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Who Are You Episode 9
3 people found this review helpful
Set 2, 2013

It's about time!

She finally remembered the poor thing; this should've happened before. Anyway, the episode was good enough with cool developments but I am sure things will get complicated from now on.
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Ago 21, 2013

I will own them all

I’ve got to give Tae Joo credit for his manipulative thinking; I didn’t expect him to use Dong Hui that way but I am not surprised that he helped him because that guy would do anything for Auto and chemical. And I was wondering how Seol Hee knew what to say in the prosecutor office. Apparently Tae Joo is still getting hold of his feelings for Seol Hee which will give her strength to fight what’s happening to her.

And Seo Yoon is really heartless in an unbelievable way! She did that to Sung Jae when he was protecting her and crying in front of her. She should know that Sung Jae isn’t like his mother and that he really loves her and her father; I really didn’t like what she did even if it was her last resort.

Jung Hee will be in a tough position from now on; he son is in the prosecutor office and she already ruined her relationship with her allies which means that Min Jae will never trust her from now on; in your face you freaking snake!

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Who Are You Episode 7
3 people found this review helpful
Ago 21, 2013

More mystery, more fun

Although I don’t believe it’s hard core mystery but I am enjoying the way the drama is headed to and that it got rid of the episodic pattern to focus on Hyun Joo’s case. I am more certain about Moon Shik, he was the one with Hyun Joo the night everything happened and he’s trying everything in his might to burry things so it means that he betrayed his undercover partner and he could be the one who shot him too. But why is the fortune teller girl is the only one who can hear him? Why can’t Shi Won hear him too?
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Love Around Episode 1
2 people found this review helpful
Ago 17, 2013

Pretty Good Start

For once, the male lead is not an arrogant jerk with perfectionist problems. I think it’s really a nice change that the male lead is kind and caring. Yaay!

Anyway, the start is pretty decent even though the whole breaking up and the leaning for the past as well as the cliché scenes were a bit annoying but well, I think this drama's start is one of the best when it comes to romantic comedy dramas. Also, the last scene is a huge misunderstanding that I kind of liked *evil laugh*

I will be looking forward to the rest of this.
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Ago 17, 2013

Is everyone stupid or what?

It was so clear from the get go that Mong Hee and Yoona are twins. Everyone kept saying that they looked identical but no one believed that they are twins. I guess Yoona is the smartest one since she thought so ever since she met her. I like the way she treats her deongsang and now that Hyun Soo is out of the picture temporarily; Mong Hee and Yoona's relationship will get stronger.

I also like how Hyun Jun dropped the tough attitude for his older brother even for a while; that guy can be adorably worried about his brother too.
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Turning into monsters

He was able to awake the monsters within them; some are scary and some are daring but they're not monsters like him.

The psychological thriller was intense in this episode, every character wanted to take the center of the stage and all of them succeded to do so.

I knew that Jae Gyu will point himself as the most sinful; as he said he's not the one to make someone else die on his behalf.

Jeong Hye shot through the window but Gang Mu isn't dead right? Because the glass isn't a normal one. The police came (at last) but how will this end?
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Another psycho appears on screen

I knew that Jeong Hye was really suspicious no matter how you look at her. So what? She’s the psycho killer’s accomplice or something? Right when things were getting so well between the kids, this happens! I really enjoyed those foolishness and the bromance moments in the snow as well as the time when they found Chi Hoon; I knew he wasn’t dead!

So now, the kids will be against the psycho killer and his accomplice? Things are going to be super ugly.
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Ago 13, 2013


Why did Miki betray Naoki after all what he did to her? Maybe there’s another story behind it and she’s just acting all of that up. At least I hope so.

Naoki keep getting smarter and his plans are becoming greater. Asano’s account is found out and if Owada stop backing him up then he will be screwed in no time. However, that would be hard to do for now. Also, Naoki’s getting transferred? I hope he will do something in the last minutes to prevent that from happening.

Naoki has great subordinates and what Kikuichi did in this episode proves it, he also has a great friend like Shinobu who’s always backing him up. I just hope none of them will betray him no matter what happens.

