Cookie here!

My life in 4 pics:
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 | Touch on the image to be redirected to a little bit of music. I like listening to other languages. If you have any music from your native country (or not!) that you'd like to share with me, please do so! |
 | Ultimate: S. Coups
Bias Wreckers: Mingyu, Wonwoo
My first two dramas
This was in 2016. Right away, I felt the need to organise my life dramas and found MDL
Later, I became an editor on the site.
Have fun on my profile!
PS.: Based on my own criteria. Be kind to you and each other ^-^
TOP4 Great Roles great actors portraying great roles and some of my favourite characters |
Overly obsessed with BL it stopped being healthy a long time ago |
You can read my fanfiction on AO3 or Watpad: /
If you'd like to write about BB/OhmNNN but don't have any idea, see some here: (including my own challenging prompts ;))
I do not subscribe to any of the crazy stuff some OhmNNN fans did/do. Love them in your own private way but don't mess with their personal carrers.

Walnut&Cracker | Han Soo&Yeong Shil | My Father is Strange

Sang Tae&Mi Jung | Sang Min&Yeon Tae | Five Enough

Do Yoon&Joo Ha | Jazz For Two
Be My Friend great bromance/sismance - the best romance |
Age of Youth Gang | Age of Youth 1 and 2

Mr Ma&See He | Because This is My First Life
Cookie's out!

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