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Adorável Corredora
27 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 2, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 4.5

The Best of Actors Can't Fix a Poorly Written Script

**Disclaimer... This is just my opinion. I recognize and truly appreciate all of the hard work that has gone into producing this drama. Thank you.**

There are already many detailed reviews that go over every aspect of the series so I'll keep this short and try to avoid spoilers. The Lovely Runner started out strong but floundered in the end. Though I didn't like the choice of time travel device I was interested in the characters and the female lead's quest to save the male lead. He had inspired her to keep living when she was at her lowest. He was gentle and kind towards a total stranger over the phone and then again when he met her in person. The female lead's despair after her accident was moving. I wanted them to be able to change their fates. Unfortunately, there are so many gaps in logic and my ability to overlook them that I became increasingly frustrated as time went on.

I think that the actors did a great job with what they had to work with. I found Im Sol's immaturity grating. She was supposed to be 34 in a 19 year old's body but she didn't act like it. She had good intentions as far as saving Sun-jae but she was also often unnecessarily mean and selfish. Both Ryu San-jae and Kim Tae-sung are genuinely good guys but their characters and stories were not developed enough.

Lastly, the soundtrack has some beautiful songs on it, particularly the ones by Byeon Woo-seok.

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Ru Yi
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 12, 2025
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Remarkably Good Cast and Production for a Short Drama

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

I was truly impressed by the cast, production and OST for this drama. In a lot of the short dramas that I've watched, it's been very obvious from the beginning that they were low budget and the actors appeared to be very inexperienced. The dialogue and close captioning for those dramas can be so poor that they are painful to watch. That is not the case for this drama, thankfully. While the closed captioning isn't perfect, the dialogue is normal.

The cast all do a very good job with their characters, with the exception of the villain. He's not terrible. He just reminded me of watching a B movie. I wish that there was a full list of credits for all the actors in this drama because I would definitely follow quite a few of them and watch their other works. The main characters themselves had backstories, growth and were likeable.

This was, after all, a short drama so we can't have everything. I think the plot itself is silly. There have been quite a few dramas about someone entering a story in one way or another and attempting to change it. This is another one. It was actually doing well with the story within a story, establishing the romances, the struggles that the characters were going through and making you care for them all in a short period of time. I thought it floundered in the last few episodes but it is still well worth watching.

As far as the production goes, it was so much better than I had ever expected from a short drama. The costumes were very good. The camera work was nice. The sets were tasteful. I know that the drama I watched just before this was really, really bad so I may just be grateful for the improvement, but I don't think so.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this drama and it's actors. I hope to see them in a lot more dramas in the future.

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Unchained Love
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 30, 2024
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5

Well Worth the Watch

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the production of this drama. Thank you.**

I'm going to do my best not to include any spoilers.

This really was a very good drama and is well worth watching. The cast and acting are outstanding. I thought that Dylan Wang did a fantastic job as Xiao Duo, especially in the action scenes. I was surprised and impressed by just how good Chen Yu Qi, who played Bu Yin Lou, was. She really brought her character to life. Peter Ho was great as the emperor we grow to abhor more moment to moment. Guan Chang shone as Murong Wanwan aka Princess Hede (I could have Hede wrong, I don't remember and I can't see where to look it up). Wang Yue Xin, who played Cao Chung Ang, and Li Dong He, who played Yu Qi Lang, were terrific as well. I really enjoyed the action and martial arts scenes. They would have been even better if the fantastical jump/flying thing they added wasn't included but it wasn't as over the top as I've seen in other dramas.

I'm still torn as to how I feel about the two main characters. Initially I thought that Xiao Duo was very aloof (for good reason, no doubt), intelligent, ruthless and clear headed. About halfway through the story, he's completely changed. He no longer displays the clear headed judgement or caution that he would have previously. While I was happy to see things going better for him and to see his softer side, I was disappointed that he didn't use the skills he had when he could have. (I'm trying very hard not to give away anything.) Yin Lou, on the other hand, while a bit bratty and self indulgent in the beginning is infinitely more likeable than who she is at the end.

The story started off well. I was intrigued by the characters and their stories. It had some very funny moments and both the action and drama were done very well. Towards the middle though, I thought that the characters were acting "out of character". More and more of the suspense came from seeing them making very poor/unsafe decisions and waiting to see, with bated breath, if they would suffer the consequences. That isn't the kind of suspense that I like to see.

I think that the soundtrack has some very pretty songs on it. I don't speak Chinese but they do sound pretty and the lyrics are good as well.

The wardrobe and production departments did a good job too.

