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Nov 6, 2013

I seriously need season four!

What the hell was that? I mean in the other two seasons we had normal endings that didn’t need another season to explain it and yet we got other seasons but when there hasn’t been a conformation of the fourth season we get that cliffhanger? That’s so unfair OCN, you better not do this to me!

I also don’t believe he died; I think phantom will come out again or something but he didn’t die. I loved this season but there should be another season coming up in early 2014 along with Vampire Prosecutor 3 and Special Affairs Team TEN 3; that would be an awesome dream coming true from OCN.
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Legal High 2 Episode 2
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Nov 5, 2013

Still awesome

I don’t know why people are skeptical about this second season; I find it good and quite similar to the first season; it’s still funny and full with Japanese stupid humour, Komikado’s weird hilarious personality hasn’t changed, the cases are still entertaining, the addition of Hanyu and his fellows’ character is like a replacement to Miki and his gang so there’s nothing to complain about.

I like this season and I am enjoy it a lot. So far, it’s so good.
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Out 24, 2013


I’ve got to give this drama credit for its mystery build up even if it’s episodic; they make everything sound so dangerous and scary at first but then things turn out to be unlike that and sometimes heartwarming like this episode’s case. Although, I am not noticing many characters’ developments in the main leads’ behaviors but I like the way this drama is sailing.

I also have to state that I like Suzuki’s character in here; Fujinami has such a weird way of saying and analyzing things that I really love about him.
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Out 24, 2013

Still pretty good

I am officially invested in this drama; it’s true that both the directing and the theme are pretty awesome but there’s some sort of premise that I like the way it’s executed in here. I don’t think this episode’s book is more interesting than the first episode’s though but the way they made a simple rejection sound very political was pretty well-done.

I also like the characters and the acting; I am not actually a big fan of Gouriki Ayame’s acting skills but the directing and her screenplay are making her look better than I saw her before. Akira is pretty good himself.
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Secret Episode 2
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Out 23, 2013

Taking the blame

Yoo Jeong is stupid and reckless; why is she taking the blame for something that her Do Hoon did? I do not appreciate her attitude towards what happened. It’s not like losing his dreams will be the end of her. Too much love from her side and too little care from his side.

Min Hyuk is turning into a monster; Ji Hee was his toy and he needs fun to continue his life. I don’t know if the arrogant rich combo as well as a revenge freak will suit him but I got to admit that I liked the scene where he almost killed Yoo Jeong in the police station. I am interested to know how their relationship will develop from now on.

There’s some sort of stretching in here; just send Yeo Jeong to the prison already.

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Secret Episode 1
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Out 23, 2013

Logic beginning for a melodrama

The start was alright, I think they managed to introduce the important points in this first episode. I am not so found with the female lead; why on earth would someone sacrifice himself for his boyfriend like that? Seven years paying everything for him isn’t right at all.

Other than that, I think it’s a fitting start for a melodrama. I wish things would pick up better than this afterwards.
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Two Weeks Episode 15
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Set 29, 2013

Last challenge

Moon Il Seok is being driven into a corner since all the evidences point at him and Jang Tae San’s innocence is being proved. It’s the usual final evil raise to save his pride; because he has nowhere to go and he will be captured, he has to kill Tae San. What an idiot! I am sure Tae San or Jae Gyeong has already anticipated that and he won’t be able to accomplish his plan. Also, teacher Kim will change his actions once he meets his father.

Soo Jin’s surgery has to go well and the ending shouldn’t be messed up; that’s all what I am asking for.
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Set 29, 2013

Was that the end?!!

I thought there will be two other episodes because this episode didn’t have the last episode feel into it. I think it was good but not too good; I didn’t hate the way things turned out to be but it could’ve been so much better than this.

It ended with hope since Bok Hee will go to get treatment in the US after remembering her children; everyone was expressing their love for her and it wasn’t too lovey-dovey. Overall, the final episode was nice only too freaking rushed.
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Set 26, 2013

Action and snipers? I am totally in!

It’s true that I saw several Hong Kong dramas before but this is the first in modern times where ‘action’ is the main genre. You can’t imagine how excited I am to watch a focused drama about actions. The fact that snipers are the main topic in this drama is also something very exciting; because this way there will be training and on field operations that seems very interesting to follow.

