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Yoo Na's Street
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Nov 17, 2014
50 of 50 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Such a good, different drama! Watch if 1) you feel like everything's the same in Dramaland these days, 2) you're sick of seeing the same kind of main leads, 3) you want to watch a show that's not about some rich chaebol and a Cinderella in the making. Don't watch if 1) you're looking for a well-developed, emotional love story, 2) you don't like stories with many secondary characters, 3) you don't like characters with flaws.

A story like you don't find in Dramaland, with characters that don't typically hang out over there too, and I loved it. I love reserved and down-to-earth Yoona, who is neither naïve, innocent and bright girl nor cold, distant and apathetic (it's usually one or the other); I love open-minded, caring Changman, who is neither a cold and arrogant prick nor a naïve and childish boy. I love how they interact with everyone around them; how loyal Yoona is, which inspires loyalty from others; how empowering Changman is, making others believe that they can aspire for more. I love the comedy, especially in the first half of the drama, and the glimpse into the world of petty crime. There's just so much good in this show. The only downside to it is that although it seemed as though the romance between the main leads and the character development of Yoona would be at the center of the story, they slowly were forgotten in favor of secondary characters and dragging plot elements, so that her changes kind of look incoherent or abrupt, and their love story, bland. The show would have been perfect if it weren't for that *sigh* The ending though, is satisfying, so it's okay.

I didn't know the main leads before this show, but their acting was good. I liked her more than him, I thought she really had become Yoona. They also weren't bad together *sigh* Such a waste that the romance wasn't exploited some more. Some other actors were also quite good in their roles. Particularly the actress behind Yoonji, she was awesome. Because most characters are realistic, they aren't easy roles, but they were pulled off fine.

Just as the story and the characters, the music is sooo fresh. It's not every day that you hear K-country (does that even exist?) or Carla Bruni in a drama, it's so weird - in a good way - and totally fits with the mood. Of course, there's also Leesa's awesome song, Love will find a way. Absolutely addictive. From episode one, it got stuck in my head, and I had no choice but to download it.

I'd rewatch it, whenever I get in one of those moments in which all dramas just look too much the same. It's like getting some fresh air, without pulling the plug.

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Inborn Pair
22 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Ago 8, 2014
84 of 84 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
Good drama, but unpolished. Watch if 1) You feel like taking a long ride, 2) You want to watch a family show (as in, a story that follows a family, not just two individuals), 3) You're looking for many cute couple scenes and a few more mature ones, 4) You want a good-looking cast, 5) You're patient. Dont watch if 1) You can't stand screaming (there's lots, and lots, especially at the beginning), 2) You can't stand dragged plots, 4) You're not up for romantic comedy, but comic romance (there's a difference in focus, you see).

Very simple and cliche premise, dragged on for 80 episodes or so. The leads are sloooooowwww; it takes age before any development in their relationship. There's also a few characters (three to be exact) who's stories left me quite indifferent. That being said, there's too much fun in this show to give it up, and when I mean fun, I mean real fun, not over-the-top humor that we sometimes find in dramas. To the fun, add some good characters and an amusing secondary love story (even if the romance is a bit surreal). You get a pretty nice show. So what if you sometimes end up skipping some parts? By the end, you're still very satisfied with the story. Believe me.

I'm no expert, but acting in this drama was good. I don't know about Chris Wang, the main guy, but I became quite a fan of the main actress (Annie Chen) after the show. Don't care if she's not the best actress, that girl has charisma and a killer smile (so envious). The little boy was pretty good, I was quite surprised.

Fine soundtrack, fitted for the show. There was comical instrumental for the comic scenes and emotional songs for the more serious ones. Not to mention that I liked almost all of these songs and particularly the one from Della Ding, Can't be alone (Yi ge ren, bu ke neng). I still listen to it today.

Rewatched. Three times.

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Mamãe Irritada
14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Mai 8, 2015
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Watch if you're looking for a drama with a good social critique but don't want to give up on comedy. Keep it for later if you're craving to see love stories.