This didn't turn out to be short after all but I think I managed to leave out all spoilers. As I said, this drama is well worth the watch. The story can be a bit frustrating at times but it keeps your attention. The actors are what drew me to it and kept me watching.

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F4 Tailândia: Meninos Antes de Flores
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 21, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

An Excellent Adaptation

**This is just my opinion. I sincerely appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you. **

F4 Thailand is an excellent adaptation of Boys Over Flowers. I've seen all of the live action versions, most of them multiple times, and this is one of my favorites. It has a great cast and wonderful characters. I think that Thyme's character is the best version of the ML in any of the versions. I love the depth they gave his character, that he actually tries to make amends and see things from their perspective. Ren was wonderful but not like his character is in the other series. He still has some sweet scenes but there isn't any actual romance to speak of and the part where he shoves Gorya put me off completely. Yes, I know Thyme did awful things in the beginning and yet somehow, in the context of this show, I see them differently. I just do. Anyway... I really liked the character of MJ but wish that he had been given more time. He was intelligent, loyal and supportive while still calling his friends out when he needed to. Glakao, Gorya's younger brother, was a sweetheart, as were her parents. Thyme's mother was also written and performed the best of any of the adaptations.

There were of course, characters that were a bit of a disappointment for whatever reason. The first of those was Gorya herself. Tu Tontawan Tantivejakul is beautiful and did a great job but her character physically assaulted other people for the slightest reason, was rude and whined all the time. She doesn't ever appear to work hard at anything despite having numerous jobs. Being hardworking and having a positive outlook had always been synonymous with the female lead in this series until Gorya. She is loyal and caring though. Kavin, on the other hand, while friendly and happy to lend a hand whenever needed, lacks the charm (once again, I'm referring to the character, not the actor, who did a great job) of his counterpart in Boys Over Flowers Korean version or Meteor Garden 2018. Instead, he has some of the worst lines in the series and ends up sounding like an entitled jerk. Lastly, there's Lita. I usually really love this character and think she'd make a better match for the ML but not this time.

Ultimately this series felt more like one about bullying and being true to yourself rather than one about love and friendship as I expected, having watched the other versions. There's nothing wrong with that. I truly enjoyed it. It was well written, tells a great story and has a wonderfully talented cast that did a terrific job bringing it to life.

My disappointment lies in that I wanted more. I wanted more of the individual members of F4 and Mira. More of the bond between them and Gorya. There weren't any vacations or excursions that would have given them the excuse to play and hang out together. Thyme doesn't play the role of hero as the ML does in Meteor Garden 2018 or Boys Over Flowers Korean version (it's been too long ago for me to remember the others). He does save her once but the writing in the scene lacks the heart of the others. Just watch Dylan Wang as Daoming Si save Shancai in the kidnapping scene and you'll know what I mean. Once again, not a fault of the actors. The writing just seemed more focused on resolving the conflict between the kidnapper and Thyme than on his sacrificing himself to save the girl he loves.

The biggest difference and disappointment of mine is the virtual lack of love triangle between Gorya, Thyme and Ren. Gorya develops a bit of a crush on Ren in the very beginning but it doesn't last. You don't wonder who she'll end up with. He's a good friend and often hero in her time of need, though the reason for their closeness is not explained. Other than crying for him and urging him to go for Mira I don't see what Gorya ever did for Ren. I usually root for Ren's equivalent in other versions of the story because of their deep relationship with the female lead and I believe they are better suited. I can't do that with this series because there just isn't enough there. I wish there were.

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Difícil de Encontrar
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 20, 2024
28 of 28 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Wonderful Cast and an Engaging, Original Story

I've watched so many dramas that what I appreciate most now is originality. That and good acting, of course. This drama has both of those. It doesn't leave you wondering if you've already seen it before. The cast is wonderful. It's been a long time since I could say that I loved both of the lead actors and I'm delighted to be able to do so now. I've never seen them before but I'll make it a point to watch their other dramas. The supporting cast was very good as well.

I loved the action scenes. They weren't the over the top flying scenes that I hate. They were well done and fun to watch. The costumes and most of the hair were beautiful. The only things that really detracted from the series appearance wise were the excessively long fingernails they gave the female lead character and the heavy make up on the male lead. There were a few of the obligatory slow motion fall and catch scenes that were regrettable but not very many.

The OST was very pretty and I found myself replaying quite a few scenes just so that I could catch the lyrics. If I could change anything, it would just be to not have them playing over the characters' lines or have the volume quite so loud when they did.

I would have preferred a different ending but I respect that they didn't give us what they no doubt knew we wanted. It suited the characters and the story.

