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SPEC: Heaven japanese movie review
SPEC: Heaven
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by AdeNike
Nov 2, 2012
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
SPEC is an awesome movie, and Erika Toda didn't disappoint me at all, she delivered!!!! She plays the role of a detective here along with another actor who equally delivered. Since it has a prequel, a little recap was done. Through the recap I got to know that, Erika Toda's character is a spec holder. Question No 1 - Who are specholders?? Specholders are the people with super powers, who are said to have evolved during their life time to realise their spec (power). Among these specholders, there are some that want to control the world with their specs. The specholders are also divided, there are some doing their own thing, some are working for the government while some have formed their own organisation. A war has now broken out. I skiped a very important detail; right from the beginning there were 3 prophecies, 2 have been fulfilled, but the third hasn't been fulfilled and nobody knows what the third prophesy actually holds. SPEC is a good supernatural, psychological, comedy (I did say underlying comedy) movie. The powers are awesomely portrayed,there's a 3D effect every time someone uses his/her spec. Since I haven't watched the prequel, I'm going to get down to that. And there's a sequel (another movie) also.
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