comfort so he was all lonely!

One thing that would've made this episode better for me is if there had been a more dramatic airport scene. I was definitely waiting for them to embrace each other, but they never did. D:

Also, darn that cliffhanger! With the way things are in this drama I cannot tell who woke up and I'm going crazy!

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Big Episode 7
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 26, 2012

Calmer than expected

I thought that Ma Ri was going to go extremely crazy after finding out the truth about Kyung Joon, but she stayed pretty chill. I wish she had acted a little crazier than she did. I thought it was hilarious the way Ma Ri ignored Choong Sik, especially since he is trying so hard to be around her. And was I the only one that caught the slight "The Moon that Embraces the Sun" reference? I hope not!

Anyway, I thought that Da Ran and Kyung Joon were especially cute together in this episode. Even when they displayed their "dog manners". I suspect that there will be plenty of random awkward moments in episode 8, because of what Kyung Joon said at the end of this episode. I'm looking forward to it. :D

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Big Episode 5
1 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2012

Anticipation for BIGGER and better things

To me this episode was wonderful. I am extremely happy that Da Ran has opened her eyes and realized that the Yoon Jae she was praising and defending for the last 4 episodes is not what he seems. The family of Da Ran had a hilarious reaction to the news of a cancelled wedding. I thoroughly enjoyed the slow motion and instant change of Da Ran's mother. At first I thought that maybe Da Ran was going to stop Kyung Joon from leaving, but when she didn't I thought of only one thing: a time lapse. Time lapses only lead to bigger and better things so I'm excited to see what happens in episode 6.
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Ago 15, 2012

Good Potential

Unlike most people I haven't seen any of the Hana Kimi drama adaptions so the only thing I'm comparing this to is the manga (which I never finished :P).

I really set my eyes on seeing how Sulli performs as a guy this episode and I think Sulli's acting was acceptable--nothing more and nothing less. Other than the fact that is is extremely obvious that she is a female. She needs to deepen her voice or is just too obvious.I wish Minho would overact a bit, because he seems emotionless to me. Hopefully as the drama progresses this will change.

So anyway.... Although there was a high level of overall predictability for character reactions, I think this episode was pretty good overall and was a fairly good start.

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Jun 10, 2014

The plot is progressing quicker than I anticipated,…

The plot is progressing quicker than I anticipated, which is a good thing. I want to give Le Xuan a round of applause for finding out Fu Zi Jie's identity so quicky! Usually it's not until later in dramas that secrets are uncovered. I just wonder what Le Xuan will do now...

Gosh darn it, Fu Zi Jie pushing himself into Kai Qi's life is just adorable to watch. However, I wasn't much of a fan of Jasper's portrayal of Fu Zi Jie's fear. That accidental kiss made up for it though.

But anyway, It's nice to have romance and food-porn in one drama.
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