Overall, I would highly recommend this one. You won't be disappointed.

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Melancia Cintilante
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 3, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

The Best Coming of Age Drama I've Seen In Ages

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the production of this drama. Thank you.**

To be honest, I wasn't expecting a lot when I started watching this series. I wasn't familiar with the actors and I'm not a fan of time travel in stories. I decided to watch it because I was curious about Eun Gyeol's story. I'm very glad that I did and couldn't recommend it more highly.

It has a phenomenal cast, is very well written and has a beautiful soundtrack. It is heartwarming, funny, sad, suspenseful and ultimately satisfying. I laughed out loud and was moved to actual tears several times, a rarity for me. Viki has the lyrics to the songs translated as well so those of us who don't speak Korean are able to better appreciate the music. If you're interested in knowing them, as I am, I'd recommend watching it on there.

There are already reviews that are very detailed about the plot and characters and I've no desire to ruin it for anyone. If I were to change one thing about the drama, I would simply ask that there be more of it. Especially the ending which felt a little rushed.

I was happy that the writers, cast and production people made a series about a CODA student and his family in such a respectful, yet natural way. It was very well done.

All of the cast did an absolutely fantastic job, especially Ryeoun, who played Ha Eun Gyeoul, Choi Hyun Wook, who played Ha Lee Chan, Shin Eun Soo, who played Yoon Cheong Ah, and Seoul In Ah, who played Choi Se Kyeong. Jung Hyun Joon, who played Ha Eun Gyeoul as a child, and Choi Won Young, who played the older Lee Chan, were amazing as well.

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Doce Dezesseis
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 13, 2025
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

This Drama Needs Strong Trigger Warnings for Suicide and Sexual Assault

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

Mentioning an assault in the plot summary for this drama is not sufficient. There should be very clear warnings about the content of this drama so that it doesn't trigger people. We aren't shown each moment while it's happening, but they show us the moments leading up to it, the aftermath, the depression and how the perpetrator torments her into wanting to take her own life. I would argue that those scenes can be just as triggering as watching one of a more detailed assault. If you have ever been sexually assaulted, struggled with suicide or had anyone close to you who has, you really should steer clear of this drama.

As for the actual review... To me, whatever romance or deeper story was meant to be going on was completely overshadowed by how dark they decided to go. I thought most of the actors did a good job but really hated the story and the writing. The music was pretty good from what I remember. Not a very good review, I know. I just wanted to warn people about the content. I don't know why it was called Sweet 16. There wasn't anything sweet about it. Even the "love" that the main characters had for each other felt wrong to me by the end.

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Sweet Sweet
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 22, 2024
22 of 22 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

The Male Leading Character Makes It Worth Watching

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

I watched this drama because I loved Zhao Yi Qin's performance in Hard to Find. I'm so glad that I did. He did a wonderful job playing a socially awkward genius with obsessive compulsive disorder and speech aphasia. As his character develops and opens up we get to see how thoughtful, caring, generous, funny, sweet and romantic he is. Zhao Yi Qin is positively adorable as Su Mu and the main reason why I stuck it out to complete the series.

The story itself wasn't well written. If the reason behind Su Mu's speech aphasia is ever revealed I missed it somehow. I kept waiting to find out what his trauma was or why he needed to consume very cold things---previously ice water but switching to ice cream when he met the female lead---but never got the answer. We don't ever learn why Tian Tian De and her ice cream are able to help Su Mu overcome his speech difficulties either. We just have to watch scene after scene about the making of, obtaining or consuming it. There are some very sweet and funny moments but they are overshadowed by the rest of the poor writing and the awful ending.

The female lead character, Tian Tian De, played by Ding Yi Yi was absolutely obnoxious. I hate to hate on characters but they gave her very few redeeming qualities. She's incredibly childish, entitled, lazy, arrogant, loud mouthed, has terrible table manners and what's worse, has the personal hygiene habits of a teenage boy, lol. I was appalled. She is a talented artist, is a good baseball player and is clever with good people skills when she wants to. She shows a bit of growth over time but not a lot.

He Yu was incredibly funny as Wang Yan Yi. The poor guy got took so many glasses of water to the face that I felt sorry for him. Liu Yan Cheng, who played Li Di, did a wonderful job too.

The production budget for this show must have been very low. The characters wore the same outfits for several days in a row for no apparent reason and had wore the same thing so many times that everyone was commenting on it in the chats. It sounds like a petty thing to mention but the characters were supposed to be wealthy. The young women were wearing plain overalls all the time. It was inconsistent.