Like many people, I started watching Angry Mom with a preconceived idea of what the show should be about – 50% comedy, 30% real/serious stuff, 20% romance. Angry Mom turned out to be far from my expectations – 60% real/serious stuff, 25% comedy, 5% romance – but I’m very far from disappointed. Yes, I can’t lie, I’m sad there was no love story for Kang Ja (the mom), because I think she deserved it and there was room for it in the story. But the drama is an extremely well-thought social critique of the Korean educational environment, with well-written, complex characters who, for the most part, evolve throughout the story, and relationships that evolve as well. There’s tragedy, there’s comedy, there’s suspense and a touch of action; all genres mashed up naturally so nothing feels forced. Most importantly, there’s hope. Angry Mom’s message is that we can against corruption and bullying, so we should fight against it.

Great. Everyone was just great. I love Kim Yoojung and Kim Heesun, and Ji Hyun Woo is in my to-stalk list since Queen In Hyun’s man, so no surprise there. The villains, all good actors I already respected, no surprise there. But Ji Soo is a surprise, and one I’ll be stalking too. Even Baro and Lizzy were quite good. I liked them all!

Some people complained throughout the drama that the music was weird and did not fit with the story. I disagree. Or I agree, sometimes music and scenes were “mismatched” when we compare this drama to others, but it was clearly intentional, and I found it rather innovative and refreshing. I don’t need overly dramatic music in times of action or suspense, and sometimes I found that the music was a good indicator of what characters were feeling or of what would happen in the future. So…I liked!

Definitely high.

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The Long Ballad
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Ago 19, 2021
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Deeper than it looks!

While not perfect, this drama is definitely high quality! Watch it if 1) you're looking for a smart and strong FL, 2) you like to see dramas centered on character growth, or 3) you have a thing for dramas that show some depth and complexity. If you 1) suffer from ML bias (always siding with the male lead), 2) are looking for some love action, and 3) want to see lots of fight scenes, maybe put this drama aside...and reconsider it later. It's worth a try!

The synopsis of The Long Ballad is very misleading. First, it makes it look like the story is about revenge. IT'S NOT (most of the time). If you expect a revenge story, you will be disappointed. Secondly, the summary makes it look like FL and ML are going to team up the entire drama. THAT'S NOT TRUE. In fact, I would say most of the time they're working AGAINST each other. Basically, The Long Ballad is the story of two super patriotic characters, from two nations at war with one another, who struggle between their personal goals/feelings on one side and the greater good of their nation on the other (just like a Romeo and Juliet story). This means that for part of the drama, FL and ML are EACH doing things that have negative consequences for the other, until they somewhat find ways to neither betray their personal desires nor betray their people. I came across some critiques of the drama that seem to be due to misunderstanding what it's about. If you can see TLB for what it is and you are not prone to ML bias, you will surely appreciate it!

The Good: The best thing about TLB is the amount of character growth in the drama. Out of four main leads (the OTP and the secondary couple), three of them transform over the course of the series - only ML doesn't (or he does, but it's subtle). The secondary leads go through rather conventional/predictable growth, but FL goes through the kind of slow transformation that causes plans to get dropped and goals to change, and that's realistic. That's life. I loved it. Another great thing about TLB is the character contrasts. FL and 2nd FL are both strong by the end of the series, but one in a boyish way and one in a feminine way. ML and 2nd ML both learn to break away from their dad's influence in different ways too. TLB is about diversity and I appreciate that, especially in the relationship department. Have you ever heard of love languages or attachment styles? It feels like dramas always show the same kinds of love. Well, not in TLB. Here we get on one side the sizzling awkwardness between Changge and Sun, two aloof people who just don't know how to be together (especially her), and on the other side, the cute and romantic love story of 2nd FL and ML. Other great aspects of the drama include the pace, which only really slows down once (and it quickly picks up again), the bit of mystery thrown in, because we don't know some secret regarding the coup and only find out about it much later, and the respect and equality between Changge and Sun. Compared to other dramas in which the guy will often end up being the rescuer and smarter one of the two, here we see that they mutually show smarts and help each other. There're also a lot of emotional scenes in the series, a few lines that make you think, nice visuals...There's honestly a lot to like about this drama. Plus, it's totally binge material!