The first episode was a great introduction but I hope that they won’t focus on family and possible romantic relationship more than the main theme. This seems like a very promising action drama.
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Two Weeks Episode 13
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Set 19, 2013


Moon Il Seok will never stop now does he? Not only IN Hye is in danger but Soo Jin is in danger too. I mean why didn’t detective Im send a police officer to the hospital? He should’ve protected Soo Jin with his power. Tae San will be devastated if he finds out about Soo Jin, the little girl shouldn’t go out randomly with all of her immunity being taken away from her. Reaching the surgery safely has become a tough challenge only for Tae San but also Soo Jin and In Hye.
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Two Weeks Episode 10
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Set 17, 2013

OMG Finally!

The digital camera is in Tae San’s hand, it’s about time! It’s been a long drama for the digital camera to fall in Tae San hands.

In Hye found out that Tae San didn’t abandon her and Soo Jin eight years ago; it was clear that she still have feelings for him and now that she knew the truth, all of her feelings will come back to her. Poor Seung Woo, he will try to prove Tae San innocence and then he will pushed aside. Jae Gyeong is also working on Tae San’s innocence but I am pretty sure it’s all for her investigation.
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Who Are You Episode 14
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Set 17, 2013

One is alive and the other is facing death

Just a head up: I am team Gun Woo, I always was and I will always be, it's true that I feel sorry for Hyung Joon but I want Gun Woo to get the girl.

Anyway, that’s an interesting turn of events; just when Gun Woo found out that Hyung Joon is alive he got stabbed and in critical condition. The look in Hyung Joon’s eyes when Shi On was begging him to save Gun Woo was so sad; it’s like he found out that she already fell for another guy and everything that she cares about is his safety but I am sure many things will change if she finds out that Hyung Joon is still alive. I mean what if Hyung Joon lives and Gun Woo dies? I know it’s more than impossible to happen but I like to think of that possibility.

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Set 17, 2013

Someone is falling down way too hard

Tae Joo is on the edge of losing everything and it’s all because of his freaking greed; he should’ve stopped when he could but now there’s no turning back or any exit plan. He will do the same thing Min Jae did to his father; he turned into a devil by giving up on his own principles that’s why he deserves to go down.

Seo Yeon is enjoying her accomplishments no matter what’s the choice Tae Joo is going to make; it’s true that she became more heartless with the way she treats her family members and everything but that’s the only way she can get things straight and I am pretty much on her side.

I am looking forward to the way this drama is going to end; I believe Tae Joo will go down and Seo Yeon will go back to be a professor but I don’t know what will happen to everyone else inclusing Min Jae; what’s for sure is that he won’t be Sung Jin group’s chairman.

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Set 17, 2013

OMG Tae Joo just stop it already!

He never back down now does he? I am so glad to see the Choi family as one team and I am super fascinated with Min Jae’s ways and sayings like “Sung Jin group is Choi’s family and I am Choi Min Jae” and when he decided to go to prison. Won Jae should man up and go to prison too but the problem is that he will spend many years there so I am pretty sure it won't be easy for him to go and the crack in the Choi family can be created after this.

I want Tae Joo down no matter what. I want Seo Yeon to win and send him to where he came from because his freaking greed is pissing me off; you would’ve had a lot of money without snatching food from someone else’s table, his greed is definitely going to represent his end.

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Two Weeks Episode 7
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Set 15, 2013

Interesting turn of events

Things picked up in this episode whether when Tae San got caught by the police or when Kim dude and his gang kidnapped him from the police hands which make me believe that there’s a traitor within the detectives but the way I see it’s Par Jae Gyeong’s prosecutor partner; he was the only one left with his phone. Then at the end, Tae San has to kill Jae Gyeong in order to survive and it makes the matter worse that Moon Il Seok made him believe that she wants to catch him for revenge but if he does kill her; he will put himself in deep trouble because she’s a current investigator and let’s not mention that he can’t kill anyone. However, he has to stay alive for his daughter; I am so glad that Moon Il Seok doesn’t know about the transplantation or he would’ve used Soo Jin against Tae San.

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