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9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 3, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 1.0
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This drama was so disappointing I'm writing my first review (spoilers ahead).

First of all, it didn't hook me in like most other dramas do, I couldn't watch more than one episode at a time (which is saying something). The first half was decent, but then I got really impatient and would watch half an episode and finish the next day because I got bored (and slightly annoyed at the lead's breathing, feels like he breathes more than he talks - yes, it can be effective, but it was over used).

Cast is fine, acting on the whole is pretty good, music is fantastic (have yet to watch a drama with bad music). The story has an interesting premise, but it lacks/fails in the delivery.

I have issues with the premise that people who commit suicide never make it to heaven (which could just be the 'religion' of the show but that stems from very real stigma) and dissipate. And if that means they never get reborn, how is Kang Pil Sung meeting Hong Seo Jung at the end? (Cheesy.) I thought the souls Hwang Dae Du absorbed wouldn't go to heaven either? Did that change?

Hwang Dae Du apparently has OCD because it's convenient to the story line (except when it's not). If he truly had OCD, you would see his "compulsions [as] repetitive behaviors that [he] feel[s] driven to perform." But you don't. He's kind of 'obsessed' with Kang Pil Sung, and the answer as to why in the last episode is pretty unsatisfying/lame. His whole 'theory' he's out to prove that demons are made, not born, isn't showing at all. He taunts Kang Pil Sung "look at what you've become" and I just "???" I don't see it, until the last episode (briefly), which is too little too late.

There's no telling how or why Hwang Dae Du attains the powers that he does. Yes he swallows a few souls at the beginning (yes the shaman has powers), but after that? On top of getting a few psychic glimpses he can now move & break things? Immobilize & control people? Huh?? There's no explanation for any of his powers, they just show up, 'cause I guess that's cool?

Not to mention, if the whole world is going to hell (because the door is open), how the hell is that not sensed from the island? I can accept Hong Seo Jung doesn't feel Hwang Dae Du because of salt or whatever, but HELL itself? Engulfing the world? A few episodes ago it was made clear the effects were worldwide, so why would this tiny island be exempt??

Towards the end... well, I was surprised (at first) when people got killed, but when new characters were introduced I had an idea of what would happen, and then it did, no surprise. Was there a point to all the deaths? Meh. Later, the girl's rushed to the hospital, "any later and she could've died" from WHAT? Being knocked out? Poisoned? We'll never know! And to top it off, Kang Pil Sung is the suspect of SEVEN murders?? HOW? They literally have video of the other dude TWICE? Details, I guess, but as a writer, I can't let those slide. I don't mind dark/bittersweet/unhappy endings but they have to be done well, and it wasn't. :|

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Pending Train: 8:23, Ashita Kimi to
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 26, 2023
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 2.0
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Interesting concept, kinda disappointing

Let's be real, I watched this for Yamada Yuki (and was more excited when I saw Akaso Eiji was in it too). The first few episodes intrigued me and the quality of the drama seemed better than what I expected, unfortunately that wore off the longer the drama went on (with one exception).

I'm not sure if this is based on anything, but it either needed a tighter story line - which they could've had if the obligatory romance/love triangle part of it was written off (alas) - or more episodes to focus on some of the "returned from the future" life or reactions - as it was it felt glossed over and overly simplistic. Granted, that's true of most of the drama. What are the odds the cable they need for power was buried so close to the surface and how is that backup generator still in working order following a massive destruction event? Ahem. Let's not mention that the other passengers are completely written off after the clash, they had a few come over, the 'ruffians' steal the bag, and aside the two assholes at the end... the rest are??? Like not even the guy who helped you find the meteorites came back with you?? Okayyyy. (The cops mention 50ish of the 133 missing returned, which seems like a huge chunk missing but sure. Whatever.) Also why wouldn't Kayashima go to the hospital about his hand? They didn't anything different about him when he got back?? Sure, I guess.