The Bad: The worst thing about TLB, and probably the only flaw I really had trouble swallowing, is the fact that many action scenes are animated rather than shown in live action. It's an aesthetic choice, I don't think it had anything to do with money or COVID, but it just didn't sit right for me. Some of these scenes were supposed to be epic, and turning them into animation just took the epicness away. Luckily, the drama doesn't do this for ALL action scenes, and it's not so bad that you want to drop the show. Apart from this, I wasn't bothered by much in the drama but I have to say there are plot holes here and there, which may bother those who are picky about these. Also, the ending is a bit of a let down. Not the worst out there, not incoherent or bad, but it's not super satisfying; it feels rushed and incomplete.

Pretty good! I liked Dilraba more than Leo in this one. It was my first time seeing her and I was impressed! She has a way of making a character strong but also vulnerable. Leo was great too though, it's just that the character doesn't allow him a lot of versatility in acting. You could see he had more potential in the few emotional scenes he had. The main OTP's romance isn't very expressive (kisses, hugs, cringey lines and the likes), but Leo and Dilraba still manage to make you feel the chemistry in the stares and moments they have together. The secondary couple has more conventional romance scenes and the two characters do look cute together, even if I didn't feel too much chemistry between them. I have no complaints regarding the rest of the cast, except maybe one of the villains's acting that felt a bit cliché.

This drama's music really stands out, and it feels SO great! It really makes wonders when the production actually invests in a good music director to make sure not only the song but even the instrumentals slay. My favorite OST is Dingding's If you Come Back. Still listening to it regularly!

Very high. I watched it two times within a month of my first watch, and watched it again just now, about three months later. Pretty sure this won't be the last!

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Little Girl K
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Jan 15, 2015
3 of 3 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Don't watch unless action and suspense is all you need. This doesn't have much more to offer.

I want to write a really mean review for this one. I really want to. I could go on and on about how watching this felt like watching the narrative of a violent video game tailored for guys, with unnecessary sexual scenes, unnecessary blood, and, as a bonus, unnecessary deaths. I could rant about the ending, which made as much sense as a book read upside down and was extremely disappointing, or the characters with no development, or the plot with no depth. But then, I'd be omitting one little thing: that I was undeniably into Killer Girl K from beginning to end. The suspense did not falter from episode one, and the occasional humor was good too. Retrospectively, I didn't like it, but I have to admit I sort of...maybe...okay, definitely was enjoying it in the moment, so...yeah. It's okay.

Good. A special mention goes to Han Groo. It was her first lead, I believe, and she was great. Too bad the show wasn't.


As you can guess, not that high for me.

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Zhen Bian Ren
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Mar 5, 2022
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

The low ratings better be for the subs...

This drama is good for humanity. Watch it, no ifs, unless you really, really want a well-developed love story. If that's the case, put it aside until you've got nothing else to watch, then binge it. It's definitely worth a try! Beware though, as of today (March 2022), the subs on every platform are absolutely terrible for this drama. You're warned!

I don't know who subbed this drama, but I hope they didn't get paid for it. My level of Mandarin is pretty low, but I feel like I could have done a better job haha This being said, we're not here rating the subtitles, but the drama itself, and it's really a gem guys!

In my opinion, the best thing about this drama is the fact that it has a female lead who doesn't fit the typical (unhealthy) C-drama standards. Yes, she's chubby, maybe even is half of the female population around the world. What's most amazing with Crack of Dawn is that Female lead's weight is NEVER talked about. Nobody tells her to lose weight, nobody gives nasty comments. Female lead never has doubts about herself because she's fat and never decides to go on a huge (unhealthy) diet or undergo plastic surgery to please somebody. Basically, we've got a female lead who's chubby but a drama that isn't about weight AT ALL. How cool is that? And the cherry on top of the cake is, she gets a love interest too! Sure, the romance is very very limited, there's just a hint of a love story really, but how great is it that the guy likes Female lead for who she is and not because "she's SO pretty"? Honestly, all of this just blew me away, and for that alone, this drama's top tier.

Of course, the drama has a story and the story is pretty good too, so that helps. This is another type of whodunit plot, in which a murder happens and you have to find the killer, but what makes it better than others is that all the suspects not only have a motive but also have clues that suggest they killed the victim, and the police team investigating the case is led by a female detective and her assistant (girl power to the max!). And finally, the drama tackles some serious social issues through the character of the victim. Overall, it's just a really thoughtful drama.

