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Jun 10, 2013

Aww Miki!

The poor thing! Not only she thinks that her husband is cheating on her with her best friend but that stupid host wants to rip her money away by that fake investment since he saw her as an easy prey. Miki’s daughter seems to care about her mother the most; she doesn’t want anyone to say anything bad about her. I also liked the way Sakura stood by Miki’s side.

The rest of the ep wasn’t that great and that accidental kiss was so fake. I still want her to end up with Rintaro; he still suits her the best and Hiroto hasn’t been honest with her.
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Jun 2, 2013

Just why?!

Why is Hang Woo going against Yoo Ban again?! Just go your way and let him manage his small company, why are you being so clingy dude!

I can’t believe that Mo was able to keep Hang Woo by her side but I am sure he won’t be a ring in her finger like the stupid Beum Jeong plus he already suspects that she killed the chairman. I’ve got to admit that pretending to be his hyung’s girlfriend was a smart move.

I like the way Yeo Chi is managing things, she was able to fool everyone. I am also glad that Hang Woo doesn’t want to see her that way and do everything he can to change her or turn her back to the way she was before. Woo Hee shouldn’t be jealous because he likes her, just a little patience and you will get a proposal.

Mo needs to go down as soon as possible!

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Jun 2, 2013


Even though I am very irritated that Mo got what she wanted but I am glad that everyone is plotting against her now. I am also glad that Yeo Chi was just acting while she was working hard on her own; I believe her grandpa’s money is that fake investment and she may be able to get it back. Also, Yoo Bang, Woo Hee and Hang Woo are on the same boat. Mo is so going down!

Beum Jeong should wake up already! It’s clear as the sun that she was using him. What’s wrong with you man!
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Jun 2, 2013

OMG, Mo psycho!

The president died! She actually killed him? But I am glad that she won’t get anything out of it plus Woo Hee saw her so she can testify against her.

Yoo Bang won! Of course I don’t like Hang Woo being humiliated but Yoo Bang totally deserved it, I was rooting for him. The scene where Hang Woo said to Woo Hee “At least, you root for me” was so freaking awesome!
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Mai 29, 2013

Factory problems

Woah, Hang Woo can be pretty heartless or actually he is heartless; he could've chosen another place and if he wanted, he could even save that factory, he's just successful in what he wants.

Yoo Bang is just so sweet, he stood with them, helped them and never let them go, I am sure it will end to his favor at the end but I also hope that nothing wrong will happen to Hang Woo.
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Mai 28, 2013

It's Okay...

It’s about time that Hiroto tells Sakura the truth, well, he told her that he was lying to her but I am not sure if he will tell everything.

Oh, and Miki get her own distraction now since the host dude offered her a job, now, she can payback her husband’s carelessness. Payback time bwahahaha
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Mai 28, 2013

Things just got more interesting

I am so glad that the whole new drag finding issue and the murder problem were solved, I thought they will drag this to the end; it makes me love this drama more.

Poor Hang Woo, he lost his only family but I really appreciate his reaction, he didn’t back down, actually he was able to come up with a new plan in no time and managed to get into Chun Ha to execute his revenge properly. Now that he’s in, things are going to be more than exciting!

My favorite scene was when Yoo Bang had those side effects and when he was carried to the lab, he was laughing and saying: “Why am I flying? I am salaryman not Spiderman” xD
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Mai 27, 2013


Now that Yeo Chi and Yoo Bang are on the run, I think things are getting better. I seriously can't believe that Yoo Bang was framed that way! OMG Hang Woo! Why do you keep doing bad things?!!

Everytime I see Yoo Bang eating the new drug because he believe it's vitamins makes me think that he will finish it all and there will be no new drug, he will stay young forever, lol!

Also, the way everyone was confident that they will become VP made me laugh, I am sure the president will surprise them all :D

On a last note, can I say that I ship Woo Hee and Hang Woo? It's clear that I like the latter so much even with his hateful acts.

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Bad Guy Episode 14
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Mai 23, 2013

Gun Wook vs. The mother

This ep is absolutely one of the best episodes in this drama. When he was caught at the end of the previous ep, I thought that everything is over for Gun Wook now but I was wrong, the revenge freak is back in this ep!

The conversations he had with the mother were absolutely amazing and very exciting to watch, the hatred, the cold blooded person he was and most of all the indifference and desire for revenge that made that evil mother lose her mind and can’t think straight, she almost had a heart attack especially when he called her “Mother”, she deserves that! I mean she even caused the accident for his parents, such a horrible person!

