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Cruel City Episode 6
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Ago 1, 2013

Stupid Soo Ah!

Now the small problem started to grew. What’s doctor’s son position between his best friend and the woman who looked after him like his real mother? I know that Hyun Soo must’ve guessed that Lee Jin Seok was behind what happened to him and that she tipped Safari but even Hyun Min found out which means that’s going to be big trouble.

On the other hand, Soo Min and Lee Jin Seok are now close and I am sure that Soo Min will enter the drug world through Lee Jin Seok soon enough. Let’s wait and see.
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Cruel City Episode 2
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Ago 1, 2013

Still interesting

That Safari guy is smart; I’ve got to give him credit for that. He’s trying to link the police to Doctor’s son and get rid of him once and for all, he even got his actors but trying to play Ji Hyun Min was his big mistake because that guy is smart too and we still didn’t reach doctor’s son counter attack because he’s not going to let what happened to Soo go just like that. Let’s see what he’s preparing.
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Shark Episode 19
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Jul 31, 2013

You won't fool me

I will never believe that Yi Soo died or that Soo Hyun meant to kill him because even if Han Yeong Man killed Kang Hee Soo; Yi Soo was like Soo Hyun’s older brother and no matter how much betrayal he felt; he knows that Yi Soo has nothing to do with his father deeds. Also, five billion Won? Are you serious? Soo Hyun can never go after money and Chairman Jo was so stupid to believe that; Yi Soo will wipe away your victory laugh next up. All of that was a show put by Soo Hyun and Yi Soo in order to trap Chiarman Jo and it will work. Let’s see how this will end.
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Jul 31, 2013

Cool ending

That was very fitting to the storyline and quite well done ending. Everything seemed to fall back in its place which makes me wonder once again, why is there a third season? Don’t get me wrong because I totally would love to see it but no open storyline or left out questions to answer but well, as long as writers can come up with another good season like this; I am so willing to watch it.
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Jul 31, 2013

OMG this is getting serious!

Forget about the case; those kids were horrible and their mothers are even more terrible than they are; “They were just playing”, just go kill yourselves ahjumma’s.

Woah, looks like things with DEMA project are seriously messed up but the professor was finally able to wash his hands of it although I felt bad that he left Ha Yoon behind just like that. Also, it seems like Jin Woo and Ha Yoon are switching attitudes or something; it’s been few episodes that I noticed Jin Woo’s violence tendencies and Ha Yoon is like a scared cat now. And if researcher Park Chae Eun is already dead then who on earth is contacting Jin Woo and helping him save Ha Yoon? Could it be the remaining researcher.

All in all, the last two episodes are going to be so exciting!

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Jul 28, 2013

A world full of craziness

Now that was a crazy fraud; making people eat human flesh like zombies or something, it’s nuts that people believe those things, if you want to believe in a religion then make sure to use your mind before following it.

I knew that the professor would follow that Brantek orders if they asked for his help because he wants the best for Jin Woo but they’re using Jung Ha Yoon as their human test? I know that guy is a serious psycho criminal but he wasn’t born that way; he also deserves treatment like Jin Woo so why make him a lab rat? I can’t seem to agree with the fact that they’re using him as an experiment where he can easily get hurt in order to make the medication for Jin Woo.

And seriously Sang Dul and Dr. Min? I don’t know, maybe…

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Jul 28, 2013

Your hair was all over the place!

LOL Dr. Han! Just to respond to “Catch my hair” message; you had to say that line when you found him? :D Anyhow, I repeat this is a nice starting case and I don’t mind that it was cut to two parts; it felt more suspenseful that way and seriously, I had suspicions about that professor ever since the first episode.

I am mad that the stupid Dr. Min is staying with the team; her character is so annoying but I will enjoy Dr. Han teasing her all the way.

Also, I like it when Dr. Han starts being a narcissist when he told Detective Kang “You’re a blessed woman to have me by your side” or when detective Park asked him how he found the criminal he said “I am just awesome like that” but then we hugged him, he said “I belong to someone else, stay away from me”.