On the downside (apart from the horrible subs), I think halfway through the drama you can pretty much solve the mystery, which is a shame. Also, the drama ends at ep 22, but somehow has two extra episodes in which not much happens. It's the first time I felt like they added episodes for nothing, usually the problem is a rushed ending haha

Pretty good! It's hard to play in murder-mysteries because everyone has to be suspicious. Most characters in this drama in particular have a dark side to them so the actors have to convey that depth. I think they all did pretty well! Sandra Ma really improved her acting since Love Me if You Dare! I must say, there's no chemistry between the love interests, but I still appreciated having the couple there for many reasons.

Okay, I guess. Can't remember anything, which isn't good, but isn't bad either haha

If only the subs were decent, it would be super high, but as it is it took enough dedication and effort to complete the drama once, not sure I'll do it again. Such a shame!

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7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Abr 2, 2015
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
A story very much worth watching, but know that you may get frustrated by the shift in focus half way through though. Watch it if 1) you wanted to watch a historical drama less focused on struggles for the throne, 2) you like gripping, suspenseful storylines. Don’t watch if 1) you like well-developed love stories, 2) you can’t stand injustice and characters getting mistreated (it is a show about slaves after all).

The good: Those who complained that historical dramas were always centered on the palace and political factions get to see a show focused more on the life of the lowest class, that is, for half of the drama. The show never becomes boring and the plot, for better or for worse, grips you until the end. The drama has great cinematography, and the first half, deep conversations and steady character and romance development.

The bad: Unfortunately, the writers decided not to risk it fully and cut all the political business out of the story, so the magic of the show – namely, the focus on maids – went away about half way through the drama. As the plot was becoming more palace-conflicts-centered, character and relationship development stagnated. All romances lost their charm, and the characters too.

The Ugly: As the characters lost their charm, they also lost themselves, because their actions became increasingly incoherent. The show, that was initially quite innovative and fresh, became quite predictable by the end, with unnecessary drama.

Bottom line: Started out really good, slowly decayed, but managed to pull off an okay (just okay) ending. Not quite a disappointment, but almost.

All secondary cast was absolutely great, especially Kim Dong Wook (my Coffee Prince was gone!). Jung Yoo Mi gained my esteem. I didn’t think she was a bad actress and I liked her since Dong Yi, but she wasn’t impressive. In here, she’s definitely impressive, and the only thing I regret is that she had no chemistry with Oh Ji Oh. As for him, I can’t put him in the same basket. He was good enough in his role, but his acting just doesn’t convince me.

I liked! Without being something of another world, it wasn’t typical historical-drama music. Fitted super well with the story and scenes too. It was dark and suspenseful. I liked!

Uff. I don’t know. I loved the beginning so much, but the last few episodes…Ok, well, definitely rewatchable, just maybe not until the end.

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O Jogo do Mentiroso
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Nov 27, 2014
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
One of the best of 2014, without question. It's not only an attention-grabbing show, but it's also deep, coherent and well-executed (finally another all-included drama!). Watch it, no ifs, but maybe keep it for later if you really have a hard time watching shows with only subtle (very subtle) signs of romance.

I need to start by saying that I have neither watched the Japanese drama nor read the manga both shows are based on, so I had no prior bias for or against the drama and can honestly say, with complete objectivity, that it's Although the drama seems to be about games of lies and betrayal, more than the games, the characters that take part in them - how they evolve through the games, how their past came to shape who they are and how they act in the present - are really at the core of the story. The games themselves are interesting (though sometimes complex), but it's the action behind the scenes, the mystery on which they stand and the character development that really pulls the drama forward. The characters, are, by the way, absolutely fabulous. I liked how each main lead personify something - Nam Dajung is trust, Kang Doyoung is deception, Ha Woojin is insight, and how many secondary characters have depth (also are given space and conflicts of their own). Dajung doesn't seem as profound as the other leads and sometimes recedes to the background, but she also goes a long way, and her infallible faith in people is very much the heart of the story. The pace of the plot is steady, the suspense is ongoing and sometimes bordelines creepy; twists are numerous, hints, events and interconnections are mindblowing, and the end is very satisfying. I have only three small, tiny regrets: 1) The last episode, without being bad, just doesn't feel as dramatic as it should, 2) why couldn't they give us just one romantic scene?, and 3) twelve episodes, really? Couldn't the show have been longer? I need more games, more Doyoung, Woojin and Dajung, more action!