Even though I said those negative things I would still recommend this show. Why? Because it was really nice to see a very kind, sweet man who stayed that way throughout. Sometimes we all need to believe that they exist.

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Imperador ou Chefe
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 2, 2024
18 of 18 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 6.0

Silly but Funny

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

Honestly, I only watched this series because I thought Ye Xiao Wei was exceptional in Smile Code and wanted to see him play a leading role. I think that the cast was great and did the best that they could with what they had to work with. The writing was silly and juvenile but was funny so it was still enjoyable to watch for the most part. The characters were what you'd expect from this type of drama. The two male leads are cute, sweet and protective while the female lead is kind hearted and childish. Unfortunately, she's also very vain and her behavior grated on my nerves. There is chemistry between the main couple though, so there's that.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 20, 2024
30 of 30 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I Wish I Had Read the Reviews

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that goes into the making of this and other dramas. Thank you.**

Warning---Spoilers Ahead

All I knew about this drama going in was the one sentence description given on this site and the fact that Wang Rui Chang was starring in it. I have really enjoyed his work in the other dramas that I've seen him in and wanted to see his character actually get the girl. I wish that I had read the reviews so that I would have been mentally prepared for the ridiculous plot. As more and more of the "mystery" was revealed I was having to force myself to keep watching. It was just so idiotic. The female lead character isn't a supernatural being. She hasn't been in an accident or experiment that resulted in her "gift". No, forget all of those. She's just born with the ability to shatter glass, ignite fires, cause electrical malfunctions and then somehow, turn that ability into healing the human body. What I find possibly even more strange is her referring to her ability as her "super power" without any embarrassment or awkwardness and others doing the same thing. I was cringing every time they did it. If there was some explanation for her having her ability and I missed it, that's my mistake.

Overall I think I just found it frustrating. This drama has a very talented cast but the script let them down. Of all the characters, my favorites were A Jiu, played by Jeremy Wang, Fang Jun Hao played by Luo Zheng, Yi Er Yang played by Chen Peng Wan Li and Tang Jia Nan played by Wang Rui Chang (despite how childish his character is). I think that the couples were mismatched. If they had been paired differently the drama could have been so much better. If you like women who talk like toddlers, behave like primary school kids and are indulged in every way then you'll probably enjoy this drama. I can't stand women like that or that kind of behavior so drove me crazy. Both the behavior and the indulging.

The bottom line is that this drama has a lovely, talented cast, a terrible plot and awful writing. The English subtitles are some of the worst I've seen. The sound cuts out completely during some episodes only to have very loud background music (that I didn't care for) during others. The soundtrack is alright from what I could hear though.

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Jin Tian Zong Cai Shun Li Tui Fang Le Ma
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 8, 2024
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

An Adorable Couple That Will Make You Laugh

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the production of this drama. Thank you.**

Love In the Hotel was a breath of fresh air after the heavier dramas I've been watching. Hu Wei and Xu Meng Yuan make an adorable couple. They both give their performances their all and did a wonderful job. The story was another matter. It was funny in it's utter ridiculousness for about the first half of the series. The writers tried to be more serious in the second half. I think that the second half lacked the charm that the first half had or it might have just been the laughs.

Overall, I'd recommend this drama because it's different and it's funny. Just leave your brain at the door or have a few drinks first. You'll enjoy it more, lol. I know I laughed a lot more than I would have expected. It's so goofy. The episodes are short too, so you could watch them on breaks at work or school without having a heavy plot to worry about.

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A Melhor Escolha de Todos os Tempos
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 14, 2024
37 of 37 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

This is really more of a family drama with a side of romance

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

I think that I read the summary for this drama wrong. I thought it was just telling me a bit about who the main characters were and what they were going to be dealing with. I assumed, wrongly, that the romantic relationships would be the primary focus. What it ended up being was a family drama with a side of romance and a heaping helping of hotel/work drama.

I have nothing against either work or family dramas. This drama though, put too much focus on Liu Wan Yu, Mai Cheng Huan's mother, her machinations, interference, greediness, emotional blackmail, etc. and their impact on her family. It just felt endless. I continued to watch it, hoping that eventually it would pay off but, spoiler... no such luck. It continues all the way through until the last 30 minutes or so. I have never wished for them to kill off a character so much. She drove me crazy. The work/hotel/life portion was just boring. Other than when they were setting something up for a future scene, it was tedious.

There was a bit of romance. I know that they wrote it in there because there ended up being two couples. Unfortunately, I didn't find it romantic at all. There were multiple confessions by more than one person and the only times there was any attempt to do something romantic was when she didn't want it. I still think that's very odd. I fast forwarded through some of the scenes towards the end so I might have missed something but it's doubtful. How can they not have gone on any romantic dates?