I did appreciate the *cause* of the event, because space debris is a real problem, but they didn't really... do anything with that. Most of the "we'll clear some/shoot the meteor" narrative was off screen and summarized, and I'd have loved for them to be more vocal?? I don't know, it kind of fell flat - let's just go back to normal, hah. I think the focus was on interior changes in people but I'm also not... very convinced of them? That narrative sounded hollow, rather than resonate, maybe because the message is the same it always is: have heart to hearts with people and speak your mind and your life will be amazing.

tl; dr: a pretty cool concept, but the execution and focus of the story was not what I expected/wanted.

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Knights of the Zodiac
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 13, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 4.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Good action but underdeveloped story

I know nothing of what this is based on, I watched it because I'm quickly becoming a fan of Mackenyu so no regrets on that front. I wish every Japanese live action movie had this level of VFX, which was decent (and loads better than FMA, for instance), and fighting choreography - not necessarily *that* quick a pace, because it does hamper the credibility, but the realness of it – minus the blood/bruises. (Feed us whump damn it! Yes I know it’s PG-13 but like… bloody noses??)

- the opening, it's very Wonder Woman in its slow mo god action
- Mackenyu, literally star of the show (he is Very Pretty)
- the action, as mentioned, it doesn't have that fake layer that often cuts short my immersion in Japanese productions
- most of the cast: lol, hello Boromir (we knew Sean Bean was gonna Sean Bean right?), hello Wo Fat and Dr Jean Grey
- knights had their magical girl transformation moments lol (feels very Power Rangers and other Japanese superhero shows I don't watch but entertaining ish)

- plot/story, very little explanation of the world, the powers, background for most of anything
*which later has me !?!?! about Seiya not being covered in bruises or injured at all despite his numerous beatings, was it ever explained Cosmo can, idk, HEAL!? (Except for when Guraad steals it by murdering kids, I guess)
- dialogue, it's cheesy/cliche/not very inventive 95% of the time though it has some quips that, even though predictable, were enjoyable, the rest of the time it's meant as info dumping/relating but not very artfully done
- the set up for romance, just because people touch an item at the same time doesn't mean they fall in love ok?? I'm glad it didn't happen but I fear that if a sequel were to follow, it would, and it's unnecessary
- costumes, like breast-shaped armor? Really? 🙄 Doesn't actually work then but FINE, if it's the ~only~ way we know Marin's a woman, er mah gerd. Similarly, the knights' armors were. Ehh. Low budget detail work I guess, what I've come to expect in CGI heavy productions
- some casting choices, I guess? Idk what it was about Sienna that had me :/ but ehh. Also these names... idk man, for Guraad I wouldn't expect a very white looking person? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Nero's voice, why are you talking Like That?? And a few others who keep to that low register, unnecessary~~ y'all not Batman
- lack of time with characters not Seiya, it just made it very hard to believe his reactions:
*assuring Sienna she wouldn't destroy the world because he "just knows" like, my dude, you've literally spent less than 48hrs with her??
* "I let her get taken. I failed." Sorry, it was never all that cleared you were fully, 1000% on board with protecting/guarding her?? Just that you had her back, maybe!?
* lol when Nero says "that's not your friend anymore" idk dude, they were BARELY FRIENDS?? Ahem.

Smaller pet peeves:
- escape the mansion with Seiya to go talk on... a pier?? Okayyyy, forget that there were literally armed guards there and presumably other safety measures to stop her leaving the mansion? No? RHOKAY, I know they just needed to not be at the mansion for the villain arrival but, eh
- why are the guards wearing sunglasses indoors (in the DARK)?? Are they Special sunglasses?? Y'all were gonna get your asses kicked anyway
- hah, of course everything gets blown to smithereens except Guraad, who has neither strength nor ability to hold herself in place like Seiya (Nero has, miraculously vanished, but hey at least he lost his shirt too!), make it make sense

If you want a decent movie with a solid plot, don't watch this. Do skip through this for Mackenyu's action scenes, but otherwise, give it a pass and watch something better.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 29, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
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Watch for the action

I didn't realize Jeon Jong Seo and Kim Ji Hoon were in this when I added this to my list, but oh my god what a pleasant surprise! To be honest I didn't really have any expectations going in, I'd watched the trailer when it popped up on Netflix and it seemed like my kind of thing to see a woman inflict damage in the way typically reserved for guys. On if that's all you're there for, this delivers perfectly.

