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Ago 5, 2013

Much better

Things moved in this episode and I can say that I am fully into this version right now. They even added some scenes and they felt pretty good.
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Ago 5, 2013

It's cool

The story and the cast are alright and everything but I feel like I am waiting for more developments between Tai Jing and Mei Nan. I am sure it will come around so I just have to be patient.

The episode was good and the actor who's playing Xin Yu is doing a perfect job.
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Ago 4, 2013

Political War

I am still not into this. However, I also can't seem to hate it either.

The political war going on between general Yeon and the king seems cool and I don't know who's side to choose. General Yeon is a difficult person who doesn't even aknowledge his own son and the king is unlikeable. The princess and Yoon Cheon are going to be caught up in it.

I wonder what general Yeon will do since his son is in the palace; will he try to use him?
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Jul 31, 2013

Who is the "Father"?

And why is he helping Jin Woo? He even put that guy with the cross as a bodyguard on him, Brian also knows about it so maybe he’s not that bad?

Jung Ha Yoon is back to his old self. I am sure he will stir troubles next up but I hope he remembers that Jin Woo saved him from the hell that he was going through. Things are seriously getting interesting and exciting; I can’t wait to see how this will end.
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Jul 31, 2013

Rare Blood Type

Greed can make someone cut his own wrist and face death; that’s really crazy especially of you have a rare blood type like that. I am glad that his plan was discovered. And the line that Jin Woo said: “How dare you lie in front of me? The lord Jin Woo?”.

Oh, Jin Woo and detective Kang were so cute like little children or something. But seriously; they’re even putting a spy on him? That’s too much! And who is sending him all of those records? Someone who wants to let him know about Ha Yoon and the professor. That team leader is seriously evil!
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Jul 28, 2013

Real angels

Well, this must be the most heartwarming case in God’s Quiz so far; those mentally disabled parent were really great and the way they always considered Song Han Chul their son even when he was being mean to them and even if he’s not their real son. And seriously, that CEO deserves to die or something how can he do such things with weak people like them?

The DEMA project keeps getting deeper and deeper and with the new evil character coming in; it seems like it’s going to be a hectic battle but why is the professor part of that thing and I still can’t agree with using Jung Ha Yoon as a lab rat; I felt bad for him when he was like “Save me, save me…”

And I was right about Young Eun; she was part of that project.

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Jul 28, 2013

White girl

You know; albinism isn’t that horrible; not in a way where everyone would think you’re an alien. Maybe in South Korea, it’s very abnormal though.

The director should’ve died too; why is the one who did it survived while the witness died? And seriously Jin Woo “I think she trust us now”? A doctor shouldn’t say that.

On the other hand, it seems that the DEMA project is going deeper and the professor is getting his hands dirtier. Oh, that’s an experiment right? They were testing Ha Yoon brain abilities by making him walk side to side with Jin Woo. I don’t know what on earth they are trying to accomplish.
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Jul 28, 2013

A real Psychopath!

Well, the obsession with the family made that woman go crazy; she was a psychopath ever since she was little with cutting the nails and everything; I am also sure that she was the one who killed her mother and maybe her father and her husband’s family. Her daughter Loona is also a psychopath who follows her mother’s footsteps; she killed the doctor and her father and in the future she will have a family and become like her mother, they should’ve left her to death: it’s like this circle never ends or something.
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Jul 28, 2013


Are you serious Jin Woo? You should’ve laid down the real cause of death even of lovesick had a part in it. Well, honestly the case wasn’t that interesting; I was expecting a case about Young Eun (Jin Woo’s ex-girlfriend) but she got taken away by those Special diseases control guys; we got flashbacks about his relationship with her instead. Seriously, this makes me think that there’s no developments between Jin Woo and detective Kang; it’s like we’re in the first season (oh, he doesn’t sit in the back seat in this season).

I am curious; those Beantek guys seem to be doing illegal new medicine experiences on human beings and Young Eun is one of those but are they planning to make Jin Woo like her too? I mean they are already testing the medication on him because it was made for him and I am sure that they will bury the whole thing if something goes wrong. I don’t like the fact that the snake like researcher Park is asking the professor for help because I am sure he will grant it.

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Jul 28, 2013

Getting starting with an interesting case

Well, it’s been about two months since I finished the first season so I figured I should start the second. The reason I delayed it so much was because I didn’t find much suspense or motivation from the first season’s ending to start the second right away.

Anyway, the first case is quite good and it sticks to the rare diseases cases. I especially liked the way Dr. Han made his comeback through the press and the commotion he made but that makes the criminal trying to play games with him, ne? We will see who will wins this, idiot!

I am also glad that the team members are the same; well, except that girl doctor from the first season who is apparently erased from the cast which is not a problem at all. They also added the chief police who seem like an annoying character and that stiff profiler Dr. Min who I hope she disappears after this case ends.

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Jul 21, 2013

Way to go Kin Chan!

Although I am only dreaming and Kin-Chan will be super hurt in the end; I can’t help but root for him because his relationship with Kotoko in this version is simply the best.

Well, now we know how it will go but I still sympathized with Kotoko because she felt very pathetic and she finally gets that she needs to give up on Naoki who’s being very mean by the way; why insist on marrying a girl that you don’t care one bit about? Even your father told you not too.

And once again; Naoki’s mother is so cool with her actions and words, she’s like Kotoko’s die-hard’s fan LOL
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Jul 21, 2013


The most annoying part and it seems like it will continue the next episode. Apparently Naoki is a real cold hearted person but deep down he’s very tortured and doesn’t want to do this. At least, he gave Kin-Chan a chance and now, Kotoko should be able to completely give up on him (before the epic confession of course). I liked the way Yuki opposed the marriage and wanted his oni chan to be with Kotoko “But Oni-Chan the person you love is Kotoko, right?”, way to go Yuki just wake him up.

I had a great laugh in the part where Matsumuto and Kotoko where trying to mess up Naoki’s date but end having many water accidents LOL

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Jul 9, 2013

Not so great but it was a fitting ending

I can’t believe that Komachi called herself “The best writer in the vampire world” and they even put the death sign on the count’s picture, LOL they were respecting him.

I am not so fond with the whole Sakurako becoming a human thing because I am so sick of mythical being wanting to become human. Also, what’s with staring at each other at the end? OMG when will they stop making such endings!
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Jul 9, 2013

Oh just stop it Komachi!

Come on, the act should be over by now; why isn’t she trying to save Sakurako and the rest of the guys. She started to irritate me but I am sure she will come back to Sakurako’s side by the end.

Also, those two vampires who are always by the count’s side are pretty funny sometimes and I get the feeling that they will turn against him or something like that.
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The case wasn't very interesting but still good enough to grab your intention. The whole infectio, betrayal and sacrifice was pretty good for th dramatical side but not good enough for the crime part of the story.

Well, it seems that Ji Hoon is finally suspecting something about F so I repeat; it's time to reveal the truth to him, he can't be kept in the dark forever.
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