
  • Última vez online: Nov 26, 2023
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: The Morgue
  • Contribution Points: 6,390 LV15
  • Aniversário: December 06
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  • Data de Admissão: Junho 23, 2012
Jun 28, 2013

Problems just keep compiling

Well, at least XinYue got adopted by the 9th prince but I doubt if things will end up well...
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Jun 28, 2013

Just stop it

OMG, the 9th prince doesn't know how to stop now does he? The idiot!

Also, the stupid Shaohua disn't hear it right, I knew it was too good to be true.
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Jun 28, 2013

Did he hear right?

I hope he did but I doubt that. Well, at least Lijun is in love with Shaohua so it will get better with time.

As for Tie, he should just love his wife; she's so kind and nice, what's wrong with you man?!
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Jun 28, 2013

She's gone crazy?

Oh the poor mother; it's because her husband got taken away but at least Lijun and the others found her.

Why is Lijun still romaing around Tie? Oh, come on girl! Choose one side!
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Jun 27, 2013

Weird somehow

One of the weakest pilot episodes I ever saw.

The beginning was somehow lame and weird but I started this because I am into vampire dramas so this should be alright to continue.
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Jun 27, 2013

No Shaohua?

Why was there no Shaohua during the whole episode? His absence was really obvious.

Other than that, I like the way Lijun and her baddies are gaining people’s recognition whenever they go.
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Jun 27, 2013

Going to Dadu

It seems like everyone is heading to Dadu and they will meet there but will it be okay? (since Mongolians and Hans hate each other).

Tie should be nice to his wife; you already married her you idiot, why do you make her suffer while she’s a goof wife? Lijun doesn’t love you anymore you know.

Oh, and why’s Liu Kuibi is back? I thought I got rid of his obnoxious presence.
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Jun 27, 2013


Hahaha, now Lijun is seriously jealous of Yanyu, she’s stealing her man away after all; she should’ve told him that she’s Lijun “That ugly orange is being unfaithful to me”, did you forget your feelings for Tie girl?

On the other hand, Tie is going to have a hard time since the khan died; I assume that some of the military will conspire against him.

On a last note, I really like Rong; she’s really funny!
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Jun 27, 2013

Fighting feelings

Obviously Lijun is fighting her feelings for Shaohua after she found out that he’s the one who has been playing the flute all along; why does she have feelings for Tie even after she found out that Shaohua was playing the flute? The only reason she liked Tie was because she thought he was the one playing the flute, now that it turned otherwise, she shouldn’t have feelings for him anymore. She must admit her feelings for Shaohua or he will be snatched by Yanyu because apparently, she fell for his playing too.
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Jun 26, 2013

Another misunderstanding is solved

She finally found out that the one who was playing the flute is actually Shaohua not Tie. Well, she already has feelings for him without that since she was super jealous of Yanyu.

Is Shaohua stupid or what? Why doesn't he conclude that she's Lijun not her cousin!

As for Tie, he should just marry Kuozhen and get it over with.
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Jun 26, 2013

Finally found out?!

The episode wasn't that great until the end when Lijun decided to meet up with Tie dressing up as a girl and bang! Shaohua shows up on his behalf to deliver her a message and now he knows that she's a girl!

I also doubt that Tie knows she's a girl from a long time ago...
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Jun 26, 2013

Tie or Shaohua?

Apparently Lijun is confused about her feelings but it’s clear that Shaohua will win the fight somehow but he’s confused about his feelings too; he thinks he likes his fourth brother while the one he truly like is Lijun.
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Jun 26, 2013

Another adventure

It seems like Lijun and Shaohua get out of an adventure to enter the following one (sneaking into the boat).

I am glad that Xinyue is actually alive, I assume she will stay with the Mongolian family until Lijun finds her.
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Jun 26, 2013

More complications

Not only that Shaohua's father is on the run, now even Lijun's father is in prison because of that stupid Liu Kuibi!

Oh, Lijun was burning of jealousy from Yanyu, hahaha girl, you should admit it already.

And in the last scene, Shaohua started playing the flute, will Lijun finally realize that's Shaohua not Tie? the one she fell in love with by hearing his flute I mean.
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Jun 26, 2013

Oh, YingXue!

She didn't die, right?! The poor thing, I knew it would be very hard on her to marry Liu Kuibi but she shouldn't have jumped like that. I am pretty sure she didn't die though.

And the poor Shaohua too! He thinks that Lijun died while she's standing right beside him.
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