This is a pretty simple, straightforward plot. We're given the basics and hints of a greater, undeveloped backstory, but for a Netflix production restricted to an hour and a half, that's somewhat expected. It's nothing groundbreaking in terms of storytelling, characters, or tropes, but it was still a very enjoyable mindless watch with pretty kick ass action.

My favorite bits:
- the opening, no notes (but I will remember that cans are great for blocking knives!)
- the guy with the chainsaw... that's on you dude
- stealing his car!? lol
- shooting the CEO before he's done talking, hahaha, this should happen more often to monologuing villains
- the flame thrower, you KNOW it had to make a comeback

tl;dr: a fun, enjoyable watch that likely won't make a lasting impression (do heed the warnings though) except perhaps for some action scenes which were the highlight for me

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Última Vida
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 24, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 1.5
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Good concept, poor execution

Let me preface this by saying I have bones to pick with the story itself and the director(s), that's it. Spoilers abound.

I came for the whump and stayed to see how they'd swing the ending. Ehh. Let’s start with the good, since there’s so little of it.

What I liked:
- The acting. It’s fine, good, I’m not really here to talk about that although I’ll say potential was wasted on this show. Hell even the music is better than the script.
- Taemin’s outfits. Nope, seriously, that flowy jacket/sweater he’s got is basically my third favorite character.
- Taemin’s haircut. They played him right to the camera (as you should), that’s all. (My fourth favorite character)
- That one moment Kano Risa took down a suspect all kick-ass.
- The whump. Then again, not enough of it for all the potential of it.
- The ending. Sort of. (rest below)

What I disliked/wished was better:
- THE PLOT!? It's a great concept, if a bit far fetched, but honestly it was sloppy and/or lazy writing and execution.
- I won't get into too many details (but I could, good grief), but I didn't understand why they spent sooo much time on Ryo's side story of finding his mother. She sucks, you hate her, check. Please stop repeating unnecessary flashbacks, it doesn't make them sadder. Did that resolution change anything for him?? Unnoticeable if yes! That whole arc felt like wasted time that could've been better condensed and maybe spent giving us more about Sion's/Minjoon's life at the beginning, to know what he lost, or what he did during those 2 years after waking up or or or. Sigh.
- The dialogue. Or what little we get. I do like the occasional scarcity in dialogue, like when some characters only chime in when (fill in the blank), but this was... taken too far? Both main characters were quiet, which is fine, but for the love of relationships please at least show their developing trust or SOMETHING?? I couldn't really grasp their friendship (are they even friends?) because their interactions are so... rare? Quiet?
- Seriously, "Sion are you okay" has got to be the most commonly asked question, and he typically never answers these (because he's either in pain or unconscious).
- Getting shot in the head and getting asked “are you ok,” I mean, top 3 worst lines of all times?? Lol
- Ryo and Sion don't really share a decent conversation until episode 6? Then again it's still about 6 sentences each, so.
- The filming. I like action cams, when it’s done well. And I wish this had been done better. There were 2 or 3 episodes directed by someone else towards the end and I liked those better.
- Lens flare. I love a good lens flare, but not this, whatever this tried to be. The director must’ve tried recreating Star Trek/JJ Abrams vibes but can we please stoooop with the overkill??
- The overly simplified (medical, etc) procedures. Time crunch, I get it, but seriously don't they shave the hair for any kind of head surgery? (Then again, his hair is the 4th character so... I understand, BUT STILL.) He's also out of the hospital way too quickly??
- The casual racism. Why is the random dude threatening Kana’s life black? And *of course* the terrorist cell is from Iraq. You're telling me Japanese people are incapable of cruel and crazy crime? (No.) This might’ve gone unnoticed when I was younger, but now it's obvious and I can’t unsee it.