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Jul 21, 2013

Here it comes: The most annoying part

This episode was cool; not that great but still cool; Kotoko and Naoki felt like newlyweds for real; just like Kotoko described it. I also liked the way Naoki reacted to Matsumoto’s confession, he even mentioned the kiss with Kotoko and I am sure he refers to the hospital’s kiss, but when he said it did he know that she was eavesdropping?

Now the most tiring part of the arranged marriage is coming…
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Jul 21, 2013

Finding dreams

I have to point that developments are going really slow in this drama; it’s obvious that they won’t reach the marriage part and that makes me frustrated if not angry.

That being said, the episode was about everyone finding out what they wanted to do in the future except Kotoko of course who’s always relate her dreams to Naoki.

Anyway, now Naoki will have to take over the company because his father is sick and all; my least favorite part.
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Jul 21, 2013

Poor Kin Chan

He even bought that Santa outfit to surprise Kotoko but he saw her having a happy Christmas with Naoki. I don’t know why but out of all versions I feel bad for this Kin-Chan the most.

Truthfully, the whole Christmas thing doesn’t deserve a whole episode for it especially when the drama has only 16 episodes. They should fasten things up as soon as possible.
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Shark Episode 15
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Jul 17, 2013

Yi Hyun

Well, the whole episode was about saving Yi Hyun; everyone went crazy searching for her especially Yi Soo; he almost lost it in this episode even raising a gun against Chairman Yoshimora.

At least, Hae Woo stood up for her grandfather at last; she decided to help Yi Soo and I Hyun no matter what are the causes. I think it’s useless to hide Yi Soo’s identity now since Yi Hyun and detective Byeon know about him and Joon Young will know soon.

The book store ahjussi is such a professional cold blooded killer; he seriously doesn’t care about his wife’s death because he has a mission to do; that’s what pro means.
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Shark Episode 14
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Jul 17, 2013

OMG The Cliffhanger!

I knew that the book store ahjussi will manage to take Yi Hyeon away because he’s a professional killer and Chairman Jo won’t keep a weak person by his side. The only person that Yi Soo wants to protect is his little sister; he even sent that message to detective Byeon in order to make him protect her alongside with prosecutor Kim of course; they both failed to do so.

This episode was quite good! It was revealed that prosecutor Kim is the “friend” openly; I wonder why is he helping him? I am sure it’s not about money since Yi Soo is approving his relationship with his little sister.

Also, Hae Woo will be bluffed by her grandfather; he will tell her that he killed Cheon Yeong Bo just to make her think that he’s Jo Gang Seok and I guess she will believe him since she trusts her grandfather a lot. The thing is the fake president Jo (aka Cheon Yeong Bo) was a bad person ever since he was young since he was with the North Korean army, killed civilians and worked as a spy for the US, killed the freedom fighter and his son and took his place and finally killed everyone who tried to reveal that secret.

But Yi Soo’s father has a dark past too; a past that only the fake Chairman Jo knows about it. The professor Kang who was killed in the first few episodes knew about it and there was a torture scene so I can only guess the rest: Big blow to Yi Soo about the father that he respects so much…

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Over dramatic but still good

The blind girl was the murder; someone you would never expect to kill five people. She did it to protect the person she loves; while doing that she end up killing him without even knowing that she was.

If Do Sik didn't stop her; Ye Ri was about to say something to Ji Hoon. I really think it's about time that he knows. Deosn't he sense that Ye Ri has been hiding something from him? In the third episode he told her that he feels that she's avoiding him so why doesn't he persist on knowing what's the deal behind it?
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Strange Way of Protection

A cursed painter was protecting the one he loves; the only person who thanked him even though he wanted to hurt her. He died after hearing that she hates him and doesn’t want him around her anymore because instead of bringing her happiness, he took it away. It was more of an emotional case and not very interesting on the crime/thriller level.

Will Ye Ri end each episode looking at Ji Hoon from afar? Come on girl, say it or don’t; it’s as simple as that.
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Jul 5, 2013

Not yet?

Why didn't she find out until now? Oh, come on it's about time you know!
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