Who are his real parents? Now, this is an interesting mystery! If those parents who raised him weren't his real parents then who are the ones? I am sure it will be exciting to find out; he can’t be part of that family, right?

Oh, and Tae Ra isn’t actually chairman Hong’s daughter? Another interesting fact, at least if he’s from the Hong family, it wouldn’t be incest.

I liked the bromance moments between Gun Wook and Tae Seung, he told him “Tae Seung Ah, don’t trust anyone”, because after all Tae Seung isn’t a bad person, he really thinks of him as a big brother and he doesn’t deserve to be taken revenge against.

On a final note, I really like Secretary Kim, he told Gun Wook everything and he didn’t report anything back, I knew he isn’t a bad person but that maid! She even helped the evil poisonous mother kill Gun Wook ‘s parents 20 years ago but let’s hope she doesn’t repeat the same mistake and help her get rid of Gun Wook this time.

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Bad Guy Episode 10
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Mai 23, 2013


Tae Ra gave in to Gun Wook in this ep, she really can’t help it, poor thing. However, Mo Ne is the most hurt victim here, why did she have to find out about her sister and Gun Wook already? Let’s hope she doesn’t steer trouble for him.

Jae In found out about Gun Wook’s scar, this is trouble. Why did she saw his scar at the day of the accident? Such a dramatic coincidence.

Oh, I hate two timers and Jae In is such a two timer! She wants to be with Tae Seung, she does everything in her might to be with him (because of his status of course) but then she cooks for Gun Wook, worry about him and stay by his side. Pick a side girl and stop playing these stupid games.

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Bad Guy Episode 7
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Mai 20, 2013

Oh My! The mother!!

I officially hate her from the bottom of my heart! How can she be so evil? No one is happy around her and everything she speaks is pure poison, I want revenge to be taken against her as soon as possible please!

Now, the romantic development, I can say that I didn’t want it to happen at least not in front of Tae Seung because he won’t let Gun Wook be with Mo Ne and all of those things, I am not sure what to think about it.
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Bad Guy Episode 5
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Mai 20, 2013

I want to know his plan!

I know he’s trying to win Hong Tae Seung over and that he’s doing everything in his might to make him trust him and all but there should be a plan and I really want to know it.

Anyhow, the last part of the drama where they were in the train was much better than the rest of the ep. It’s clear that Tae Seung is interested in Jae In, let’s see what will Gun Wook do about it.

Also, I think that Tae Seung isn’t actually a bad person, he’s hated by his family and his step mother treats him like a scum, he feels like he doesn’t belong in so he rebels and I find it quite normal. However, I understand Gun Wook’s hate for him, not only he snatched his place but he also was the reason behind the death of his noona, the only person that he liked and felt comfortable around.

Let’s hope for more exciting developments next up.

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Bad Guy Episode 4
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Mai 20, 2013

Nothing Much...

Let’s say that this ep didn’t keep the excitement delivered by the previous episodes, it felt slow at some points and even long.

However, that doesn’t deny that the ending kept me invested in events. Gun Wook plans to kill Tae Seung? Is that his epic plan? Of course not so I am curious to why did he do that.

Also, apparently Sun Young was Gun Wook’s noona from the orphanage. The fact that police knows about the other Tae Seung (aka Gun Wook) is a bit troublesome.

Let’s see what will happen next.
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First of all, I am so glad that Ukita is dead, that man deserved to die a long time ago, such a disgrace to the investigation department.

The most interesting part is coming up next! Just why did Misawa kill Meiko's family? This question has been going in my mind for two episodes and I can't find an appropriate answer.

Last ep, here I come! I am not expecting a happy fluffy ending for this drama but I am hoping for satisfying answers.
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Woah, Dojima!!

Seriously, Dojima was so great in this ep and he got a cool death too! Who would've thought that he would go to that extent to help Meiko and reveal the truth?

Oh, Mashima! Come on man! Except the last scene where he confessed his love, I was cursing him the entire ep, after Meiko revealed herself to him, he did nothing and he kept planning to quit being a detective and it annoyed me!

Now, why would that Misawa boy kill Meiko's family? It's weird and it doesn't make sense, where there a relationship between them or something? If so why didn't she suspect him before this?

I am so looking forward to how things will end! Two episodes to go!

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