I love an ambiguous ending, but this one left me unsatisfied. Now I'll have to check if this was based on anything and hope the source material is better (if it exists). I'm still glad I watched it because I have 2 new songs to love, but if it'd been a regular length drama I probably wouldn't have finished it.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 27, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Slightly disappointed expectations but an enjoyable watch

I watched this for Karry Wang. The trailer looked good, but the movie itself was... not quite what the trailer made me expect?

The plot is pretty straightforward and easy to follow, the acting or rather, perhaps characters/characterization, left me skeptical and baffled at times. This is a decent, enjoyable watch (and if you find yourself disliking/hating it, have fun hate-watching it!) but I had the hardest time with the cinematography. I do not understand the style of cutting some scenes in this particular way, it adds effect, sure, but it confused me in a few places because I wasn't sure if anything was a flashback. Also not a fan of using a fish/wide lens towards the end because it removed me from the immediacy? *shrug*

tl;dr, not the quality/depth I was expecting but an interesting premise with a decent execution. If you're also here for Karry Wang and got 1hr 53mn to spare... why not

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Kingdom 3
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 7, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 3.5
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A continuation of the series

I'll be honest, the beginning was not as riveting as the previous two, it took me a few days to get through 40-50mn, but once the action started it was sustained mostly to the end. Continuing honestly, I started watching these for Yamazaki Kento (a Naruto-like character) and the action scenes.

The action is good, choreography of fights is cool but... this movie especially (iirc), less believable than previous ones? It's not MCTNA quality, let's say, barely killing enemies as they go, I sincerely doubt enemies would attempt to tackle someone rather than lead with their swords but, characters must survive, I get it.

The cinematography is good, the costumes too (armors excepted, they do have that fake/cheap look but alas).

The acting is as good as it always is, in a... very Japanese fashion (no duh, yes), the dialogue is, well, also simplistic.

I haven't read the original (book? manga?) the live action is based on and can't judge the accuracy of the plot, just that it's simplified for the 2hr format (probably). As seems to be the trend in Japanese productions, women are scarce with a similar amount of lines (we met a new one but naturally died for the cause), there was a lot of backstory I'm not entirely sure was necessary in the way it was done, though we get to understand Eisei's motivations, we don't spend a lot of time developing other characters. Kyokai continues to be awesome, sadly never enough screen time for her skills hahaha, I loved her and Shin sparring. And once again I wonder why Karyoten is still here, probably so they have an excuse to explain strategies to the audience (but does she *really* still need that costume!? Ahem). Shin's on his way to fulfilling his dream(s)? If Hoken doesn't kill him first, lol (he won't, yes yes).

I did not expect OGURI SHUN to show up but omg, HELLO! More please!

tl;dr, it's a pretty fun watch that continues the series, if you watch just for the action you're likely to skip halfway through. Solid production overall, though if I were to rewatch anything of the series it'd be the action (or Shin's good looking face).

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Revenge Scar
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 12, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 2.5
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Doesn't get better

Should I not have watched this after disliking the first movie? Yes. I stupidly had a tiny kernel of hope that it would somehow be different than the first movie, which, non-spoiler alert, it's not! Should I have stopped watching from the beginning? Also yes, but the writer in me wants to see what the hell they're doing to the story. (I am not impressed...)