Nothing to say other then that it was awsome. Everyone was amazing, from leads to secondary actors, but especially Shin Sung Rok, the actor behind the sly, cruel, weird, psychopath-y Doyoung. Lee Sang Yoon and Kim So Eun had good chemistry (*sigh* such a pity it was not exploited), and the interactions between all cast members were 100% believable.

Absolutely fitting for the show...but nothing to keep on listening to now that it's over.

Definite yes!!!! The plot is so dense that I'm sure rewatching will give more insight into the characters and the games. Will be rewatched once by me before the end of the year, I can promise you that!

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Os Dois Corações do Rei
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Set 15, 2014
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Interesting drama that you can easily watch, one episode after another, within a week, completely addicted by the action. Watch if 1) You like strong female leads, 2) You're looking for a new cute actor to obsess about, 3) You want to watch a fictional account of North-South Korean relations. Don't watch if 1) You can't stand when the male lead is a jerk with the female lead for half of the show, 2) You have low tolerance for nice people suffering and/or dying, 3) You don't like surreal, cartoony characters.

Let me start by saying that I like shows that allow us to have a look at North Korea, even if that look might be completely misleading. Also, let me say that although there might be no truth in it, I like the positive, promising outlook that this show offers of the relationship between North and South Korea, something a lot nicer than the neverending relationship strain that is constantly being reflected in other shows and the media. That being said, there's more to this drama to make it quite good: a strong female lead, a maturing male lead, a very adorable second couple (almost better than the main couple), some thrilling action scenes and an interesting love story. The male lead is a jerk for about half the show, but since he redeems himself, that's okay. The bad guy is a complete nutcase that has no life or purpose other than being a bad guy, but since you're quite happy with where that leads him, that's also kind of okay. Some sad incidents happen over the course of the story that make you wonder if they were really necessary...and that's the main thing that irked me. That, and the excessive aegyo of the female lead in some scenes, but that's another story.

I was very impressed by the secondary actors in this drama. Jo Jung Suk was fabulous and won a free, one-way ticket into my Top-actors list. Lee Joon Yi was also very good in her role, and especially in portraying the emotions that someone undergo in her character's situation. I also have to say, for once, there was a non-Korean actress actually acting well, Samantha Daniel. Perfect rendition of a psychopath. Although I love Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won, their performances seemed less impressive simply because their roles were not much different from others they had played, but they had great chemistry.

Taeyeon, baby! Her song, Missing you like crazy, was absolutely amazing for the show, and instantly found its way to my mp3 and my list of best drama OSTs. Instrumental tracks were also quite good, particularly one called Hang Ah's dream.

Rewatched. Twice.

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Bom Doutor
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Set 14, 2014
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Good, moving drama. Watch if 1) You're looking for a show that will inspire you and make you think, 2) You like medical dramas. Don't watch if 1) You don't like dramas that make you cry, 2) You need the male lead to be strong and manly, like the typical Kdrama protagonist.

Good doctor is not the drama that will make you flutter. The main protagonist is not a heroic rebel or a pretentious chaebol, the other characters are not always likeable, the love scenes remain very PG-rated and the comedy is not omnipresent. Instead, it's a drama that will make you cry. A lot. It's not a show to watch to be entertained, but to think, to challenge your prejudices and rigid thoughts. The portrayal of an autistic individual is quite well-done, and the problems he encounters in order to live the life he wants are realistic. The love story may seem surreal and difficult to believe for some, but reflects a very honorable opinion, that unique individuals also have the right to be loved, and not strictly by similar people. The characters grow throughout the story and the ending is very satisfying. I believe the show could have done without all the drama surrounding the administration of the hospital and some aspects of the story were quite long while others, more important or interesting, were too rushed, but the main components of the story were carefully thought through, so it's alright.

Many actors did an amazing job in this drama, several of which were child actors, but even if it wasn't the case, for Joo Won alone, this would still earn a 10. I cannot say that he had much chemistry with Moon Chaewon because there wasn't much 'passion' between their characters, but the couple was cute and visually compatible, and he played his role so perfectly, I think if I hadn't known him before, I would have thought that he was an autistic actor.

The songs of the OST had funny lyrics and didn't get to me, but boy were the instrumental tracks awsome, a perfect match for the mood of the show. I recommend googling them. I know I did, and still listen to them when I'm down and unmotivated.