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Ago 11, 2013

Sung Jin's Shadow

So Tae Joo decided to be the shadow who works in the back for Min Jae's sake; does that mean that Min Jae is getting hold of everything now? And if he does, will he split everything to half with Tae Joo like he promised? Because Dong Sung promised Dong Jin to split everything to half with him but he went back on his word and he's his brother, what about a mere friendship? You simply can't trust anyone in that world.
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Ago 10, 2013

What a battelfield!

Now that Tae Joo decided to go into Sung Jin Group with Min Jae; things will get even more interesting. The title is: Who’s the owner of Sung Jin Group?

Seo Yoon should’ve gave Jung Yun and Dong Hui what they wanted and she might have gotten out of it safe; now that they’re taking side with Wong Jae things are going to be more than difficult to her because even if she’s amazingly smart; she will face Min Jae and Tae Joo: the perfect intelligence combined together; although I am not sure if Min Jae and Tae Joo can built a trust relationship but I am sure that if they work side by side; things are going to be so cool.

And let’s not forget the sly mother; I wish that someone would uncover her mask and show her real intentions; I hate hypocrites!

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Ago 8, 2013

Hyun Tae you pitiful thing, Yoona you awesome thing!

The part where the father took Hyun Tae by force was touching and the way Mong Hyun cried was absolutely amazing. Those two can’t seem to taste happiness for too long.

On the other hand, Yoona is being awesome! She’s so cool and I knew from the beginning that she loved Hyun Soo but she delivered it in a bad way and now that she’s jealous she will do everything in her might to keep him by her side; I mean she’s even moving into the house and started working in the company. At least she can make the second mother taste bitter feelings; she rocks!
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Ago 7, 2013

Oh, General Yeon why did you become so evil?

Or he was evil from the beginning but I was biased by his character and refused to dislike him? I don't know, I feel like I am disappointed in him even though I knew what he was planning to do. Not only that but he ordered to kill his son, I can't like him anymore and he's obviously going to die at the end *sigh*

Also, the king and the prince died and the princess is in danger; she will think that Yeo Choong helped his father in the rebellion while the only reaon he took part in it was to save her. It's going to be a tough war since she hates him a lot now. I can't wait to see what will happen next.
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Ago 6, 2013

You will always be my father's mistress

OMG Hyun Soo! Why are you being so cool this couple of episodes; you should’ve manned up before you know! The words he’s saying to the second mother are simply priceless!

“Did you think I will let that happen under my watch?” Indeed, Yoona is the only person who’s able to stop the second mother. She’s so straightforward with her and she knows that the father needs her. She was dying for divorce but now that she knows that Hyun Soo has another woman and is willing to divorce her; she will do her best to stay by his side. I am looking forward to her reaction when she sees Mong Hee; it’s going to be a big surprise.

Also, it’s clear that Seung Eun is changed due to her daughter and Hyun Jun seems to want her back; it’s unforgivable if she abandons her child again.

The scene were Hyun Tae was chased by his father was seriously hilarious!

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Ago 3, 2013

Way to go Hyun Soo!

He finally said the words to the second mother; everything that he should’ve said earlier: “I am no longer that 10 year-old frightened kid”. He mastered the courage to come clean in front of his father and even if that caused him to be thrown out, I am sure he will come back and strike that stupid second mother and bring his mother in.

Also, Yoona came back! Well, I knew that she will come back when Hyun Soo agreed to divorce; just when all troubles are in the open she will just come in. I am sure she will fire things up from now on but I am worried about the fact that she will go against her sister because it’s obvious that Yoona loves Hyun Soo but she wants him to man up against his father and be a real man to accept him.

It seems like a new Seung Eun was born in this episode; she cares about her daughter and she doesn’t have that evil aura anymore so I am sure Hyun Jun will go back to her at some point.

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Cruel City Episode 16
3 people found this review helpful
Ago 3, 2013

All out?

Does this mean that Doc is going all out? Not only with Hyun Min who finally discovered his face but also with director Min; it’s like he announcing war with the director, it’s not like he didn’t deserve it with his stupid controversial actions.

Also, Doc and Safari are fighting for commissioner’s Ji approval to take over Chairmain Jo’s place; it’s going to be a troublesome war. To make matters worse; Jin Seok revealed to Soo Min that Shi Hyun is by her side so by a little thinking she would be able to discover that he’s Doc.
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