Things I like:
- Lin, good casting choice
- Al's scream at the end
- I guess Envy's true form? (with the FX caveat below)

Things I didn't like:
- The plot! Unsurprisingly. You can tell which parts they're smushing together but it leaves me pretty frustrated by the lack of... good details/consequences that are left out (the train scene, meeting Lin, meeting Mei, Ed getting injured in that "fall," Al losing his hand to Gluttony, ETC)
- Some characters just look stupid the more I see them (Gluttony and Armstrong, which to be fair are hard to portray "accurately" but. Not this way either)
- FX is still not good, it looks very Fake, like most of the decor - I don't think there was much set. They also ignore the alchemy laws - if a wall becomes a TON of weapons, there's little to no wall left, sorry not sorry
- I had a glimpse at wikipedia and ok, they waited to make the movies until the technology got better for CGI, but I
wouldn't go so far as say they succeeded in challenging Hollywood's FX like they wanted (though I hope they pave the way
for Japan to become better at it/use it more)
- Fight scenes are meh, if not obviously fake. From the angles and the editing it's very easy to see *how* it was faked, which is a bummer and always brings me out of immersion (which, again to be fair, I didn't have from the get go, so, rock of salt)
- Adding in Winry everywhere for lack of other characters and a mashed plot, not a fan, even though I love Winry but this... this is done with abandon and it makes it obvious she's going to be in Danger and needing ~to be rescued~ so when it happens it's not at all surprising or shocking (because it keeps happening 🙃)
- Similarly, very little emotional resonance and impact throughout (again). I don't find the poignant moments successful at all, this is very much a live action that relies on viewers already knowing FMA rather than building up characters and letting us see them grow and have use get attached to them (and if you watched the movies first, please do yourself a favor and watch Brotherhood or read the manga, I promise it's worth it)
- Pet peeve but the Ishval flashback(s) we get through Hawkeye *should NOT* include Scar's story?? Those are two different POVs! Find another way to show us Scar's past (like making a series instead of a trilogy 😭)
- Related but, a lot of flashbacks aren't clearly flashbacks, which detracts from, I don't know, continuity/following the story?
- Mustang getting a scratch on his leg and like, bowing out of the fight?? Nope, don't buy it, it's contrary to his character, unless he's legitimately bleeding out (and needs to cauterize himself)

So. No I would not recommend any FMA fan to watch any of these movies, take those 6+hrs and use them on the other content.

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Pretendente Surpresa
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 9, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Pretty much what I expected

I ended up binging this when I needed something stupid (affectionate) and hilarious as a palate cleanser. It was basically exactly what I needed and what I expected.

I have the usual grievances when it comes to plot points not making sense (Tae-moo being hospitalized for a... not even broken arm?? Which he uses just fine when he leaves? Lol sure, and Sung-hoon commenting on why someone who can see just fine needs glasses when he... LITERALLY DOES THE SAME 😂) and some cultural... expectations? that translate into plot points. The acting was cute and believable for the most part, except my one pet peeve - Tae-moo's hair brushing gesture, don't ask me why, just didn't feel real to me! Also Ahn Hyeo Seop is scarily thin (in this?)?? Like, not sure it's sexy to be able to see your RIBS from your BACK!? (But that is... generally speaking, that industry in that country, so.)

Anyway the plot is predictable but fun, the couples are cute, and the friendships even cuter. I enjoyed watching this but not my cup of tea for a rewatch, but for the fans of romance and fake dating trope enthusiasts, I think you'll have a good time.

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Alquimista de Aço
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 5, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 3.0
História 2.5
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Exceeded disappointments

I LOVE FMA. Love it. I adore the manga, which I reread about once a year, I watched the original anime, and was over the moon when they remade it into FMA Brotherhood, and I was so, so, SO excited when this was announced. I suppose I should have tempered my expectations to Bleach live action level, not Rurouni Kenshin quality levels. I'm going to place some, if not most, of the blame on Netflix because they're known for doing things quick and cheap, and this was no exception.

Now, I've watched this twice, when it first came out, and... a few months (?) ago because, surely, it couldn't be as bad as I remembered. Sadly, it remains terrible. They should've done a live action *series,* not try to squish what is a very intricate, intentional, and tight plot line into this-- mess.