Rewatched, but only to confirm that it was a nice show and that it had made me cry buckets. I might rewatch it again, but it's not on the top of my list because of its tear-gas quality.

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8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Mar 11, 2015
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Watch if you feel like action and don’t have anything else in mind to watch. Do not watch after an awesome drama (eg. Healer); it will make it all worse.

Usually, taking a few days after the end of a drama before writing a review is a good thing. Gives me time to reflect on it and miss it too, so I can write more positive things about it. This time though, I can’t say it helps the drama at all. Spy had a forgettable storyline while I was watching, and now five days after I’m done, it has a forgotten storyline.

The premise of the drama was promising, but the script was quite lacking. The characters had no spike and no development, the romance was bland and half-way through the drama got completely overlooked, and the action/thriller was watered down by the characters’ behavior, which was ambiguous or didn’t quite make sense. Even when it did make sense, because everyone (or actually, mostly the “good” ones) had no character and seemed so powerless and senseless against all their challenges, simply reacting to things and never actively taking control of a situation, it still felt like something was missing.

In short, Spy was a disappointment. On a positive note though, the drama is totally watchable, effortlessly, from beginning to end. But in a don’t-really-care-what-happens-just-watching-to-have-something-to-do type of way. It’s not bad, but it’s one of those dramas you spend the whole time thinking it could have been much more.

And that is where the drama infuriates me. With such a good cast, I don’t know why they had to go and ruin it with poor writing. Spy girl aside (I don’t know Go Sung Hee), Jaejoong is not a bad actor, and Bae Jong Ok and Yoo Oh Sung are veterans I personally love. Go Sung Hee and Jaejoong had some kind of chemistry going on too. Ugh. Really.

No comment.

Not a priority at all, but like I said, it is an effortless watch so maybe one of these days I’ll give it another go.

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Olá, Monstro
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Ago 11, 2015
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
A perfect blend of thriller, crime, action, romance and drama, all wrapped up in a nice, philosophical theme. Don't think about it, just watch it.

So…just when I’d finally gotten over the scare of White Christmas, I had to fall onto I Remember You / Hello Monster. The theme at the core of the show, Nature VS Nurture, is the same, this time taken to higher levels (partly because it’s a lengthier drama, partly because of great writing and directing). Characters are complex, especially the ones on the dark side. The main female lead is how I like to see them – independent, smart, to-the-point style – and the love story is, without being central to the show, well-developed and innovative (a relationship based on mutual support instead of romance). There is quite a bit of suspense in an unexpected way (because the viewer knows everything that’s going on sooner than the protagonists), deep messages, brilliant dialogues and gripping crime stories that are all kind of connected and leading to the root of the plot. I absolutely have nothing bad to say about this show, other than that the last episode did feel just a tiny, a very tiny, bit rushed, and the beginning was maybe a little awkward at times. The ending was brilliant and 100% coherent with the entire show though. I want season 2!!!

I’ve always believed that the best way to see if an actor is skilled is to see him (or her) play a complex villain. In this drama, the two actors that stood out, tremendously, were the two villains. They sent chills down my spine. A-ma-zing. But I have to say, all the actors were very good. The child actors were so talented.

Awsome! The instrumental tracks kind of felt like Sherlock’s (the British TV show) but fitted perfectly with the mood of the drama. And then the OST *swoon*. I’ve been listening to Dear Cloud’s Remember and Baechigi’s Shower of tears (feat. Ailee) almost daily for weeks now.

Rewatching as we speak, with my parents. I don't even care if I can't sleep well at night. Definitely high!

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Sea Anemone
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Out 8, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Gave me the chills!

China has blessed us with good thrillers this year, and this drama is definitely one of them. Watch it if 1) you want loads of suspense (I would even say kind of creepy vibes), 2) you like when characters are all smart and figuring things out properly, 3) you're looking for a hint of romance. Think twice if 1) you want to see a well-developed love story, 2) you don't like ensemble dramas (dramas with several overlapping storylines), and 3) hearing about certain crimes make you uncomfortable.

