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Advance Bravely chinese drama review
Advance Bravely
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Cheriann17815
Jan 6, 2024
30 of 30 episódios vistos
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Lacking Something

I know they were not able to add kissing and more. I understand but there is nothing more than brother friend feeling to the story. I personally thought the acting was good. There are three “couples” and they might or might not be in love. There are hints to say they might be in love but for instance the main lead’s sister never says I think they hang out together because they care for each other. would this be too much? I am not sure. I do think that China let them make a bromance story is probably a lot for them. There is still some kind of emotional attachment missing. The two main leads have a connection but it is not on a deep level. The side characters are way too comedic and the ending is too. I have watched stories where the leads never kiss and they have slight comedy but still the story gives a bit of room for emotions without the sudden comedic moment. The flow is off when the comedy overwhelms the emotion. This all may be due to the restrictions imposed. so this is worth a watch but not a multiple time watch. We will have to wait for these kinds of countries to grow up a bit. Seems childish to be so much against this when the world has big issues and problems.
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