I do appreciate most of the casting (Hughes is a blast, Ed is pretty funny), the costumes are pretty good, but that's about where I stop with the praise.

Now, for the rest...
- I agree with the other reviewer who said the casting for Envy isn't great, and I do love Kanata Hongo but not in this role. The personality feels prosaic, something's missing (maybe overall hating whenever he shows up? Lol), which ties into my next point...
- Characters/relationships: we're not given time to get to know characters, their relationships aren't drawn out or portrayed with any depth so we have no time to grow fond of them and thus want to root for them, which makes it hard for anything to have any emotional impact and so... why bother watching? (I'd say don't, go read the manga or watch Brotherhood instead)
* Related: Sho Tucker's portrayal, meh, I really don't get his craziness, that whole arc doesn't land (especially with the plot changes), which...
- Story/plot: why? T_T Why did you hack it into pieces and rearrange it like this? (Time constraints, blah blah, I know, but NO)
* It really doesn't explain anything to anyone unfamiliar with FMA, so again, why bother with this?
* You can't take Scar out of the Tucker/Nina plot line?? Or take Scar out at all, from this first movie??
* Using too many characters now instead of later (again, glossing over relationships), discombobulating whatever sense could be made from the story resulting in low emotional stakes
* Really?? You're using the immortal army NOW?? What the hell is gonna happen in the sequels!? (More disaster)
* Winry really was in this too much (and I like her!), and it didn't do shit for the plot, which leads me to...
- the Japanese-ification of... everything. To sum up my chat with a few Japanese friends, who don't watch Japanese productions for these and other reasons:
* the sexism is showing - female characters being mostly "useful" as long as it's being a love interest (re: Winry) but losing agency or being, frankly, out of character (see: Hawkeye), which is devastating because the characters in the manga are so much more (I hate losing that for all of them, but especially for the female characters where it's most visible)
* the acting is... Like That. I used to love Japanese productions, truly, but anything I've tried watching lately has felt obviously fake, the acting not credible because you can always predict the script and the characters reactions. Maybe it's stylistic? But I'm rarely surprised so it becomes boring and unimaginative after a while. Maybe I'm just used to Korean quality now and everything else now feels too obviously staged, I don't know
- the amount of (bad) CGI. This isn't just this movie but Netflix, and others, as a whole, but UGH, no! Al looks terrible, the automail looks meh, even the alchemy I'm underwhelmed by, and the "sets" (green screens) are also ehh (some of them are pretty, yes)

Watch it if you want to cringe, or can only watch it 15mn at a time, otherwise honestly don't bother, stick with the manga and anime and go watch the actors in something else.

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A Christmas Carol
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 25, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0

Wanted to love it, a bit disappointed

Disclaimer: I watched this as a pick me up on a shitty day, feeling very much meh, so it could be a factor in my less effusive appreciation.

As others have said, this movie deals with dark, heavy themes (bullying, sexual assault, violence, and rape) so watch at your own risk! Also worth to note the autistic portrayal (story wise) may be upsetting so take that into consideration as well.

I watched this for Jin Young (and the whump, fine), and the acting, generally speaking, is consistent throughout, as I've come to expect broadly speaking from Korean productions. I couldn't help but compare the Joo Wol Woo portrayal to Moon Sang Tae from It's Okay Not To Be Okay which I felt was more artfully done, but to be fair it was a series, not a movie, so the range, depth, and exposure was longer.

The themes are nothing new from other dramas and movies exploring violence, bullying, and systemic violence, definitely heavy handed in an "everybody swears all the time" kind of way (on top of all the other dark shit). The cinematography echoes that dark grittiness but it's not mind-blowing good (but it was an indie budget wasn't it?).

I was a bit let down by the story... immersion? It wasn't very clear of the boys' relationships from the start, where they knew each other from, I got confused in terms of places and who went where, when. Maybe that was more the subtitles, I'll never know. I did see a twist coming, which is good (the crumbs they give do lead to the right road), and the ending works for the story they've told.

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