The Disappearing Child in many ways was what I expected. A missing child, intrigue, police investigation. But in many ways, it really surprised me. I didn't expect the drama to focus on so many different characters (some episodes are barely about the missing child haha), but it does and it's cool because even though all these stories feel very disconnected at first, you eventually see how they are all linked. Something else that I did not expect was for the drama to have so many uncomfortable things happening, things you wouldn't expect to see in a drama. I think it's good, dramas can't always be all rainbows and unicorns. They need to delve into all the messed-up shit that happens in the real world. And yet another thing that surprised me was the hint of romance (warm and cute though surrounded by pretty dark stuff), I really wasn't expecting it.

Overall, the drama has an amazing opening sequence, a good pace, a great production, smart characters, and a satisfying ending (not rushed too, yay!). The mystery also isn't revealed (or easy to guess completely) until the end, which is awesome. The only problem I see with this drama is that the characters are not particularly endearing (they're not dislikable, they're just not likable) so you don't care too much about them. But it's okay, the suspense is enough to keep you going! I also think one character is a bit too stereotypical, but I'm a harsh viewer.

Good stuff. Didn't know anybody except the mom (she was in Sword & the Brocade), but I liked everybody's acting.

Song-wise, I can't remember a thing, but the instrumental soundtrack was ON POINT.

Honestly, not super high. I might rewatch it, but I think it won't be high in my rewatch list. It's just a bit too heavy haha

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Vocês Estão Cercados
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Ago 8, 2014
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Good drama. Not great, but still above average. Watch if you're looking for 1) enough action to keep you sticking around, 2) a few laughs, 3) light love stories that recede to the background. Do not watch if you're 1) looking for a detailed, fully-developed love story or 2) expect lots of action (IRIS style).

The show has action and comedy from the beginning to suck you in and centers around the experiences of the maturing detectives, as well as the blossoming friendships and flourishing romances in the police station, which would make for a killer drama...expect that the story starts fading away towards the middle, and loses what was making it great (the focus on the relationships and the growth of the characters as detectives) in favor of what was background action in the first half. Relationships become neglected and all the fun of the initial episodes disappear. It won't make you want to give up on the show, but it's enough to make it lose charm.

Good, good, good. Nothing else to say...except that I like Lee Seung Gi a lot better playing a cynical loner than the usual prick he likes to play, and it really goes to show that he can be a versatile actor. Go Ara is of course perfect in her role, and Cha Seung Won, there's nothing he doesn't do well - Action, comedy, drama, you name it, he does it - but really, the other ones were good too.

It was cool and fitted well the drama. Sometimes different from what you'd expect, but nothing I felt the urge to download afterwards.

Something I'd rewatch when I don't have anything else to watch. Didn't so far, but who knows.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Nelly
Set 1, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

Pure thriller

This drama handles suspense very well and can easily be binged in a few days. Watch if you like thrilling, sensational plots, with a fast pace and lots of action. If you are looking for well-developed characters, character growth or romance, skip.

I binged the first ten episodes of Kairos in two days (with some fast-forwarding, but still). The fantasy aspect of the plot, and trying to save lives across temporal lines, are the two things that keep you on the edge of your seat, wanting more. Another is the production. Episode opening sequences are great at setting the pace and the suspense, and the use of sound and camera angles is very impressive in some scenes too.

That being said, from the very first episode, I was not able to get emotionally invested in this drama, and as episodes went by, it just got worse - until I eventually just skipped episodes 11 to 15, and went straight to the finale. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that there is not enough character development. Kairos doesn't make you feel attached to the main leads. The action starts too fast, without giving you time to get to know the leads well, and it never slows down enough to give you the chance later on. Strangely, I liked the antagonists more than the leads. I didn't root for them but I liked how they were more fleshed out and had more individual character. The main leads felt like empty shells. Another negative thing I can mention about the drama is the few plot holes here and there. They're not major, but some happen relatively early on and keep on popping up in your mind as you're watching (eg. why didn't this happen instead?), distracting you. I have to say, the drama isn't bad. It's just very action-focused. For anyone who requires more than thriller and suspense, you may be disappointed.

Quite good, I would say. I don't think I was blown out of my mind, but there is a lot of crying and intense emotions in Kairos, and the actors deliver. No need to talk about chemistry or anything here, since relationships are underdeveloped.

I liked the use of sounds and OST in this drama. It's very deliberate and works well with the plot. Nothing I would listen to now that the drama is over, but still.

Very low. There is nothing about Kairos that will make me feel like watching it again.

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