The actors were very good. My favorite part of the whole thing was Wu Yan Shu's performance as Yao Zhiming and Mai Cheng Huan's grandmother. She was an absolute delight! She brought out the best in her costars.

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Um Tempo Chamado Você
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 6, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

I Can't Get Past How Idiotic the Time Travel Was

**This is just my opinion. I truly appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

It's very difficult to write this without any spoilers but I'm going to try my best.

I was drawn to this drama because of the cast, namely Ahn Hyo Seop and Kang Hoon. They and the other actors did a very good job. Unfortunately this drama has one of, if not the, worst time travel devices I've ever seen or read about in a book. There was never any explanations given. We were just supposed to "turn our minds off at the door" so to speak. I tried. I really, really tried, but seriously. It's really asking too much. At least set some consistent rules for yourself if you're going to go this route and make it make sense.

The male lead characters, Koo Yeon Jun/Nam Si Heon played by Ahn Hyo Seop and Jung In Kyu played by Kang Hoon, were wonderful. Both of them were sweet, very intelligent, kind, self sacrificing and tragic. They were what kept me watching. Jeon Yeo Been did a good job playing the dual roles of Kwon Min Ju and Han Jun Hee. I just didn't like the characters. As Min Ju she was dour, not very bright, angry, resentful, bitter and walked like she was an extra for The Walking Dead. As Jun Hee she was intelligent, outgoing, aggressive at times yet kinder than Min Ju.

Despite the issues that I had with the time traveling and how various aspects of it didn't make any sense to me, I thought that the story itself had some very touching moments. I was moved by the friendship betweean Si Heon and In Kyu and the love between Yeon Jun/Si Heon and Jun Hee. It was worth watching just to see them.

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Príncipe do Café
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 23, 2024
17 of 17 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 4.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

The Worst Cross Dressing/Gender Bending Series I've Seen

**Disclaimer... This is just my opinion. Everyone has one and they are all valid. I know that I'm in the minority when it comes to this series. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into making these dramas.**

I watched this series because I liked Gong Yoo in Goblin. I had high hopes for it because of the positive reviews I had seen. Unfortunately those hopes were dashed almost immediately. The acting was good but the writing wasn't.

The female lead character is so uncouth that I can barely find words to express it. She didn't grow up starving alone on a deserted island but she acts like she did. She takes gluttony to the extreme with a complete lack of table manners and common decency. One or two scenes of her eating would have been more than sufficient to get the point across but there are far too many of them. She is aggressive, rude, selfish, arrogant, ignorant and ultimately, to me, unlikeable that I found it very difficult to care about the main couple. Yes, she is hard working, tough and loyal (in a sense) but that isn't enough to balance out the rest.

The characters and their relationships are unhealthy. There is lying, cheating, using, abusing, stalking, etc. but a general lack of what most people would define as real love. That and a lack of chemistry between the main characters. For all of those reasons I couldn't get invested in this drama and couldn't wait to be done with it.

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Abandonados 15/20
Destinado a Te Amar
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 5, 2024
15 of 20 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Not My Kind of Comedy

**This is just my opinion. I truly respect and appreciate all of the hard work that went into the making of this drama. Thank you.**

You Are My Destiny was one of the first Chinese dramas that I ever watched. When I saw that there was a Korean version, I was eager to watch it. Fated to Love You was aired 6 years earlier but was still remarkably good for the time. The actors were very good and the characters were well developed. I was especially impressed with Jang Na Ra as Kim Mi Young and Jang Hyuk as Lee Gun for their emotional scenes.

I was prepared for some goofy scenes at the beginning and regular comedy after that. I wasn't prepared for an extremely eccentric male leading character with a bizarre laugh that I don't even know how to describe. It was jarring and unpleasant and not at all funny. He kept it up through all 15 episodes that I watched. I think I only heard his nice, normal laugh once. He would do this offensive clap whenever and wherever. He behaved so outrageously and obnoxiously that it got to the point that I didn't care that he was actually nice and sensitive underneath it all. I just couldn't stand to watch him anymore. It was a shame that they wrote his character that way. Jang Hyuk is clearly a very talented actor. Both he and Jang Na Ra made me tear up with them when they cried.

The story itself was nowhere near as good as in You Are My Destiny. It didn't have the same kind of heart and seemed to be more focused on comedy. That's just my take though.

The soundtrack is very good. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the stylist/wardrobe department. There is an appalling amount of gaudy outfits (they apparently had a fondness for orange/salmon).

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